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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51585985 No.51585985 [Reply] [Original]

>just saved the UK and its economy
Based I say. Based.

>> No.51585992

i don't know who this is but those saliva strands are fucking disgusting

>> No.51586066


So UK is heading STRAIGHT into a depression eh.

>> No.51586123

based on what?

>> No.51586159
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>Based I say. Based.
>the nigger is so based !!

>> No.51586233


>> No.51586241

that’s a respectable young black man
t. racist

>> No.51586255
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>that’s a respectable young black man

>> No.51586372

Tax cuts to "address the cost of living crisis"

He's just propped up housing for a little longer, and fattened the margins for businesses and high earners. Do we really think these high income tax breaks are going to address even one single issue felt by the masses in this country?

>> No.51586571


>> No.51586713

Britain getting Blacked AND Fracked all at once

>> No.51586737

>announces mini-budget
>entire market tanks

So THIS is the power of unorthodoxy

>> No.51586763

>brown animal
clearly not elected

>> No.51586782

>Tax cuts to "address the cost of living crisis"

you cannot solve shortages of resources (energy) with tax cuts. at best they will be ineffective.

>> No.51587882

>diversity hire tanks the economy

this is the future of european politics, this is the future we deserve

>> No.51587959

Time to fart inside pipe.

>> No.51587987

is that what you expected?

>> No.51588037
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What's it like to live in a country that works?

>> No.51588228

Literally could not have produced a worse budget if he tried. The whole thing hinges on attracting big businesses back to the UK to fuel growth through trickle-down economics, something we all know does not work and only lines the pockets of the rich. Working class people are going to suffer greatly for years thanks to this, with no light at the end of the tunnel. Fuck this cunt.

>> No.51589431

Lol based. Fuck Brits.

>> No.51589525
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Not my problem

>> No.51590016
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unironically I think these cuts are great. there is no way that this country is going to remain competitive if our economy continues to based on the demands of low skill-low earner retailcucks. when energy becomes cheap again (which it will, stay mad vatnigs and euroniggers) these cuts will be looked back on as being pure genius, compared to sclerotic european economies. reminder that even after covid, and energy cap spending, and the deficit these cuts will cause, britain still has a lower debt to GDP ration then basically every major european economy.

the only people who would be against this budget are poorfags and bums who want to continue driving BMWs and drinking every weekend on warehouse wages. for skilled professionals, and anyone interested in creating actual growth and wealth in the UK, this budget is great. I reccomend all anons ITT start learning some markitable skills now to take advantage of the coming boom. the Truss government is taking a more american approach to the economy, and its gonna pay off.
poorfags can get fucked. this economy has been kneecapping itself for way too long due to your demands for constant gibs and moar taxes. the UK needs to attract investment yesterday in order to maintain ACTUAL business and industry. not just moar gibs for northerners funded by high taxes on the london financial sector.

>t. Midlands tech employee looking forward to making even more money, now its feasible for multinationals to invest in the UK again.

I will concede that things will probably be grim (here and in europe) until the west finds its balls and assassinates putin.

>> No.51590063

As a high earner living in London this budget is based beyond belief. Inflation is going to skyrocket further though

>> No.51590101
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you're wrong. top comment on the FT.
this fisher-price version of thatcherism is for tards.
The uk needs to slay rentier activity, including The City. Giving people tax breaks on wealth appropriation just means even more people are pulled into fucking around with spreadsheets all day instead of creating real value.

>> No.51590167

>Let me post this in every thread,
>characterizing my argumentative opponent as a fat, disgusting slob makes them easier to deal with
>people will back me up cuz "the memez"

>> No.51590232

As a high earner living in London I think this is a shit budget which will do nothing to solve our issues with investment or productivity

>> No.51590236

ask me how I know you're a liberal

>> No.51590285

>the Truss government is taking a more american approach
an american approach - sans hegemony - is utterly imbecilic.

>> No.51590353

Tories have decided to unleash the full force of inflation. No punitive taxation, no anti-inflationary measures.

If you're earning in GBP or holding GBP assets, you're gonna get fucked. If you have an income stream or assets in USD, you're gonna live like a king on low-tax island.

It's basically the Singapore-on-Thames meme made manifest, less the competent law enforcement.

>> No.51590355

Kek he is a nigger after all
But op is right, he just gave hope to industry, ir35 got kill, we gonna eat again boys

>> No.51590363

>Cutting taxes during an inflation crisis
That is the opposite of what you should be doing to combat inflation. The UK government has gone full on Erdogan. It wouldn't surprise me if they start lowering rates now.

>> No.51590420

This guy gets it.

>> No.51590480

kill all tories

>> No.51590535

You have plenty of your own problems to worry about

>> No.51590536

Based Nigger

>> No.51590557

>creating actual growth
>Midlands tech employee
Bro I...

>> No.51590589

>crashing your savings with no survivors
Not even like you can put your money in other assets since they're all crashing as well. The UK is going to become multicultural brazil because of this retarded nigger

>> No.51590635

I see your point. but part of the reason that so much of our economy is based on rentier bullshittery its because the high taxes, strong pound and insane real estate makes investing into anything other then spreadsheet fuckery really unattractive. one example is tech: the UK has a giant shortage of tech workers (talking shartage of millions) and companies, and has less automated production then fucking czechoslavakia. your comment makes a point, but public services are insanely bloated and have been used by the past 20 years of government to pad employment figures and keep people happy. the obsession with public services is crippling our economy, the government needs to throw a bone to the private sector to get real growth happening.

>> No.51590646

What a snotty fuckin bootlicker

>> No.51590655

Infrastructure is fucked because England has increased it's population by TWENTY PERCENTY in two decades.

We breed on council estates and import people who will never be able to contribute to a functional modern economy and society. No amount of funding for schools or policing will remedy that. We need to isolate them from decent, contributing members of society and cut our losses. Bring back selective schooling and skim the cream off just how we used to. Disincentivise the rest from breeding rather than punishing the middle and upper class. If the population of Liverpool were working sixty hours a week in an Amazon warehouse rather than collecting bennies, maybe they'd have less time to reproduce.

>> No.51590677

Why is this monkey smiling? Is the cameraman holding a banana?

>> No.51590687

Move your money out of GBP. It's not hard. Stop with the victim mentality.

>> No.51590715

It will do absolutely nothing, none of the causes of the problems are being addressed. Prices are still increasing, industry is still non-existent, infrastructure is still broken, NHS is still bloated, small businesses are still closing, zombie companies are still alive, still not enough housing, still too many people are employed by the government or through government spending, etc, etc, etc and the solution is not to borrow more fucking money!

Don't pretend labour is going to be any better, if any the spending will probably be worse.

>> No.51590735
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Wakanda-on-Thames here we come

>> No.51590743

>t. warehouse slave or retail kek
yeah I bet your job moving cardboard boxes or selling t shirts is really productive. retail wagies are literally the irl result of london spreadsheet wizards. you produce nothing, dont solve any problems, and your job exists because companies dont have capital to invest in more productive things. so they just chuck more low paid workers into the mix and hope that will create wealth. if we stay on the current track, 80% of the country will be service sector busybodies, and the other 20% will be public sector employees used by the government to obfuscate unemployment figures and prop up the crumbs of a private sector we have left.

>> No.51590766


>> No.51591039

Sorry, chief. I provide housing and shelter. You know, real world assets.

>> No.51591152

> the reason our economy is based on rentier activity is because we enable rentier activity
that's the bit where you have to break that addition or die in a ditch, extend and pretend is for children

>> No.51591176

the UK has to increase population, immigrants:
1. lower wages
2. increase pressure on housing
3. allow for issuance of fresh credit against housing
that's the pyramid scheme, I hope the middle class get beaten on the streets

>> No.51591211

>continuously sell off industry and let foreigners buy everything up and take it all abroad
>do nothing to remedy this
>get mad about the fact that all the employment is retarded retail shite and then throw the economy into the blender out of spite
I hope putin nukes London, burn that stupid city to the ground.

>> No.51591439

the main problem is that any benefits will only be seen in the medium to long term. all of the costs will be borne immediately; the £ is getting wrecked, government borrowing will balloon, the poor will continue to get poorer.

Then two years down the line, as the structural shifts are (hopefully) starting to happen, the Tories get voted out and Labour reverse everything. Or, likelier, Truss gets ousted by her own party before the election because this was all too unpopular, and replaced with someone who reverse it all.

tl;dr democracy sucks

>> No.51591459
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for you

>> No.51591553

You're right. I know how the current scheme works.

But imagine if we focused on the high-end again? Finance, tech, advanced manufacturing, nuclear industry, etc. Then we don't need the pyramid scheme. We've just been chucking immigrants at the problem for twenty-five years for the reasons given by this anon: >>51590743
See also this post for why everyone just chucks their money at property: >>51590635

The US property market is, in many places (though obviously not all) nowhere near as punitive as our one (once you take into account wages and how much space they get) because Americans are much more able to direct capital into starting businesses and are more likely to directly invest in the stock market. The UK property market has to take a kicking, but that requires an approach from both ends, not just going after property owners and failing to offer an alternative.

>> No.51591627

Perhaps Truss recognises just how weak Labour are at the moment? We've had race wars in Leicester all week, it's not immediately apparent that the whole package Starmer has to offer is very appealing. Of course, Boris could and should have done this years ago, but he turned out to be a weak little cretin.

>> No.51591635

yes and the Fed sets rates, the BoE must follow.
But the Fed can hold rates higher for longer as their property market and economy are not a dumpster fire. So they are going to hold USD rates high to address domestic inflation, and that is going to fuck the UK back to the stone age.

>> No.51591663

so she's doing what? taking a chance to shit all over the UK because she can?

>> No.51591696

Labour are shite, but at least they're not tories. Not voting for either.

>> No.51591748

Read the thread. More money for rNHS and LGBT-friendly police isn't going to fix Britain. We've tried that for three decades now.

>> No.51591759

>he credits Liz Truss with the capacity to recognize things

>> No.51591764

LOL is this the economical leadership in the UK?? Seriously?? lol You bongs entrusted your economy to an actual NIGGER? looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

>> No.51591793

truss is a retard, she's cutting stamp duty.
yeah you've tried that alright.

>> No.51591804

She's not doing anything about immigration so it's not going to solve anything. The reason the population ballooned is because of the uncapped immigration that the tories had 12 years to deal with and still, to this day, refuse to change.

>> No.51591845

We didn’t get a vote in on it.

>> No.51591863

Yep. We're going to have higher for longer inflation. That's how we're going to manage the trillions of state and private debt. That year sat at home doing fuck all wasn't free.

Conspicuous consumption- imports, holidays to Spain are going to take a hit. The property market will decline in real terms. And in return we're going to have a competitive, devalued pound, and try to make the UK a place where people actually work.

What's the alternative? Massive taxation? Everyone with anything about them will fuck off. You'd just be taxing anyone who can't leave- second-rate pajeet NHS consultants and Civil service Diversity Advisors on £100K a year.

Hopefully next year Truss completes Phase 2 and takes an axe to the Civil Service

>> No.51591887

>muh tax cuts
>but only for rich people
are they throwing the next election?

>> No.51591925

It's all soundbites. A government that still keeps the triple lock on boomer gibs and is committed to "net zero" isn't serious about turning the economy around. This is just Cameron/May 2.0 but BoJo and his clowns were so far to the left it makes brainlets such as yourself believe we're embracing something new lol. Tories are literally lib dems minus dude weed lmao

>> No.51591954

I'll save about 3k in tax and NI after these changes. But the pound dropped 3% just today.
So it isn't even worth it, in the end.

>> No.51591962

Yeah, that was a terrible call desu.
Cut welfare, smash minimum wage non-jobs, watch them fuck off and (((NGOs))) take the next batch to Sweden instead.

I'm not arguing that Liz Truss is redpilled or some bollocks. But she's laying the ground for a UK that incentivises talent rather than pandering to the lowest common denominator. It's better than printing another trillion to increase welfare and taxing the few productive people left in the country until they leave.

>> No.51591972

Or just leave it alone until we're passed the current crisis. Tax cuts during a fucking inflation crisis is peak retard, something truly only a nignog and woman could conjure up.

>> No.51591984

We didn't vote in Jerome Powell. But, at least he's not a yard ape. Really? Who put that nog into power? lol

>> No.51592008

>smash minimum wage non-jobs
Ah yes driving unemployment up to 50%, this will definitely be award winning policy that'll save country.
You have to actually provide job alternatives first then you can start fucking around.

>> No.51592069

I think he's suggesting migration

We have a uh.. population problem. The quickest fix for this is conscription for war ahah

>> No.51592092

cope fag
by the time you see the effects of any policy it will be 20 years too late
shouldve moved to the us if you want big boy money and not 25k """"pounds""""

>> No.51592131

>business will thrive without infrastructure
>entrepreneurs will take more risks when safety nets are removed
>people will be healthier without healthcare
>talent will be nurtured by degraded education
You seem to have entered a dopamine-feedback-loop with the Daily Mail.

>> No.51592144

Which is why they're combining with supply side initiatives.

>> No.51592154

If you're a bong this level of incompetence being passed into law should be your signal to all in Bitcoin + Litecoin. The pound has now been confirmed as dead and over the coming months all value will flee it which is a complete disaster for a nation that does nothing but import. Rates are going up when there is no demand for the currency, when there is no growth and when the bottom of all markets in the country is falling out. They are still printing huge amounts of money to plug gaps regardless but it's not doing anything apart from fuel inflation as the currency is just toilet paper; no one in their right mind is parking wealth in GBP. There is no industry to fall back on as it all has been exported and all those skills left the country along with it meaning once the ponzi surrounding the pound goes the entire country goes with it.

Your future is looking like asset confiscations, credit controls and increasing amounts of money printing in a desperate attempt to stop the sinking ship. You have months left to get into assets they cannot touch aka physical dollars, physical gold (enjoy the current 40% premium in physical gold btw and any purchase over £1k is reported to the government) or Bitcoin/Litecoin. These assets after an initial scary dump will slowly come to be used as a medium of exchange once the bottom completely falls out of the pound and every day people realise it's not a viable currency anymore, which by that point when they feel to bitcoin etc you wouldn't trade it for any amount of fiat regardless of it's on paper price. That or you pray America start printing insane amounts of cash to devalue their dollar to save your ass, which they probably won't.

>> No.51592275

Unless you want to run inflation. That's the point. There are three options to deal with the deficit:

Tax like crazy. This disincentivises business investment and incentivises skilled workers to leave the country.

Cut state spending. British people are faggots and will cry over a concocted media shitstorm if rNHS cuts back on it's Diversity Advisor budget. The Civil Service, after Boris and Dom failed to bring it to heel, will do everything in it's power to cut useful spending to punish the public whilst maintaining all the dross. I've seen this in action IRL.

Unleash inflation. This lowers the deficit in real terms and makes the UK more competitive. Lower and middle classes will take a hit to some of their excess consumption - think holidays abroad and Chinese tat. That's just them paying for the eighteen months off work they demanded.

Inflation is the best option. That's what we're gonna do. Invest in non-GBP assets and ride the wave.

>> No.51592316

how do i short currency

>> No.51592369
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>britain still has a lower debt to GDP ration then basically every major european economy.
Blatently wrong

>> No.51592407

I am, thanks
We've had a 'labour shortage' for twenty-five fucking years. One million immigrants a year hasnt fixed it. That should tell you something, no?
t. Butthurt Blairite
The state WASTES THE MONEY. Yes, I wish we had a competent state, but we don't. Spend more on policing, get more lesbians rozzers investigating your tweets. Spend more on education, get more arts programs for 'diverse' inner-city schools. Spend more on healthcare, get another 100,000 African nurses with fake degrees loafing off.

If Donininc had been able to do his thing, I would be a Socialist right now. He didn't, it isn't going tonl happen, so we go Liz Truss scorched Earth instead. It's the least bad option that's actually possible under our current system

>> No.51592449

>And in return we're going to have a competitive, devalued pound, and try to make the UK a place where people actually work.
nope you cunts will pump property again until you are all in the gutter fighting over a turd. The UK dream is to be a landlord, not to run a business.
It has to be beaten out of you.
Truss won't do it she cut stamp duty, she's the same old shit. Collapse, then reform, in that order.

>> No.51592472

yeah the fucking triple lock.
the UK can only move on when every boomer is gone.
the worst generation. leeches.

>> No.51592511

Property is fucked from the inevitable interest rate rises. A tiny cut in Stamp Duty won't change a thing. I disagree with that cut, bit it's nothing compared to rate rises- which, as another anon in this thread pointed out, have no choice but to follow the Fed upwards.

>> No.51592570

but it's still the first thing they reach for.
speaks volumes. like drug addicts.

>> No.51592586

You sound like an argie tryna do psyops like some pajeet fuck. You are the daemon we must exorcise from our species.

>> No.51592676

Honestly, I think it was a sop to party donors who are gonna be dumping their
property portfolios hard in advance of further BoE rate rises and winter of mild discontent.

>> No.51592685

People don't realise that moves the central bank are making will only demonetise assets for a certain amount of time under fiat. 15% true inflation year over year means you're not going to hold fiat for extended periods of time; there is only so much erosion of wealth you can take before you would rather hold the assets again which will have historical upside and under a fiat system, probably way more as currency supply increases.

>> No.51592840

>will cry over a concocted media shitstorm if rNHS cuts back on it's Diversity Advisor budget
I sort of agree with the rest of your post but this bit isn't really true. Our media hate the diversity advisor nonsense, but they do worship the nhs in general

>> No.51592947

They don't hate them enough to have them removed, do they? Odd that our press-fearing politico-civil service can just ignore that one. Also note that any time a politician proposes NHS cuts/reorganisation, the media immediately throws a hysterical tantrum rather than exploring what would actually be cut.

>> No.51592960


look into spreadbetting or contracts-for-difference (assuming you're a bong)

>> No.51592985

so what does londonfrog think about it

>> No.51593035

Depends whether inflation is due to monetary policy or other factors. They seem to believe it's due to other factors (cost of energy, supply chains, etc).

>> No.51593051


that reminds me of the utube channel ukspreadbetting. great resource for those looking to improve trading

>> No.51593083

>Our media hate ED&I
Congrats you just outed yourself as a prole

Tabloids sure, but they're for werkin klass who still openly call people gay as an insult. Half of them dont vote, the tabloids are their to make them feel accepted and just in their views. Pandering.

Everyone who earns over 25kpa and is under 50, and all lower-middle class women are ED&I nutjobs. You can thank the internet for that.

My current employer has a fasttrack scheme to get BAME into management roles (whitey need not apply). And employs a small team of ED&I officers who ask that we "stop to consider diversity at every stage in a project or meeting"

>> No.51593087

Someone pls make onions template of this

>> No.51593285
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It's over

>> No.51593604

if the effects of this budget is the pound tanking then we are all fucked. And you know they will reinstate those taxes the first moment they can. Also we're all basically going back to 0 - they increased the NI tax for absolutely no reason a couple of months ago and we're now even while bankers and corps get money.

>> No.51593994

Not looking good is it bruh

>> No.51594133

Thats the guy in charge of the british economy? He looks like he hangs out with harvey price