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File: 954 KB, 3024x4032, f1098f3hf318h34hg9hqge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5160536 No.5160536 [Reply] [Original]

Trezor running 1.5.2

Forgot PIN. Lost passphrase.

KMS or hack?

If KMS, how?
If hack, how?

>> No.5160560

Give it back TJamal.

>> No.5160600
File: 4 KB, 183x275, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't hack it, that's the whole point of the trezor.

How much was in it?

>> No.5160636

3 LTC to whoever can help me get my internet beans.

>> No.5160645

Put it in a bag of rice overnight

>> No.5160656


>> No.5160680

How is this even possible?

>> No.5160687


Is it really this simple? Too scared. Lots of coins.

>> No.5160694


>> No.5160703

>puts money into a safe
>doesn't bother saving the combination

>> No.5160712

KMS with rice

>> No.5160757

How much? Dum-dum.

>> No.5160790

6-figures fiat

>> No.5160798

>get bag
>put rice in bag
>get trezor
>put trezor in bag of rice
>dump all on floor
>put bag over head

>> No.5160848

Dude, just give it back to your dad...

>> No.5160887

How can you possibly forget the password? Anyway; when i forgot my pin to the cell that had my 2fa, i tried to think too hard on figuring it out. I managed to nail it when I tried once just after waking up without any prior thoughts in my head.

>> No.5160915

Well if you don't know the seed and you don't know the pin it's basically not yours. Throw it in the garbage.

>> No.5160916

Try 123456

>> No.5160959

Give it back you filthy nigger

>> No.5160963

There's actually a lot of evidence that your memory is clearest after waking up after a completed sleep cycle.

>> No.5160979

You better figure out that pin bud. How long is the pin?

>> No.5161025
File: 946 KB, 3024x4032, f1098f3hf318h34hg9hqgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2,470 seconds before I can try my PIN again. Definitely forgotten. Want to get my coins back.

>> No.5161101

That's 41 minutes.

>> No.5161115

It'll keep doubling the time until you can't enter pins any more in your lifetime. Sorry man, it's over. Throw it in the garbage because it'll just be a painful memory.

>> No.5161132
File: 52 KB, 792x600, D6E2A70A-70E9-4A84-8633-05130ACF863B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>want to get my coins back

Kek, not without the recovery seed or PIN. Kiss goodbye to your money.

>> No.5161169

Give it back TJamal.

>> No.5161182

Anyone want to buy a Trezor for 13 BTC?

>> No.5161202

>retards can't into crypto
Good job, OP.

>> No.5161307

lol, sorry for your loss

>> No.5161363

OP, with that much money on the line, how did you not have the seed etched into steel deposited in a bank vault?

I mean, seriously, how can you lose the passphrase?

>> No.5161391

You know what this is your last shot, don't enter any more pins. Visit a hypnotherapist that'll drop you into the theta brainwave level and extract the pin from your subconscious mind, it hasn't forgotten.

>> No.5161411


he obviously stole it

>> No.5161414

buy an identical one with the same firmware to test and practice first you dunce. dont go and try this on your 6-figure trezor first go

>> No.5161457
File: 886 KB, 1541x5406, F6CB3400-D1B8-453E-865A-48669D9AE53F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you not have your words written down somewhere and hidden in multiple places?

>> No.5161463

spill a beer over your head, it helps to remember things, trust me.

>> No.5161476
File: 93 KB, 645x729, 1512611390677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"retards can't into crypto"

>> No.5161479

Just basic retardation.

I see smarty nerds on biz recovering wallets. They are not smarter than Trezor?

>> No.5161492

My granny tells me this. I find it actually does work.

>> No.5161528

you backuped the seed right ?
on paper right ?

>> No.5161541


I actually like this idea. Or do more research in this vein. I'm sure stuff of this nature has happened before. Alternatively just pray crypto tanks so you don't feel so bad.

>> No.5161564

If you thought there was any possible way to hack it why the fuck did you even buy it?

>> No.5161571

This is why paper wallets are superior for storage.

>> No.5161610


>> No.5161656


>> No.5161670

What kind of tard forgets his pin. This is prob stolen.

>> No.5161682

Laughing but crying.

Where's all the smarty nerds to help free my coins?

>> No.5161715

How do you get a steel etched phrase?

>> No.5161730

Well hardware wallets are supposed to be used in conjunction with paper wallets by writing down the mnemonic seed. I can't believe OP didn't do that.

>> No.5161765

you really did steal that shit, no one help this nigger get rich

>> No.5161816

They remind you of doing this several times, too.
Either he's a retard and never did research and look at the manual or he stole it.

>> No.5161835

this is why I don't use a hardware wallet, just strong passwords

>> No.5161841

Too fat and slow to be sneaking around stealing shit.

>> No.5161850


If it makes you feel better Tyrone, those BTC are going to be worth a hell of a lot less soon enough.

>> No.5161865


>free coins

Give them back, Jamal.

>> No.5161921

You take it to a shop that does laser etchings, idiota

>> No.5161945


then kill the man who did the etching

>> No.5161952

Like they are going to know what the fuck it means

>> No.5161954

Not black. Not jew. 100% white.

Both LTC and BTC on it.

>> No.5161964

Not sure what you're implying, but that's memespeak/chan lingo.

>> No.5161995
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Ill crack it for you, but Ill need to be paid in BTC and LTC first

>> No.5161999

Well that's a given, anon.

>> No.5162023

You never know. They may get curious and figure it out.

>> No.5162046

And break into a bank vault to still a passcode? Makes sense.

>> No.5162047

Perfect. I can send both after you send me your keys.

>> No.5162101

Send .1 LTC here first, and then we will discuss communications LSSG4MGJMh5k7mwsDyhBGzgc5Ssd9dzQRn

>> No.5162120

They don't need to break in because they have the phrase from production. They literally only need to decipher which wallet it goes to.

>> No.5162129


This guy had the same problem. He got his PIN and seed back. Check it out.

If this works I'll accept a small fee, cheers,

>> No.5162141

A better idea would have a dozen of them made, but only one of them works

>> No.5162159
File: 185 KB, 400x300, 1512641402310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute... There is a passphrase? I put my coins on one of these a year ago and i think i remember the pin number but i dont remember a passphrase.. how fucked am i

>> No.5162178


and it's not like you are going to be hovering over them saying the words one by one so they don't have a chance to write it down; they would make you give it to them on a piece of paper

it's a retarded idea nobody do this

>> No.5162181

There's a story of a guy having 7 BTC on his trezor and leaving his seed and everything under his child's pillow when him and his wife went on holiday because he was scared they wouldn't be able to get in it if they died on holiday. The cleaner put the seed in the bin. He forgot his pin. He contacted Andreas Antonopoulos and he put him in contact with a young hacker from london who found a way to crack the trezor. It only worked for a very specific version of trezor but. And they have since fixed the bug. He also had to pay the kid about 1/4 of his BTC to do it.

>> No.5162185

Jeet Detector: *beep*

>> No.5162193

Even better is to make them yourself, it's actually pretty easy.

>> No.5162198

If you backed up your seed key you're fine and can literally load up your funds anywhere using the key. Hardware wallets are dumb.

>> No.5162199

This huy seems to have had a similar problem. He got his PIN and seed back. Check it out.


If this works out for you, toss me some change, cheers

>> No.5162206

hello friend

>> No.5162237


trezor used to have a vunerability to osciliscope


I think they fixed this; does anyone know?

>> No.5162250
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what do you mean backed up the seed key

>> No.5162260

>not having the seed in multiple places

>> No.5162274
File: 119 KB, 800x530, featured_cryptosteel_seed_recovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well just buy one of these.

>> No.5162306

Have you done this before? This scam?

>> No.5162337


Hardware wallets are not dumb; they're extremely convenient. The only safe alternative is to have a permanently offline linux computer that's powered off and in a safe except for when you need it to sign transactions then manually type the transaction into your online computer. And that is obviously nowhere near as convenient as just plugging in a ledger

>> No.5162359

12 random words. That's the seed key.

>> No.5162384

That's the story I was looking for. He's fucked. The 1.5.2 update was made to fix this specific bug.

>> No.5162391


Try and guess my pin again? Next stop is 8,000 seconds....

>> No.5162392

or just use a smartphone wallet

>> No.5162447

How much in $USD you got on this Trezor?

>> No.5162455


sure if you are a pajeet with a 1k portfolio then it really doesn't matter what you do

>> No.5162457

see >>5162138

Hardware wallets are safer but since basically all of my shit is in storage it doesn't matter.

>> No.5162472
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We've reached peak normie, folks

>> No.5162482

Thank you.

>> No.5162562

sure if you have a known clean computer and never drop or get your seed stolen while carrying it around then you're fine. hardware wallets aren't bulletproof but give you a bit extra, if they aren't worth the cost then you don't need one

>> No.5162670
File: 239 KB, 470x698, 1512626524851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have the seed written down couldnt someone just steal that and back up your coins on a new device without anything else? If the whole point is that it doesnt matter if they steal your trezor cause it will reset after they fail the pin code then isnt the paper you wrote the codes on the thing you have to worry about getting stolen?

>> No.5162721

Top kek

>> No.5162776

That's why I've considered just encrypting thousands of SD cards with strong passphrase that only I know and scattering them everywhere.

The problem is I don't trust my memory enough to do this for a strong enough passphrase.

>> No.5162794

Wew lad

>> No.5162800


that's my you have half the words in one location and half somewhere else

>> No.5162867

>6 figures
>doesn't have a backup

you either a literal retard or what is more likely stole it.

the actual owner who has a backup already moved the coins, don't bother, just give it back so he doesn't have to buy a new one.

>> No.5162916

I to this day do not know if hypno a scam or not. If it's not - why it's not used to solve crimes and shit?

>> No.5162928


you deserve to have all that money lost if you trust fucking third party hardware wallets

didnt you learn from the parity hacks

>> No.5162990

I bought these fuckers back in March. Got the fancy Trezor in October. Got fucked by not storing my phrase.

There's GOT to be a fucking hack for this shit.

>> No.5162994

>doesn't know about the hypnotic investigation unit.

>> No.5163033

passphrase is an additional security measure that you need to specifically enable. You're fine.

although I would recommend enabling it

>> No.5163064


In what ways aren't hardware wallets bulletproof? I'm just curious. So long as you follow the standard rules (keep seed in safe place, don't forget pin, don't get caught by man in the middle attacks or address swapping at fake sites) you should be fine. Is there other risks I'm not aware of?

>> No.5163130


I'd just keep my ear to the ground for vulnerabilities. There was one with the osciliscope recently and there are bound to be more esoteric onees that pop up that you can do on an unupdated trezor. It'll probably be pricy but worth it.

>> No.5163145

Holy shit are there many brainlets here.

>using soft wallet
You risk haxorz getting private keys all the time because u need to give out your private key on the fucking computer every single time you send some shitcoins.

>having proper hardware wallet
You lock away the seed phrase in a bank and never worry about it anymore. Costs around 50-100usd/year.

>> No.5163146

Lol fuck you, you fucking thief give it back to your brother or friend

>> No.5163189

post purchase proof with timestamp

>> No.5163216

psycho mantis?

>> No.5163224

Passphrase and seed are not the same, anon needs to get his seed in case he Loses the device.

>> No.5163276

>you lock away the seed phrase in a bank and never worry about it anymore. Costs around 50-100usd/year.

What if the bank worker opens your deposit box and takes seed?

>> No.5163321

Lawsuits up the ass

>> No.5163331

I've read somewhere that you can remove processor or memory cap with acid and read data from it by reading state of the memory using electronic microscope.

But this obviously requires specialization and other than it seems solid.

>> No.5163378

OKAY! Let me find it.

>> No.5163389

contact this reporter, he had the same thing happen to him but was able to hack his device due to a recently discovered vulnerability. this vulnerability was patched in the latest firm ware release, but if you still have the old firmware installed, you may have a chance of hacking the device like this guy did.

>> No.5163418

Anyone here uses ledger wallet?
It's asking me for 130usd in fees to send 0.03btc.

>> No.5163452

nevermind op. looks like your firmeware has patched the vulnerability. sorry bud.

In order to exploit this issue, an attacker would have to break into the device, destroying the case in the process. They would also need to flash the device with a specially crafted firmware. If your device is intact, your seed is safe, and you should update your firmware to 1.5.2 as soon as possible. With firmware 1.5.2, this attack vector is eliminated and your device is safe.

>> No.5163519

how the fuck do you forget your pin? How the fuck did you lose your Passphrase sheet? Didn't you make a fucking backup? Shit when you're dealing with this much money and you fuck up this hard, kys

>> No.5163532


>> No.5163587


hahahahhahahhahaaahahaah is this troll

>> No.5163681


No need to go to a shop, just buy a dremel on amazon for $25

>> No.5163721

Yo, bruv, too many ledgers sold and they are having issues scaling nodes and servers rn.
transaction fees are calculated in the wrong way until they can fix it.

>> No.5163770
File: 1.28 MB, 2803x1913, f1098f3hf318h34hg9hqgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fuggin thief. 100% white.

>> No.5163837

cool, now we've established that, you're fucked, there's nothing you can do, don't be a retard next time.

>> No.5163844


>> No.5163854

I need to get a second trezor and enter the seed on it so i can have a backup trezor.

I think you can do that

>> No.5163875

Fuck op is legit

>> No.5163946

This post gave me PTSD.

>> No.5163964
File: 128 KB, 1200x900, Aziz_Ansari_cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, my name is Durgesh I am with Trezor Customer Support ID:0014880

I understand you have lost your passphrase for your Trezor mobile Device I will be happy to help you. Please restart your computer and boot into safemode while holding the front 2 buttons on your device. This will bring up a input screen enter the following backup recovery phase IAM SOFA KING WE TODD ED. Your device will reset without the protection enabled.

Thank you for being a Trezor Customer.


>> No.5163977

>not having the foresight to get it tattooed on your dick

natural selection

>> No.5163986

5 LTC to the anon that guides me through and gets my coins back.

>> No.5164010

Really hard to verify if you don't own a copy of the keys yourself. Self ownership in crypto is the entire point.

That's why I say hardware wallets are pointless for storage. They have utility for spending as they're safer than software wallets though.

>> No.5164031

The seed is the only thing that really matters though. If someone has your seed they can take your funds anyway despite your device.

>> No.5164032

Interesting talk about hacking a Trezor:

However, you're probably fucked unless you're a h3x0r. I keep my pass phrase in a lock box and gave another copy to my sister in case I die.

>> No.5164059
File: 179 KB, 375x375, 1513542954618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually with this logic, the point the Trezor is for millions of retards to not write down their keys and put it somewhere secure so that the coins are lost forever which destroys coin supply and drives up the price.

>TREZOR: Ultimate price pump device

>> No.5164066
File: 57 KB, 800x450, imposibru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5.2 has the previous security flaw fixed. You won't get access unless you're willing to pay someone to melt the chip and examine it under an electron microscope and even then it's still probably impossible.

>> No.5164089

Was referring to this guy he seems to not have his seed

>> No.5164135

you lost your coins jamal

>> No.5164180

your best bet is to relax for a bit, put down all your passwords, PINs and the like on paper, then eliminate all those that don't fit into trezor format and try one after another

just by trying to remember the right one now you've triggered a process in your brain that may take a while to finis and you just might recall the correct PIN after x amount of time
*this assumes you haven't used something completely random that you thought of on the spot

>> No.5164187
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So let me get this straight. The bank is just going to go through all the safety deposit boxes and steal everyone shit like a common bank robber you see on Ocean's Eleven when they'd probably go bankrupt with the lawsuit and all the CEO's will go to jail.

Sure... I can see that the FBI might get a warrant to get to you box for the IRS, but at that point they probably put a camera in your house to see you type in the pin.

>> No.5164235

Dude, just call the support for trezor and see what you can do, give them all verification that it's you.

Keep your LTC coins and also do what that anon said. Clear your mind, do sone meditating, and next morning try the pin again with a clear head. It'll come back to you from your unconscious when youre not so stressed

>> No.5164280

passphrase acts like a part of the seed. So you can't access funds without it.

>> No.5164369

>Dude, just call the support for trezor and see what you can do, give them all verification that it's you.

I guarantee they cannot do anything, if they knew how and haven't fixed it they sure as shit aren't just going to tell some fucking guy, there is a youtube of the bitconnect nigger crying about it and demanding gibs from them.

Options are

Remember the PIN
Wait a long time and hope a new vulnerability eventually surfaces

Do not wipe, throwaway or damage the device ever.

>> No.5164433

>there is a youtube of the bitconnect nigger crying about it
Please post it

>> No.5164500

So much money in hacking these things. There has to be a vulnerability eventually.

8 LTC to the anon that gets me my coins back.

>> No.5164604

Couldn't find it within 30 seconds so I gave up, trevon is the one I'm talking about. Now I see these ones about him getting hacked like the other nigger, these guys are going to fucking prison.

>> No.5164684

Try 1234

>> No.5164712
File: 293 KB, 2048x2048, 1513134915046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are 100% already hacked. You just have to know the right forums and have enough money to buy an exploit worth 600.000$ at least.

>> No.5164729

Try 0000 after

>> No.5164828

Okay, it took me a whole three seconds to find that video with "trevon trezor" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB1l-7WNtT8
>these guys are going to fucking prison.
What do you mean by that? Who?

>> No.5164863

I'm not dumb enough to pick an easy PIN. I'm dumb enough to not write it down.

numbers only.

>> No.5164958

I think he's talking about the Bitconnect shit. Not really fraud on his part though.

>> No.5164993


you not stealing it is even worse than if you did, you have weapon grade retardation

>> No.5165027

These hackings are clearly a pissweak attempt to evade tax, plus they're running a ponzi

>> No.5165098

>put it in a bag of rice
>leave on kitchen counter over night
>it will attract local asians who'll come to fix it

Worked for my laptop

>> No.5165116

try hypnosis
let the stranger dig in your head and extract pin

>> No.5165192
File: 179 KB, 770x715, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should work. Haven't personally tested it, but I've done my fair share of hardware hacking. Don't do the freeze trick, attempt the reset. If you don't know how to solder, DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF. Get a friend, but don't rely on a professional cause chances are they will rob you.

>> No.5165266

if you're too pussyshit to do it yourself, you can buy me a trezor and I can test it on that one first to confirm for you if it still works.

If this isn't a LARP, hop into the biz_classic discord.

>> No.5165436

Scratch that - if you're on the latest Trezor update you're fucked; they changed the bootloader to wipe all keys on start as well as reboot.

>> No.5165450

link for discord?

I think I can find another Trezor tomorrow. I'll fuck with it and post results.

>> No.5165522

https://discord.gg/W8SCC, but if your Trezor has been updated past 1.5.2 you may be shit out of luck.

>> No.5165569

I'm on 1.5.2.

Most brilliant minds in the world, right here. Should be able to recover my coins...

>> No.5165597

Well the average joe doesn't get robbed. Atleast thats the case with me. You must be a real intellectual dumb ass to get yourself robbed for your seed. Never shill that shit IRL!

+ you put the seeds in a safe or somewhere else, just in case your shitty human memory is failing on you. Hardware wallets are mostly used to avoid getting your shit stolen by a hacker online or by a exchange running away with your money.

>> No.5165640
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Which is why you should have some paper wallets for long term storage.

>> No.5165649

Then consider yourself extremely lucky.

You still need a <=1.5.2 trezor to practice with, because if you screw it up not only do you not get a second chance but your keys will instantly disappear.

>> No.5165723

actually, bad news. Looks like that blog post was updated 2 days after the fix was released, so the date showed Aug 18 even though 1.5.2 came out on Aug 16.

The exploit was FIXED in 1.5.2, so you'd need <1.5.2.

You just might be fucked, I don't recall any new exploits coming out after that, I usually stay up to date since I own a Ledger and make sure the chips either wallet used can't be exploited.

>> No.5165806

pin is 1488
you are welcome

>> No.5165822

wew okay. getting lots of mixed signals here.

The blogger *claims* that 1.5.2 can still be attacked with the freeze method, but that one is even riskier since if you fuck up freezing it properly it will immediately wipe SRAM.

"Please note that, Trezor hotfix 1.5.2 still has the following issues:
1) reset_handler fix (filling memory) is not executed when you run “Frozen Trezor” attack.
2) bootloader reset_handler fix only affects new Trezors, it doesn’t do anything for the majority of existing ones.
3) Private keys & PIN are still kept in SRAM, they are still kept in unnecessarily expanded format. Why risk it?"

If you have no other option, give it a shot anyway on a test Trezor first (and you need EXACTLY 1.5.2 to make sure it will work on yours).

Best of luck. Hop into the discord if you need help.

>> No.5165890

nigga just open that shit whit screwdriver and take your bitcoins out lmao

>> No.5165962

Look, you could try hacking it, but if you fuck it up, all of your coins will be lost. I would only hack as a last resort. First, I would try actually contacting trezor, explaining the situation and provide a proof of purchase to see if they can do anything. If that doesn't work, then just hack it.

>> No.5166030


htf. that's actually my atm pin.

>> No.5166057

Trezor being able to hack their own devices would not be the best marketing.

>> No.5166093
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>> No.5166258

bro just download the trezor's code and ctrl-F the bitcoins in there the fuck

>> No.5166290

OP should neck himself,sorry mate but it's the easiest way out

>> No.5166316

Actually, you should probably just buy another tremor, update the firmware to the exact same as yours, and try out some of the hacks (frozen trezor etc). If any of them work, then try them out on the real thing.

>> No.5166425


This is a LARP nobody's this f-ing stupid.

>> No.5166593
File: 14 KB, 288x288, 1502487285314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardware wallets aren't bulletproof
they literally are
literally in the figurative sense that you meant it, obviously

>> No.5166669

mate, I haven't even begun to show my powers.