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File: 74 KB, 615x769, A051D4A6-4010-4CDC-BBAA-31B0D135F937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51591923 No.51591923 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a “leftist” on some issues (pro-spending on infrastructure, affordable housing, abortion access, affordable healthcare, *some* “racial justice”, secularism), but I hate trannies, I don’t mind guns or the military, I hate fatties, I think immigration is fine but it needs to be slowed down and strictly controlled, and I think the whole “defund the police” thing is a retarded delusional idea that only ends up causing harm to innocent people of any race.

Where would I fit in? my conservative friends think I’m a cuck and my lefty friends think I’m a bootlicking maga guy.

>> No.51591936


>> No.51591939

god i want that cow to sit on me

>> No.51591943

>fat pussy
>fat stomach
>fat face
>flapjack tits
into the trash it goes.

>> No.51591953

throw your vote away with the rest of the third party fence sitters

>> No.51591955

Polarized ideals are for absolute dipshits who can't come to their own informed conclusions.

>> No.51591978

cool dude. noone cares what you think though. are u rich? no? in that case nobody will ever care what you think. thanks for your post

>> No.51591994

>abortion access
You're a satanist and will be hung.
Also, go back to pol, faggot.

>> No.51592016

The niggers you want racial justice for will break into your house and necklace you (not the pearly necklace you're used to, the kerosine and fire one).

>> No.51592021

She was so hot. Truly a white goddess phenotype.

>> No.51592049

>Where would I fit in

>> No.51592054

The nicest thing about that woman is her makeup and hair. Wash her face and cut her hair short and you'd be out of there like a shot.

>> No.51592084


>> No.51592103
File: 13 KB, 550x725, 1650404544048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This why the fuck come fucking /pol/tards to /biz/ to off-topic post about politcs. This faggots have a whole fucking containment board for this. And the fucking tranny jannies are doing nothing against it, hell they even defend /pol/tards and ignore reports.

>> No.51592143

What leads you to save a picture like this?
Is it one of those things where you’re a big ugly fat slob, so you figure you might as well lust after big fat slob women because normal women are out of the question?

>> No.51592198

You are a socialist who wants the government to uplift its population and you are also a nationalist who wants to control the inflow of people and respects law and order.

Now it's up to you to decide how to combine the words Nationalist and Socialist. Be careful.

>> No.51592353

You sound like me. I consider myself Libertarian Left, or 'moderate' for the normies. But i lean left nonetheless because all 'Right vs. Left' boils down to is believing we're all in this together or every motherfucker for themselves.

>> No.51592381

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.51592390

Don't act like you wouldn't defile her with your glizzy gravy and then never talk to her again.

>> No.51592417

Oh, shut your dick washer and post this whore's nudes

>> No.51592434
File: 59 KB, 477x710, 1660842606856855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> T.

>> No.51592454

Physically liberal, but socially conservative is cringe and pretty contradictory anon. Get your beliefs in check.

>> No.51592485

This is the kind of whores you prefer to see lightly clothed rather than naked, believe me.

>> No.51592498

You are a cuck
You fit in on r*ddit nigger lover

>> No.51592506

you're a faggot if you wouldnt hit that no matter your weight. Faggot!
>Where would I fit in?
Old school democrat (old school as in 40 years ago)

>> No.51592524

Bitch is obese