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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51542503 No.51542503 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51542628

Yes, if you're a white prostitute

>> No.51542693

>female owned business is just name for high class prostitution.

Huh who would have thought?

>> No.51542761

Dubai chicks get pood on by jeets. Was it really worth it?

>> No.51542808


some oil sheikh gave this dumb bitch '7 figs' to start a company while he sodomizes her daily. what a life. probably took her passport too

>> No.51542994

I live here and let me tell you. There are much more black here. The city is 80%+ male population. Everyone is after money.

>> No.51543004

That’s not correct. Stay where you are we are full.

>> No.51543027


ya, i'm sure this 21 year old 'entrepreneur' somehow has money to travel the world and stay in luxury hotels and is definitely not being willfully sex trafficked. totally legit my dude, you keep doing you in your desert utopia. don't worry, i don't want to come see your fucking big indoor mall attraction

>> No.51543032

Maren Altman

>> No.51543089

it is if for this (((well-connected slavoid))) mid

>> No.51543359
File: 311 KB, 892x892, pepostare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one actually wants to visit your weird shithole, don't worry
and the people that do aren't actually people they are soulless husks devoid of any sort of palpable sense of fulfilment, purpose, or direction
this includes you

>> No.51543507

It's a fucking shit hole coated with a veneer of Western luxuries to appeal to deluded young expats and nouveau riche wannabe world citizens. Corrupt and inept government barely holding thanks to strategically placed educated and highly paid Westerners, supported by legions of slave workers.
>t. Worked and lived there 8 years, never going back.