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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51603873 No.51603873 [Reply] [Original]

Can't get a job due to work gap

Work gap gets larger

>> No.51603915

just lie until you find a employer that doesn't care to check.

>> No.51603947

Put down "I didn't have to" on there. You'll probably get interviews

>> No.51603979

Can’t get into engineering work because not vaccinated. Seriously consider getting it since my parents are getting fed up with me not moving into a big boy job. Retail is surprisingly comfy since I just hide all day lol.

>> No.51604447

join your local union as a groundhand. Inexperienced groundmen get paid 23 an hour here. Get a CDL and it goes to 35. They take anyone with a pulse.

>> No.51604463

Literally just lie on your resume it’s very easy and it’s their fault for shutting you out over something that doesn’t matter

>> No.51604490

how long?
t. 10 years

>> No.51604503

Claim religion anon.

>> No.51604634

do an apprenticeship as a pastor and as a bonus you can diddle around if you're into that

>> No.51604738
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I ran away into the woods and got a job at a mill for like 25 usd an hour because the plant I was at wanted vaccines and shit.
>. T chemical engineer, isn't it beautiful?

>> No.51604824

Find several things you can use as skills and study them on Youtube. Find several possible jobs that require those skills. Now lie about working at those places;with permission from your friends ask them to be your referrals, and leave their numbers as the "mangers" of the companies, and never leave the company numbers there. You have worked at these places for a minimum of 6-12 months, and if asked why so short your answer is "upcoming school semester, and most of these places needed temporary full timers to fill up employment, and I needed work". I am never out of work, and I am surprised to find so many people who go long periods without it. I just use Indeed, and autofill+send my resume to like 30 places, and get at least 5-10 interviews within a month. I just got a job at a country club, and it works for me while I go to school.

>> No.51604904

Just say you were a bitcoin millionaire for a while but then lost it. It's something that happened for real to many on this board.

>> No.51605337

Don’t fuck up your immune system with artificial spike protein and LNP Anon. 100% not worth it. We are coming to the end of mandates. NYC just dropped their private employer mandate this week and others will finally follow

>> No.51605387

Just give fake references or say you inherited some money and went travelling while you were still young.

>> No.51605600

Tell them you are experienced in solving captchas

>> No.51605629

I NEETed for 10 years and made up a bunch of freelance/self-employed shit. Eventually got hired to do webdev.

>> No.51605732
File: 106 KB, 946x2048, CB11F28F-D0F3-446C-B01F-9E5EA04F39BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say u are a NIGGER and that’s why you ware unemployment im sure the cotton fields will need low cost slaves.

>> No.51605745

This is me, literally me man. Fucccckkkk I don’t know what to do

>> No.51605749

I neeted for a decade and got a big job recently.
You have no idea how desperate businessoids are for workers right now

>> No.51605766

Even niggers working cotton fields didnt have to work 60 hours a week 52 weeks a year to keep a roof over thier heads and stay fed. It really wasnt that bad, stop watching movies you dumb faggot.

>> No.51605839
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>he tells the truth on a resume

Holy shit, I was a neet for 4 years and just got buddies to fill in as fake references to land a comfy job. If HR doesn't run a background check, it's not important anyway and just an artificial barrier.

>> No.51605904

What do you mean it wasn’t that bad ware you a nigger working in the cotton fields you fucking undercover sand nigger

>> No.51606059

I currently work for the US DoD as an engineer (civilian) and am not vaccinated. I start a job with Lockheed next month and am not vaccinated. It's really not that difficult to say you have a religious exemption, and you aren't required by law to give any additional information.

>> No.51606608
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Make a company that acts as a work gap filler. Provide services to other desperate people with work gap, so they could pay you to back them up when they write your company name in their cv.

>> No.51606648
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When I was a janitor I got screamed at by a middle aged roastie to wear a mask even though nobody else was. I was threatened to be kicked out if I didn't comply, it turns out everyone else in the office had "special work areas" and I didn't qualify for that.

I-I, just couldn't do it, I quit and haven't worked since. I'm autistic and socially awkward, so I can only get shit jobs. But something broke in me that day.

>> No.51606681

>he thinks only nigs did plantation work
My white grandad told me all the time how he picked cotton when he was younger. Slaves were also allowed, encouraged even, to have families, because it made slave owners more slaves thus more money. Usually they'd even get to live with their families too.

Working 60 hour weeks with almost no paid time off doesn't even guarantee you that now.

>> No.51606692


Fuck off /pol/ it's been 2 years where are all the dead bodies?

oh right maybe it just works and you are in fact a retard

>> No.51606711

The pandemic is over, why should I need to be vaccinated?

>> No.51606732

Been 2 years and I was promised death or retardation from catching covid. Why are the vaxxies smug while being the only ones getting sick. Usually immediately after their latest dose.

>> No.51606793

I do honestly believe southern negro slaves enjoyed life more than 996 Chinese tech workers coming home to empty apartments each night.

>> No.51606822

I've been working since 2016 and was talking to a neighbor recently trying to hook me up for a job that I would have to come up with a good excuse for the fact that I was total neet from ~2005 up until 2016, that apparently this six years I've been working isn't good enough and that my decade long neetdom "work gap" will ruin my chances of getting a big corporate job.