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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 472x377, dawnInWonderland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51569160 No.51569160 [Reply] [Original]

There are two ways to handle privacy, one is ZKP and the other is using a TEE. The problem with the former is that it's too slow, and you have to trust the one that adds the proof to it, the problem with the latter is that there can be leakage through side channels. The latter though requires a lot more work to try and attack the hardware and get leakage, plus you can implement it in various decentralized applications that has its own parameters for key management and it allows for faster computations. The two main universities that are working on this at least to my knowledge is Cornell Tech, and UC Berkeley (if you haven't paid attention to the IC3 at this point, you're just dumb), and they often collaborate, such as when they designed CHURP.

Sapphire, which uses Ekiden for confidential computing is having its demo debut tomorrow. Ekiden allows for much faster computing, allows data and smart contracts to be handled inside a black box. Meaning the date gets encrypted through and sent along with the smart contract that specifies the parameters, enters the black box (or secure enclave) gets decrypted and computed, then encrypted again once the data has been handled and sent out. It's sent out with additional noise through differential privacy so that who ever is handling the data only gets a summarisation or aggregation of it, while all the sensitive stuff remains hidden.

Sapphire will be demoed tomorrow and feature its senior engineers to answer questions, it's open to the public and we can see how smart contracts can enable complete confidentiality for our data and transactions. I'll include the link here;

>> No.51569320

usually rose threads are just images of pictures, here's a semi spoon feeding thread, this is your opportunity to learn.

>> No.51569469

Decent thread. I’m sure the trannies will be here shortly with some copy pasta.

>> No.51569496

very nice OP, this is the kind of stuff we are going to see more of in the crypto winter. This means we are close to the bottom and should be accumulating as much as possible.

>> No.51569530


Fuck off you Ganges drinking jeets.

Just fuck off and street shit somewhere else.

No one actually expects any decent crypto advice on this basket weaving forum. If your marketing is this shit hole then you truly are doomed.

>> No.51569868

This is the kind of end to end privacy that companies (like Meta) are seeking out. Another key aspect that people like to FUD is their market timing. A solid company like Oasis knows what they’re doing on a long term scale and a bear market isn’t going to shake them from pressing on with their goals. Having the backing of some of these larger companies (and even announcing in a down cycle) is a good sign of stability. You know it’s one of the few that will survive in a sea of shitcoins. It managed to make it to .50 based on hardly anything last year. Now that some real technical substance has been established you’re getting a pretty good bargain at these prices. You ran your cockholsters long enough for a solid entry: now you have it.

>> No.51569948

is 300k enough to make it in thailand

>> No.51569956

Will Mommy Meredith fix the price today?

>> No.51570004

>Sapphire, which uses Ekiden for confidential computing is having its demo debut tomorrow. Ekiden allows for much faster computing, allows data and smart contracts to be handled inside a black box. Meaning the date gets encrypted through and sent along with the smart contract that specifies the parameters, enters the black box (or secure enclave) gets decrypted and computed, then encrypted again once the data has been handled and sent out

Nobody needs smart contracts. They are just a meme.

>> No.51570023

Yes, unless you start flashing your wealth and your knees get introduced to a drill.

>> No.51570186
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>> No.51570270
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>> No.51570316


is dawn song single?

>> No.51570346

Do you know about Chainlink DECO?
Do DECO and Sapphire's confidential computing complement each other? Or does one make the other obsolete in some ways?

>> No.51570393

Also, is Sapphire pretty much just the same as the Cipher paratime except the only difference is that it's EVM?

>> No.51570437

Yeah, I know about DECO. DECO is a bit different since it uses ZKP off-chain and has oracles to attest it and verify it. Nothing wrong with that, but if you look at what Chainlink writes when they compare it Town Crier, they readily admits that Town Crier (which uses a trusted hardware) is much more powerful. Then you have to consider that Ari Juels, and Fang Zhang are co-authors of Ekiden.

>> No.51570457

Pretty much, but Sapphire is unique in that it will be the first and so far only confidential smart contract environment that's EVM compatible.

>> No.51570496
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>> No.51570545

do you see rose going to $6 in the future?

>> No.51570546

Thanks for answering anon.

>> No.51570577

rose won't even break 6c again let alone $6.

>> No.51570612

Yes, but at the moment we're in a tumultuous market given all the stuff that's happening in traditional finance, so you'd need a bit of patience, on the plus side now is the best time to accumulate a pretty decent stack.

>> No.51570621
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I hate this shitcoin.

>> No.51570627

Look at the chart and tell me what you think?
This shitcoin is dead in water, the marketing teams sucks and the fact that they keep pushing the meta news narrative makes me sceptiable. I really think the last pump to .10c was exit liquidity for the remaining VCs to sell off.
Also, remember 90-95% of shitcoins that pumped last bullrun will die off/won't last to pump in next bullrun.

>> No.51570670


>Rose won't break 6c
>Current price 0.0576c

Tranny fudder begone.

>> No.51570712

Then don't buy. You're no different than all the TA idiots that thought (and still think) LINK was a shitcoin as well cause they did exactly the same with no marketing, and the SWIFT announcement doing nothing. The IC3 is showing everyone the path to making, but people like you only look at meme lines.

>> No.51570755

chart means nothing, it only reflects price action which is an indicator. I do not invest based on charts. Now if ROSE has top 10 potential no chart could point to it, could it?

>> No.51570816

you sound like a moonboi who got caught up dog coin mania. Believe it or not, biz has been useful but it's only useful when WSB losers like you aren't here to shit up the discussion because youre too busy begging for the next 10,000x.

>> No.51570817
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>> No.51570881

Discord trannies doing full damage control.

>> No.51570925

What's your opinion on the Oasis Foundation team? To me, Oasis Labs is legit but Oasis Foundation looks like they've got a bunch of nobodies running the show.

>> No.51570968

Foundation has good engineers, particularly Jernej Kos https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fszzlckAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao he's young, but very smart. You also have to remember that Sapphire is engineered by the Oasis Labs team mainly.

>> No.51570991


>> No.51571006

Oh, interesting. Thanks for the spoonfeeding.
Last question from me: are you an insider or just an Oasis enthusiast?

>> No.51571028

Deco and Sapphire can and will work together, but they're used for different things. Deco allows you to build proofs over off-chain data, by piggybacking on existing TLS sessions, while Sapphire lets you have on-chain data privacy. Both are useful and can co-exist

>> No.51571086
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i can feel it coming brose

>> No.51571110

Thanks, best answer yet on this question (I've asked over a few threads). The reason I thought they kinda conflicted is because both purported to enable undercollateralized loans, but neither claimed to need the other for it, so obviously there's some overlap on what they're trying to achieve.

>> No.51571114

In the spirit of this thread, I prefer to keep it private. Also I messed up the OP, the demo is today, got the date wrong.

>> No.51571130
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>> No.51571163

>In the spirit of this thread, I prefer to keep it private.
Cheeky haha. I've seen similar wording from the Oasis team. Anyway, thanks again for answering my questions anon.
>t. bagholder

>> No.51571208

>The marketing sucks
You're retarded. You don't get to have actual partnerships with established enterprises(meta is just one of many) by having shit marketing. And I mean actual partnerships, not paid sponsorships. If you meant to say oasis isn't marketing to retail jeets yet then yes, you're correct.

>> No.51571218
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>> No.51571307
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>> No.51571506

Fuck this coin, I know it has potential but it just fucking dumps and gives all its gains away whenever it has the smallest pump. Accumulation zone is <5c, not buying any above that price.

>> No.51571643

Just a heads up, the demo starts in 1 hour and 13 minutes.

>> No.51571705
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>> No.51571805
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>Zoom meeting

>> No.51572057

200k here, might start buying more this week

>> No.51572099
File: 22 KB, 500x414, ET6COPMXsAIUquo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Privacy thread without a mention of Monero and actual privacy solutions such as Aztec and Railgun

>> No.51572112
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>tfw only 2.5k

'm not gonna make it

>> No.51572222

It's a sentimental opinion and it doesn't even make sense. Smart contract privacy protocols are setting a standard in bringing privacy into DeFi

>> No.51572284

They absolutly do not know what they are doing, market wise atleast, technical i think their probably one of the best, but the marketing and positioning is absolutly dogshit, and the NFT thing showed this again

>> No.51572323

don’t give up little guy

>> No.51572496

Fuck off, Jeet.

>> No.51572572
File: 58 KB, 592x494, dawnWangxiang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese knows while the dummies spread FUD.

>> No.51572635


Is it schizo time again?

>> No.51572667
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It always was

>> No.51572879

i need this shit to hit 4$ so i can never leave the room again

>> No.51573186

It's live now, you can join via youtube as well

>> No.51573231


>19 people watching


>> No.51573308

so the dogshit Oasis marketing team now directly shills on 4channel.org? lmao

>> No.51573452
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, linda_lu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linda lu is so cute

>> No.51573475

It sucks, I'm not good in chinklish and the presentation is boring.

>> No.51573634

why would they stream in chinese and not english? i don't understand shit.

>> No.51573682

no anon, this is what happens during bear markets. How do you think people made money during the last bull run? People actually gather in places like this to discuss projects and ideas. During the last crypto winter, people actively discussed things like taxes, business ideas, and real estate. Then the dog coins came....

>> No.51573696

the problem is Dawn Song. she is a funny meme but she has zero hype about her. I tried to listen to an interview with her and I did not understand a word she was saying due to her heavy accent. And I speak three languages; how will she be able to clearly communicate with fortune 500 ceos if no one can understand her?

>> No.51573783

if you actually understand something about tech you can understand pretty well
you guys just don't talk nerd

>> No.51573833

Ahm, ah, Ahm, ah, Ahm, ah, Ahm ... Ahm Ahm Ahm
I summarised the whole thing for you, is this some form of morse code?
I mean it's bullish as fuck that they are this autistic.

>> No.51574092

Very nice and completely organic post ser.

Token not needed, Oasis Labs is a consultancy firm.

>> No.51574413

Yes, 5.7c is less than 6c. Good job.

>> No.51574619

Die poor, moron

>> No.51576308

>And I speak three languages
nice, just like literally every single eu country

>> No.51577715


>> No.51578867

>5: Cardano

>> No.51578996

wait there was that scrt network everywone was shilling in the bull market that seemed to do everything sapphire was doing, according to the posters. Can you rebute this cause it was kind of the one fud that bothered me?

>> No.51579099

Secrets SC environment is on not the EVM so they're not a competitor, much as they like to pretend they are.