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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51598091 No.51598091 [Reply] [Original]

Is this possible? I'm in Florida. I know how to make websites but don't know how to do the leetcode stuff. I have no degree. Am I going to make it?

>> No.51598175
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>Am I going to make it?
You might be able to bullshit your way past an interview at a smaller to midsize company, but good luck getting past the 3 month trial period.

>> No.51598194

3 month trial period? You mean me working the job? That's actually the easiest part. I worked one job before, I am just bad at interviews cause I am autistic and have poor leetcode.

>> No.51598244

You're fucked there's no programming in Florida my man get the fuck out if you can

>> No.51598471

What is remote work? Also, there's tons of companies hiring entry level frontend developers.

>You might be able to bullshit your way past an interview at a smaller to midsize company, but good luck getting past the 3 month trial period.
3 months is plenty of time to get your programming skills to an acceptable level.

If not, you can always search for job as a QA Analyst/Tester. Literally zero experience required.

>> No.51600031

Search for data entry roles and apply to as many as you can.

>> No.51600075

just larp as a tranny and say "black lives matter" over an over again at the interview. guaranteed $350k/yr offer and permanent job security.