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File: 60 KB, 900x900, 782F3B32-A72B-4D9C-BE1A-A765132476B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51605101 No.51605101 [Reply] [Original]

I have less than 100$ cash to my name. My only possession of any value Is this phone I’m posting on. No car, computer, a very cheap bed, etc.

I literally would rather die then get a job and have a method set up incase I start starving or become homeless or whatever. I don’t know how to make money to stay alive? Ideas?

Pic unrelated but I’m a virgin

And I’m not begging don’t offer me anything except advice

>> No.51605124

Can’t help a fucktard that can’t help himself

>> No.51605130

you either die or get a job, like you said

>> No.51605150

But I’m asking here?
It can’t be that simple? People get money for doing fuck all. Inheritance, lawsuits, lottery, payoffs etc.

>> No.51605151

There's a market for taking it up your ass and getting on your knees.

>> No.51605176

It's not that simple and yes they do.

>> No.51605180

>my only thing of any value is my phone
fucking zoomers don't realise that being a human and not completely disabled is the best start you can get
fuck you get a job

>> No.51605187

I’m not doing prostitution. I’m not selling my body no sex or pics or anything. I wish I had a blaster so I could take assholes with me.
So how do I do that? I was circumcised as a baby? I deserve money.

>> No.51605192

grow up

>> No.51605207

I mean it’s the only thing I could sell for any significant amount of money besides myself. I’m not selling myself.
I will never get a job again. I’m 100% serious. I haven’t had a job in a long time.

>> No.51605235

Sometimes you gotta do what you don’t wanna do in order to eventually get to the place you want to be.

Sucks, but such is life. Do you even have a goal? There’s many actors and make-it-big people who were homeless right before they made it, but at least they had a die hard dream. You gotta have some kinda dream, not just “I don’t wanna be poor I wanna be rich.” Otherwise you're gonna be a poor piece of shit forever.

>> No.51605243

Get a job and ass kiss all the lucky ones until you can fight your way out. But watch out, they can be INSUFFERABLE and punch down on purpose.

Theoretically they're working on a long term solution to this.

>> No.51605259

do a flip

>> No.51605270

How old are you OP?

>> No.51605315

I don’t want to say my exact age. I’m old enough to drink in the usa where I am and I’m in my 20’s
I’m not getting a job. I want to be Rich. I want a girlfriend and eventually wife and kids and home.

>> No.51605327

Time to.....
Get a job

Your choice

>> No.51605335

youre early twenties and you act and sound like youre 16. like i said, grow the fuck up

>> No.51605336

I’m not getting a job. Everyone dies. I want advice how to die old. No jail or hospital either

>> No.51605352

Grow up meaning what? Be a slave? Be miserable to make richer people happy? No

>> No.51605357

Well, I do think you deserve money for your stolen foreskin tbdesu.

>> No.51605366


>> No.51605413
File: 6 KB, 200x200, paw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earn 1$ free PAW a day here

>> No.51605426

I just searched this. If your telling me to buy this maybe reread the thread? I have basically 0 starting capital I’m almost out of time.
Me too. Worst part was my mom wanted me cut but not my dad. He wanted to let me decide when I got older(they both said he said this). Eventually he cucked to my mother and allowed me to be cut so long as it was numbed with local anesthetic first. They divorced after anyway. Then he had another son with a different woman and didn’t circumcise him. I hate my father so much. I deserve his inheritance and life insurance money now and desperately need it.
Wtf? This isn’t enough. It would help but not be enough.

>> No.51605451

i dont think its that you dont want a job, i think deep down you know nobody would hire you so you take on a defensive approach as to why would wont work. you sound socially inept, which is not a trait shared by rich and successful people. youre also not willing to put in any work to become successful, again, not a trait shared by self made rich people.

you need to get outside more. you sound like you have low testosterone which you should get checked. testosterone replacement therapy would definitely change your views if that is the case.

you think the sole purpose of working for rich people is to make them happy, and you think every other adult on earth who works is just intellectually inferior to yourself. this is not an original pattern of thought, however should be a warning sign that you are disconnected from people and reality. you think very highly of yourself while you live in squalor, and you cant identify why.

im telling you why. you are a child in the body of an adult. people work for different reasons. i work because i want to see change in the world, and i know change doesnt happen without money. i have met many manchildren like you, and the longer you put off working the lower in the pecking order you fall. every single one was working in a pizza shop/amazon warehouse by the time they are 30-40. no/ugly wife. no/ugly kids. money issues. depression. rude. bad hygiene.

this is the future you are setting yourself up for. if you think you are so smart, you would be working on a genius innovation the world needs which would make you rich in the process.

>> No.51605458
File: 8 KB, 258x117, Screenshots_2022-09-23-22-59-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot ID

>> No.51605465

>Buy a carton of premium smokes.
>Sell loosies or packs for a profit at the bar or wherever you can (probably illegal)
>network with the people you meet (probably get profiled)
>do odd jobs for the people you meet (beware of IRS)
>repeat until you can get a vehicle with a truck bed (beware the world)
>grab scrap and recycling everywhere (beware IRS)
>flip/pawn/restore everything you can get your hands on (beware IRS)
now you have a real income doing what stay at home lush wives do but with the stuff they don't put in the trash so now you have to watch out for them and their turf
from here you can
>get a small storage unit (illegal to live in)
>buy some tools
>buy broken stuff and fix it (beware IRS and grifters)

now barring food shelter and water you can hang with the local boomers as long as they don't gang up on you and shut you down.

from here you can
>upgrade your ride (beware thieves)
>get some certifications (beware cliques)
>start posting in the paper (beware politics)

Now this incredibly long and dangerous process will put you on par with most 16 year olds from the nice part of town, minus the ability to get loans.

>> No.51605482

>I’m not getting a job
Don’t know what to tell you, nigger.

Try panhandling at the side of the road and investing in obscure shitcoins.

>> No.51605486

It’s random and meaningless. Please stop worshipping digits. That is literally mental illness. Like astrology. Women worship that so your a woman and gay?
TLDR no u
I’ve had jobs. For extended periods of time. I absolutely can work but don’t want to. I am quite intelligent which is why I won’t work.

>> No.51605496

>Not begging

>> No.51605508
File: 30 KB, 754x315, 8D3E81E9-FC39-4F3E-9216-F66655DA93CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not begging.
No this is work. I’d rather get a job but I’m obviously not doing either. Thank you though it looks like you took your time typing this sorry to waste your time.

>> No.51605526

an intelligent person doesnt squander their time. if youre intelligent you would go to college, however you likely think youre too smart for that too. you need to leave your shutin lifestyle behind and meet people, and ask them why they work, and ask them why they arent rich yet. you need to meet rich people (not youtube rich people, normal real life rich people) and ask them how they did it, and what you should be doing.

tldr: you are a loser, and a faggot. i could intellectually and aesthetically mog you and your family in a heartbeat.

you will never amount to anything. remember these words every night you sleep in your empty, crackhouse room. this is what you chose

>> No.51605540

Why can’t I phone post and not beg? I want advice.
You amount to a slave.

>> No.51605541

>I am quite intelligent
>*tips fedora

Listen retard: provide value to others and they will pay you for it. For instance, it would bring me value for you to feel pain. I would pay you money to cut yourself. Start there.

>> No.51605555

this. i would pay you money to watch you suffer. you should try livestreaming your empty life

>> No.51605574

Holy shit. Just fucking kill yourself already you autistic waste of skin

>> No.51605581

Sure, OP, you could claim disability. You could cheat some system or whatever to get a meager amount you'll probably scrounge by on. But you'll never be living comfortably, and if that's your future, you might as well just do the flip.
>I want to be Rich. I want a girlfriend and eventually wife and kids and home.
You aren't going to get any of this off of any kind of machination you figure out.

>> No.51605582

Digits decide. Op starts a self harm only fans

>> No.51605585

Well I’m not whoring am I? I said that before didn’t I? I’ve never worn a fedora before but I guess you meant it figuratively. What I’m really saying is from where I see things I’ll experience more pain then pleasure working to survive then just an heroing. And that’s not theoretical I’ve worked before and absolutely hated my life when I did. But now I’m about to run out of money. Just trying to get a second opinion

>> No.51605591

My bad it really is. Stand 10 feet outside legal range for a pawn shop owner to shoot you with a sign that says "turned down no problem!" And just wait. If the cops show up just leave... They don't actually obey laws either

>> No.51605613
File: 63 KB, 1024x753, 1661853532201748358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I have an idea: live with relatives, pretty much forever. You need to be pretty much subservient to them, though, and agree to whatever terms to living with them they make up. They're inevitably going to want having a good reason to keep you, the leech, around. Get ready to do housekeeping, chores, errands, and *oh* would you look at that, you have a fucking job lmao

>> No.51605614

What jobs have you had?

>> No.51605652

I have a method
No job no slavery
Stop worshiping digits and birthdays dummy
A meager life is worse then an hero we agree on that
Too bad. No whoring

I’m not responding to troll posts anymore

Janitor, cashier and food delivery driver.

>> No.51605690

PFFFT nice job history cunt, yeah youll get hired anywhere with that astounding resume!
>yes, i am very intelligent
>literally a janitor

>> No.51605713

You sound independent oriented. Why didn’t food delivery work out?

Tbh you sound young. My best jobs were working at a restaurant fucking around making food and hanging out with other young kids. You just gotta be careful not to work at a place with minorities or they will corrupt your gentle soul.

>> No.51605715

Once you are ready to do anything, you are free to have everything.
Film yourself jacking off and sell it to gays.

>> No.51605718

I said I wouldn’t respond but last troll response I swear,

So what? Is it impossible for a janitor to be intelligent? I’m a former janitor too. The unintelligent thing would be to be a janitor for decades being miserable cleaning floors for happier people. Not just being smart enough to see how bad things are and end it rather then suffer. I think I’m being reasonable and rational. How is laughing and saying “JANITOR!” Inductive of intelligence?

>> No.51605757

Buy equipment and start a business where you strip and wax floors. Or wash and detail cars.

>> No.51605765
File: 208 KB, 856x294, disgruntled janitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not stupid because you're a janitor. You're stupid because you're literally worthless to anyone. You just want to leech off of everyone else's work. Guess what: intelligent people would have stayed a janitor over living delusions of getting rich through what, fraud? fake disability checks? You're willing to be a horrible person so you can be lazy and you're using self perceived intelligence to justify it.

>start a business

>> No.51605801

>You sound independent oriented. Why didn’t food delivery work out?

Because it’s still a job. I meant for a restaurant not independent like doordash. I don’t like having hours and authority. I don’t like laboring especially for others. I am not totally lazy I’ll do things around the house for myself. Not that that’s a big accomplishment or anything.

>Tbh you sound young.

Sure. Like I said before I’m old enough to drink in the us and I’m my 20’s. I’m in the us okay early twenties.

>My best jobs were working at a restaurant fucking around making food and hanging out with other young kids.

Thanks but I’m not interested in that.

>You just gotta be careful not to work at a place with minorities or they will corrupt your gentle soul.

Thanks for the compliment. But I’m not racist? I have met good and bad whites and non whites. I am white(yes actually white 100% European) but there is trash In every color. I don’t get why bring up race?
I’m not interested in those. I really didn’t see any options besides an hero when I run out of money but wanted to make sure.

>> No.51605804

because you have no history or literally anything to back up your claims of being intelligent. you are a fucking retard and the sooner you realize this and learn your place in the world at the bottom of the pack the better off youll be.
>delivery driver
HAHHAAHAHAAH what the fuck is your life cunt.

>> No.51605816

Intelligent people do exactly that. Leech off peoples work. Not through welfare though. Through just collecting interest on their bonds while contributing nothing. I don’t mean to sound like a Marxist but I don’t know what else to say?

>> No.51605827

My life’s not good. I don’t know how to prove my intelligence to you. I’m smart enough to see things for what they are. An hero seems smart to me instead of living a life of wage slavery.

>> No.51605863

if an hero sounds smart to you then you obviously arent smart neither do you see the world for what it is.

you dont ever wonder why many wageslaves are very much happy with their life, content with their jobs, smile a lot, hook up with women and have good looking wives? shouldnt they all be grumpy and sad all the time? you have the mental thought processes of a shutin since 16 manchild and you need to log off the internet and go outside.

you dont see the world for what it is, at all. youre early twenties, you dont have a fucking clue how the world really works. you take a pseudo-woke opinion of muh greedy rich people bad work = slavery and run with it because you are, without a shadow of a doubt, a fat, lazy, stupid retard.

how many hours a day do you play video games and sit on your computer? how many times a week do you workout?

im gonna tell u this because your dad obviously doesnt have the guts/has already given up on you: Grow. The. Fuck. Up

>> No.51605907

>the race thing
I just mean older people working at restaurants when it should be young kids working there. I.e adult losers. They will corrupt you cause they’re adult losers.
>I’m not racist
That’s cause you’re young and haven’t had the experience of true racism, but never mind, all that was more of a joke.

With everything you’ve said in this thread I can’t tell if you’re larping or not. But dude, life is not fucking easy and you have to start at the bottom unless you were born into money.
See, this is what the left, young people, and commies believe. They think rich people are just rich. Do you know how fucking hard rich people had to work in their life? Most rich people are in their 40’s and 50’s because they worked, saved, and made decent financial decisions for 20-40 YEARS.

>> No.51605944

I think a lot of wageslaves are miserable. I think they don’t an hero because religion, wife/kids, drugs and stupidity. I have no family pets no dependents at all I’d care about stopping me. No drugs. No religion and I know how to think critically. I don’t exercise I’m not fat though. I just consider exercise stress. It makes you stronger but not healthier. I don’t play video games I have no computer and no games on this phone. If my dad told me I’d laugh at him I don’t respect him for the circumcision and way he gets pushed around by women he’s a bitch.

>> No.51605993

Soo what do you do o wise 1

>> No.51606003

>pajeet beggar thread
>mods asleep at the wheel
Oh jeez oh man fuck off and get priced out beggar.

>> No.51606006

this has confirmed to me that you have no idea what goes on in this world, or how it works. you sound like you have bipolar or something. you are a weirdo man, which is why you dont like working. enjoy your miserable life you waste of skin, hope a scratch ticket comes through for you one day champ ahahhahaah

>> No.51606015

Why are you so afraid of being miserable? I promise you, you will be miserable as a rich person and an hero yourself even faster because then there will be absolutely no answer left for you.

There’s a theory about reincarnation. We come to this life to learn some things for the purpose of GROWTH. Pain, suffering, irritability = growth. When people an hero, they miss out on the lesson they were here to learn and inevitably when they return, they just show up again to repeat the lesson except this time it’s HARDER. That’s just a theory, but dude, quit being a massive pussy and live a life to be proud of.

>> No.51606029

I mean, long term you can invest it into some stock IEP with a steady history of paying 15.6% dividends. But investing 100 bucks will give you a payout of 16$ a year. Which is good for a DRIP stock and can get really lucrative over time. But it would feed your commie ass rn

>> No.51606035

Farm reddit moons, each upvote is 8 cents or so, get 7000 upvotes per month ot get 500 dollars, most likely enough for food and frugal living.

>> No.51606049

Wait till I run out of money then an hero. It seems to be the least worst option to me. And I’ve thought about this for a long time.
Most wealth is inherited. I don’t even mean to sound like a commie. But even inheritance aside people do work very hard to make various amounts of money. Then some sue for mean words at work and get millions. Why can’t I be a millionaire for having my penis mutilated? What did I do to deserve that? I know life isn’t easy. It’s hard and painful especially from where I am Now. That’s why I think I should an hero. To avoid a life where I’ll feel more pain then pleasure. Why else live?

>> No.51606050

Here, I have an idea. Maim yourself in some way, like gouge your own eyes out, chop your hands off, or paralyze yourself so you can collect disability. FREE MONEY

>> No.51606056

I posted like a tard, forgive me

I mean, long term you can invest it into some stock like IEP with a steady history of paying 15.6% dividends. But investing 100 bucks will give you a payout of 16$ a year. Which is good for a DRIP stock and can get really lucrative over time. But it wouldn't feed your commie ass rn

>> No.51606065


>> No.51606077

>why can’t I be a millionaire for having my penis mutilated?
Idk, maybe you can. See if a lawyer will take your case and sue whatever hospital made it happen

>> No.51606091

Theory. I’m not living for a theory. I think I’d be happy as a rich person but I don’t know. I’m not living if I’m miserable.
I’m not a commie. When did I say I was? I’m not sure what to believe there. I really see both sides. But I don’t want to get political
This sounds too easy is it true? Also 500$ really isn’t enough to live a life worth living
It’s not happening. I appreciate you trying to help me but legally I have no grounds. Morality =\= legality

>> No.51606108

I don’t want to live as a cripple barely scraping by money wise. I only want to live if life is worth living. I was thinking about just not posting and doing it when I run out of money but thought why not ask

>> No.51606115

Sounds like you’re in a lot of pain. In the name of Jesus Christ all pain leave now.

>> No.51606128
File: 487 KB, 980x392, GillNettersCover980-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too immature and too comfortable in your current situation. Sounds like the modern cocktail of self-pity and nihilism. Take a walk outside your house. Look at the marvels of industry unionworkers built, the houses and barns our agrarian forefathers made with their hands. You say you're over twenty, but you're not a man yet. A man builds something for the future; for his children and the rest of society. It doesn't matter whether you see these inconsequential menial jobs as important, as long as they end up giving you the autonomy to craft your own future. What makes you happy, what are your goals, where do you want your life to look like? Punch yourself in the gut to drop your underdeveloped testicles and learn to endure the grind everyone else in life deals with. You're going to have jobs you hate, coworkers you cannot stand, bosses who look down on you. Be a man and broaden your shoulders.

>> No.51606162

Well I’m not happy really at all. I suppose I’m in some pain but not physical. No friends, never had a gf, not close with any family, next to no money or valuables. I do appreciate your wishes but I don’t believe in them.
Why? I don’t want to live if I feel more pain than pleasure. Everyone else does it? So? Appeal to popularity fallacy? This post while I appreciate you trying to help me says a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.51606181

Cause you're a larping begging faggot and you do this all the time, It's insulting to sick people like myself who struggle to make ends meet, you make larp threads and pretend to be some victim of an unprovable issue that's only resolved with money.

>> No.51606197
File: 54 KB, 512x512, nerrrrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they say you never work a day in your life if you love your job

>> No.51606201

I’m not sick but I’m not larping either. I said I can but won’t work.I haven’t posted anything like this on biz ever. I don’t think I’m a victim more then any other guy cut as a baby.

>> No.51606213

Yada yada yada
>Dick mutilated
someone needs to mutilate you with a .45 so you'll stop shitting up the fucking board with this money begging bullshit, also go fuck yourself faggot.

>> No.51606225

I don’t care if you believe it or not. I’m gonna keep praying until whatever is going on with you is healed. You’re either larping or you really would rather be dead and no one wants that.

>> No.51606246

Because while I was able to keep my world record-holding foreskin intact, I dealt with similar issues. $100 living at home? I was homeless with $15.07 in my pocket taking sink showers in gas stations. There is always a way out of whatever hole you're in. I was lucky enough to a one non-shit family member that bought me a bus ticket and helped me get on my feet. Got a shit job making $12.25 and an auto loan. Worked everyday, 8-16 hours 7 days a week. Now i'm about to sell two houses, finish my education, and buy a farm where I can do remote accounting and agriculture. It's never about where you are now, but where you can be. Our brains naturally try to get the greatest result for the smallest effort. You need to kill that instinct. You're equating sustaining yourself as pain. Get some therapy or meds, but in my experience even if you have a SPMI and chemical imbalance a change in perspective can work wonders.

>> No.51606264

How can I prove I’m not larping without doxing myself or going outside? I’ll post a pic. I have a pen and paper

>> No.51606267

Given you're a lazy fuck, here's what you can do to get money not working (much):

1. Kill your parents for inheritance. But you're way too stupid to make this look like you didn't do it so I'd advise you not to do this.

2. Obtain drugs and sell them. You're gonna get caught eventually because you have 0 street smarts.

3. Stream on twitch about your miserable existence. You don't do anything at all and you're boring AF so nobody's gonna watch you anyway.

4. Get a sugar momma / sugar daddy. Your charisma is non-existant and you're not a likeable person, so that's out of the question.

5. Join the army. Maybe they will turn you into something that resembles a person.

>> No.51606271

Admit it you thotposting, iphonefaggot, mass replying, begging, samefagging faggot.

You know I see through you, now never post here again this is the umpteenth time we've had this conversation.

>> No.51606289

Slit your wrists on livestream and use your blood to timestamp it on a paper with /biz/ in there somewhere.
Also you have to hit an artery or it doesn't count.

>> No.51606297

There is an intrinsic reward to being able to look at the accomplishments your made. To see the challenges you've overcome. To look down at the boots that have been with you for a decade and a thousand miles and know that you finally made it.That while you are still the same person who may still feel the touch of old demons you know that you have and still will overcome them. Learn to enjoy the struggle and find the necessary releases in this beautiful world. Learn art, go into nature, take up a hobby. Learn to get outside of yourself and not internalize such trivial matters.

>> No.51606305

It’s the first. What wrong with replying? >>51606267
I don’t support the troops. I believe the us military is evil. I hate what we did in Libya gadaffi was africas last hope. I hate we killed hundreds of thousands of innocents in Iraq when no weapons of mass destruction. We should not have been in afganistan especially for how long we were. Vietnam was an abomination what we did to them and enslaving are own people to fight and kill innocents? Cmon

>> No.51606311

Blah blah blah fuck off beggar I see you posted your address on the link thread fucking idiot now get off the board there's only 20 people posting currently you massive faggot.

>> No.51606314

I love my joint and back pain I got from years of making someone else richer

>> No.51606326

Kill yourself god damnit forex I know it's you too, you reply the exact same fucking way god damnit kill yourself and this board heals.

>> No.51606343

lol and? They paid you didn't they? If they were good they gave you benefits. If you didn't want to do the job get a different one. A job is you selling your time to another person. This pity party is demeaning of yourself. Again, get a job and then learn to invest into yourself so you can do something that doesn't necessarily make you happy buy fulfilled.

>> No.51606351

Your telling me a guy talking about an heroing? I’m not out of money just yet
What address? You mean ip? It’s a mobile data address am I safe? It doesn’t really matter I’m desperate or I wouldn’t potentially dox myself

>> No.51606369

I’m not happy with this arrangement. I’d rather an hero. This isn’t a pity party but a asking of advice

Something like >>51606267 but not shit

>> No.51606391

Imagine working your ass off FOR FUCKING FIAT. It's the ultimate cuck move as you're reducing your life span for THE FUCKING DECREE OF CENTRAL BANKERS. If you're not debt maxing and just playing the game of markets in 2022 you're a complete fucking cuck. You will make more money in 6 months than you would in years of wage slaving as soon as Powell pivots. And mark my words that slimy little man will pivot as soon as Biden looses the mid terms and his re-election is in question. Biden will tell him to jump and Powell will reply with "how high".

>> No.51606399

What video is that bitch from again? Some music video but I forgot the name of it.

>> No.51606408

Yeah working for dollars when they press a button and print them is cucked I agree. I’m not a cuck though. I can’t get a loan or credit card though right now thanks anyway

>> No.51606421

I have no idea. I just googled when I made this thread bikini girl or something like that. I don’t have any lewd images

>> No.51606431

Fair. It's just bugging the fuck out of me. It's a decently old song at this point.

>> No.51606437

Oh. Maybe someone else knows.

>> No.51606440

god damnit fuck off! for fuck sake.

>> No.51606451

I’m definitely not seeing any mental health people. I’m not working either. It’s a nice story though. I have suffered enough already to risk more for maybe a happy ending maybe not

>> No.51606459

Every organism had the innate biological processes to sustain and life. It's the biological imperative, or if go hero it's Darwinism and you'll get thrown in with the rest of the weak beta cucks. The recipe for success is
1. Get and hold a job.
2. Save at least 10% of your income. Don't buy stupid and unnecessary shit. When you do buy something make sure it's something you need and it's quality to last.
3. Start investing in safe low-risk markets. ETFs. S&P 500. Forget this shitcoin bullshit. Build a small business. Invest in yourself, your retirement, and trust compound interest. If you start investing now, hold a job and reinvest your savings you can live off the dividends in a relatively short period of time. I wish I knew this when I was 18.

>> No.51606464

That’s nice. But I still don’t want a boss or to be told when to wake up.
I wish I had a 45

>> No.51606472

No I’m not a wage cuck
I’m not samefaging are you nuts?

>> No.51606497

So I have a question then. You need money to invest, whether that be a business, stocks & funds, or real estate. So how do you plan on making any money without earning a wage? Play the lottery?

>> No.51606505

Inheritance would be nice. A lawsuit?

>> No.51606519

And your plan is sitting on your ass until these unrealistic fantasies fall into your lap? Get real.

>> No.51606524

Not quite. I will an hero when I run out of money. So close I guess

>> No.51606540

Man let me point out that earlier in this thread you said you wanted a wife and kids and a home. I’m gonna tell you right now, that is NEVER gonna happen until you accept busting your ass every day at a job you hate, that’s just a prerequisite for those things. Now I also have an aversion to working a job and have managed to avoid having one my whole life, but the result of that is I’m in my 40s and single and childless. So just understand that’s what you’re setting yourself up for. And at that point you’ll be so old and sick and fucked up no attractive woman will ever give you the time of day again.

>> No.51606556

Yeah your mostly right. If you were just a guy In his 20’s with millions of dollars that’s the only way out.

>> No.51606602

One of the best mental exercises is imaging your ideal life partner. I'd like a busty brunette with thin arms and wide hips with the personality and attributes that I find attractive. Do the same for yourself in imagine that person. Now ask yourself; are you the person they'd be imaging? Most likely no. Take the hint and start to work on yourself. People have done more and gone farther with less than you have. There are no excuses. If you're happy in your legacy being nothing more than a footnote and cumstain then that's your fault. I'm calling it a night, I have work to do and can't waste more of my free time on charity cases. Christ, I get paid $40 and hour listening to punks like this.

>> No.51606622

Yeah I can imagine her. Still not worth it. Getting divorced and my kids and money taken away. I’m okay with being a nobody

>> No.51606686

I’m going to go to try and sleep now maybe I’ll check on this thread later if it’s still up. Or check the archives i thank you all for trying to help me but I haven’t learned anything hopefully someone else can get something from this thread

>> No.51607067

Go fuck yourself you stupid retard. Learn to develop real skills and multiple streams of income. I’m only 21 and I’m operating three successful businesses. It’s not fucking hard unless you’re a drooling imbecile.

>> No.51607106

>How do I get money for free?
you become a beggar I guess
you have to do something, whether you call it a job or not, you have to do something to get money in this world, the money wont fall from trees
if you havent got an inheritance or were born rich, then you have to do something one way or another
learn to trade stocks or crypto maybe, but if you arent even willing to do that, then just go be a beggar on the street

>> No.51607123

You are gonna stay a virgin too because women dont like losers.

>> No.51607211
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>I’m not getting a job.
>I want to be Rich.
>I’m in my 20’s
Let me put this in a way you'll understand, zoomie. Your attitude is NOT bussin frfr. If you don't get a job you will be homeless and starve, no cap. There is no way to just become rich doing nothing without being sus. Understand now?

>> No.51607214

Get a gf. Convince her to do OF porn. Take 50% profit.

>> No.51607231

I mean money is money. One of my friends worked as a janitor in high school and he just got a masters in physics.

>> No.51607576
File: 450 KB, 3318x1666, 6E37E4BF-407A-495B-A134-2DD9CFF7AF47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By staking

>> No.51607799

Crypto exchange referral. Either advertise it online or print out flyers containing a QR code that redirects to your link and stick those flyers across your town

>> No.51608068

fucking lazy ass nigger
find something you're good at and can do better than people in your community use this to make money

>> No.51608258

also, fuck this current trend of hair style and fashion. why the fuck are we going back to 90's lazy dirty-looking style. society is fucking whack

>> No.51608291

basically: get a job because you have to.
in something you are good at. a meaningful life.

>> No.51609206
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yeah, I'm thinking coffee is good for you. More advice in my pic.

>> No.51610547

>Take sleeping pills
>Wake during the bull run
>Be a rich dude

>> No.51611130

Do door dash dipshit

>> No.51611143

>I don’t know how to make money to stay alive? Ideas?
Get a job?

>> No.51611158

An hero is literally the stupidest mot selfish thing you can do,Do you care about anyone?your parents will b heartbroken you piece of shit,get a job and grow tf up

>> No.51611200
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Looks like Billy is going to have to learn a lesson about sacrifice.

>> No.51611224

Lmfao,did it work for you?

>> No.51611230

you could go to a shelter for the homeless

>> No.51611249

get into the army and become a killer parasite

>> No.51611283

Whose roof do you live under?

>> No.51611330

Money for nothing?

>> No.51611359

OP stop being a faggot you dont deserve a wife and kids with that mentality, you cant even provide for yourself shame on you. Dont bring others down on your selfish act just kys if you cant do anything about it

>> No.51611473

Why are you massive faggots bumping knife pajeets begging post?
Jesus the newfaggotry here is thick.

>> No.51611517

get a job nigger

>> No.51611591

>make a post discussing happenings in the world and their relation to finances, get immediately banned
>begging faggot makes a thread on an iphone thotposting and it's been up nearly 24 hours
fucking mods.

>> No.51611881
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I'm 34 year-old who lives with his mother and hasn't worked since 2019. I got my masters in Finance and i'm currently picking up data science on Datacamp. OP, either you see what kind of disability payout you can acquire (leech off of the system), you develop survival skills and live in a tent out in the woods, or you do what i'm trying to do: Get the most money doing the least amount of work possible. The economy is a game within a system. Work the system and play the game. Does that make sense?
Anon you do realize that most people work because they are at the mercy of slave morality, yes? Most people pursue "muh career" because it gives them a sense of superiority over others. Its either that, or they have to support a bitch/post wall wife and children who, given the current economic trajectory, have no future whatsoever. Ultimately, people waste their lives away at a job because they must justify their existence to themselves. You do work to make money so you can support your existence; there is no reason beyond this. And OP is right; working for others is to make them happy. The employer pays a discounted rate for the services of the employee, otherwise the employer in question wouldn't be generating income. The smart ones realize this. The only problem OP has is that he doesn't know what to do.