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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51592658 No.51592658 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51592727


Housing market still hasnt' crash yet. I'm not worry. I'm talking nationwide too. Untill the housing market starts super bad i"m not worry.

>> No.51592775

Do *they* really need to crash the markets to the ground to control inflation?

>> No.51592808

If the biosphere is to be preserved growth and "the line" needs to drop way way way more down and the parasitic stock markets/capitalism needs to be abolished like YESTERDAY but it wont happen. Nazis and financiers will fight tooth and nail to preserve the status quo. First it is always stupid finance tricks, then it will be fear and hate spreading then it will be war. Capitalism needs wars to survive so they will just keep fueling the fire. It doesnt matter anyway because they dont have another cycle. If they repeat their tricks and games like they always have done they will fail because the biosphere will die. You dont have another cycle. Your status quo will be destroyed one way or another parasites. "Growth" will be destroyed. Funny. How you coopted this word. Capitalism doesnt "grow" it consumes. That is what perpetual growth for growth's sake means. Cancer. Consumption. You have cancer. And God is great that is why he will euthanize you. Cancer cant exist in this universe it always loses

>> No.51592871

Yes. Inflation is caused by creating free money through borrowing. The entire stock market is built on margin (borrowing). The Fed needs to instill fear back into people so that they hold their cash (reduce borrowing). It's the only way, and it's going to be very painful.

>> No.51592918

that's just one side though, there's also less products on the market because china is shipping less stuff and russia's fuel, food and fertiliser is removed from the global market, even if you reduce the money in circulation the amount of goods won't increase

>> No.51593000

This is perfect time to get WW3 going, victors of world wars always experience booming economies.

>> No.51593105

ahhhh i'm being jolted by signs of slowing growth help me niggerman

>> No.51593152

Capitalism really needs war in order to function uh? Maybe Marx was right after all

>> No.51593179
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Thanks just booked multiple vacations for next summer sounds like it'll be a great time to travel

>> No.51593235

Capitalism doesn't *need* war but destruction is always going to be easier than construction and when the goal is to make more money as quickly as possible regardless of consequences and creating demand for destruction is relatively easy, war becomes the path of least resistance to profit.

>> No.51593265

It's a fight for resources.

>> No.51593291

You're supposed to wait until hotels and airlines dump prices because competition for the few tourists is high. Vacations during 'rona was peak comfy. $5k for 2 weeks in a 5 star water bungalow instead of the regular $25k

>> No.51593440


>> No.51593489

what caused the rally back in June?

>> No.51593504

Speculation of a fed pivot which was promptly crushed at jackson hole

>> No.51593607

Don't care. I'd rather take a Dow Jones below 30,000 with democracy and a president that respects it than a Dow Jones above 30,000 led by a fascist.

>> No.51593636

what resources, war generates the most amount of capital, that's just a fact
peace: people build houses, which costs money, then they just sit in them, you can hope that houses will go up in price over time which will generate some money but can potentially lose money if houses go down in price
war: people build houses, which costs money, they build weapons, which costs money, they destroy each other's houses, they rebuild the houses, they build more weapons, $$$$$$$$$$$ as long as the war lasts

>> No.51593690

buy signal

>> No.51594011

eat the bugs, stay in your pod and state your pronouns faggot

>> No.51594111

For you.

>> No.51594152

10/10 bait.

>> No.51594223
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Shemitah bros, our time has come

>> No.51594337

this+ "inflation has peaked" narrative leading real yields to decline, easing pressure vs stock cashflow valuations

>> No.51594387
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if everyone dies then no one can sell their stock

>> No.51594575

If there wasn't war, capitalist profits would just tend towards zero. Capitalism relies in a out of equilibrium economy. When things stabilize, profits can't be made reliably.

>> No.51594581
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Domino's Pizza Inc. is up 3% today

>> No.51594619

I was all in on that. I'm a millionaire now.

>> No.51594999

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended functions of it, NOT glitches, and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

>> No.51595223

who cares what some faggot reddit communist thinks. You people hardly understand money, or value for that matter.
Capitalism is the best system we have, always have been. And there needs to be markets where capital and labour make an exchange. Without it, society doesnt function.

Go back to plebbit fag. You're financially illiterate and Im not going to spoonfeed a literal retard. You'll just spit it out and continue with "MUHH GOMMUNISM".

youre a retard wagie, just get used to it. This is your life now. It aint changing

>> No.51595262

im glad we have some winners here :). fortunately I have a large amount of cash available to get by.

>> No.51595332

No matter where you hide or how many guns you buy we will eventually find you and euthanize you money worshipping parasite

>> No.51595565

We're going to have a few weeks of "growth" followed by another sharp period of dump. At this point in time, the stock market is obviously controlled by the institutions who can make more money on shorts/long than they ever could engaging the market organically.

>> No.51597026

Yeah me and my Gf had a blast traveling while the vaxxers hid away in their soiholes

>> No.51597112

>Capitalism doesn't *need* war but destruction
i mean, yeah
destruction doesn't have to be necessarily made with bombs

>> No.51599702 [DELETED] 
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>capitalism bad!
>therefore communism good!
Fuck off jew. You JEWS NEED WAR. And YOU need both Capitalism and Communism,

> About Capitalism

> "It's NOT Capitalism!"

> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux

> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"

> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.51599729
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>capitalism bad!
>therefore communism good!
Fuck off jew. You JEWS NEED WAR. And YOU need both Capitalism and Communism. Just like you need Christianity and Islam and Atheism.

> About Capitalism

> "It's NOT Capitalism!"

> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux

> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"

> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.51599813
File: 1.19 MB, 640x320, jews celebrating war.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51599827
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>> No.51599846

This anon is right. NatSoc has always been the way.

>> No.51599972

The Great Reset is real people, you will own nothing. Every USA election will be chosen by committee. Trump exposed it all.

Communism needs war because it doesnt produce anything. The USA has been a communist nation since the 1960s

>> No.51600173

>still wearing a mask
let it fall 10,000 points

>> No.51600356
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Counter point is that modern communists don't follow the writings of Marx at all and pick and choose whatever follows their agenda, freely ignoring other important aspects of his writings

example: Marx was against open borders and capitalists utilizing a "borderless mass of workers" that would undermine the wages of native workers yet no modern communist would be against immigration

Both capitalism and communism are currently positioned in a way to fuck over average people. It doesn't matter what your political ideology is, it WILL be stretched and mutilated in order to fit an agenda beyond your own.

>> No.51600944

hitler was just another enslaver and genocider of the white race, poltards

>> No.51600986

Hitler was correct to recognize the "Jew problem" however his solution, one might say final solution was fundamentally flawed.

>> No.51601132
