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51613550 No.51613550 [Reply] [Original]

if you had what it took to be Satoshi Nakamoto, would you have also chosen to disappear and resist the urge to reveal your identity for over 13 years?

>> No.51613593
File: 85 KB, 490x294, bernie-madoff-looks-like-george-washington-28904-1237070971-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernie Madoff is Satoshi and also George Washington

>> No.51613609
File: 256 KB, 612x792, 1624002988959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you hear the name "Satoshi Nakamoto", many think of a Japanese man or male identifying individual. What if I told you think was because of your own bigotry? This man-dominated narrative has be able to thrive due to the unfortunate plague of "crypto bros" in this industry, and the fact that Satoshi herself has remained anonymous since bitcoin's birth. (One can only assume this is for her own safety, as a woman of her intelligence must know about the reality of violence against women in male dominated spaces).

Here are 5 examples that illustrate Satoshi identified as a woman:

Collaboration — in opposition to the male ego and competition. Instead of having one centralized point of transaction, the blockchain is built by multiple points working together in unison to create more security.

Inclusion — The bitcoin project is open source encourages all people to participate in its further innovation. Because it is anonymous by nature, nobody can be excluded from participating due to race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Values-driven — for the first time in history we have the ability to infuse values like generosity, equality and goodness into our currencies.

Community centered — the Blockchain is strengthened by participation from a diverse community, and the value of bitcoin is directly correlated to the diversity of it's participants.

Generosity — Bitcoin has inspired countless people to pay it forward and create good in the world. Millions of people around the world have benefited from the work and inspiration of one brave woman.

These are the values Satoshi instilled into the Blockchain. This was Satoshi's true vision.

>> No.51613659

When you read this post and hear Satoshi Nakamoto is a woman, it is easy to forget how xenophobic the assumption is that all women identify as woman.
Since we can identify that Satoshi has released a relatively foreign, or alien, currency .. We should suppose Satoshi is actually an alien.

Xir/Xer pronouns are thus suggested, biggot.

>> No.51613743

Satoshi or the Satoshis probably worked for an intelligence agency like the nsa and did bitcoin either on or off company time. Either possibility means he has no means of selling his wallets or becoming a public figure.

>> No.51613751

women can't make anything so satoshi couldn't possibly be a woman, maybe a very effeminate man

>> No.51613752

I think it was the only proper way forward.
I've tried walking through the experience of being Satoshi on the edge of releasing an internet currency after internet beans and countless other virtual currency scams.

The idea had been tested already, and what was necessary to go on was becomming uncontrollable by government. More things come into calculation: It should be fair for everyone, and simple enough for a layman to understand.

I used to fucking hate 'blockchain technology' because there's 100 ways to Rome and blockchains are an inefficiënt way to distribute data. However, they have clear insight. Everyone and their grandma can confirm their transaction on the ledger.

Okay but then ... The avatar disapeared, why?
To protect bitcoin from the environment, it's better for full decentralisation when the 'leader / ruler' is no longer. There's no head of BTC to speak to when there's complaints. It's also so simple and ridgit that it will run till whenever if no hands were put on the code anymore.

The moment he set BTC in stone, there was no need for Satoshi anymore.

>> No.51613755

what the fuck dude. i asked a simple question

>> No.51614166

Satoshi wasn't one man. It was a team. Whoever the spokesman was on the old forums, they're not interested in playing the role anymore.
It isn't Craig Wright. Maybe he was involved, but he's not the only one.

>> No.51614621
File: 211 KB, 1080x1002, EFABB83F-3152-4BFB-AC04-D2AE07BB7E2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm ackshually Nakamoto-san is a PoC that will be infinitely more successful than any of you incels will ever be. Honestly it makes me laugh.

>> No.51614636

Hal is beyond temptation.

>> No.51614777

Of course.
There being no distinct leader to target makes the project seem unstoppable and most likely to succeed.

These people had LOTS of foresight.
Satoshi was quoted to have said that you should NEVER delete a wallet, and Hal Finney was making Bitcoin price estimates of $10 million in DAY ONE of the first version release.

It's very likely disappearing is part of Satoshi's plan for Bitcoin's success. And along with it, mining 1 million coins that will forever be untouched to support the story that he truly disappeared.

If so, he probably also mined on the side using another machine, always assuming his plan of Bitcoin succeeding to work, and he's probably a multi billionaire in net worth now from that, even without the 1 million coins tracked to him.

If he did that, then he has incentive never to appear again, or else Bitcoin value will tank and his net worth from "side mining" along with it.

>> No.51614822

Huh? isn't it common knowledge that satoshi nakamoto is CIA?
source: this was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.51614979
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>> No.51616379

why would he need to reveal himself
>do a bunch of early development
>after a few months start mining yourself some more coins
>buy coins early from other people
>have infinite money and no need to ever touch your epic stash of 1.1million memecoin ever again
aslong as you dont lose your bitcoins thanks to a fruit you will be fine

>> No.51617657

BTC is the smartest thing glowniggers ever did

>> No.51617670

stopped reading at identifying congrats

>> No.51619710

>essentially the world at his fingertips
Yet he resists. Is Satoshi, Jesus in the desert tempted by Satan bros?

>> No.51619780

>ywn get a blowjob from a literal billionaire

>> No.51619811

If I was Satoshi, I would have kept mining through 2009 to an unlinked wallet and played myself off as just being an early crypto adopter. It seems like he had good opsec and the knowledge to pull that off without getting caught

>> No.51619814

Yeah. He’d get murdered in like five seconds.
Actually he’s probably dead in real life. Maybe he was dying of cancer when he was working on it.

>> No.51619889

He left when bitcoin still needed fixing. Never implemented any of the privacy measures that he said he wanted to (In his defense, they weren't as researched). Never made sure bitcoin was 1CPU1Vote like he said he wanted to (He was against letting GPUs centralize mining, if only he could see the disgusting filth that is centralized ASIC farms). So many things he talked about wanting to implement and never did, I don't know why he would just disappear and let the project get hijacked by people unwilling to fix its issues but I certainly wouldn't have if I was in his shoes.

>> No.51619908

Is that the dead president of japan?

>> No.51621450

only if you died.
ääh who died from all the suspects? correct it's hal.

>> No.51621463

>tempted by Satan
bruv let me blow your mind and convert you to islam.

786 means bismillah.
7+8+6 = 21.
21 million BTC.

>> No.51623602

Obviously it's a team.
The leader Satoshi Nakamoto is pretty easy to know if you do some serious reseraches. He was probably THE leading figure of cryptocurrency in the late 2000s, and he published a lot on the subject. His name is in the references of this 1996 paper, in the end.

>> No.51623976

its spook shit obvi. in 2009 spooks hung out in cypherpunk mail groups where first btc post was made.

maybe it was a toy and not official, but a spook or spooks made it based on bit gold

that was 2009. since then they are in power. what a time to be alive!

>> No.51624114