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51594819 No.51594819 [Reply] [Original]

BoJ propping up the yen, the Australian central bank is insolvent, EUR below parity with USD, Russia preparing for conscription, Powell dropping the "soft landing" messaging. Something is going to break by the end of the year. Are they going to do another big psyop to deflect blame from the bankers (like covid, like a cyber pandemic)? Or is this too obvious to cover up, like 2008? In any case, it seems like we're full-steam ahead towards YOU VILL OWN NOTHING.

>> No.51594861

They literally laid it out for us obviously they are doing the great rest

>> No.51594926

finally, im so sleepy

but seriously, the fed is stabbing the ecb davos kikes in the back on their great reset plans, it will ultimately be a kamikaze mission for the fed, but they only have the one option. did anyone really expect them to just give up all their power to unelected globalist kikes? They already have the power, they just needed to trick the others to putting themselves into a grave and then jp started shovelling dirt on top of them and said "SIKE BITCHES"

Truly amazing to see

>> No.51594934

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended functions of it, NOT glitches, and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

The biosphere is already dead. Nature works with a time delay. We have had cancer (capitalism) for too long already and we have consumed everything just like cancer (growth for growths sake, perpetual growth etc). Even if we implement degrowth economies RIGHT NOW and destroy the stock market/parasites and implement socialism/communism in a final ditch attempt to create stable and sustainable ecosystems it still probably wouldnt be enough. In order for mother Earth and the biosphere to heal it would require thousands of years. Humans dont operate on such a timescale. We are weak insecure creatures. We will perish like we deserve. Especially 4channers, financiers, rightoids and other parasites

>> No.51594939

Yes but what does it mean? How will it be sold to the normies? How epic will the market crash be? Will bitcoin continue to decouple from stocks or get gaped? Will any of the schizos (PMs, XRP, GME) win big? Will the lights go out?

>> No.51594994

It really does seem that way, doesn't it. US is raping everyone else right now but everyone else is quiet about it. If they say anything it's just "muh Russia, muh covid".

>> No.51595118

>implement socialism/communism in a final ditch attempt to create stable and sustainable ecosystems

I know this is a troll post, but have you seen what the Soviets and Chinese have done to the environment? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.51595293

Idgaf about your red scare boomer braindead deflections and whataboutisms. My point stands: unless degrowth economy is implemended and capitalism and the stock market eradicated the biosphere WILL die if it hasnt already died. This isnt an opinion this is a fact. You obviously take offence to this because you are so invested in and infected by the status quo as a 4channer/financier parasite

>> No.51595338

Yeah, we gonna get a recession.

>> No.51595386

I think you’re preaching to the choir here. Post that shit to normies who fund this shit by buying useless garbage

>> No.51595387

Nah, he's right, I live in post soviet state, and nature was rehealing after all the pesticide shit from the soviet days. Hawks, lizards and other animals are in larger numbers now.

>> No.51595470

Hahaha you stupid nigger. The biosphere is already dead. Insect populations have cratered and we're in the midst of a death spiral and we're not going to turn it around by decarbonizing or achieving zero-growth sustainability. This is about deleting useless eaters so a vastly reduced population can survive the ongoing eco-apocalypse with the oil that remains. You're right that 4channers, financiers, and rightoids will die, but "other parasites" include dipshit lefties, college communists, urbanite faggots, bleeding-heart socialists - and guess what, there's a lot more of you niggers than there are of us. The fact that you're exulting in this is pathetic. You've been psyopped into edging yourself over your own imminent demise. If you're anything but a top 1% productive worker or self-sufficient rural chad, it's fucking over for you too, and you're not nobly sacrificing yourself to save the ecosystem - you're eating shit so that the top crust of the financiers you hate so much get to keep living in automated comfort in a dying world. Retard slave.

>> No.51595535

Oooo is it gonna be like mad max?

>> No.51595586

Do you want the mark in your hand or your head?

>> No.51595648

no, state surveillance apparatus/infotech is too resilient. it's hardened against nuclear war. things will never be "mad max", the state is never losing its monopoly on violence.

>> No.51595668

stupid nigger the fed is run by unelected globalist kikes

>> No.51595691

I’m planning a trip to Osaka in November to get something like 5-7k in tats, should I grab some yen now while It’s still weak? The artist hasn’t raised his prices

>> No.51595698

So like Onions green then? :/

>> No.51595728

how does the current situation benefit the US in any way? the FED pulling the rug while maintaining as much stability as possible was the globalist plan this whole time

>> No.51595748

>Spend summer happy that I see gnats and bugs everywhere like I remember when I was a kid
>See this post
>Start second-guessing my sampling bias and get sad

I think we've passed the point of no return as a civilization but I was really hoping we wouldn't go full on Blade Runner.

>> No.51595747

say hello to king dollar bitches

>> No.51595987
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Its just another Shemitah year.
Also, looks like Deagel is going to be right afterall.

>> No.51596022

Why would unelected globalist kikes give up their power to different globalist unelected kikes when they could stab them in the back and stay on top of the shit heap?

you have to think like a kike to understand

>> No.51596043

>humans deserve to perish
>but let me tell you why I believe we should be socialist and share with each other :3

>> No.51596060


Euro collapse + energy crisis + Strong dollar = capital flight to US

>> No.51596076


>> No.51596092

>let me fly around the world and teach people about climate change on my $15,000 macbook pro

>> No.51596190
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We also have the "Cyber Pandemic" to look forward to, probably pretty soon:
>Russia annexes UA territories
>NATO escalates
>"Consequences will never be the same" triggers
>Totally not-planned and practiced cyber attack on the financial system
>No one can access their money
>Digital bank account balances completely rugged
>Implement UBI via CBDC linked to digital ID and social credit score
>eat ze bugs
>live in pods
>own nothing
>be happy
60%+ of people kill themselves according to the study that made this >>51595987

>> No.51596226

Should I legit get my money out of the bank?

>> No.51596565

So, how can I profit off this?

>> No.51596620
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It always feels like that
Just like how if you imagine yourself timetraveling back to the 90s, you wouldn't feel anxiety about 9/11, the wars in the middle east, or the financial crisis to come
That's because you know what's gonna happen
You could live your life and experience the best things that era has to offer

Let's even say as a condition of timetravel you are not allowed to invest or benefit at all from your foreknowledge of events, life would still be good
People in the 50s were worried about getting annihilated by another nuclear power, and about the degradation of society (which did happen in the end)

Whereas, if you could go back with only the knowledge that "things will be ok" in some way or another, you could enjoy living through one of the most prosperous times in all of history

You can still do that now
Whatever happens, happens
Some things will be good and nice, others will be bad

>> No.51596633

Sorry goy but physical cash is banned.
On a serious note, I withdrew another $5k in cash today.

>> No.51596676

I'm not a /pol/ schizo, but I actually think they are/were onto something. Worlds fucked and there's no end in sight.

>> No.51596802

>implying cash will be worth anything

>> No.51596855

No, you're fine, the shutdowns actually did fix things. The tree-huggers and introverts were right all along, the issue is and always has been reining in rich Chads and their bottomless dick-measuring hedonism.

>> No.51597002

if there's a "cyber pandemic" that takes down banks, yes it will. not in the longer term but in the short term normies will see cash and think "OH MY GOD THAT'S WHAT I NEED BUT I CAN'T GET HOLY SHIT IT'S MONEY!!!!"
it's not like overnight they'll get redpilled on fiat and start wanting silver despite media kikes maintaining that "no goyim silver is still only $18.50 an ounce just wait until your banks are back online"

>> No.51599087
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There's literally a book detailing how this goes down, but ofc zoomies don't read.

>> No.51599392

Yes it feels something is coming

>> No.51599772

For real kek don’t leftist retards understand that if the US loses its power then environmentalism has no power. BRICS is taking over in a minimum of 2 decades probably less than 1. Are they counting on china to pick up their reins?

>> No.51599779

No like The Avengers and Harry Potter

>> No.51600765

since this environmentalism bullshit is anyway the same as covid , I.e, global "problems" with global "solutions" ... Dont be so sure that this is a fight that is going to die out, even with the chinks holding the power.

This stuff is global, their interests are shared. Obviously this environmentalism thing is a scam, look at germany. If it worked, it would have worked there. It didnt. Its like any other cash grab with government insiders.

You need hysteria and morons like the >>51594934 lefttard tourist here to propound these nonsensical beliefs.

I can tell you one thing, this faggot has never thought about the glowing mass in the sky and solar cycles, and its effect on the planets temperature.... You'll never find any of these morons talking about it, because it would kill their narrative and the government studies.

Its all fake. Always was. Then again, who cant figure that the fuck out after 40 years of "WERE GONNA DIE NEXT YEAR".


>> No.51600823

you'll always be the cringe, fringe leftoid faggot with a receeding hairline , welcoming rapefugees....
Nothing will go down the way you want it, loser. Communism is in the past. Good luck resurrecting it with your butique onions-cialist friends (wont happen lmfao).
Enjoy being poor and wanting humanity to die. We all always knew you goblins were like this, thanks for showing us again what youre like.

kill yourself for the climate big boy, unless youre a hypocrite.

>> No.51601371

We aren’t even close to panic levels.
> traded during 2008 GFC.
>boomers literally though the whole financial system could go under.
>Again, we aren’t even remotely close

>> No.51601485 [DELETED] 
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Over holding cash, I should choose crypto. There is too much inflation. Problems will be lessened by the alts I'm holding, including geeq, rose, cspr, zil, and iotx. Don't stress anon.

>> No.51601528
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>the great rest

>> No.51601542

>How will it be sold to the normies?

>Everyones savings trashed from inflation
>Stocks trashed
>Pensions trashed
>Negative home equity
>People can't afford high rates of interest on debt
>Currency crisis

Don't worry goys! We're going to reset the system, we will forgive all debt, but you have to hand over all your assets. We'll give you a UBI payment per month in FedCoin, but only if you're a good boy!

>> No.51601595
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>> No.51601611
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The fall of Bretton Woods and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.51601616

A good goy

>> No.51601637
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Centralized banking is part of the communist manifesto

>> No.51601781

You know something is wrong when Brazil is having deflation...

>> No.51601811
File: 73 KB, 593x593, game over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is over, as I am fond of saying.

The bankers won.
They are in control of the Pikes Peak batholith and the multi-trillion-dollar granite tunnel system—a highly symbolic 40 miles west of Denver, Colorado in the Front Range. But they are in control of much more than the end-time survival apparatus. They control not only the military and government of the United States of America but through the power of major corporations and the corruptibility of businessmen and government officials, fiat currency manipulation by the WiΩards of Fiat Currency at the Federal Reserve System, a small army of propagandists and “hackers” (this is a technically incorrect use of the term) who are fighting to maintain control of the Frankenstein monster they created called the Internet (in a war I fear they are going to lose), and even the Republican form of government they created which inevitably—and I would argue by design—fosters centralized control and assures only a handful of “elected” officials must be compromised to control an entire country, they control the entire Western world.

>> No.51601853

Remember when the "hole in the ozone" was the big thing?

>> No.51602109

Don’t listen to him. I drive the highway a lot and the front of my truck is splattered like a Jackson pollack painting. No shortage of bugs here in the southwest.

>> No.51602883

It's a cluster fuck. There are no safe havens. You asses the fundamentals of where to park your wealth and you move in and hope for the best. Gold and Bitcoin are the stand outs as the most resilient assets against a hostile government. The problem with gold is that liquidity sucks for physical in a lot of places and you're forced to pay 40% over spot; that said who gives as a fuck if we are the dawn of some sort of financial collapse.

>> No.51602914

oh wow america will get europe's nonexistant manufacturing, here take this 50 million cubes of empty nothing, it's on me

>> No.51603016

i have been taking out a lot of cash.

>> No.51603205

spam bot

>> No.51603633

How the hell can a bot spam this place, you fucking neger? They are probably just discussing how diversification is important for achieving financial freedom poor man.