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51602697 No.51602697 [Reply] [Original]

Is living on-campus worth it, financially speaking, /biz/? Going to college for the first time and I'm not sure. It's obviously way cheaper to just continue living with my parents, but I'd lose out on the social aspect heavily and I've heard networking in college is far more valuable than the actual degree. Not to mention that everyone says girls are at their sluttiest here, so this could be my one and only chance to have sex with someone who isn't a hooker.
Is it worth going into more debt than necessary to get laid and make good connections or should I just remain an incel and focus on not having to still pay student loans 10 years down the line?

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>> No.51602824

If you want to have sex, live in the dorms. I commuted to classes and back home and am a khv today. That being said, "networking" is a pretty big meme unless you already have a good clique or old money/Jewish nepotism connections or similar. Your dorm buddy most likely is not going to get you a job at a top accounting firm unless you're going to a top ranked college AND you get good recommendations from others as well.

>> No.51602842

live with your parents, save up enough money to rent a flat with a few friends you meet in classes or something
on campus housing is always 3-5x more expensive than local rent market, there's no privacy, it's a complete ripoff
if you want sex, get your own bedroom in a 2-3 bed deal and split the rent with friends. Work over summer/on weekends to cover bills and boom, you're good to go, marginal freedom secured

>> No.51602870

>save up enough money to rent a flat with a few friends
This. Those 3 years was the best time of my life. Don't expect to learn much though.