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File: 510 KB, 977x1846, currencykids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51551277 No.51551277 [Reply] [Original]

How do I buy into this coin?

>> No.51551326

So kids were performing too well so she just robbed them of their buying power, yep looks like she taught the kids a thing or two about the bank of (((snyders))), jewish name by the way

>> No.51552666

Uhmm based?

>> No.51552756

When will she rug those little shits?

>> No.51552885

Not bad at all, schools should teach more about actual life issues like taxes and saving, investing

>> No.51552957


>> No.51553537

Snyder directly translates to "cheater" in Danish. Fitting

>> No.51553608

how do i long CLASS v usd

>> No.51553625

Cool idea as long as she doesn't add social credit packs to the mix.

>> No.51553631

possibly teaching kids the most valuable lesson they will ever get in school in their entire lives

>> No.51554123

>Sitting in the front of the class is Ping-Ping, the exchange student from the Far East. He has introduced his own currency, and convinced much of the class to invest in it. Ping's currency's worth is tied to Mrs Snyder's money, but he is artificially adjusting the exchange rate, so that he can consistently make a profit. As a result, Mrs Snyder has been forced to print more Snyder bucks, much to the chagrin of the students who were saving up their Snyder bucks for the end of the year. "Pingcoins" are now trading 2 to 1 for Snyder bucks, but the largest holder of Snyder bucks is actually Ping himself. He also has purchased the entire front row of desks in the class, having convinced the students who used to sit there that they could sit in the floor, in exchange for $500 Snyder bucks each. But today those Snyder bucks are practically worthless, as it takes $5,000 Snyder bucks just to use the bathroom pass.

>> No.51554443

I remember we did something similar in 5th grade and everyone paid attention for once.

You'd get paid a salary for doing assignments, and then "purchase" a home/car from classified ads, get fucked by taxes and bills.

>> No.51554533
File: 46 KB, 465x729, D0504E2D-4B9A-47D6-ADF6-896F1EBDA28A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’s great. And now for your midterm test on something completely unrelated.

Thanks for learning, chumps! And thanks for paying that tuition!

>> No.51554585

>kids trading counterfeit snyderbucks on blackmarket for 50 % off

>> No.51554587
File: 104 KB, 814x817, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in elementary school we went to some fake city and had to work wagie jobs during the day and pay taxes and save money. They made me work in the fucking popcorn stand and all the other kids ate lunch around there and threw trash all over the floor. I fucking hated that job and 1 day was enough. I pledged to never be a wagie like that ever again

>> No.51554978

>Timmy is fighting Johnny and Johnny is far weaker so we’ve pooled our money reserves to buy some knuckle busters for Johnny.

>> No.51555440
File: 170 KB, 360x346, pepe-laugh[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Bank of Sneeders* is winning!

>> No.51555619

I am guessing it’s a Jewish school and the Jews are leaning about how our monetary system which is controlled by (((them))) is used and weaponized to exploit goyim, the Jewish teacher won’t admit that though

>> No.51555690
File: 100 KB, 879x867, 1623965282573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until little Jayquan beat the living shit out of his classmate and took their money?
> (((Bank of Snyders)))
You can't even make this shit up lmao
Keked and Based