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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51578522 No.51578522 [Reply] [Original]

What is the next step in your master plan?

>> No.51578631

sell my swing stack and rebuy after

>> No.51578638
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holy fuck it's september 22
how did this whole fucking month just fly by

>> No.51578644
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Back to >>>/pol/ chud boy

>> No.51578699

seethe, but shemitah is valid

1901-1902 Year of Shemitah – Stock market drops almost 50%.

1916-1917 Year of Shemitah – Stock market drops 40%. United States enters WWI. Germany, Russia, Austria, Turkey and Great Britain suffer economic collapse.

1930-1931 Year of Shemitah – The Great Depression. The worst financial crisis in modern history.

1937-1938 Year of Shemitah – Half of the stock market collapses sparking a global recession.

1944-1945 Year of Shemitah – End of German Reich and Britain’s hold on territories. Establishment of America as the world’s superpower. Bretton Woods Conference giving the U.S. Dollar Global Reserve Currency status; and diminishing of gold’s influence.

1965-1966 Year of Shemitah (*Super Shemitah Year) – US Stock market drops almost 25%

1972-1973 Year of Shemitah – US Stock market crashes almost 46%. Global recession; US oil crisis.

1979-1980 Year of Shemitah – Global recession.

1986-1987 Year of Shemitah – “Black Tuesday”; US stock market crashes by 33%.The biggest Wall Street crash of 1987

1993-1994 Year of Shemitah – Bond market crash.

2000-2001 Year of Shemitah – The 911 terror attack happened a day after Shemitah in 2001, September 17; stock market falls 700 points. 37% US Stock Market Crash and Global Recession. Dot Com Bust. Indian Market also carshed.

2007-2008 Year of Shemitah – On the last day of The Shemitah Tear, September 29, the stock market drops a record 777 points. Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. 50% of US Stock Market Indian Stock Market Crashed.

2014-2015 Year of Shemitah (*Super Shemitah Year)– Chinense Market crash by 50% Monday, Aug. 24, 2015 The S&P 500 opened at 1965.15 and within minutes fell to a low of 1867.01, a 5% decline.India Market crashed 6% in Single trading session. Greek/EU bailout

The year 5782 on the Shemitah Cycle starts from Sept. 7, 2021–Sept. 26, 2022

>> No.51578705

all things considered it matches up pretty well though are they not wrong?

>> No.51578718
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pure coincidence

>> No.51578726

>49s (auto)

>> No.51578751

So does that mean everything will go back up the day after

>> No.51578795

never knew what this actually was until googling rosh and it's the new year
now it all makes sense

>> No.51578841

hnnnnnng imagine him slurping your dick and looking at you like that

>> No.51578857

what if there is a double shemitah

>> No.51578880

continue holding ren like my life depends on it

>> No.51578887

>jidf hands typing this post to attempt to shut down conversation about this topic by claims of le /pol/ boogieman

>> No.51578907
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>it's da nazis!!!!!

>> No.51579018

quite a series of coincidences you have there goy

>> No.51579191
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How long does it take for number to go up again after the end of Shemitah giganigga doom dump? Lemme guess, months of crabbing first right

>> No.51579231

Shemitah only occurs once every 7 years.

It's not an instant event but a yearly event. This will be a good bull market year. The year after Shemitah is a blessed year.

>> No.51579304

a year / year and a half or so after it

>> No.51579315

I was under the impression it lasts a year (would definitely explain 2022 lol) but the last day is particularly bad

>> No.51579354
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>muh joooooooz!

>> No.51579414

strange how defensive people get when you point out jewish holidays and how they try to disrupt and end conversation about it like >>51579354
>>51578644 are doing. why are you so defensive about holidays anon? why do you associate jewish holidays with the board >>>/pol/ ? thats a bit strange

>> No.51579421

so what tomorrow is the bullrun. what the fuck am i supposed to make of this jewish swill?

>> No.51579478
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The new year starts on September 26, which is a few days before the quarterly close (and the open of a new quarterly). This chart is the 3 monthly chart of bitcoin with the yearly highs and yearly lows (green and red line). It is going to be a good year for crypto, we won't crab much longer, but there will probably be no instant pump. This year was a shemitah year for crypto.

>> No.51579536
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>> No.51579645

doesnt matter.... people get very strange when you bring up jewish holidays or point out that statistically jews own most of the corporations and media around the world. people get very upset over simple facts or discussions about it. you posting your le chud art doesnt change you;re proving my point right by acting this way and screaming le /pol/ le /pol/ whenever jewish things are talked about. sure is very defensive and strange behavior. and pointing out its strange behavior seems to rile certain people up cuz omfg youre not allowed to talk about this or point this out for reasons. so keep proving my point and proving me right by your strange out of place behaviors and posts over jewish holiday discussions.

>> No.51579686

i'm not a "its the jews" guy but shemitah is when the jews are supposed to forgive all debts held by other jews. you can look that up. and jews have a lot of money and influence worldwide so if they forgive each others debts isn't it plausible this could have some kind of economic inpact? and then when you look to see if there was an economic impact during shemitah years you get this
and indeed, seems there was an impact.
you might be wondering, if this is true, why isn't everyone talking about it, while you know the reason, it's racist to even think about it right? so people try to pretend it's not real

>> No.51579760

Forgiving debts is from the moment the debt was made being 7 years old. Every year new debts are made. There is not one year every 7 years where all debts are forgiven. Also, shemitah is not about forgiving debts. It is in farming, when you leave a land barren for a year every 7 years, so that its nutrients may replenish, and the soil can once again produce higher yields. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shmita

>> No.51579772
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>stop noticing things
>go back to /pol/ (with me)

>> No.51579776

is that why they did the student loan forgiveness now?

>> No.51579847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51579902

from the link you posted
>Book of Deuteronomy: "At the end of every seven years, you shall celebrate the remission year. The idea of the remission year is that every creditor shall remit any debt owed by his neighbor and brother when God's remission year comes around. You may collect from the alien, but if you have any claim against your brother for a debt, you must relinquish it...." (Deuteronomy 15:1–6
>Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel: I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, saying: "At the end of seven years ye shall let go every man his brother that is a Hebrew, that hath been sold unto thee, and hath served thee six years, thou shalt let him go free from thee"
>Civil courts do not enforce the rules. A debt would be transferred to a religious court for a document of prosbul only if both parties voluntarily agreed to do so.
>Hillel the Elder, in the first century BCE, used the rule that remittance of debts applies only to debts between Jews, to develop a device known as prozbul in which the debt is transferred to a beth din. When owed to the court rather than to an individual, the debt survives the Sabbatical year.

multiple references to debts forgiven between jews. did you even read the article you posted? it backs up what i said

>> No.51579903

They get upset and defensive because they know that you're right but they just dont feel like dealing with it kek

>> No.51579922

I already explained the dept forgiveness here:

From the moment the debt is made, the 7 year count begins.

>> No.51579960

you didn't prove your assertion, and the link you sent says otherwise, as anyone can read for themselves. you're not winning this debate

>> No.51579963

> You may collect from the alien
Someone has to pay. The rest of us, the people who they consider aliens. That’s why they crash the market.

>> No.51579969

this shemitah was from sep 2021 to sep 2022

>> No.51579983
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>i'm not a "its the jews" guy
well, i suggest you leave now before you become one of those guys.

>> No.51580009

What you are speaking of is the Lord's Release. It follows a 7 year cycle not coinciding with the Shemitah. The seventh year starts count from the start of your debt, just the count for the farming starts every 7 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lord%27s_Release.. "A similar obligation in relation to the release of Hebrew slaves who have served in slavery for seven years is described in Deuteronomy 15:12–18". The issue is merely you associating A and B coinciding, while they have a similar cycle, the dates do not coincide. Each has its own count.

>> No.51580021

The hebrew new year is in 3 days, the Shemitah year is not over yet.

>> No.51580178

then why does the article about shemitah mention how debts must be repaid to other jews in this year. mentions it multiple times as i showed. don't try fucking tactics on me mate, try actually proving your claim if you can rather then repeating endlessly

>> No.51580204


Seriously, this guy is quickly becoming my favourite biz poster.

>> No.51580228

I already answered all your points. Do you have new questions, or specific responses to what I have responded to you?

>> No.51580233

>points out jewish holiday
>very sus behavior over a holiday

>> No.51580250

I will buy more XRP and you should too

>> No.51580251
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It means ALL of 2022 followed by the Great Reset. Things do not get better.

>> No.51580297

you merely asserted that debt forgiveness is 7 years from the day the debt is made, you never proved it. assertions require proof.

especially when the article you listed says multiple times that debt must be forgiven in the shemitah year and says nothing about what you said.

>At the end of seven years you will make a release. And this is the manner of the release: to release the hand of every creditor from what he lent his friend; he shall not exact from his friend or his brother, because the time of the release for the L‑rd has arrived. (Deuteronomy 15:1–2)
>The Shemitah year waives all outstanding debts between Jewish debtors and creditors.
>During the Shemitah year, the residents of the Land of Israel must completely desist from cultivating their fields. They also relinquish personal ownership of their fields; whatever produce grows on its own is considered communal property, free for anyone to take.
>This aspect of the Shemitah year is known as shemitat karka, “release of the land.”

why does every source of information i can find on shemitah mention it as both the year of replenishing the soil and also the year of forgiving bets as if it was the same year, when you insist it isn't.


you need to prove, with a source, that debt forgiveness is 7 years from the issuance of the debt and NOT on the year of the shemitah.

>> No.51580313

>forgiving bets

>> No.51580459

silence in reply, he can't find a source that separates the forgiveness of debt as being seven years from issuance rather then being in the same year as the land replenishment, the shemitah year. i tried to find a source clarifying the situation to even prove him right if possible, and i could not. just trying to get at the truth here.

>> No.51580476

this is pol soil, if you dont like it, you are just gonna have to cope seethe and dilate

>> No.51580511

its just like when they used to have to close the slave markets so jews could enjoy their day off.

>> No.51580557

>This coming Jewish year (5782) is a Shemitah year. In a year of Shemitah, in addition to not working fields (in Israel), all debts are forgiven
>The Torah1 commands us that every seventh year, starting from when the Jewish nation settled the land of Israel, is a Sabbatical (Shemitah) year, and, in addition to the agriculture laws,2 all personal loans are forgiven.
>at a certain point in history it does indeed seem that this law caused a hesitancy to lend out money close to the Shemitah year

debt is forgiven during the shemitah year, every seventh year on the jewish calendar is debt forgiveness and not working the fields, in the same year. not 7 years from issuance of debt

just admit i'm right

>> No.51580575

>you merely asserted that debt forgiveness is 7 years from the day the debt is made, you never proved it. assertions require proof.
I'm not an expert. I was just quickly taught about it. Either way, there are a ton of ways to interpret things in any religion.

> especially when the article you listed says multiple times that debt must be forgiven in the shemitah year and says nothing about what you said.
does it say something about what you said? what would be the point of making debt that can expire tomorrow since tomorrow is the agricultural Shemitah? the whole point about the debt forgiveness and Shemitah is that based off the agricultural Shemitah, and significance of that law, they made debt Shemitah. I know a bunch of jews and the 7 year rule - it starts from the day the loan is made. This system is to provide relief for people who struggle long term, not for abuse.

>At the end of seven years you will make a release. And this is the manner of the release: to release the hand of every creditor from what he lent his friend; he shall not exact from his friend or his brother, because the time of the release for the L‑rd has arrived. (Deuteronomy 15:1–2)
again, interpretation, when do you start the count of 7 years?

>During the Shemitah year, the residents of the Land of Israel must completely desist from cultivating their fields. They also relinquish personal ownership of their fields; whatever produce grows on its own is considered communal property, free for anyone to take.
this is agricultural Shemitah, the debt forgiveness Shemitah is a different thing, even if based on the concept of agricultural Shemitah

> https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/562077/jewish/What-Is-Shemitah.htm
nowhere on this page does it explicitly imply that the two are tied


>> No.51580582

fucker, he just left rather then admit defeat

>> No.51580624


https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deut+15%3A1%E2%80%9311&version=NRSVUE nowhere in Deut 15:1–11 does it say anything about the two being tied together. you are free to interpret it how you want, i'm sure many would think like you. however, i know plenty of jews, and ive heard of the 7 year debt thing many times, how i say is how they interpret it

all deut 15:1-11 says is "Every seventh year you shall grant a remission of debts." - now the question is how do you define the start of the seven year cycle. the debt to the land, it is for all the jews together, but the debts to a friend, has a cycle that begins when the debt was made. you can find some source saying it's tied, it doesn't matter, religion has many branches, and many ways to interpret it.

>> No.51580637

>does it say something about what you said? what would be the point of making debt that can expire tomorrow since tomorrow is the agricultural Shemitah?
yes it does
"it does indeed seem that this law caused a hesitancy to lend out money close to the Shemitah year"
i found similar references to a reluctance to lend money close to the semitah year from multiple sources, all jewish sources. this is really how it works.
>This system is to provide relief for people who struggle long term, not for abuse
maybe that's being naive
>when do you start the count of 7 years?
"every seventh year, starting from when the Jewish nation settled the land of Israel"
>nowhere on this page does it explicitly imply that the two are tied
i just proved it does

>> No.51580661

you're grasping at straws, it says clearly in every source i can find, that debt forgiveness and resting the land is every seventh year on the jewish calendar.
>many different ways to interpret
and yet every jewish source i find interprets it the same way, and i can't find a single source that interprets it your way

>> No.51580690

>>The Torah as it exists down here on this physical plane is but a reflection of the Torah in the spiritual realms.8 The Rebbe9 explains that, like a creditor, G‑d gives us an abundance of blessings with the expectation that we “pay Him back.” For example, if we are blessed with children, we owe it to Him to educate them to follow His ways. If He grants us wealth, we must be careful to give charity and otherwise use it in accordance with His wishes.
>>G‑d, however, knows full well that at times the debtor falls short and is unable to pay back His loan. Thus, from time to time G‑d grants “amnesty” and forgives us for misappropriating that which He gives us.
one may also interpret this to mean a spiritual forgiveness from god every 7 years for all wrongdoings and evil acts (jews only)

>> No.51580728


>> No.51580731

christians have to at least ask for forgiveness and they have to actually mean it in their hearts or no deal

>> No.51580848

wellp this seems conclusive enough. It seems I was explained wrong, or something. although I had heard of it several times, so i am quite confused.

regardless, this thread is about the cycles, i really did not expect to have to go into such details, overall there is great coinciding with these cycles and market cycles, that is the part i am most focussed on. i will ask some friends again soon to explain in detail the 7 years thing.

>> No.51580859

>one post by this ID

>> No.51580863

No, it means that is the beginning of the freefall

>> No.51580885

" ‘The seventh year, the year of remission, is near" also seems to prove the point you are trying to make, implying a specific 7 years cycle, not dependent on time debt was made

>> No.51580920

you can try, but it sounds like your friends are either lying to you or misinformed. you're better off looking for more definitive sources then your own social contacts. also it's possible they don't want you asking such problematic questions and they may get mad at you. it's kind of a no-no wrongthink question. nicely done though on admitting you might be wrong, not many can do that.

>> No.51580927

of course....along with someone coming in and suddenly argueing about specifics and details and completely derailing the thread which was about jewish holidays. all very strange behaviors

>> No.51580972

nah theyre alright they dont mind ill ask but it seems conclusive enough, i appreciate your stubbornness, keep on truckin'

>> No.51582612

the last super shemita was 49 years ago so 1973
stocks have only dropped by around ~ 17% this year
you think it's going to pick itself back up again?

>> No.51582649

The following years it kept going down. 5 year + bear market

>> No.51582686

Will we get a final market capitulation before it ends?

>> No.51582709

They are always quick to jump on threads they are concerned about

>> No.51582746

The dump we've seen is the dump we were supposed to have.

>> No.51582747
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i believe it did yes.
Why are these guys bullish?
can one of you explain how this is bullish?

>> No.51582979

just from a quick google search, I see some hits saying that 2015 was a super shemitah year and others saying that 2022 is a super shemitah year. On the Chabad site it says that there is no official "Jubilee" year (jubilee year being year 50 after a 49 year shemitah cycle). What's interesting though is that if you place 2022 as a super shemitah year, it makes 1973 the last super shemitah. 1973 is when the bretton woods system collapsed, marking the transition away from the gold standard. now in 2022 we're hearing a lot of official talk about CBDCs and transitioning to a new financial system. so if you place the super shemitah cycle between 1973 and 2022 it sort of lines up with the transition to different money systems.

>> No.51583042
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Bump good thread, lotta info thanks

>> No.51583099

can the kikes crash the entire south east asian market? I'm quite interested about IDX & KLSE

>> No.51583140

We are basically in one, it's called the jubilee. Every 7 shmitas is the jubilee, so every 49 years. And the jubilee is year 1 of the next cycle. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. So as this shmita ends the year of jubilee begins.

>> No.51583204

Today I am proud to call you my faggots

>> No.51583235

crashing this plane with no survivors! i'm a big guy for you :*

>> No.51583298
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Though I believe I'm still getting ready for the next wave because I can already see the massive wave coming, I'm still bearish in my opinion and I'm getting ready to add my FWT, EBOX, HBAR, CSPR, IOST, and ICX kek.

>> No.51583492
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I have doubts, i cannot guarantee there is going to be a bull run soon

>> No.51583516

I'm surprised people still remember this token, glad to see some ICX marines still int he ranks

>> No.51584008

not everything is so bad, this year we had a crash and yet we are all still here, even my shinja bags are pumping rn

>> No.51584328

The FWT token is also a wise investment. People are holding because their team is working nonstop to complete their mission, therefore it makes sense why.

>> No.51585672

How will we know if the bad part ended?
Did a jewish whale front run the end of the Shemitah with a 500 million buy order of XRP?

>> No.51586151

gonna smoke some thc extract
might apply at pizza hut
definitely gonna eat some pizza or calzone and/or wings