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51605347 No.51605347 [Reply] [Original]

You did the right thing and donated to the great cause of Wikipedia, right /biz/?

>> No.51605831 [DELETED] 

I stopped donating to Wikipedia when I realized only like 15% of their budget goes to actually running the site, and the rest is administrative fees and globohomo outreach programs.

>> No.51606067

i’ve never once paid for a free website

>> No.51606247

When they get rid of the trannies editing all the pages I'll chuck a few cents in

>> No.51606435

I donate to Wikipedia sometimes because I like that they keep the money while the jannies do it for free

>> No.51606457

They are brave verified and you can tip them bat.

I don’t because I simply am not giving my bat away. I could if I wanted to, and that’s good enough for me to feel good about myself.

>> No.51606480

uhm no

>> No.51607215

Be grateful are jannies are only as retarded as they are it core so much worse.

>> No.51607347

yes i totally would donate to a lefties propaganda website

>> No.51607441

wow, pushing "current consensus", a.k.a. mainstream propaganda and freely admitting of being being proud of it, such bravery! Everyone who challenges that is a wacko conspiracy theorist, of course.

May as well be watching CNN...

>> No.51607566

Lmao imagine reading that shit back to yourself and not feeling like a pretentious wanker
Lol Nevermind

>> No.51608517
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>tfw Norwegian wikipedia is right-wing
feels good living in a country where the upper middle class are realists and not idealists

>> No.51608718

Rather buy winrar than that garbage. Why pay for globohomo bullshit that they are forcing down your throat against your will anyways? The only positive outcome of wikipedia is the early section for normalfags without a jewdar.