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51606071 No.51606071 [Reply] [Original]

White women are worse than niggers. There, I said it.

White women make up over 1/3 of the US population. Since nearly all of them are complete fucking liberal retards, that means over 1/3 of our population automatically promotes nigger culture, faggot culture, etc and clings onto the first Globohomo message they see coming from their Zog news channel.

Without them, we would have a much better economy and society. THEY are the ones who fall for propaganda and spread it. They need to be deleted.

>> No.51606113

They're weak minded fools who crumble at the first sense of authority, simply incapable of thinking their own thoughts. That is of course why they all need a man to do everything for them. Naturally, they will obey anyone like the cattle they are.

>> No.51606256

Bump because this is critical in understanding the full picture of Jews, politicians and their targets. Anyone who diagrees, you're a crypto moonboy El Salvador retard and don't bother commenting.

>> No.51606566

Yeah and this is more productive? Take a break from the internet seriously, you're falling hard for tribalist bullshit and someone is profiting off of keeping your angry.

>> No.51606584

Pay attention to >>51606071 OP. Besides, white women aren't nearly as uniformly pozzed as literally every group of minority woman

>> No.51606678

Sorry meant pay attention to >>51606566

>> No.51606702

any white is superior to any non-white
but feel free to keep coping, animal.

>> No.51606736

Women have been an important driver of the third industrial revolution because they normalized so called degenerate behavior, like being gay. Engineers are massive fags, and their increased happiness has lead to massive productivity increases. Programming socks are more than a meme.

>> No.51606755
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>White women are worse than niggers. There, I said it

>> No.51606762

Where is the lie?

>> No.51606860

>Women are dumb as shit and massively impulsive
>corporations are aware of the fact that the majority of consumer spending is women
>majority of women are liberal and liberal as fuck
>giant companies suddenly massively on board with female agendas
>female hiring quotas and HR supremacy also heavily support this
>omg it’s jews
No it’s just companies exploiting their easiest market that will blow cash on expensive bullshit and pay any markup. Everyone on team man has to suffer heavily for it. The west will not survive.

>> No.51606867

This. OP is a nigger.

>> No.51606882

it's not a problem unless you have a solution

>> No.51606896

Cope. White women in America specifically are mentally ill and are submissive as shit aka liberal as fuck with culture

>> No.51606921
File: 80 KB, 564x846, 594F308C-E2F5-4D0F-9140-8D2188E57A31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can fix them we just have to hold them by their retarded hands and calmly explain them how jews have made them hate their own heritage through the mass media and entertainment industry that jews own. Once the white female stops caring about being considered “racist” (as what is happening to many white males in the present) they will revolt and reject the Jewish brainwashing . It can be done but for this to be done we have to literally genocide antifa and blm who promote nigger worship to America - which gets exported worldwide .

>> No.51606966

>Take a break from the internet seriously, you're falling hard for tribalist bullshit and someone is profiting off of keeping your angry
yes and ironically this "someone who is profiting" most likely belongs to the most tribal and collectivist ethnic group in history. and they are able to do this despite their numbers because of a literal GROUP evolutionary strategy. although your point is valid the 'men vs women' tribal thing is just another example of exploiting (d&c style) the natural in-group feelings all ethnic groups have for themselves by splintering it among men vs women WITHIN their own ethnic group. so you are right in a sense. but unfortunately women (because of their own evolutionary strategies) go with the herd. they consume media unthinkingly in the same way they consume fashion and other trends. they don't think critically about the "nigger-ficaiton" of society because evolutionarily this would not benefit them to be against it (quite the opposite- they would be ostracized from their community), so they stay with the herd. it is ultimately the fault of their own men in their in-group for allowing this to happen, although of course the "instigators" in the masterful and subversive d&c tactic have some blame but it is in this interest of the group of "instigators" to do this to the host majority population because of their own group evolutionary strategy. again, unfortunately, a dirty trick has been played on the men of the "white" ethnic group as well: most of the men have fallen for the "rugged individualist" meme, although still naturally have in-group preference as well, (as all ethnic groups do) but has been redirected as seeing their "in-group" as not just men of their own ethnic group, but all men of all ethnic groups (admiration of sportball etc, esp nigger icons etc), so it becomes extremely easy for collectivist "elite" team-players to exploit the individualists, even when far outnumbered

>> No.51606973
File: 81 KB, 466x659, 31B71D46-679B-4F31-9441-1C1741A96E89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler understood the importance of woman. And this is why jewish propaganda explicitly targets women because of their bleeding heart syndrome- which they have used the universities to take advantage of . We need to violently take control of mass media and showcase nigger violence towards whites on the mass media channels. The nigger worship has to stop . In order to stop the nigger worship we have to target the subversive “elite” jews who fund this cancerous social ideology . They full out know eBay they are doing . It’s a type of humiliation ritual; they enjoy seeing white females go doggy eyed over criminal subhuman niggers while her white brothers and fathers are suffering. Either these jews are accelerationists or they are evil: and I believe it’s the latter as their own propaganda has negatively affected their own tribe . So essentially Judaism / luciferianism / saturnism are a death cult hell bent on destroying God’s creation .
There truly is no peaceful solution to this. We cannot live with these “people” who are hell bent on destroying European gene pool.

>> No.51606988
File: 375 KB, 867x1000, 7B25C2CB-9E94-48F6-972A-A8C8BDC8CB79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting women in positions of power is the end game. Even the ancient geeks understood this and put it in their entertainment of the time. All women are whores when given the chance to climb the social ladder.

>> No.51606994
File: 68 KB, 740x1024, B6031F7C-DF2B-491B-8B8E-47FD522B0F21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll just dump my Infographics regarding women

>> No.51607006
File: 269 KB, 304x470, 73C9E93C-19D4-4DB0-92A9-419DA5BF0E51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even prominent women understood how inferior women really are. They do it to themselves. Literally of the Devil; however they are the Life bringers. Ironic. Islam is right about women however I believe the puritans handled them more humanely.

>> No.51607008

go back to your containment board, incel