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File: 27 KB, 1063x554, LUNC is losing supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51568835 No.51568835 [Reply] [Original]

I repeat! LUNC now has a 1.2% burn tax.
Supply is decreasing. https://terraclassic.stakebin.io/terra/supply

>> No.51568871

CZ do the needful

>> No.51568873

So this is basically safemoom 2.0 except it already pumped and dumped lmao

>> No.51568939

1.2% holy fuck you niggers still buying scam coin i cant believe it

>> No.51568967
File: 413 KB, 1119x1200, cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dont care
not buying worthless ponzi meme coins

>> No.51568979

Jesus your shitcoins dumping harder than I ever thought it would

>> No.51569002

That’s supply chuddy. The supply will drop and lunc will pop

>> No.51569157

And yet, you care. Top kek

>> No.51569168

>two more decades

>> No.51569178

Stupid false advertisement. The burn is for ON CHAIN, NOT spot trades

>> No.51569183

Who hasn't sold this obvious pump and dump yet seriously?
Hope you newfags learn your lesson for next time.

>> No.51569233

1 million tokens staked released each day. no burning. only psyops. gg.

>> No.51569280
File: 13 KB, 500x371, 1651018971194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 million tokens staked released each day. no burning. only psyops. gg.
I posted a link to the supply. What you just said doesn't effect the total supply. If you're going to FUD at least make it make sense.

>> No.51571140

I can't wait to be a millionaire in 1000 years!

>> No.51571408

You fucking jeet bronze nigger show hands

>> No.51571537

>and the supply for this utterly worthless ghostchain will go down which will make the price go up because....it just will okay!

You clowns are so excited over a bsc jeetcoin tax in 2022. Did you seriously miss the entire bullrun to find this fascinating or important? Putrid 19 year old Indians taking over this board

>> No.51571623

why are you seething?

>> No.51571649


>> No.51571780

>scroll past hundreds of lunc threads
>bored one day
>open thread
>"it's a scam lol"
>10+ (You)s
lmao, bagholders.

>> No.51574684 [DELETED] 
File: 324 KB, 1083x952, 928375835488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh burn

>> No.51574909

>bro just pay a 1.2% tax on every transaction bro just literally burn your money bro it's for the greater good bro just send that shit all over the place we all benefit
>me? nah i'm hodling

>> No.51575381

Thread theme.


>> No.51575721

This burn won't do shit for the supply, and Do Kwon can just unburn anyway.

>> No.51577171
File: 74 KB, 1280x800, shoebill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lightcrypto and ezekiel vs CZ (who doesn't care about LUNC)

>> No.51577454

>The burn is for ON CHAIN, NOT spot trades
Pretty good burn so far considering

>> No.51577651

Can you read carts you retard? Like not just look at the candles wit coomer retard instinct, but actually read what the axis represents?

>> No.51577749
File: 170 KB, 597x587, 1663787772826542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if owning nothing should be the deafult state then them trannies who propose that jewish niggeration not owning noose around neck shouldn't be the default state

>> No.51577771

This isn’t news, not a secret, and wasn’t implemented “quietly”, dipshit.

>> No.51577899

*Bagholders up 4x and more

Fixed that for you retarded fucking kike

>> No.51577914

ill sell my 1.5m when normalfags start talking about lunc again and not a moment before

>> No.51577932
File: 212 KB, 1099x617, 1663263475023735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder those are the people shilling LUNC

>> No.51577996

Daily reminder Canadanigger is short and fat and nobody likes "him" and he spends "his" pathetic days trying to fud a coin "he" could've made a lot of money on by now kek

Obviously this "person" has no girlfriend or actual friends because "he" often has the most posts in our LUNC generals

Kek we are all laughing at you nigger, and it's actually pretty sad

>> No.51578057
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, 20210804_034608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody likes "him"

Well of course nobody likes me, I'm the only one in your shitty pajeet threads warning people that no, the 10 000 000 LUNC bag that you bought for $500 will not be worth 10 million USD "after they burn the supply"
Dumbass pajeet poorfag

>> No.51578152

>no, the 10 000 000 LUNC bag that you bought for $500 will not be worth 10 million USD "after they burn the supply"
Of course it won't those retards will sell off as soon as that $500 hits below $300 because they think they should be making money within 2-3 months then when the pump starts they'll cry about how "NOBODY TOLD ME X WAS GOING TO PUMP WTFF"

>> No.51578184

Good morning sir

>> No.51578188

$1 per LUNC is a 4000x from here (4 thousand X)
a 1.75 bil coin doing a 4000x... simply not happening I'm sorry

>> No.51578241

Why not? It worked for that shitass Dogecoin, why can't LunC with a good enough burn in say a few years hit that price?

>> No.51578276

No nigger I mean anywhere in your life, nobody likes you. There is no way, since you're in our threads 24/7, and the way you talk is of someone who couldn't possibly hold friends or any type of relationship because you're fully insufferable

Plus you're fat and short, which probably has been really hard for you in your life, since decent and attractive white women won't want anything to do with you, and the hogs can at least get a fit, tall nigger kek

No I've seen your kind many times, you've made some money but you're miserable and lonely because you're a cunt, and you're also ugly. You could still do alright but your impenetrable braindead arrogant attitude won't allow you to have any good connections in your life. So you'll keep coming back, and I'll keep shitting on you.

Everyone is on to you bro, and with all the shit we talk it's really pity at the bottom of it all

>> No.51578308

Can’t wait to be a millionaire in the next 1300 years, bros.

>> No.51578397
File: 381 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220922-175400_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not? It worked for that shitass Dogecoin, why can't LunC

Doge achieved a 4000x or so indeed... but from a 20 million marketcap
Current MC of LUNC is 1750 millions

>> No.51578419

You're ignoring the burn related pump potential in the "why not" anon

>> No.51578436

I didn't ever think I'd find a group of people more retarded than GME baggies until I stumbled upon these threads.

>> No.51578469

Like I keep saying in the LUNC threads, crypto is a ponzi and a zero sum game
In order for you to make money, someone has to lose money. Burning tokens doesnt do shit. If burning tokens made you rich, I'd make my own erc20 shitcoins with like 100 holders, and I'd burn the supply until all 100 of us as millionaires

>> No.51578491

Extremely low IQ comment

>> No.51578521

Says the pajeet with a 4-fig portfolio

>> No.51578592

Still retarded but that's expected
>[Market cap] is calculated by multiplying the price of a stock by its total number of outstanding shares

Can't believe I have to say this but when you burn tokens there are less of them in the circulating supply so EVERY TIME THE SUPPLY GOES DOWN THERE'S THAT MUCH MORE ROOM FOR THE PRICE + MCAP TO GO UP YOU FUCKING IMBECILE

I wish, just once Canadakike, that you would make a comment in good faith, or at least acknowledge when an anon makes a point when you're wrong. I'm not even a $1 EOY moon nigger either, I'm just bored of your arrogant kike self being wrong about nearly everything yet continuing on unabated.

You're like if the Terminator was a short fat miserable pedantic kike who just likes arguing but can't admit ever being wrong. Kike

>> No.51578633
File: 1.13 MB, 1233x1538, 1649997885366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like I keep saying in the LUNC threads, crypto is a ponzi and a zero sum game
>In order for you to make money, someone has to lose money. Burning tokens doesnt do shit. If burning tokens made you rich, I'd make my own erc20 shitcoins with like 100 holders, and I'd burn the supply until all 100 of us as millionaires

>> No.51579253
File: 15 KB, 474x315, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, i am a colossal faggot and i say lunc will take 1,000,000 years to burn which is almost the same number of pinworms living in my large intestine. haha losers. i win.

>> No.51579262

September 23, 2022.
11:15am UTC.

>> No.51579336

If market cap stays the same but the quantity goes down does that mean the price of each goes up? I'm confused?

>> No.51579485
File: 151 KB, 1000x750, 20200619_103436 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It'd take 165 years for them to reach 10 billion maketcap


>> No.51579525

a million of something with a market cap of one million dollars is worth one dollar a piece. cut the supply in half and now theyre worth 2 dollars a piece

>> No.51579593
File: 515 KB, 1888x1048, Stupidmonke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a silly monke comic

tell me what u think

>> No.51579621

I look at charts so much every day that I feel like I'm just getting good at looking at them, not in terms of TA but just a general understanding of it.
Is this a thing?

>> No.51579657

So if lunc burns their coins to 10 billion and the market cap stays at 2 billion it would be worth 20 cents?

>> No.51579724

Cute Monke

>> No.51579752

So I am pretty sure you are a glow nigger kike working for a boomer like Jamie Dimon. Or maybe you are just a retard but you really do not understand what a ponzi is.
Crypto isn't a ponzi moron, and burning tokens reduces the supply which is essential to "supply and demand" Since these are computer networks, if the demand of the tokens on the network is greater than the supply and the volume is large it will go up exponentially. You are just a brownskin glownigger retard who is getting paid 15 bucks an hour to shit post for the banks.
kys for being a wagie and a glownigger.

>> No.51579777

yes. but consider every transaction on and off chain will burn 1.2% of volume. staking removes those coins from the circulation and binance owns half the float. as the price crabs up, it also increases in nominal value by 1.2% for each transaction regardless of market cap. it will create a cascading buy effect for fomo eventually. i think the big fish are just waiting for off chain to be concrete confirmed

>> No.51579851

Thanks, this brings back memories.

>> No.51579927

coming in hot with the 2011 vibes. i like it.

>> No.51579970

of everything you said, only this is true

>> No.51579987

don't listen to these shilling pajeets
at the end of the day crypto is a ponzi. The only way to profit from LUNC is from dumb shits pumping our bags