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51585121 No.51585121 [Reply] [Original]

>As I walk through the office, 6 employees ask me "how are you"
>If I don't say respond with good, they report me for being rude.
>I have gotten in trouble twice in one day over not responding.
>Every time I get out of my chair to get water or coffee, I have to walk through them asking me "how are you" again.
>The same fucking idiots will ask this at least 4 times a day, and with there being 6 of them, I get burnt out answering this over 20 times a day.
>Every time I respond with good they just go "that's good" and then go back to working like bots.

Please help me, my boss said he's not sure if I am a good fit for the company.

>> No.51585128

assert dominance by claiming victim status by claiming your autism as a disability. If they do not accommodate your disability (as in they don't stfu and stop bothering you) threaten to sue.

>> No.51585132

>I was good until you asked

>> No.51585136

just say 'hey guys' as you walk through and smile.

if its close to finish time say something like 'not long now'

>> No.51585153

When people ask me how I am I reply with "Hows it going?"

>> No.51585162

You can try and gaslight one of them for kicks.
Be totally normal to everyone but chose one and instead of saying "not long now, tough day huh?" and stuff like that say "the body is hidden on the moon" or "I stole real estate from the weather man" just scary schizo shit. Then pretend like you never said it.
Don't get caught.

>> No.51585176
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>>I have gotten in trouble twice in one day over not responding.
holy based

>> No.51585216

I don’t. I just white-knuckled it in tech for long enough to get some side shit off the ground to make enough to survive, then went back to my hidey-hole forever.
Now I get a thousand emails a day from FAANG recruiters that don’t get that they would pass on me after, statistically, seeing 6 seconds of silent video (look it up), even if I were literally the second coming of Christ and invented the internet.

>> No.51585225

I feel you, anon. I have a similar frustration with my boss/coworkers asking me "How's it going?" right at the beginning of the day. I don't have anything work related to talk about since I've only just gotten started, so what, do you expect me to believe that you actually want to hear about my personal life? I know you (my boss) don't give a rat's ass about mine, and I sure as fuck don't want my time wasted hearing about yours either. These greetings in the form of vague questions are typical NPC shit.

>> No.51585227

I’m thinking about joining the army. Will they Code Red my ass if I’m a massive sperg? Or should I go for the Air Force instead? My gut feeling tells me I’m Private Pyle from that Kubrick movie

>> No.51585232

>co workers only talk about drinking and 10 different kind of sports daily
>they are not interested of politics, war or finances at all

Worklife is suffering.

>> No.51585235

most of the staff know im a cranky cunt that just wants to get work done so they dont bother me

>> No.51585239

I feel you

>> No.51585240
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politics in the workplace is something you want to avoid anon

>> No.51585244

Try manual labor first. Similar types of people. Might work might not. Depends on the subtype of autist.

>> No.51585256

To clarify, I mean take a job in manual labor temporarily to see if you can handle the people, instead of immediately going into the military. Better a wasted few months than JUSTing yourself.

>> No.51585263

>getting older
>feel my brain slipping
>suddenly have a genuine interest in baseball
I knew sports were for dummies but I never thought it would happen to me.

>> No.51585265
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>be IT guy
>have spoken to pretty much everyone at least once to fix their pc
>walking through office
>everyone thinks you are their friend or some shit and gets offended you don't say hello
>thinks I have time to say hello to literally everybody

>> No.51585283

Appreciate the advice, fren

>> No.51585285

>another day another dollar
>hah we just had lunch, only 3 hours left now Brad
>you know how it is
>can't wait to end this tueday, then its already wednesday!
>cant wait to end this thursday, soon its FRIIIDAY and we gonna watch the game. you gonna watch the game Randy?(Never mention which game)
>ohhh monday , you know how it is
>going slow and steady, here we are and the bosses get rich of our backs asusual

>> No.51585294

The only part of The Office that isn’t terrible is the dead-on portrayal of clueless people for no apparent reason saying weird political shit that they are clearly very emotionally invested in.

>> No.51585297

wow look at this finance and corona expert going to a boart of mongolian saddle weavers

>> No.51585299
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>> No.51585307

If you live at home, you'd be surprised how much money $400 a week is at like $13 an hour.
Just for stocking shelves for a week, new shoes, a coat, all new socks and underwear.
Yeah yeah CONSOOM. I like winter clothes and new clothes feels nice.

>> No.51585315

Thats how you kill time.
Being at desks makes it seem like you're working, especially if you ask what they're working on. Seems work related and kills 10 minutes.

>> No.51585332

>fuck niggers

>> No.51585342

same here and im not even from the US. they play it on the TV here during the day

>> No.51585343

>How are you?
The correct response is "ambivalent"

>> No.51585353

you'd be fucking in straya m8 most of the time the reply to 'how are you going' is 'yeh how are you going' and that is the end of the conversation.

>> No.51585368

Anon, they aren’t asking you for a genuine reply. The normie ‘how’s it going’ is a signal that says ‘I acknowledge your presence and require that you acknowledge mine.’
You simply make brief eye contact, and reply one of several phrases.
Oh busy, you?
Crazy busy today, you?
Alright yeah, you?
That’s it. It’s a call/response, like a signal ping. Carry a set of papers and look intensely at them, brief look up, ‘yeah busy you know how it is! You? That’s it.

>> No.51585809

think of SYN/ACK
"how are you?" - SYN
"good" - ACK
network connection established.

>> No.51585832

>mandatory to say hello or else you are le rude
Do you live in a dystopian nightmare? Is the shithole called USA or is it some Western Euro shithole? I would fuck off from there to somewhere not infested with jewish feminism niggeralities and stupid ugly women who are indestuingishable from goblins who force you their vile female brainfarts down the throat.

>> No.51585856


>> No.51585880

My God, that sounds very boring.

>> No.51585890

>vile female brainfarts down the throat.
That's hilarious.

>> No.51585907

I just answer with a blank stare and a
Everyone thinks Im suicidal

>> No.51586205


>> No.51586236

Sometimes when I want to test if something works etc. instead of typing in some gibberish like "asdf" or "lorem ipsum" I write "nigger", it happens without my conscious decision, like an autopilot. I'm scared as shit one day I'll do it while someone will be looking e.g. while sharing screen. This fucking place gave me a non-verbal tourette

>> No.51586510

I usually make a little nod, still tiresome but less than responding

>> No.51586552


>> No.51586722

Sitting in the office with roasties who hate you for not engaging in the bullshit beta behavior is hell.

>> No.51586747
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I can't handle it and got fired

>> No.51586757

It’s like dogs sniffing each other’s butt

>> No.51586777

It’s the same in China. Bitches we’re nice to my extrovert colleague but became mean and disrespectful to me despite me simply being nice to them and doing my work. In the end had to start treating them like shit and put them in their place and it worked. They still hated me but didn’t act out.

>> No.51586884

I'm a "how are you" guy, it's how I blend in. Every day, every person I see, I have the exact same conversation.
>Hey, how are you?
>I'm good
>That's good
>*smile and keep walking*
I've been pulling this off for 12 years now.

>> No.51586915

How can you stand the pretence?

>> No.51586922

By not understanding what you mean

>> No.51586945

The problem with this is that they'll assume you care, then proceed to dump their problems on you and ask for help. Then they'll invite you to connect. I just can't see it working. It gets too tedious eventually.

>> No.51586963

I've been invited to and turned down so many events I no longer get invited. Yet I still turn up every day with a "Hi, how are you" and a smile. So far no problems. I think it's cold and not personal enough that no one thinks they know me enough to dump their shit problems on me and since I talk to no one all day they just assume I'm busy.

>> No.51586985

He’s an npc or a psycho. Either empty inside and like them or designed to be a subversive weasel.

>> No.51587067
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>be quiet but polite and pleasant (completely fake) all the time at work
>couple invites me and some other people from work to have some drinks at their new place
>accept despite dying inside at the thought
>1 hour in
>somebody suggests playing MW2
>don't mention being autistic God tier COD player at the time
>completely shit all over everyone with no mercy
>everyone bummed out after
>leave 30 mins later to play more COD at home
The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.51587122

You're a beta. The women smell weakness which is why they shit on you.

>> No.51587127

>be coder autismo
>usually work from home 5 days a week
>we have some important meeting so decide to come on wednesday
>accidentally sit near the marketing department stacies
>they don't do any work they just loudly discuss which wedding they last attended and which country they're traveling to next month
>this just lasts for an hour
>ask the most loudest one if she could please lower her volume a bit as it's being a bit disruptive
>she apologises and says ok
>today get a meeting invite with HR


>> No.51587130

this, autism is a recgonized disability under the ADA
if you geniunely have it (like diagnosed) then submit a discrimination complaint (then they cant fire you and won't ever)
if you dont have a diagnosis go find a psych who will give you one
never tell as psych anything unnecessary besides what you need to tell them to get what you want (aka an autism diagnosis)...

>> No.51587131

I actually like my coworkers but I hate talk about how much they’re going to drink / had to drink on the weekend. It’s degenerate and honestly is depressing to me. The alcoholics in my family are sad and every time people talk about drinking when they get home I just visualise some pathetic scene in my head.

>> No.51587188

Alright. Social interacting course 101 for autism.

The ”how’s it going” phrase from a stranger is more like a simulated handshake to show friendliness, if you don’t respond it’s like rejecting the handshake, it’s not actually meant to start a conversation unless you want to take it that far.

Best reply is always “Yeah how are you doing” as you kinda return the question but both know it’s too late for any reply as you’ve both passed each other close distance, and so his quickest reply will be “good” no matter what he feels before you’re both out of each other’s presence.

>> No.51587194

nobody expects you to tell them how you really feel you mong
it’s just part of a greeting ritual
just treat it like a hello if you must
and your hello back is
“morning, im well, how about you?”
just don’t take it literally
if you are to autistic to handle a greeting ritual just don’t work with people or do home office
or as some other anon said disclose your autism and say you feel uncomfortable
if they fire you sue

>> No.51587227

how old?

>> No.51587237

headphones anon

>> No.51587239

>gets called out on being a psycho
>being a fake weasel is alpha
>b- b- but vagina
pathetic subhuman

>> No.51587275

No shit Sherlock there’s already been several posts describing exactly that. Also the point is not why they do it but how do thinking men deal with suffering this fake npc shit

>> No.51587301

>if you don’t engage in an empty pointless ritual that only social animals do you must be autistic
the absolute state of the npcs

>> No.51587339

>never tell as psych anything unnecessary besides what you need to tell them
don't think pry out more info eventually from you?
and what would happen if you disclose more than needed? i thought it's a safe space

>> No.51587361

i feel ya. a lot of people out there care about and do the dumbest shit.
my bro is drinking every weekend and talks about sports a lot.

>> No.51587374

if you accidentally show signs of complex thought they'll assume you're lying, basically. Same with refusing medication if they offer it.

>> No.51587442
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>he never learned his lesson from playing rpgs
Wave and and smile while saying one of the following:
>another day in paradise
>living the dream
>blessed and highly favored
It is positive af and people will appreciate that and it also acts as a dialogue termination the npc will move on.

>> No.51587494

Use their own games against them. The systems for protecting so called "vulnerable" people (Women, trannies, etc) can be used for your own gain if you play it right.

>> No.51587525

>just smile and pretend everything is great
even those with a soul will have none after some time doing this

>> No.51587527

the point is that everybody knows that it is an empty form of speech
nothing to do with npc or not
they just do it because it’s accepted as a form of greeting and if you don’t reply people think the other person is unfriendly
if you actually can’t get over it and reply like a normal person there is most likely something off with you (if that is autism or just disdain for social norms, or nps doesn’t matter)
in this sense the “npcs” are right in watching you more closely and with suspicion after you refuse to partake in a normal human ritual

>> No.51587533

they probably ask a lot because you look unhappy

>> No.51587541

You're exaggerating, but the traditional solution to autism is suicide.

>> No.51587553

the autist solution is to go full sociopath

>> No.51587559

>he doesn’t wear head phones or pretend to talk to someone on his phone.

>> No.51587585
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>babbys first taste of misery is literally a white woman first world problem
Suffer, then senfampai

>> No.51587592
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that's not the bad part. the bad part is being invited to lunch or company social events (holiday parties, volunteer day, etc.) and having nothing to talk about.

>> No.51587597

If im not feeling sociable or im overwelhmed i simply ignore them, most dont take it personal. From time to time I also go on rants about spics and niggers and the central banking system and the Matrix being a documentary and how the holocaust didnt happen but it should have. So they kinda give me a wide berth and nobody really bats an eye at my behavior anymore unless its a new guy


>> No.51587612

>1 post
shit i shouldn't have replied
always check if the op is even there before responding. he probably posted this and then a dozen other distraction slide threads one after the other before leaving on his lunch break, never checking any responses. when there are a lot of distraction threads there's something going on they don't want us to talk about instead, or another thread they're trying to slide. or op is just too autistic to anticipate that people want responses in a thread so we know op is even still there. too self absorbed to anticipate the responses and desires of others. likely poorly socialized as a child by lazy parents

>> No.51587617

>npc behavior = normal human ritual
>being unfriendly = not acting in an unfriendly manner but not doing an empty gesture
The actual point is only npcs engage in empty forms of speech. You’re operating on a false axiom. It’s not human, that’s why those who think abstractly, aka the actual humans who create civilizations and all intellectual forms of culture, are confused and disgusted by it.
>reply like a normal person
You keep putting npc behavior as the norm. It’s not the norm. It’s a feminine behavior that didn’t exist before feminism brainwashed men into behaving like females. I guarantee you before World War I men were not engaging in bullshit small talk every day all the time.

>> No.51587643

>you said something is suffering
>so it must be the first thing you suffered because it’s not the worst suffering in the world
Retarded take, being fake for an extended period of time is not a first world female problem but soul crushing unless you’re an npc or psycho in which case it’s not a problem for you

>> No.51587644

Yeah dude you are so much smarter than everyone cause you don’t say hi.

>> No.51587669

Every man in history who engaged in thinking for its own sake searching for truth and understanding was an autist. Without them you wouldn’t have civilization that why the peak of modern civilization when intellect was appreciated and respected the society was functional unlike modern psycho driven hellhole full of degenerate npcs.

>> No.51587692

I feel for you anon. Same here

>> No.51587705
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>op is just too autistic to anticipate that people want responses in a thread so we know op is even still there
holy shit half the people itt are retarded r*dditors who don’t even know what autism is and just slap in on everything like a buzzword

>> No.51587723

holy cope

>> No.51587730

>reducing fake, empty interactions over an extended period of time to greeting people
Nice strawman midwit, don’t forget to take your inferiority complex on your way out

>> No.51587747

>no argument
>y- you’re coping
kys retard

>> No.51587773

I'm sorry but you misunderstood. There is nothing fake about a fun exaggeration and if you genuinely are so negative all the time that this is actually fake and not exaggerating your natural positivity, you are a privileged npc woman(or npc faggot) who is bummed about literally nothing ergo, first world woman probablems.

>> No.51587815

makes sense

since it's essentially a meaningless question and merely a signal that you acknowledge their presence, why not have some fun with it by replacing the standard call/response with random skyrim quotes

>"Wait, I Know You."
>"I Used To Be An Adventurer Like You, Then I Took An Arrow To The Knee."
>"Let Me Guess; Someone Stole Your Sweetroll?"

>> No.51587863

I just don't get involved in workplace drama, trust in God and treat others with respect.

>> No.51587889

>empty small talk about nothing, office drama and bothering people all day pretending to care about how they are ok
>fun exaggeration
>muh negativity
>it’s not fake at all, we genuinely care
You are an npc and ironically think like a female that you accuse me of acting like. You do not see the problem because your soulless mind considers mindless behavior normal. Go back to r*ddit oversocialized faggot

>> No.51587894

>guarantee you before World War I men were not engaging in bullshit small talk every day all the time.

they probably bantered
banter is pretty much a big no-no in the office space even though its how men instinctively form bonds and diffuse conflicts

>> No.51587928

yes, autism is a buzzword now on 4chan, has been for some time. i didn't make the linguistic rules around here, but it gets my point across. if i meant literally autistic i would have added the word literally.

>> No.51587976

Banter is humor and humor is based in truth hence it’s completely different from the feminine “how do you feel” empty tak from the times we lived in caves. The fact there are npc men defending this is just sad.
It doesn’t get your point across if it’s incorrect. These are crazy times when we have to add adjectives like literally to say we actually mean something, because we’re surrounded by fakery everywhere.

>> No.51588021

alright fine, you're right. i was just being lazy. instead of autistic in this context i should have said "out of touch socially" or something. i'll try to do better

>> No.51588046

Same here.. I am at help desk and sometimes I just go on autopilot while working on someones computer with isl. Sometimes I just space out start browsing their teams chat and shit. Im slowly getting it under control tho

>> No.51588055
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Cope and seethe plebbit npc.

>> No.51588104

>hey I saw people use plebbit as an insult here so I’m gonna call you that after defending mindless, feminized npc behavior. Also look at my cringe pic I totally fit in right fellow /biz/antians? Also I’m not the npc y- you are!!
just proves the point you have no soul or intellect

>> No.51588118

fucking fakery trying to drag me down to their level with their "how do you do's" when they don't even want a real answer. soulless npc greeting rituals to pound the soul right out of me. well no more! next person that asks me "how are you" is getting a fart noise. i'm just gonna make a fart noise with my mouth in response.

>> No.51588126

I think self absorbed would be better described by narcissistic fren. There’s plenty of those faggots here

>> No.51588133

We don't. I now have a physically demanding job that I do alone or with one partner. Getting /fit/ and exhausted means no time for pointless introspection about the hell of cubicles, watercooler talk, wip meetings and computer monitoring software.

>> No.51588149

if i'm in a good mood it will be a cheerful fart noise, with an upwards inflection at the end. in a bad mood and it will be a thick drawn out fart noise. if they want to reduce human language to meaningless noises i'll one up them and take it the next level see how they like it.

>> No.51588192

actually no, it will always be the same noise. so as to avoid all meaning. a quick little toot on my mouth horn short and sweet

>> No.51588387
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>no soul or intellect
Dude, I recommended coping and seething not coping and projecting.
Like it or not you're the one who is being retarded here.
>tfw to intelligent to learn basic social skills and how to deal with npcs
You're all the things you cry about. Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.51588430

>How do autists survive the workplace?
they don't? I was fired 3 times because I can't force myself to socialize and now I'm unemployed

>> No.51588625

>just conform bro
>just reduce language to meaningless noises and then ensure that any actual conversation is basically banned and censored because it makes npcs feel bad
>just become lonely without real human contact even when surrounded by a sea of humanity
>just let it spread beyond the workplace, to home life, to being with friends, and conforming to the same meaningless noises
>just eliminate the human soul
>just conform bro

>> No.51588742
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Why the fuck would I want to talk about politics, war or finances with a bunch of mongoloid mouth breathing normie wagies? I already do that on this website in my free time.

>> No.51588754

>not sending RST after first SYN

>> No.51588908


Go to a shrink and get diagnosed with autism. After they terminate you, contact HR and state that you want to enforce the arbitration clause of your employment contract (you probably signed this as a new hire or was in the offer letter) due to hostile workplace environment at X office; mention your autism diagnosis. Now sit back and wait for them to offer a lump sum payment, then tell em to double it; they'll pay it. Ez money.

>> No.51588911

just be yourself bro

>> No.51589035

Such an accurate post. All conversations I have with anyone that's not close to me are just meaningless noises for social cohesion

>> No.51589170

>Not too bad now, and yourself

>> No.51589247

Years of operation Re-nigger really fucked up my muscle memory when doing that kind of thing. I'm in the same boat.

>> No.51589246

How to survive in the UK as an autist:
>Someone asks 'alright?'
>you reply 'alright?'
End on conversation

>> No.51589249

>repeat 20 times a day
>5 days a week
>for the rest of your life

>> No.51589271

words with less meaning then the chirping of birds. you've reduced yourself to the level of animals, are you proud of this?

>> No.51589281

>meet grim reaper
>know the end is near
>grim reaper asks, "so anon. how are you?"
>Not too bad now, and yourself

>> No.51589289

during the floyd riots i was legitimately concerned that i would inadvertently say the word nigger out loud. kek.

>> No.51589475

OP: 1
His simp: 18

>> No.51589603

>work in open office
>see IT guy walking coming in through the main door
>wearing jeans and a tshirt
>people look happy to see him
>he walks over to the desk of the problem
>the guy with the problem says it's fixed now, was just some cable knocked out
>they shoot the shit for a few minutes and then IT guy leaves
>IT bro drives back home

this shit used to make me so jealous at my old job lmao based IT bros

>> No.51589633

This is me when opening Chrome at work. I'm just so quick to type N......hentai

>> No.51589826

every once in a while i pause and tell people something more truthful like "I'm not that good today" or "i have a lot of energy!"
it brings out the human in the people who have it because it breaks the script. something interesting to try for you people tired of the usual.

>> No.51589833

>>they don't do any work they just loudly discuss which wedding they last attended and which country they're traveling to next month

show us the invite you fucking liar party pooper cringe fag. just put on your headphones or fuck off home, let us enjoy our conversation

>> No.51590336

it's not empty, it's a signal test to see if you're an imposter human

>> No.51590396

Autism is the one disability that doesn’t get respected in modern globohomo

>> No.51590973
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>cries about meaning and words becoming meaningless
>completely misrepresents the meaning of my words and replies with meaningless memes
Anon, being a miserable cunt drowning in a bathtub filled with first world problems doesn't make you intelligent, it makes you retarded.
Basically every culture has a rhetorical "hi how's it going" that isn't a legitimate asking you for a long explanation.
I'm going to break it to you, almost no one gives a shit about other people. When they say "How's it going" they are acknowledging you exist and it is nice to acknowledge them back. You can do it with a smile and a wave or a fun turn of of phrase. I gave a legitimate way for the socially inept and autistic to respond. You attack this because of some weird fixation on a standard I am sure you don't keep in your own life. I mean this with genuine concern for you: maybe try not being a faggot.

>> No.51590994

I'm 30. Never been diagnosed but I've always felt slightly on the spectrum. I smile and say Hows it Going all the time. That's all you have to do. No one wants to work with someone who makes them uncomfortable. Small talk is easy too as long as you refrain from sperging out and don't linger around. I'm usually genuinely interested in peoples npc interests/weekend plans so I guess that makes me not a full blown autist. I do have problems articulating thoughts on the spot so I try to keep conversations brief unless its with an actual friend.

>> No.51591056

You’re clearly a normie, you’re probably just ugly

>> No.51591276

Finances is one thing but you don't want to talk politics at the workplace

>> No.51591347

you gotta be a little more work place appropriately negative, try saying:
>oh you know
>another day in paradise
that way they know you fucking hate work and will stop asking so you don't be negative they hate that

>> No.51591396

I'm good-looking which saves me from some sort of mild speech disorder that makes it difficult to clearly articulate thoughts/ideas more than a few sentences. Idk if its a stutter or what but I think its pretty apparent especially at work.

>> No.51591401
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>Hating sports

There is literally no other topic more conducive to light hearted discussion and banter than sports. Hating sports and being one of those people saying "lol sportsball is pointless" just filters out people with severe autism

>> No.51591487

Hey OP, this is what you're missing here. Talking with coworkers is a way of helping them burn time. So help them burn time. Tell them that you have autism, which basically is the combination of being painfully shy and being hyperfocused, and small talk is really hard for you. But you love to listen, and you would love to hear them talk about whatever interests them, and they should never hold back.

t. Aspergers, very high functioning

>> No.51591592

Kek nigger worshipping tier shit lmao. Now if gladiator matches or chariot races were back I’d gladly watch those

>> No.51591685

I'm so happy that I'm not a autist. Thats like playing on hard mode in this age

>> No.51592148

Why would you ever discuss politics with your coworkers you retard

>> No.51592277

I don't get why the extroverted types at work try so hard to get the aspies to join in on their sense of fun. Leave me alone I'm trying to finish work and go home

>> No.51592743

Here's the thing about sports and watching professional sports that some of my fellow autists don't understand.

I watch sports not because I am worshipping niggers. I watch it because professional sports is a literal real-world simulation of competition/warfare and game theory. At least American football is.

I am a staunch capitalist I believe in competition. I love it. Life is literally just that a game. A simulation. Every movie I've every watched is a simulation. Every video game. Sports are no different. The beauty with sports is that it is never ending. Every year new upcoming athletes compete and we get to live vicariously through their accomplishments and triumph. Men need that especially if at the current moment that need is not being fulfilled.

At the moment I am competition in life but for a long time especially as a kid I wasn't and so I was a diehard NFL fan. As a result I still am but don't need it as I once did.

Simulated glory and triumph in competition.

>> No.51592770


>> No.51592796

be more interesting anon, it'll serve you well, you're obviously autistic, so there's probably a ton of things you're obsessed about, just talk about those things idiot.

>> No.51592807
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>be in the office
>think I had to fart, but actually ended up sharting in my pants
>slowly make my way to the bathroom, thankfully no one noticed
>completely soiled my boxers, I take them off in the stall and walk out to put them in the trash
>boss walks in and see me holding by soiled underwear
>"anon...everything OK?

I quit 2 weeks later out of sheer embarrassment, and then I heard from a coworker that they nicknamed me "shartman" after I left. feelbadman.

>> No.51592829

Lot of words to still say you worship the niggers who play whenever you speak about them

>> No.51592848

Nice cope

>> No.51592868
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Thank you anon. You have put my frustrations in words that directly outlines the dilemma. You should write a book. Could get a fuck ton of attention and notoriety from the powers that be who will try and shut it down. Any one who disagrees with you is a literal NPC. We don't care about distinguishing the differences between NPCs. You are one if you disagree with anything this anon has said. No just because you aren't as normie as the gigaNPC at work that doesn't mean you yourself aren't an NPC. Everything in life is on a sliding scale. NPCs are no different.

>> No.51592886

Imagine not realizing people are interested in starting a convo, atleast you get noticed chud work on small talk and develope your devils tongue to learn to master the normies with your words

>> No.51592940
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>If I don't say respond with good, they report me for being rude.
>I have gotten in trouble twice in one day over not responding.
i just stopped responding and now nobody talks to me. nobody says hi, nobody asks how i'm doing, they don't even bother. ever.
>tfw it hurts even worse now and i can never go back to talking to people

>> No.51592962

Why do you care to talk to nigger cattle bro they probably drink and smoke probably don’t even fucking excercise

>> No.51592966


>> No.51592992
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Cope you low T retards. Just because you are low T doesn't make you more of an autist than me. Lift some fucking weights and try to achieve something in life. Anyone who attempts to do something hard can see and appreciate the same thing in every other field.

if you know the way broadly you will see it in all things - Musashi

The reason you cannot comprehend what sports is about is because you are not competing in anything at the moment. Simple as.

>> No.51593038

are you autists fucking real just say good morning to everyone as you walk to your desk.

its really not hard

>> No.51593075

Like I said keep worshipping niggers maybe if you know enough they’ll spare you

>> No.51593155

I know the solution to your problem, OP. Just have earbuds in all the time.

>> No.51593167

> comply and do not think about what it is you are complying with
> just ignore reality
Literal NPC brain waves here folks. Ignoring reality is a literal feminine characteristic. It's intertwined within their DNA as a way to cope after neighboring tribes killed their husbands and sons while enslaving and raping them.

Remember men just got killed when their tribes were raided or when they went to war. Women are raped and enslaved by the winners. Thus women have evolved to never be loyal (how could you be loyal if your husband can be murdered tomorrow and you enslaved to his killer) and never understand the word honor.

With all that being said you are adopting the brainwaves of generations of emotional traumatized women.....aka YOU ARE AN NPC SUBHUMAN

>> No.51593196
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>> No.51593214
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Why do you keep acting like I am a beta such as yourself? Is it because I am not an NPC? You realize the people at the top are not NPCs and are certainty not betas. You think a 6'6 nigger is any match for FN five-seven?

>> No.51593253

You are the one who is getting emotional because I’m calling out your nigger worship so you tell me

>> No.51593309

> Thinks he can read emotion from texts

retard. I'm just gonna assume you are a neet. Nothing wrong with that fren. Escape if you must. But some of us want to make it or die trying on the battlefield.

>> No.51593351

How is worshipping niggers “dying on the battlefield” wtf keking retard. Remember this convo next time your watching niggers on the tele

>> No.51593433
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>mfw things i'm obsessed about are 9/11 psyops, jewish supremacism, satanic ritual abuse, MK Monarch traumas through repeated rape and torture on children, occult systems of finance, nazism, depopulation agenda and history of secret societies
>whenever i bring up any of those subjects everyone goes dead silent and look at their shoes
Thanks for the tip, faggot.

>> No.51593561

Go fuck yourself you faggot, here in rural Brazil it's the norm to acknowledge the presence of another human being since the dawn of time, and I bet your entire stack of shitcoins these grandpas are way manlier than you, firstoid

>> No.51593625
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> fails simple reading comprehension

Wow so you are a low iq autist then? interesting.

Since you are too stupid to make neural connections to the concepts I wrote about already let me repeat the take away points for you:

- Sports are simulated competition.

- Simulations are useful/entertaining if they can give you certain informational frameworks that you can directly apply to your own life.

- If you are actively in competition like you would be if you were an entrepreneur in a capitalist system then you would find sports useful/entertaining/motivating. Motivation to continue or just vicariously living through the glory and triumph of professional athletes you root for can give you a boost in your own competitive drive to achieve greatness.

You are confusing this with nigger worship because you are a low T male who isn't competing in anything in life.

>> No.51593643

More paragraphs for nigger worship *sigh

>> No.51593661
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YWNBAW bad faith timewaster.

>> No.51593682

I’m not the one coming up with mental gymnastics to justify my nigger worship but OK

>> No.51593903

i'd prefer ritual that wasn't fake. from now on instead of asking "how's it going" just say "doot" and i'll respond "doot doot"

what if i actually want to know how it's going. i can't just ask hows it going anymore because you normies and normie conformers fucked the language making words with meaning into meaningless rituals.

doot doot

>> No.51593966


>> No.51593976

>refrain from sperging out

>> No.51594116

it's boring, the plots always the same. one group of athletes from all over the country kicks or throws a ball back and forth with another team of athletes from all over the country. each side pretending to represent some particular city arbitrability. one team will score more points then other. its so boring, i don't care which random group of athletes is better.

it's a pretty weak simulation. also if i wanted to watch a war i could literally watch an actual war, they got gopros strapped to tanks and helmets all over the place. also american football is so boring that have to stop every minute for 3 minutes of filming the back of the coaches head as he paces back and forth looking at his clipboard and the athletes line up again. the referee probably rigging the game with the thousands of completely arbitrary they argue back and forth about. so random and dumb.

>> No.51594161

>what if i actually want to know how it's going. i can't just ask hows it going anymore because you normies and normie conformers fucked the language making words with meaning into meaningless rituals.
Of course you can, just ask them how they are doing and talk with them. I don't understand why americans are so dramatic about such trivial things.

>> No.51594212

I have autism and the worst part of going to work in an office is the music the play
>top 40 bubblegum pop normiecore, the kind of shit that preteen girls listen to
After 8 hours of this shit I am ready to blow my fucking head off

>> No.51594222

doot doot

>> No.51594255

>thousands of completely arbitrary they
arbitrary rules

>> No.51594314

>Of course you can, just ask them how they are doing
and they respond "good" or "alright, you" because those are the socially conditioned responses of the ritual. you're never going to get a real answer to that question. those words have no meaning anymore its just a noise to signal that you recognize their existence and await their response in confirmation that they also recognize your existence.

>> No.51594334

American football is the only sport I watch and it is the most high IQ sport there is. Soccer is a joke and basketball is pure nigger worship. American football is akin to chess. You wouldn't believe how complex play designs for both offense and defense are. Like you as a QB has to read movement from a defender and calculate where everyone on your team is going to be and the missile the ball to a part of the field that is empty when you throw it in anticipation beforehand all in 2.5 seconds.

American football is steeped in nuance. Someone looking at it from the outside isn't going to appreciate it. It is simulated warfare.

Actual war is long, and tedious. It's still interesting but sports are like warfare on cocaine. Simulated game theory I guess is more appropriate. Again this applies to American football only. Most other sports the athlete is just outmuscling his competition. In American football the coaches are playing a simulation with the actual athlete on the field. No other sport is the coach this integral to the actual play on the field. This is why it is closes to war. The generals scheme and the infantry fight.

>> No.51594390

>be me, autist
>IT guy
>VP of company calls me
>hey VP how are you
>good how are you
>good how are you

The other day
>it's nighttime
>walk into a store
>girl at counter says hey
>I say "good morning"
>realize what I've done
>switch it to "good night"
>oshit that's not a greeting
>just walk away muttering to myself

Bros it really is like this

>> No.51594454

The problem is the coach gets to have ALL of the macro fun. And the players are just minions.

>> No.51594661
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I actively avoid people my whole life.

When I go to college I always go in through the far back door where only janitors came in just so I can avoid running into anyone. When I am walking somewhere (which is always just from A to B, never stop anywhere) I'm constantly looking who is coming my way and if I see someone I vaguely recognize I immediately go to the other side of the street and pretend like I didn't see them just so I avoid the small talk. Back in high school I used to just literally stand in the bathroom stall on doing nothing waiting for the time to pass just so I don't have to bother talking to the other kids. Never eat in public alone ever, same for any activity is it going to movies/bars/whatever. It's gotten to a point that I don't even go to grocery stores if they don't have self-checkout. It's just always easier to avoid interaction than to engage.

What is most pathetic about this is that in reality I don't know many people at all and I could probably do all of those things without anyone recognizing me anywhere 99.9% of the time, but for some reason I'm so beyond obsessed with keeping up this normalfag facade to that small amount of people I do know in my life that I feel like if someone would see me alone standing in line for lets say the cinema it would all click to them of how much of an isolated friendless loser I actually am

>> No.51594729

Here's the thing about sports and watching professional sports that some of my fellow autists don't understand.

I watch sports not because I am worshipping niggers. I watch it because I have heat on the games. At least on American football, that is.

I am a staunch degenerate I believe in gambling. I love it. Life is literally just that a gamble. A bet. Every movie I've every watched is a bet. Every video game. Sports are no different. The beauty with sports is that it is never ending. Every quarter I can double down or bet back my failing bet. Every down or player I can bet against.

>> No.51594732

>you're never going to get a real answer to that question. those words have no meaning anymore its just a noise to signal that you recognize their existence and await their response in confirmation that they also recognize your existence.
Do you talk only with one-liners? What's stop you from engaging in conversation with the person you want to talk to after the initial introduction? When I say "good day"and the person responds with "day" that's not the end of the "script", I continue talking with them about whatever thing I had in mind, if I don't want to talk with them at the moment I just go do my job.
I simply don't understand why saying hi to your coworker is a NPC behavior, if anything acting like a mute and just doing your predetermined task in your designated facility without any deviation is much more robot like

>> No.51594743
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>be me on date with a woman, i'm dropping her off at her place late at night
>she says dinner was fun
>i say we should do it again sometime
>she asks me if i'd like to come in for a coffee
>"no thanks, i can't drink coffee late at night, it keeps me up"

>> No.51594827

>normalfag facade
There's nothing normal about your behavior, unless you are a tiktok zoomer then yes you fit in

>> No.51594850

saying hi is fine, because its not fake. doing a "hows it going" and walking away and you have to respond "good" because an actual conversation was never the point, asking how they are doing wasn't the point. actually giving a real response isn't wanted. and it becomes a meaningless ritual to ask someone how they're doing because the kneejerk programmed response is always "fine" or "good" and that's all you get.

>> No.51594955
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>walking dog in park in summer
>dog runs over to hot girls having a picnic
>go get him
>one of the girls asks if I want to come have some cake with them because it's her birthday
>no thanks I don't eat sugar

>> No.51594988

I'd probably say no too. Wouldn't know what to do or say

>> No.51595036
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Honestly after stuff like this happens and you finally realize what you've done you feel like an absolute Chad though

>> No.51595095

i called her back and left a message on her answering machine explaining that i didn't realize coffee actually meant sex

>> No.51595134
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>> No.51595220

Oh no friend.. oh no

>> No.51595249

Yeah, that kinda went out the window on my second day when one of my more serious co-workers started saying Auschwitz jokes out loud.

And the women are fucking thirsty.

>> No.51595350
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>volunteer day

>> No.51595370

When dealing with asshole psychopath normies you can't just sit back and react, they will run you into the ground, you have to do something unexpected and recapture the initiative.

>> No.51595416
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>> No.51595515
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got your message anon. will call you back after my current tinder date nuts in me

>> No.51595603
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>I have gotten in trouble twice in one day over not responding


>> No.51595680

>finger guns "you know it bob"
free promotion if you do that to every employee

>> No.51595690

Get a Tshirt (or tie in collared workplaces) that says "im good" and point to it.

Ive done this and it works. They think Im the quirky funny guy.

>> No.51595755

wtf are you talking about normies love to talk about Ukraine

>> No.51595800

yes and don t forget to say putin is a monster and you think USA should donnate more money to ukraine

>> No.51595860

Or just thumbs up

>> No.51596003

You should seek out help. We are social creatures by nature and by being antisocial, to this degree, you're hurting yourself and robbing your life of fulfillment.

>> No.51596055

I don't know about autists but aspergers are so good for a pay so low in comparison to their skills that they have the power (including deciding to wfh, be left alone, things like that)

>> No.51596080

Why did you go on a date if your goal wasn't to fuck her? I means that the goal of dates is to find someone to fuck on the reg. I mean no man would date a woman if they didn't have a pussy. Shit if I had a pussy on my left arm instead of a hand I just fuck myself and never of gotten married. Life would be so much simpler.

>> No.51596120

that was my goal, i didn't know coffee meant sex because i'm so oblivious

also it never happened, it's a story from an episode of seinfeld where that happened to george. i thought everyone would get the reference.

>> No.51596221
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> We are social creatures

Not true. We are not all the same. Stop your retarded NPC takes. Schizos for example exist because they were the first to adapt to changes because they could see changes first. This is how they have survived. Not all people are hive minded and even if they were tribes thousands of years ago were not setup like current society. So being a "social creature" in the truest sense has nothing to do with current society abomination. Even 200 years ago tribes were not setup like current society and yet you use evolutionary context to equate the current abomination as an inherent human element? KEK.

Making small talk to retarded children (women) and beta males who are complicit within the system is not a representation of being a "social creature." Again only someone who is mentally ill cannot see this. You are delusional and have a mind virus.

What NPC's fail to grasp is appealing to the majority. It's a massive fallacy that retards don't understand. Half of the population is below 100 IQ.....HALF! The remaining half are midwits. So explain why you think consensus within that vast majority of low IQs and midwits is the correct viewpoint?

>> No.51596228

Lmao they'll probably fire you. I stopped telling jokes and trying to motivate coworkers and I was asked to "be the guy I was before." Then I got fired for saying I don't care.

>> No.51596284

bros, I'm thinking about doing this. Are there any ramifications? Do I have to divulge it on future applications or resumes?

>> No.51596377



>> No.51596596

Anon you're the idiot here. We are social creatures otherwise how the fuck could we have evolved from cavemen to what we are now? We fucking had help in the form of a society. We didn't do it alone. Stop trying to rationalize your disorder. Through out history there have always been tribes. The tribes are the reason we're here today. God damn your logic is worse than a woman's. You're so God damned stupid you talk about NPCs blah blah blah then toss around IQ like it wasn't invented by the system. You're the NPC and don't even know it. Now go fuck off to the attic or where ever you go.

>> No.51596725

You learn to imitate the NPCs eventually and play their games

>> No.51596738

>"no u"

>> No.51596798

>He can't say " Good thanks" 20 times a day in order to keep his steady paycheck

Lmao. Go do manual labour then. That's how the world works. You have to bullshit and play the little games
Or you'll get eaten alive

Back in the day the tribe would just kick you out into the wilderness to starve if you tried your autism weird quietness with them

>> No.51596872

>then they can’t fire you
In your fantasies.
You are immediately put on the fast track to bring fired and will never, ever be promoted the second you disclose any disability. Never disclose. It is suicide.

>> No.51596897

And back in the day tribes would be racially homogeneous

>> No.51596914

The reality is you're coddled beyond belief in today's society even if you try to be an edgy depressed tryhard nihilist misanthrope you can still get a comfy office job like OP

>> No.51596984

>We are not social creatures

>socialises on forums every second of his life


>> No.51597044

yes it is,
t.autist like you

>> No.51597067

>The fat autistic virgin clings onto his last source of false pride : being white

Sad. Many such cases

>> No.51597076

Shhh don't wake the NPCs. Its best for them to sleep.

>> No.51597094

How are you OP

>> No.51597118

Women don't think, they act purely on instinct
>Is this man confident/sexually valuable? I will respect him and spread my legs for him
>Does this man show any weakness? I will be nasty to him
Any competency/skill you might have is irrelevant, women are barely human

>> No.51597203

T. Bitter incel

>> No.51597204

Shitskin spotted kek

>> No.51597253

>t. no arguments

>> No.51597259
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EAD retard. I said point blank that society in it's current form is nothing like the tribes even 200 years ago much less 10,000 years ago you brainlet NPC scum. Making small talk with children (women and beta males like you) is NOT the same thing as being "social creatures that we evolved from."

What it is is being mentally ill and complicit in an unnatural system. I am not a neet. I am more alpha than you in all levels and I am/will accomplish more in life than you because I seek the truth unlike your pathetic NPC hive mind of comfort.

> Stop trying to rationalize your disorder
Ahh yes I am the one with the disorder and not the vast majority of low IQs and midwits who can be manipulated and brainwashed at the drop of a hat by nefarious high IQ overlords....yes it is me! Game theory doesn't exist goyim. Human nature doesn't exist goyim. Higher IQs do not manipulate lower IQs for personal gain goyim. I'm sure you as an 8 year old wouldn't trick your 2 year old brother to get the candy from him goyim. Think about what I just wrote carefully and know that I myself would trick, manipulate and deceive you for my own personal gain, me a nobody. Now imagine the leaders of all hierarchies on this planet you goyim retard.

> IQs don't exist, you cannot measure intelligence in any way shape or form!
cope more brainlet. IYou would NEVER get into an elevator if it was made by your low IQ/midwit neighbor. Yet you put your life into the hands of high IQ engineers who leverage scientific breakthroughs from higher IQ physicists. So every single day NPC scum like you submit your literal lives to higher IQ humans. You do so every single time you get into a 3000 lb metallic death machine. Yet when it comes to simple rudimentary truths you faint reality. Cognitive dissonance is real you NPC scum. Your entire life is a walking contradiction. The fact you haven't arrived at this conclusion already implies you are in fact an NPC subhuman.

>> No.51597270

The world love shitskins
Especially white women. Stay mad KEK

>> No.51597308
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kys NPC scum. Continue striking out on what I am. Continue failing to read what I write. Continue policing thought from other NPCs ITT.

>> No.51597340

What color is your skin? Dark or light KEK literally the color of fecal matter

>> No.51597338

Dont argue with boomers

>> No.51597346

>TL;Dr incel wall of text on 4channel.com
>Claims he's intelligent
>No one cares about him
>Hate filled
>Porn addicted
>Can't cope with le living in society :^)
>Plays videogames (LOL)
>Hasn't been in a physical confrontation in his life

Wow..You're so smart. Lol.


>> No.51597360

>That's how the world works. You have to bullshit and play the little games
i refuse
and i accept i will always be poor and without vaginal access. thats the price to pay so be it. fuck your bullshit

>> No.51597451

I live in Portland so the only thing my coworkers talk about IS the latest political trend or event. Kek
It's shit.

>> No.51597458

>T. Dried up fecal matter


>> No.51597506
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Exactly. Any "man" who doesn't recognize this is and will always be a beta. Women are incapable of virtue. I don't hate women though because I know that they are a result of thousands of years of male conquest rape and murder. How can a woman ever be loyal to a man if that man she loves can be murdered and she enslaved to his murderer. I have empathy to women but that doesn't mean I enable them at all. I understand what they are and what they are not. The media brainwashed the idea of women to all us young boys making them inherently virtuous and good and there comes a moment as a man ( not a beta cuck) when that vail gets lifted and you realize women are more alike than men are. They were literally breed that way. The women that exist today are the descendant of the women that got raped and enslaved by their conquerors and decided NOT to fight back and get murdered. These are the women that exist today. There's a reason men all over the planet from different cultures and races all treated women the same. These are the harsh truths NPCs cannot handle.

>> No.51597514

No one cares about NPC's. They're annoying and cringe but you play the game to get an easy paycheck

You spend your free time wallowing in agony because you had to say "hello" a few times lmao how coddled and sheltered. Let me guess single mother family... You picked up her neurotic traits

>> No.51597519

I know plenty of engineers that are complete morons like yourself. I never said IQ didn't exist. I said it was part of the same system you are against. It obvious you're one of those that thinks you're all intelligent and everyone else is dumb. Met plenty of those too. The fact you're trying to argue that people are not social creatures just proves that you truly are lost. Without society you anti social people would cease to exist. The only reason there are so many of you know is because the non antisocial humans built up society for you. You should be thanking us but again you're to stupid to realize you're the NPC. Please seek help, not for me but for yourself.

>> No.51597563

To each his own. I saw the writing on the wall for videogames and the internet and I'd rather have pussy to fuck and a nice place to live

Enjoy your bing bing wahoo ($50 for weekly expansion) and being butthurt online I guess

>> No.51597584
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It does if you are female

>> No.51597603

>Expects women to spread their legs for him when he's socially and physically undesirable

I don't think you're as clever as you think you are...

>> No.51597668

Guaranteed OP doesn't have autism
He's just a beta coward who's mommy let him sit in his room playing bidyagaymes xD 15 hours a day

>> No.51597775

Meshing with the other employees is a real thing you can get fired over, no one wants a stick in the mud.

Creating frustration and irritation in the workplace by refusing to cooperate socially usually results in getting pushed out one way or another.

We actively make sure we dont hire any more autist , been burned badly once and burned a second time but not as bad.

Sounds like you need a remote job.

>> No.51597819

Same here fren

>> No.51597923
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>tfw no degree but definitely not brainlet
>tfw not ugly and fairly fit
>tfw actual work experience
>tfw complete social autist weirdo scared of his own shadow
why even go on bros, i'll never make it

>> No.51597971

Soo... Completely below average like 7billion people on earth

>> No.51598084
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Get a grip. If they are genuinely, as individuals, asking you multiple times a day how you are, just reply with 'Hiya' or 'Hey' or 'Heya' or whatever. You don't have to say you're good every time and engage in conversation.

Why do autists on 4chan find it so difficult to understand that people want to be treated like human beings? Treat those you work with like human beings you retard and do the bare minimum to acknowledge their existence as a co-worker.

>> No.51598172

>that people want to be treated like human beings?

Lel, the corona insanity proved otherwise. And whats human about asking "how are you" multiple times a day, like some drone.

>> No.51598324

It's a verbal handshake. When two people ask how each other are and reply 'good', it's in an attempt to connect with one another, even if it's low effort. If anything, it's in an attempt to be less of a drone. Again, it's to humanise one another.

>> No.51598605

It's how you grind respect in real life. Know how in MMOs you kill 500 bears to get their asses to hand in to the local village elder for Sword +1? Greeting normies in a normie workspace is just like that and the payoff is just as miniscule.

>> No.51598674

sounds fun but i dont watch jewish culture

>> No.51598733

You're insecure. Life is meant to be lived out loud. I feel sorry for you and I genuinely believe you should seek help. You need socialization.

>> No.51598980

That needs to change in f a real answer isn’t desired then shouldn’t be asking questions. You can acknowledge someone without asking questions besides we have eyes that’s all the acknowledgement that is needed, I see you and you see me.

>> No.51599653

ITT: edgelord tryhards btfo

>> No.51599706

the only ramification is that you become untouchable because anyone complaining about your behavior can be accused of discrimination

>> No.51599754

Lmao dumb fuck.. silent eye contact with each other is a sign of aggression

I do feel OPs pain because I had a colleague once who would ask "how are you doing" every 10 minutes (we worked in fast food) but he was genuinely fucked in the head and weird

If you want to be a weird incel recluse then get a job that suits that. Night shift security. Bus driver. Don't get a job that requires you to be part of the "office npc tribe" if you cba to play your role

As soon as you leave your front door you have to put on a fake act of civility and good behaviour. Youre already cucked by society whether you like it or not

>> No.51599792

Pretty sure every job requires you to list any disabilities that may affect your job role

If he didn't initially disclose it he's looking at fraud/gross misconduct lmao

Or they'll just wait for another minor issue and let you go because of that (happened to my friend who couldn't be bothered saying hi to his colleagues and small talking with them)

>> No.51599865

enjoy mental enslavement to the circus, enjoy inevitably internalizing that and becoming an npc. i choose to retain my humanity doot doot

>> No.51599892

>cookie cutter response that has nothing to do with what the guy said
i don't think you're as clever as you think you are

>> No.51599903
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I have this happen all the time but I can fake a charismatic response really, really well (could probably be a politician if I wanted).

Each time I get some variation of that I say "another day in paradise okay haha thank you!" and wave my hand forward like a baseball coach. It seems silly but you have to play their game. They love me, it's basic human psychology. PS - this is new but so far seems to be going well: tell some safe-for-work jokes if there's an awkward tension. I look up jokes and save the best ones in an excel spreadsheet


- *weird silence after I say something that's too much for some retard wagie to process*

- "what's the least lonely car variant?"

- "a pickup truck"

just an example

>> No.51600004

Cool. I just say a monotone "Im doing okay". Im mostly left undisturbed.

>> No.51600006

Just say good

>> No.51600042

ever notice how some normies are smarter when they're drunk. like the walls come down, the conditioning weakens, the reduced inhibitions allowing them for once to take in words outside of the programmed ritual exchanges. and they can actually hear what you're trying to tell them as long as they've had a few beers.

>> No.51600066


>> No.51600104
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In all of my jobs I pick a certain co-worker I see more often than others, than I target him with psychological torture and persuasion until he starts telling me his inner most personal secrets and now I essentially have a slave that wants to be around me and seek my personal approvment

That is when I than use said slave to socially engineer the group to be more in inline with my personal beliefs because
>2 people with the same mindset > 1 person

I than use become intertwined in all of their lives until it gets boring, and I quit

>> No.51600113

Based. Do you do this at retail jobs with highly vulnerable people?

>> No.51600118

They aren't actually asking how you're doing, sperg. Literally just respond with "hey". Or even a smile and a nod. Yes normies are cringe with their superficial interactions but if it's really that big of a problem for you just go innawoods retard

>> No.51600152
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Of course. But usually slightly higher than retail.

Data entry and Auditing are a gold mine.

>> No.51600155

It is fucking hilarious completely ignoring people at work

>> No.51600162

KEK it’s even better when you have a few people that you openly converse with in front of those that you ignore KEK

>> No.51600233

Retain your humanity by living in a shithole playing cucked videogames and complaining online with other betas?

Yeah, nah, I'd rather retain my humanity by pounding my wife's pussy and impregnating her

You have fun though lmao

>> No.51600262

That's most people. NEETs/ angry betas become psychotic when they're drunk

>> No.51600267

I wrote that and you missed the point which was what I said if you’re asking meaningless questions and don’t care about a truthful response then why ask the question. I see the problem here and it’s why a few people can enslave billions. Most are followers, fake, trust in authority for answers, non thinkers, follow the crowd, never question anything then there are a few that arnt like that but they are too few in number.

>> No.51600275

I had a woman say good morning to me 3 times in a row. I said it back and then there was a pause and she said it again. I finally asked if she could hear me. It was an online meeting, but she said yes she could hear me.

>> No.51600303

yep, it's written in their genetic code
the good loyal women all died as you explain

we have the descendants of traitors as mothers, daughters, wives... it's very sad

look up how many times your country got conquered, the more it has the worse your women will be

>> No.51600304

>People saying hi you alright is the reason we are all chained to the system man were all living a trapped fake existence, reality is a scam man

Okay. Go to website

>> No.51600350
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Don't listen to this loser cuck >>51600233 anon.

Remember if it was hopeless they wouldn't need to demoralize you.

Also remember if you are an INTJ you can naturally evolve into an ENTJ if you hate NPC enough. If you hate NPCs and can gain from fucking them in the ass as the cattle slave scum that they are, like this anon >>51600233 and his fat hideous "wife" that he gets to impregnate as a reward for being a cucked beta slave class defender, then you can evolve into an ENTJ and start running them like the cattle class that they are. This is a tale as old as time.

>> No.51600414

>When the seething beta incels have to write walls of text insulting you having sex and enjoying life

Let the seethe run through you.

Bing bing wahoo!!

>> No.51600461

>T. Rejected by women so insults them

Sad. Many such cases

>> No.51600494

hello roastie, I'm betting you're not from Nepal KEK

>> No.51600570
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This is factual though

Most people are narcissistic and wish they could speak to anyone, but the laws of social norms dictate them to remain quietly and stew and seethe all day

Their only respite is the daily

If you tried to put in effort, you could see how easily said convention breaks apart and suddenly it no longer becomes
but rather
>I hate my kids and my dick no longer works
which strangely is by far the most common below the surface attribute in most of these people

>> No.51600644

Jeez. No wonder you guys have never touched boobs before.

>> No.51600662

The fuck are you talking about retard?
>Incel delusional enough to believe an actual biological woman would be here on Friday night of all nights


Yeah most people don't want to talk to you. They don't care about a middle aged balding loser (you kek)
You are just lucky you live in a safe coddled society where instead of kicking your ass out of "the tribe" they try and pander to you with polite small talk

Also people want to talk openly with people they trust and care about, not their work colleagues you dumb clueless idiot lmao

>> No.51600667

T. The annoying fag that says hi to everyone at work

>> No.51600975

If he watched ice hockey would it be OK then? Since... Ya'know... No black ppl

>> No.51602239

>Expecting low T contrarian beta males to enjoy sport


>> No.51602286

>thinking men deal with suffering this fake npx shit
You're a bugman we don't expect you do understand basic human interactions.

>> No.51602309

Just say ‘good man, whats new?’. If you listen they might even blab on about their interests which makes them easier to talk to in the future. You can practice small talk on cashiers if you like.
t. went from having anxiety ordering a pizza to being able to talk to anyone and not give a shit

>> No.51602324

I was reading this to the tune of Gangster's Paradise at first

>> No.51602377

Nope that’s still nigger cattle comsumer shit only acceptable sport is street fighting or dog fights

>> No.51602586

Normies are sick sadistic fucks that do it because they can see it's annoying to you but can't be reported because it's "nice and normal" and at the same time will report you for literally anything because they want you dead and they think it's funny.

>> No.51602770

Anons, you're the NPC if you can't think of a reply to a basic greeting. Normies are so easy to bend and manipulate with such limited effort. Why not take advantage? Don't dress like a bum and people treat you better and have better first impressions. Is it shallow and bs? Yes. But it sure is nice being treated better and have people think good about you. Same with a stupid hello how are you. It's just acknowledging their presence instead of walking past and coming off like some retarded emotionless faggot who doesn't care about anyone.

>> No.51602871

Work in coding. They bother you but will tolerate you autism because you're the only one who knows how to fix their ERP system.

It all depends on your duties.

>> No.51603014
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But TCP is a 3-way handshake, you don't even have a fully established connection. It will just timeout.

>> No.51603163

How are you?

>> No.51603357

You have to realise that being fake is how normies interact. You just have to know when they drop the fake and remain unperturbed by valuable information about workplace politics they’ll willingly give you

>> No.51603374

I must be autistic because I physically laughed and smiled. Thanks anon :)

>> No.51603570

>there's probably a ton of things you're obsessed about, just talk about those things
absolutely do never this
find a giganormie hobby that you somewhat like and use that one instead to talk about. It's kites and 3d printing for me. Those are my normie hobbies I talk about to other normies.

>> No.51603621

Just put a set of AirPods in that’s what I do

>> No.51603650

I always used to just say "happy [insert day of the week]" and keep walking. People would chuckle and go back to what they were doing.

>> No.51603800

Bro I do this too. You’re not alone. Maybe we should take their advice and just feel free living without care of any others

>> No.51603840

You have one life anon, don't waste it worrying what others think. Do what you want, for you.

>> No.51603886

Just do drugs. Do a lot of drugs to get yourself by. Everyone else is on drugs.

>> No.51603950

air force or CG are the only real choices. simple as.

>> No.51604048

Anyone who has been diagnosed, what was your AQ score? I strongly suspect I have this shit.
>t. 40/50

>> No.51604137


Sounds comfy actually, I have quite enough of the others outside work

>> No.51604421

Lean into it. Start the longest most awkward conversation. If you do this correctly people will start scattering when they see you. You will also become the center of gossip. Lean into that as well and just keep a shit eating grin on your face and they will recognize you for the psycho you are and make you the boss.

>> No.51604453

If you do join the Army I can tell you it is literally the law to greet your superiors. It really helps you with public speaking and talking to superiors because the ask you things to make you look stupid in drill halls with hundreds of people and if you dont speak up and sound confident it will go bad for you so it is like sink or swim.

>> No.51604690
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>>walking dog in park in summer
>>dog runs over to hot girls having a picnic
>>go get him
>>one of the girls asks if I want to come have some cake with them because it's her birthday
>>no thanks I don't eat sugar

>> No.51605738

Why do they do this

>> No.51605795

It’s because you give of shooter vibes OP

>> No.51606345


>> No.51606390

Unironically this is your best bet

>> No.51606799

Humans are a social species. Loneliness causes illness, mental disorder and death. It's not normal to avoid all interactions.

>> No.51607150

Any of those would result in you getting fired if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person

>> No.51607253

>no physical confrontations
Jokes on you I was raped frequently in childhood

>> No.51607311
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>Stacy, remember that weird and creepy guy from the coding department?

>> No.51608511
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Idk why but this made me kek 2 hard