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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51599602 No.51599602 [Reply] [Original]

>markets dump
>crypto barely budges
>markets close
>h-hehehe g-guys, it's o-over right? T-the damp i-i-is over, y-yes?
>btc pumps back up a couple a hundred dollars
>oh shit it's pumping again better buy back in!
>pumps another hundred dollars
>oooooh the bear market is over!!!111 better buy back in
>pumps back up to 19k
>oh shit it hit 19k buy buy buy buy
>pumps back up to 19.4k
>markets open the next day
>dumps back to mid 18k
>refuses to go any lower
>markets close for the day
>h-hey g-guys... the dumping... it's over... right?
clown market

>> No.51599894
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If anyone reading this has the following Bobo & Mumu pic, post it: https://archived.moe/biz/search/image/QUqRdpNR3D_1nJz85g2N7w/
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>> No.51599927

so all i have to do is long the bottom and short the top and i can keep making money
cheers snib

>> No.51600497

It's more about that people still bother to actually buy when literally nothing has changed since yesterday. The economic collapse is still on. The energy crisis obviously isn't going to end in early autumn. Yet retards still insist on buying...

>> No.51602218

And there it is, 19.4k right on schedule. This shit is baffling.