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51561390 No.51561390 [Reply] [Original]

Why are childish men so prevalent nowadays? Why do so few men decide to man up and take on their responsibilities?

>> No.51561411

Why would I try when I could just not, sit on my fat ass, and play vidya all day? Cope seethe and dial 8.

>> No.51561436

what's in it for me?

>> No.51561445

Because we are shit posting here all day which is more gratifying than any post pregnant female wife/girl.

>> No.51561479

Because women showed their true colours and broke the illusion men had for 1000s of years about the “fairer” sex

Not even an incel it’s just how it is

>> No.51561483
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This one got me in the feefees. I really wanted a family.

>> No.51561500

>Why are childish men so prevalent nowadays?
A natural response to whoreish women.

>> No.51561509

Eh, I don't really care. I'm a 30yo boomer and just live my life.

>> No.51561536

They only want to fuck chad when they're young and blame incels when they become childless old hags.

>> No.51561568

Business & Finance

>> No.51561575

because as someone so eloquently put it: you're plugged into a grave

>> No.51561585

What things exist that women are to blame for? Are there any?

>> No.51561591

Because houses cost 1+ million dollars

>> No.51561590

That pic looks 100x better than any family jumping through a field stock photo

>> No.51561597

What a shame women have no autonomy and are incapable of getting things to happen of their own volition

>> No.51561605

>childish men
>wanting to marry
Only childish men want to marry. What is even the value of a woman outside her pussy? She doesn't want to talk with you about astrophysics, she doesn't give a fuck about your computer program, she always wants to waste money, literally everything needs to be drama instead of an adult discussion, and worst of all, you are always in a disadvantage if you get falsely accused of stuff like rape.

There is a huge difference between pump and dump women, and actually marry them. Most women are just not worth it. Especially the retarded drama, time waste waiting for her getting "ready", and literally being required to walk her like a dog and burn your money for her consumption are huge reasons to not bother with women.
To make matters worse, while a woman sucks your bank account dry, you get rewarded by seeing a wall every day after she hits 30. It's just not worth it.

I'm glad I had gfs when I was in my teenage years, but the moment I realized how much high maintain requirements women have, I just stopped bothering. I only live once and sex gets very old very fast if you realize that the whole hype is your testosterone and nothing else. Your body is literally overselling you the most boring thing as something special. And when you realize that you can't just turn the woman off, your whole hype goes into the gutter.

Just ask a woman "What have you to offer outside your pussy" and you will realize why divorce and mgtow is so common. It's simply that society expects men to be everything, while reducing women to their pussy in regards to requirement. And guess what? Kids are so expensive and such a time sink, that the best reward of sex is nothing to look forward to, if your wife can't contribute.

>> No.51561622

Nope. Was married at 27 ready to start a family 3 years later when my wife decided she didn't like sex anymore. I'm not going to deal with a wife and not get good sex in return

>> No.51561648

Do some of you guys actually WANT to start a family and be a dad? Sounds fucking exhausting to me. When do you play vidya and get drunk or spontaneously decide to travel abroad for fun?

>> No.51561660

This is true. Unironically society is going to collapse due to this shit. Same fucking shit happened in roman empire, after times became extremely good and everyone got rich all the men became bachelors and all the women became sluts and then society collapsed century later

>> No.51561680

Another thread created by MALICIOUS VAMPIRES. Be sure to call out any VAMPIRE when you see them

>> No.51561695


>> No.51561699

How many 1PBTID bot slide threads have been made with this exact same shitty article? Fuck off and die.

>> No.51561733

cope and seethe

>> No.51561738

That's antisemitic

>> No.51561765
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>convinced my friend to make his wife have an abortion cause she was having a girl
Felt good AMA

>> No.51561807

>have good job
>new car
>all my shit together

>women in their 20s just want a 6’ guy with a boat to brag on instagram

>> No.51561819

calhoun mouse utopia experiment

>> No.51561841
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>guy with a boat
so meta

>> No.51561850

Whorish women indoctrinated with sex positivity are to blame for women having children later. They’ve been convinced they are supposed to sleep around through their 20s and not settle down until they are 30+

>> No.51561860

This plus even my friends that seemed “alpha” ie are reduced to husks of their former selves after having a kid and seeing their wife just walk all over them now. Doesn’t seem worth it just to fulfill some /Pol/cels repopulation of the white race program.

>> No.51561863

what about the girls who sleep with stuffed animals and have a collection of life-sized ones?

>> No.51561875
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They don’t care. All this does is waste your own energy and time, their goal is engagement no matter how you engage. The only way to win the game is to not play it.

The entire internet is a terrorist weapon.

>> No.51561925

In Florida it is literally that shameless. Every tinder profile is basically the same bikini beach pictures and OMG I WANT A 6’ GUY WITH A BOAT. They’re always 20-24 with no job or any hobbies or information about themselves at all.

>> No.51561958

yeah pretty much.

>> No.51561971
File: 107 KB, 344x296, 5E0355F1-BEC0-40D7-B62C-226D0334615F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billionaires shaming millennials and men into having more kids even though the cost of raising them continues to go up.
They’ll cry about population collapse while they poison the masses

>> No.51562137

Yeah and they will get it if they're hot. And that's ok.

>> No.51562199

In Kansas it’s the same, only replace boat with brand new 80k truck

>> No.51562229


>> No.51562245

piece of shit friend you are

>> No.51562405

>men are willing to have children with old women
It checks out

>> No.51562438

just more men bad shit in the media as usual. no matter what goes wrong its all mens fault according to females and simps01ity. I do not even care about their wrong opinions anymore

>> No.51562449
File: 377 KB, 512x512, 1663533875441424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good take sir, have a daily dose of fine art

marriage has changed so much that I do not know why they bother to call it marriage when the woman has all the rights including de facto custody, it is more of a hetero civil union. The mainstream churches push getting the state involved when getting married before God would be much better.

Even the standard gf/bf relationship is worse then prostitution, porn,or masurbation because of what a modern relationship has become.

>> No.51562530

What’s the original picture?

>> No.51562548

Jewish globohomo nigger

>> No.51562622

these ai images are getting wild

>> No.51562644
File: 44 KB, 500x369, 8221BAA1-100B-4A84-A8F4-64368782B121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51562959

its called Hulk Smash

>> No.51563044

What you are describing happened with Augustus, the first emperor.
He was pissed about the morals of the time.

So yeah, it took more than 4 centuries to collapse, 10 if you count Bizantyum.

>> No.51563101

I'm too busy having sex with men

>> No.51563200
File: 150 KB, 512x512, 1658798903269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dog wives ( i have 4 female siberian huskies) love me unconditionally and they have tighter pussies than a human female. I bet (never had sex with human female but I'm pretty confident they are tighter)
I think human women are programmed to love a man unconditionally I feel like its just manipulation

>> No.51563214

fuck that pic hurts

>> No.51563223
File: 141 KB, 512x512, 1649020417983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sleep deprived
I meant to say
I think human women aren't programmed to love a man.
Only unconditionally manipulate men into doing there bidding.

>> No.51563236

I'm 34 and I look like I'm 16. It's not my fault I was fed estrogen.

>> No.51563259
File: 237 KB, 500x500, 736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL NOT wageslave for a ruling class of jews that degrade western culture at every available opportunity.
I WILL NOT date fat, tattooed single moms.
I WILL NOT socially participate in a society that enables and encourages trannies, faggots and obesity.
I WILL play video games.
I WILL focus on myself.
I WILL enjoy my life in solitary, until the above problems are addressed and fixed.
And I will be happy.

>> No.51563274

It’s this. If I just had a house I could work part time and find time to raise a family but since I have to wage slave 24/7 to make ends meat i’d rather just be a loser NEET.

>> No.51563284

just like it's ok for me to not give a fuck about marrying and providing for one of those sluts
I'll cry about it now, they can cry about it when they're 40 with dried up ovaries and a $1k/month therapy bill

>> No.51563298

Based. Currently doing all this at 33.

>> No.51563300
File: 18 KB, 512x468, E1A68D09-EFDA-43F3-8133-3AB67E67078E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents have trapped me through guilt and their learn helplessness. I pay them $900 to “help out” with the mortgage plus I’m constantly giving or lending them money. If I leave then they’re pretty much fucked. My only option is to make enough money to support myself AND them as soon as I can. This is the worst curse.

>> No.51563314

You take your kids with you. You only really need to spoon feed them for 5 years, after that they can think and act on their own so you just take them on your adventures with you.

>> No.51563416

dude start strong arming them

>> No.51563491

>It's simply that society expects men to be everything, while reducing women to their pussy in regards to requirement.
literally a feminist argument

>> No.51563501

not sure if tighter but dogs have a higher core temperature

>> No.51563511

>Peter Pan syndrome

Keep watching your pseudo intellectual Jordan Peterson goyslop you NPC nigger

>> No.51563513
File: 206 KB, 1280x851, D0178E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51563542

Because corporate globohomo omnipresence combined with mainstreaming of fringe subversive ideologies combined with oversocialization via smartphones with constant social media access has demoralized everyone. People born after 2007 are coming to life in a dead world.

>> No.51563569


>> No.51563694

>Do some of you guys actually WANT to start a family and be a dad?
I started feeling the urge to do so after I became rich last year
It's in our genes

>> No.51563700

truth is the narrative of a woman being your best friend and partner in life is a recent thing

women are made for being submissive, having children, looking after the man and his family and sexual pleasure

it's perverse modern society that has made human nature a force to struggle and fight against. it's no different than men wanting to be recognized in public without ridicule.

the truth is we live in very easy and decadent times. we have to invent hardship to and victimization instead of grappling with the actual struggle to survive our ancestors had.

>> No.51563716

I like to lead these kind of bitches on, fuck them, and then ghost. Thanks roastie LMAO

>> No.51563743
File: 352 KB, 512x512, gmsers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning sirs are we buying MATIC?

>> No.51563773

Huh. Yeah I mean, I don't hate kids or anything and I know they can be fun. But I have truly just never felt that desire. At least not yet maybe. I'm 32.

>> No.51563777

ever been to /gif/? ever seen the shit in the dildo threads? that type of woman is NEVER going to enjoy regular sex.

>> No.51563794

link me the thread

>> No.51563839
File: 145 KB, 943x943, linus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like SOMEONE is murdering you while screaming for help

>> No.51563852

didn't search too hard, but what's been recently archived. some of the webms have what i'm talking. so not the example i was trying to make


>> No.51563900

34 here.
I’ve been wanting a family for a while. I did have an ex but luckily we didn’t have kids seeing how that turned out. Women my age are all unappealing, no benefit whatsoever where even if I had kids with them they would be retarded, maybe fas or some other shit too seeing how many women drink.

>> No.51563948

I'm 40 and it's even worse. I have absolutely zero interest in women my age but getting younger women just gets harder and harder as I get older. Never really wanted a family when I was younger, but now after spending time with my sister's kids I feel like I'm missing out. I'd be open to the idea now but the chance of finding a decent partner seems close to 0%

>> No.51563958

Men want to have a proper life and they know they would be happier if they could achieve it. However society has pivoted to do nothing but shit all over hard working men for a few decades now, to the point where two whole adult generations have not known what it's like to live in a culture which appreciates hard work towards a socially productive goal. It's all grifts and appearances, bread and circuses, female empowerment and toxic masculinity. There is no way forward or up, and everyone knows it. So most choose to just not play the scam.

>> No.51564043

>Do some of you guys actually WANT to start a family and be a dad?
Honestly, this is childish thinking. I want children to exist because they are morally valuable and they have a great world to enjoy. They aren't pets to distract me from death. But the reality is even if you do cheat your way through this fisherian runaway extinction event, your sons will be even worse off than you were. Reproduction is impossible in such a context because the demographic implosion is self-sustaining.

>3 years later when my wife decided she didn't like sex anymore
HAHA holy shit this is the best part, you get married you get LESS sex. You aren't even guaranteed one (1) single sexual act, it's even easier to claim you as a sex offender when she has your last name.

>> No.51564163


>> No.51564353


>> No.51564394

>collapsed century later
too slow. We can speed things up.

>> No.51564464

How close are you two as friends? Why did it feel good?

>> No.51564491

Just find one you can deal with and fuck. It isnt that hard. Stop over complicating things.

>> No.51564496
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>> No.51564553
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This is a good thing bros, cherish it.
Less competition for good women, and its easy to fuck to get a job that requires actual skills and prints money like a motherfucker.

>> No.51564555

Anon hit the gym and talk to a 30 year old they got like 5 kids left in them if you try hard enough

>> No.51564591

The rat race isn’t worth it any more. “More responsibility” means getting locked in to a mortgage and 1 or more car loans, all paid for by a terrible job that makes you want to kill yourself, but you can’t even quit because you have kids to take care of and a crying wife who just keeps getting fatter and hairier. But then it doesn’t even matter how much you tried because she divorces you anyways and takes the kids and you have to pay alimony + child support making you even more of an indentured servant than you were before.

>> No.51564598


>> No.51564609

You have to marry across cultures and bloodlines

>> No.51564619
File: 204 KB, 680x546, 1652498030142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So its my fault women are at the worst standards in every category?

Nice. Love Hoeflation. Getting my wizard powers soon

>> No.51564643

Why do they do this to themselves? It’s like they’re unintentionally marking themselves as total garbage.

>> No.51564690

yeah I wrote a treatsie on that gay video. if you really gave a shit musk, you'd help divvy up the pie. but you don't, you just want us shit eaters to eat even more shit so you can have drones to keep you safe and healthy. well fuck you and the rest of the 3 comma crew. now you get population collapse. maybe you can train some 60 IQ Africans to do your surguries and run your police force.

>> No.51564701


>> No.51564710

Thanks doc.

>> No.51564800

it's ironic given that the average workplace is a government-subsidized adult daycare center and "careers" are just high school slog rebranded

>> No.51564816

in other words,
>why are the effects of poisoning the environment with endocrine disruptors becoming so apparent?

>> No.51564963
