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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 460x613, Hey Charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51580330 No.51580330 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Charles. Where are the dApps?
You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now. Why are there only 580?

Why does Polygon (a much younger chain) have more than 37,000 dApps already?
Why are you letting Polygon screw you like that Charles?

>> No.51580434

>where are the dApps?
He's too fat to code

>> No.51580454

Too busy fucking goats.

>> No.51580460

Cardano will win and /biz/ will rope

>> No.51580484
File: 35 KB, 618x597, 965c7080-7a4d-458b-8f67-230064793e51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how and why?
theyve been online since forever
honestly fuck polygon and their shitty matic token but OP is right
polygon is WAY younger but at least they actually did some developments and partnerships (even if theyre shitty ones)
what the fuck has cardano done the past two years?

>> No.51580488

Win what? Roping enough retards in to find his next trip to Africa?

>> No.51580499

i had to google this shit to fact check if cardano truly only has 580 dapps and now i feel bad for ada cucks, i hope they use their remaining braincell to take the decision to sell their ada and buy matic instead

>> No.51580519
File: 47 KB, 600x466, davros 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.51580532

If you know you know
Cardano will flip eth

>> No.51580559
File: 170 KB, 499x727, 9426a1dd8192fdbd4ea0e31ddb0e53ceabb707da6d42218e411bc26f088e39cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles is too busy travelling around the world and enjoying his life to give a shit.

>> No.51580561
File: 184 KB, 842x1280, ETHIOPIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget
people are waiting for their dapps while charles is giving money to niggers

>> No.51580635

and no Polygon isnt "shitty" enough cope and dilation
how are partnerships with facebook, stripe and starbucks "shitty"
how are developments like zkEVM "shitty"

>> No.51580743
File: 34 KB, 601x508, average cardano fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their logic is so completely flawed and fucked that it leaves me flabbergasted

Their main argument is "we're the best at decentralization"
based on that, one would expect a massive DeFi TVL on their chain but the reality is that they have one of the lowest.
They're literally outpaced by shit chains like Algorand even

>TVL on Cardano: $80 million
>TVL on Polygon: $1.3 BILLION
case is closed

>> No.51580819
File: 77 KB, 1018x1600, HAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAAOOOO WHAT? when did this happen?

>> No.51580878

I still dont know how Cardano is in the top 10 and Polygon is at 12 place

>> No.51581039

I don't care how much time it takes i bought it early and staked 80% of it, vasil is coming, and u should check what kind of projects are being built on it like wmt, liqwid... the fact of the matter is having 37000 projects doesn't mean shit if they have no utility in real life, how many on eth, bnb and other chains ? they don't mean shit if they can't provide real world services shithead

>> No.51581295

The ones on cardano dont provide jackshit.
The ones on Polygon are actually making money
reffer to >>51580743

>> No.51581361

>vasil is coming
you're late as fuck anon. the hype is gone and no one gives a fuck
> having 37000 projects doesn't mean shit
it does when they have the best scalability in the market

>> No.51581416

Cardano is way more scalable
Faster cheaper and decentralized

>> No.51581443

then why is the tvl so fucking low lmfao

>> No.51581537
File: 28 KB, 780x438, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute delusional state of ADA holders

>> No.51581645

The greatest cardano fud is Charles himself. There's a 0% chance an insecure, narcissistic faggot like him can create revolutionary tech. If he left I would consider investing.

>> No.51581739


>> No.51581755

1. Financially speaking ADA is holding quite well, why is this?
2. Cardano uses UTXO. How is this better than the accounting based model of Ethereum?

>> No.51581807

$0.4 stablecoin
MATIC has been outperforming them for over a year now

>> No.51581966
File: 246 KB, 1400x787, charles-hoskinson-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey baby

>> No.51584001

Vasil was a failure
zkEVM it is

>> No.51584548

He has all this time from not doing any work, why doesn't he learn to code? Can be small things initially, but right now he's only producing hot air and powerpoint slides (if he even does that).