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51588893 No.51588893 [Reply] [Original]

>Spend 15-20 minutes interviewing
>Oh this wasn't the interview for the job anon, we will contact you if we believe you're a potential candidate for the job
>If so, we will have three rounds of interviews to see if you're right for the job.

>> No.51588966

i once had a job put me through:

1. 30 minute HR phone screen with a guy that sounded like he was ODing on amphetamine
2. 45 zoom interview and excel skills test with an manager #1
3. 30-60 minute zoom interview with manager #2
4. 30-60 minute zoom interview with manager #1 (yeah the same one)
5. 30-60 minute zoom interview with manager #3
6. 30-60 minute zoom interview with manager #4

i cancelled after step 3.

>> No.51589159

when we hire where i work (acadmeics) we have people come in at 9:00, do a presentation plus a series of interviews, lunch w/ a group of people and dinner lol. the whole thing is like 12 hours.

>> No.51589406

this is the easiest filter for those who arent serious or passionate about the position. you failed. your a failure

>> No.51589642

Yeah you have to really love this work if you want to work here, anon. Our company has more of an entrepreneurial work culture and you probably wouldn't be a good fit anyway.

>> No.51589643
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My current job made me do a one-hour IQ test and then two interviews, but at least they were all on the same day.

>> No.51589737

>jump through hoops like a dog or you don't get to eat

you people aren't empowered you're slaves lol

>> No.51589795

Passionate about a position kek how’s that protestant work ethic treating you buddy. Doesn’t hard work just feel like godliness?!

>> No.51590038

interview #3 featured an abrasive GRRRLBOSSSS chinawoman who told me, in a thick accent, that i would be working until 11 pm west coast time (i'm on the east coast) during quarter end. i found another job where i'm also fully remote but work 20-30 hours a week on average for the same pay. you can keep your "filter."

>> No.51590150

>Passionate about a job you haven't started.
Honestly, they should pay the people they hire for going through 3 hours of hoops like that.

>> No.51590282

>wtf why doesn't anyone want to work for us?
Meanwhile, I got hired through the power of nepotism and didn't even have an interview.
>Know boss
>Boss knows I'm a good employee
>Boss says "we need employees"
>Go in and fill out some paperwork, start the same week
HR roasties were, are, and eternally will be, a mistake.

>> No.51590526

My retired aunt is one, can confirm.

>> No.51590563

well, retired, now, so was

the fucking mentality of these cunts is unreal, literally, they have no idea how to world or the workplace actually works, because they don't work.

>> No.51590605

They literally just shuffle paper and bitch constantly. Now that she's retired, the paper shuffling stopped, but the constant bitching picked up the slack.

>> No.51592253

Good job "earning" your way to the top, Anon.

>> No.51593250

well she sounds lovely

>> No.51594162

That's too much work for a job you statistically won't even get. Companies like this, you should be allowed to bill them for your time.

>> No.51594491


>> No.51595028

>get an interview for a entry level position after being forced to take an online competency test
>ambush! It's actually a group interview
>25+ applicants sitting in a room the size of a classroom
>the middle manager makes us do introductions which had devolved into people reciting their entire resume by the 10th person
>be told there are two more interview stages after this
Yeah not fucking worth $20/hour

>> No.51595138


>> No.51595200

Just accepted a job at Amazon. One hour phone screen followed by 6x1-hour interviews with technical members of the team, managers, and a "bar-raiser". Worth it for the quarter mil total compensation

>> No.51595204
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Wtf, I was just subjugated to this as well
Is this a new thing?

Luckily I was so pissed, and everybody was such insufferable goy cattle when it got to my turn I just started shitting on their business model and calling the company retarded

sometimes it's nice to have zero filter

>> No.51595235

you literally cant interview for jobs like this if you already have a job

>> No.51595362


>> No.51595363

they have to justify their useless department & agreements with working agencies

>> No.51595398

Use a vacation day? Call in sick? You can do whatever tf you want. If you don't put in effort to seek out opportunities for yourself, you will continue working at useless dead-end jobs forever

>> No.51595441

>vacation days out of the wazoo without notice
fuck off

>> No.51595486
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My current employer still hasn't paid me for the first 3 weeks I was interviewing.

>> No.51595592

For me it was
1. Interview in person
2. Homework (Had to detail setup a system, create diagrams, etc)
3. Homework interview and analysis
4. Psychotest
5. IQ, Personality tests
6. Got the job.

I was a full time neet so I didn't mind. Gave me something to do and kept the hard thoughts away.

>> No.51596432

JP morgan put me through days of interviewing
so did jump trading
was gonna get offers at both (after over a month of "talking") to both of the above
my current job came in and interviewed me 3 times in less than a week.
i loved the team and took it
told jp morgan to go fuck themselves after they offered me it

>> No.51596899


>> No.51597255
File: 69 KB, 1024x891, psychos normies autists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember walking out of a giant group interview like this.
>apply to usps
>take their 100 question test to submit resume with
>take another test at a proctored test center
>invited to interview
>show up, along with 50 other people
>oh, i thought this was going to be a 1 on 1
>giant group follows someone into a big room with tables giving introduction
>will take all day to do some bs + interviews
>walk out
not worth it. first i fill out their extensive application, go out of my way to take a lengthy proctored test, and then get invited to interview, but wait, there's 50 other people and it will take the entire day. completely disrespectful. if you're invited to interview and it's some group interview, then i think that's a slap in the face.

>> No.51597791

i fuck with every fag recruiter that contacts me. i aint wasting time doing their job.
i always answer
>salary range, comission

>> No.51597823

>this is the easiest filter for those who arent serious or passionate about the position. you failed. your a failure