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File: 110 KB, 1125x1100, i will never sell my MATIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51559561 No.51559561 [Reply] [Original]

i will never sell my MATIC

>> No.51559634
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 143141413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, sure, you're the the one losing money.

>> No.51559664

>you're the the one losing money
you do know that MATIC is the second highest performer between all top 20 coins for the past 90 days right?
anon unironically made money

>> No.51559893

its only cause of partnerships. non of that growth has to do with development

>> No.51559931

>non of that growth has to do with development
Is this the fud? You'd think it'd be better than that.

>> No.51559978

the entire team is literally 3 pajeets

>> No.51560069
File: 183 KB, 1912x1048, get fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking blind? in less than a year Polygon developed a shit ton of scaling solutions and are the only ones that have a dat availability scaling solution and an open source zkEVM

>> No.51560203
File: 35 KB, 618x597, 965c7080-7a4d-458b-8f67-230064793e51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A majority of their team is white Ethereum ex employees
Get over it and buy already

>> No.51560342

>the only ones that have a dat availability scaling solution and an op
zksync has had an open source zkevm testnet forever now

>> No.51560456

nice larp
zksync's zkevm is not open source
go to the main page and see for yourself
its also not evm equivalent. polygon's zkevm is

>> No.51560615

this is wrong straight up
but even their partnerships are good development. take Stripe for example
its the 5th largest fintech company in the world and the 4th most used payment app in the US
them using Polygon for payments is a huge ass deal

>> No.51560633

it would be dumb as fuck to sell your matic right now after it had a 4x growth in dapps, meaning polygon is now powering over 37k dapps which is almost 9 times the number of dapps on ethereum

>> No.51560668

More matic spam, Mumbai is working earlier and earlier.

GM sers

>> No.51560836

mumbai is unironically one of the best places to live in if you make a decent income
>great USD purchase power
>amazing internet speeds since all the big tech companies are located there
>cheap labor
>good looking light skin women (those that work indoors)
yall missing out

>> No.51560914

Don't forget about
>Designated shitting streets
>Free sexual harassment (rape for women)
>Trash everywhere so you don't have to worry about littering
>The fantastic smell of curry, sweat and shit

>> No.51560932

Yes yes, matic stays static or whatever.

>> No.51560943
File: 57 KB, 1066x1392, hey niggers, i have MATICjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey niggers, i have MATIC

>> No.51561008

>Polygon developed
the only project they developed themselves is their garbage centralized sidechain, which is actually just a fork of an outdated version of Cosmos' Tendermint. Every 'scaling solution' listed on their site are business acquisitions that the jeet devs shameless advertise as proof they are developing super quickly. Of course the dumb jeets have no clue how any of their acquisitions work, so they will just sit and rot into vaporware.

>> No.51561116

they developed polygon edge from zero
they developed polygon zkevm frim zero
they developed polygon avail from zero
and everything else acquired was not complete. they developed a lot on top of it
face it, if polygon werent actually good at what they do then they wouldnt be a top 20 coin in such a short while

>> No.51561216

based kek

>> No.51561342
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, 1e6df3b0-a340-45eb-893b-aaf8401e4be7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its also like that in every other country other than nordic ones. But when you're getting paid well, you don't have to endure all of this shit. You can easily avoid poor places

>> No.51561528

i didnt buy enough 30-40 cent matic.

im slurping now. what are the stacks fellow indians?

>> No.51561571
File: 260 KB, 929x1175, 1638610144819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job losing your money you mongoloid Polyjeet

>> No.51561693
File: 377 KB, 1420x808, AVAX bros?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX bros?
im not feeling too good

>> No.51563021

where do you guys earn more on your matic if at all?
im just holding stmatic but maybe i should place it in one of those LPs?

>> No.51563785

just stake on-chain
its the best take

>> No.51563801

The founders will sell for you

>> No.51564511

isnt that only on ethereum network? id rather not since the fees are high