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51548292 No.51548292 [Reply] [Original]

For the first time in 6 years I've gone 10 days without alcohol. I didn't realize how much money I was blowing on booze and I feel 10x better. If anyone else is where I was two weeks ago just stop ASAP, you deserve better and will financially profit from this.

>> No.51548322

Based. I haven’t had a drink in 7 months and I feel great

>> No.51548326

Good for you. Just wait till your brain starts gradually recovering over the next 12-24 months. You will feel like you gained 20-30 IQ points

>> No.51548520

Wholesome anon. Well done.

>> No.51548862

i struggle with it because it's just fun but recently im just bored with it
considered putting it down because it's just fucking boring now
tired of waking up tired

>> No.51550413

Nice work, anon. I'll be 2 years in January. I found you have to not want that life anymore. You'll find you want to improve in other areas, too. It's a godsend.

>> No.51550424

read my lips

Not. My. Problem


>> No.51550655

Rehab is for quitters you fag, just have a drink and relax

>> No.51551157
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I fell for the modest drinking meme. Now I'm trying to go at least a year straight so that I reset my brain chemicals, I'm about a month in.

Sleep is my main reason for doing it. But it also changes your brain in more subtle ways that basically make you a retarded normie.

>> No.51551452

I didn't drink for 6 months now I drink once or twice a week, wine. Am I fucked?

>> No.51551560

Same. I was just a weekend drinker, but its crazy considering the fact that I've drank literally every week for 5+ years. Cut it out for no reason, just cause I don't feel like drinking, and I do feeo a lot better, getting better sleep and all that

>> No.51551804

Yes. Any habitual drinking is not good. I would recommend to listen to this entire thing:

>> No.51551925
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Everyone in this thread is a fucking Chad that is gonna make it

>> No.51551988
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based, bottled jew is the worst.

>> No.51552001

Gonna watch that, thanks anon

>> No.51552088
File: 516 KB, 976x850, 1663642408347275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now I'm trying to go at least a year straight so that I reset my brain chemicals, I'm about a month in.

just do fasting a couple times it's like a hard reset

>> No.51552092

Should i only drink wine BUT only in parties and gatherings? As in toasts or celebrations? Going to a wedding next month but i dont wanna feel weird or make others weird with my choice

>> No.51552165

Try being catholic anon, fast 2x a week, no drinking to excess, no jerking off. Generally a healthier lifestyle

>> No.51552183
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It's hard because it's so much fun and I like my drunk personality. I have been using it to be entertaining when sexting with eGirls. I don't know, op, is it really worth going through life not having this much fun?

>> No.51552209

Good advice OP. Noted.

>> No.51552254
File: 13 KB, 236x236, doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quit drinking
>dont want to go outside anymore
>just go to the gym otherwise stay in my room

Whats the point.

>> No.51552311

Wise words a cocaine addicts once told me...Dont get high if you cant handle the lows

>> No.51552333

Hepatic/renal health and longevity

>> No.51552824

That's mostly fine, just have one or two, past the initial buzz you face diminishing returns. The thing is there's pretty much constant holidays/birthdays/weddings so it might not be as moderate as you think.
I'll also refer you to this video >>51551804

>> No.51554872

ok I will, but what about the heart benefits?
relaxation / antistress?
I mostly do it to support the arcade I go to so I'm not a freeloader

>> No.51554985

heart benefits are for fat fuck smokers only. and even then it's only for a subset with the right genetics

>> No.51555073

Probably also for social drinkers because it offsets the heart problems caused by being a loner.

>> No.51555139
File: 59 KB, 400x366, e82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never drank.

>> No.51555199

Did you say 10x?!?! Where?

>> No.51555228

like anybody on this stupid website has any friends

>> No.51555248

Why would you take the copejuice in the first place? Too afraid to talk to people normally?

>> No.51555305
File: 110 KB, 1280x936, 20190629_woc294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the fun really worth damaging your body and brain more than heroin junkies are damaging theirs?

>> No.51555309

No I just drank alone and shitposted on 4chan

>> No.51555348

I went 1 year and notice a big difference.

Also you'll probably put on a bit of weight if you were drinking a lot. My weight spiked around 6 months and then tapered back down a bit around 1 year. I'm active as fuck too, shit's weird

>> No.51555411


Who do people think they're kidding with these stupid fucking graphs? If the same amount of regular alcohol drinkers were doing heroin or crack instead society would be utter apocalyptic chaos

>> No.51555425

>heart benefits
idk anon it seems that any benefit was overstated and doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
I used to quote some meme statistic that people who drank any amount lived longer than those who don't but that's not really a justification

it makes you stressed when you have a dependence

>so I'm not a freeloader
One aspect I'm not totally sure how to handle myself, it's fine that establishments expect me to financially support them it's a little odd when they expect me to do it by purchasing alcohol.

That's weird, but maybe not, hormones control us so much more than we realized and anything that disrupts them causes major changes.

>> No.51555459

>Harm to Users
>Harm to Others
Look at it closely

>> No.51555521

The "harm to others" part is exclusive to the UK, where crack and meth is not a widespread problem, so disregard that part. The only thing that matters to this thread is the "harm to users" part, and one regular dose of alcohol is more harmful to the brain and body than one regular dose of heroin. The study brought in the top 30 drug experts in the UK and had all of them assess each drug and that chart shows the average of their assessments, which is the closest thing we will get to the truth, unless of course your anecdotal experiences with heroin users and alcoholics overrides theirs