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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51604573 No.51604573 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51604584

More like Michael A. Gay

>> No.51604590

What mean?

>> No.51604593

legitimately a retarded post
he should lose his CFA for that, jfc

>> No.51604597

These finance fags need to have sex. Just chill in cash until January and buy the dip??

>> No.51604605


>> No.51604610
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Whoa, that's nuts. So, can an anon explain to the other anons the significance of this insane revelation?

>> No.51604612

Anon, he's saying that you don't want to hold cash. Atleast not USD.

>> No.51604631

Thats cool im just sitting back listening to third eye blind and nickleback

>> No.51604632

comparing situations where the market tanks due to the business cycle causing flight to safety vs the fed raising interest rates hundreds of basis points in a short period of time. the latter necessarily is going to drive bond prices lower because that's how bonds work.

>> No.51604633

Just one.

>> No.51604644

you're a faggot
>3 posts by this id

>> No.51604651

I only see one.

>> No.51604681

But DUDE when you word it like Gaywad did it makes it sound SUPER scary and how this crash will be different and in two weeks the economy will CRASH and it will all be Joe Biden’s fault!

>> No.51604729

Yeah and none of those times had rates doubling in the span of 6 months

>> No.51604749
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Every other week I hear about something thats "never happened before" in the finance world. All these faggots get lost in the numbers and think theyre in the big short

>> No.51604763

one of them (me, btw) will be right

>> No.51604778

You really see nothing wrong lol?

>> No.51604794

lol, lmao even

>> No.51604802

Who the hell owns bonds?

>> No.51604818


>> No.51604880

You must be a zoomer to be this ignorant.

>> No.51604895

What does this mean? There is literally nowhere to invest for gains?

>> No.51604901


>> No.51604903

TLDR: Those fleeing to the dollar are fleeing to something that is becoming worthless but just at a slower rate than other fiat currencies creating the illusion that the dollar is great. The fed is trying to prevent price discovery under 2x the money supply but they cannot hold back the tide without collapsing the west.

>> No.51604913

Please give me more time to buy gold and silver

>> No.51604923

Based retard

>> No.51604955

We're objectively seeing a lot of "never happened before." Don't know what they mean, tho.

>> No.51604960

Oh no my hecking bonderinos!!

>> No.51605037

Not even remotely what the post said.

>> No.51605121

Imagine being paid to shill online for a senile old retard who isn't even liked by his own party. Holy shit what do you even get for it?

>> No.51606666

>even cash is being rugpulled
Then what the fuck am I suppose to do now?

>> No.51607186

>hundreds of basis points
So about 1%?

>> No.51607217

hedgefundie's excellent adventure not so excellent. (dalio's risk parity strategy).

>> No.51607221

All of the misery right now is due to the biden administration and the democrats.

>> No.51607257

working and buying the dip. salaries are way up.

>> No.51607304

Of course old bonds with almost no yield go down in value when you have interest hikes and can buy bonds with 4.2% yield.

>> No.51607326

live in the pod and eat the bugs

>> No.51607357

Thats cool and all, but how do we profit?

>> No.51607368

sqqq doing well. sold today

>> No.51607383
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>> No.51607594

Means Bitcoin is overtaking the dollar as reserve currency. Prepare accordingly.

>> No.51607606

Rent free. No one even mentioned B****. Get a fucking job.

>> No.51607612

>back to 1961
You've never had hyperinflation AND government enforced demand suppression in history* (since 1961) either, retard.
Buy guns, crypto, gold, and arable land with good rainfall, in that order.

>> No.51607614

>[some event] has never happened 20 times since 1961, therefore it can never happen.
Mire like Michael A. Retard

>> No.51609061

zoom out

>> No.51609070

Top kek

>> No.51609083

nothingburger confirmed

>> No.51609119


Caveman version:

When stock go down men buy fixed return government bonds to be safe.

Now stock go down and bonds go down too.

How that can be?

Because the fed keeps hiking rates so people are waiting for bonds that pay even more in a few months so people hold cash and old bonds that pay little lose value because you can get new bonds that pay more.

>> No.51609141

It's true though. We have had most of these things happen at some point in history but this is the first time they have happened at the same time. We're juggling with like 5 chainsaws

>> No.51609144


>> No.51609161

If the USD goes tits up, everything else on the planet is going to get cratered, probably even more.

>> No.51609165

Because everything's written like


>> No.51609557

this is the sort of completely unexpected shit to happen right at the end of 1 global reserve currency as it moves into another
short version current dollar strength is very deceptive, it will rug like a scam shitcoin
now you can try to bottompick for a better entry but you best get your wealth into non fiat dependable assets soon or risk losing it all, the rest of your lives will depend on the asset you chose to go into, no pressure

>> No.51609640
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>everybody's ultra bearish waiting for "the big crash" to happen
>meaning we have already bottomed out or are bottoming as we speak

umm yeah I think it's time to slurp

>> No.51609671

They're the largest market in the known universe.

>> No.51609713

>Who owns bonds?
Banks, rich boomers, most people with 401Ks, and of course central banks. The bond market is the biggest financial market, with the most dollars in it, by far.

>> No.51609730

I'm retarded and hold $700 in the bank. I'm finically challenged, help a retard out? What does this mean?

>> No.51609817

Basically, I think the significance is that bonds have never sold-off so fast before. Never before have investors been so eager to sell the debt they own. It's a big deal because the dollar itself, used all around the world, is based on debt. The bond market is showing unprecedented instability. If the bond market breaks, it will take the world's monetary, financial and economic system with it.

>> No.51609841

modern civilization and modern finance are both very young

>> No.51609873

And the real significance is much bigger than just the financial system. Imagine there's a farmer. He takes out loans to buy some livestock. He takes out loans to build a barn to house them. He takes out loans to feed them. He just keeps taking out more and more loans, until the bank says "No more, we don't think you can ever pay these loans off. We're not going to risk losing any more capital by lending you any more." What do you think will happen to the livestock? The big problem is this farm is the global economy, and we're the livestock.

>> No.51609880
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Which is why the play is hard assets to weather the transition. Measuring your wealth denominated against the USD right now is asking for future serfdom.
Empires last 250 years on average.
Fiat currencies last 100.

>> No.51610090

>empires last 250 and currencies last 100
>Pound Sterling, still exists despite current rugging
>not as bad as what Soros in the 80s
>not as bad as when Based Uncle Addy threw his Europarty
You mean reserve status?

>> No.51610100

Nigger the other retard meant OP

>> No.51610115

> wake le fuck up!!1!
to what? why do smartphone addled zoomers and millenials spend all day every day poooosting yet still manage to say nothing?

>> No.51610206

Check out Michael Gayad's music:

>> No.51610603

You mean GBP used to be backed by PMs, but became fiat less than 100 years ago? And will likely fail within 100 years of going fiat? Retard.

>> No.51611023

>calling the trough before the bottom is in

>> No.51611034

What is everyone doing to prepare for the worst?

>> No.51611613

inflation is going down but fiat now lives in the shadow of DLT assets
treasury notes are as risky as the solvency and honor of the governments that back them
good cryptos are as risky as the solvency of their backing networks (networks whose dispensed goods/services must be paid for in their token), with dependencies on backers' honor or trust only being relevant in some cases

>> No.51612579

bro if we hit a situation where its important to have guns, gold and farming land crypto will go to zero

>> No.51612711
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He Gayed.

>> No.51613244

This makes Grugg understand

>> No.51613595

The Fed raises rates every few years. Why hasnt this happne before?.
This seems like everything is crashing.
No explanation ca downplay that.n

>> No.51614395


>> No.51615213

What the fuck? Why was my post deleted? I'll write it again:

OH NO!! [1 out of 5000 indicators analysts use] IS [lowest ever / doing something that it did in 2008]!!! WE'RE DOOMED!!

You could make a post like this daily if you wanted. Retards

>> No.51615242


Why do you retards keep posting this garbage?

No shit the price of bonds is going to tank. The 1yr Treasury Bill was at 0.15% in 2021. It really had no where to go but up.

These "financial gurus" actually give me a headache with how stupid they are.

>> No.51615257


Thank God someone else sees this. I'm loosing my fucking mind...

>> No.51615276

no, it's mostly due to the central bank, as usual. keep watching the red vs blue sockpuppet fight though

>> No.51615289

Alright, I'm up. What am I supposed to do now about it?

>> No.51615306

Hold cash, accumulate real assets, dip your toe in equities in 2 years.

>> No.51615375

>never in history
>going back to 1961

>> No.51615384

On the back of information from someone literally called mr gay? Don't think so mate.

>> No.51615434

no. you hold litecoin and you deserve to be poor

>> No.51615441

It's my opinion it has nothing to do with the actual OP. This is my strategy take from it what you will. I also sell options to accumulate a bit more cash and put some cash to work. When I'm accumulating stock for my long-term portfolio I'd sell puts there as well.