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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51579305 No.51579305 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51579344

well, it's shemitah. so 12-14k. that's le bottom though

>> No.51579367

22k and then rapid dump below 17k.

>> No.51579770
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>> No.51579800

No it’s not. Everybody thinks it is so it either will get front ran or the bottom is much worse (5-7k)

>> No.51579844

DJI breaks below 200 week MA, its GG across the board. That means global depression soon and we are seeing a decade long bear market. The 90 year bull market is officially popped.
>t. throwing you a bone

>> No.51580212
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Definitely $11k

>> No.51580243

can't beleive anons are falling for yet another shitmeh exit pump

>> No.51580539
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23k as fed start buying eurobonds

>> No.51582496

>23k as fed start buying eurobonds
why should it?

>> No.51582507


>> No.51582535

I was talking to my dad earlier in the week about when we thought the bottom was and he was 100% sure I was going to be $20k but I reassured him that there is literally nothing stopping it from dipping below $10k, in the low thousands and even maybe back to 3 figures. He turned blue and stopped his automatically dollar cost average. Lel.

I fully believe we will go back to $5k by March-April of next year. We'll probably breach $10k this Christmas and New Years Day much like the massive Christmas Special dumpening we got last year. Whales have a sense of humor.

>> No.51582547

to prevent global contagion from the financial death of europe