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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51566089 No.51566089 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized that The Dark Knight Rises and Fight Club share the exact same plot.

>> No.51566097


>> No.51566100

You're an idiot and /tv/ is the other way.

>> No.51566106

I want to watch a version of the dark knight except where batman is a /biz/ autist and gets all his ideas from basket weaving forum memes

>> No.51566117

I don't see the connection. One 'Fight Club' is about fighting underground in a secret club and the 'Dark Knight'' is about a man who dresses like a bat.

>> No.51566146

its about a great reset

>> No.51566156

Lol, go back to /pol/

>> No.51566171

you will own nothing is business and financial related

>> No.51566181

/pol/tard alert. glow harder

>> No.51566185
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live anime adaptations ARE possible, dont let the audience say otherwise

>> No.51566202

Just think about it.
The protaganist in Fight club is sick and tired of being a feminine faggot basedsipping consoooomer who is too obsessed with Ikea furniture to fill the void in his life so he creates an based masculine alter-ego inside his own mind to stand up and realize that Wall Street is ultimately behind why the whole world is the way that it is and manages to recruit other lost individuals who feel the same way to help him do something about it. Which is at the end of the movie to blow up a bunch of banks around the city to stop their financial tyranny once and for all.

Batman on the other hand is the villain throughout the entire trilogy and he is ultimately responsible for Gotham City being the way that it is. If you recall in Batman Begins when he almost got initiated into Ras-Al-Gouls Organization but he ultimately rejected doing what was the right thing to make him fully initiated into the organization which is to kill a local who killed stealed from another person to complete the full cycle as to how things are.


>> No.51566208
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Please, speak as you might to a young child or a Golden Retriever.

>> No.51566412

Most of the villains that you see all throughout Batman canon is ultimately physical reactionary reincarnations of Batman's own actions.
All that he does is act as a wannabe vigilante who thinks that stopping one insignificant petty crime that he sees on the streets at a time is eventually going to make Gotham City a better place. But all that he does in the end is make organized crime take itself alot more seriously as seen in the beginning of the the Dark Knight with the guard dogs in the parking garage.
This is what makes the Joker come into play. He is a reactionary solution to the problem that Batman has created which is to fight one insignificant petty crime at a time for what we can assume could be perpetually forever.
Joker all throughout the Dark Knight deviated an elaborate plan to put an end to the sprawling organized crime which Batman inadvertently make powerful in the first place due to his actions in the first movie.
Long story short, the Joker single-handedly manages to bankrupt the entire organized crime enterprise that has corrupted Gotham city due to batman's actions.
The Joker manages to kill of most if not all of the crime in Gotham City that he made Batman completely irrelevant as seen in the hiatus that Bruce Wayne took from being Batman inbetween the 2nd and 3rd movie.


>> No.51566455
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Is anyone still reading?

>> No.51566469
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>> No.51566482

I guess, how can I profit off of this though? Your blog should go to >>>/tv/>>51566455

>> No.51566540

keep going

>> No.51566541

Please do go on, sir.

>> No.51566559

noperino, I am still very focused on burning my eyes watching shinja's chart lmao

>> No.51566580
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And that finally brings us to the 3rd movie. The conflict that Batman has with Bane is literally the exact same thing as the duality that's seen between Edward Norton and Brad Pitt in Fight Club.

Batman is a false protagonist who vows to protect the pozzed and currupt western civilization that the Federal Reserve has managed to cultivate our whole lives while Bane represents the changing force with a radical militia behind him who wants to wipe a clean slate on everything that the Jews have done wrong with our world and start all over again with the help of an atomic bomb.