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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51536882 No.51536882 [Reply] [Original]

>decide to quit job
>didn't wanna deal with the awkwardness of working a two week notice
>stop showing up, block all contacts
>police show up at my door 3 days later

>> No.51536892


>> No.51536902

What happened after?

>> No.51536911

your coworkers were concerned about you

>> No.51536930
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Silly waggie you can't quit like this, it is the right and duty of your owner to send the police (on your bills) to check on you if you are at least 10 min late, let alone don't show up to work. I hope they broke at least a few bones to remind you where your place is.

>> No.51536982

>police show up at my door 3 days later
Yeah you actually don't have 4th amendment rights when it comes to waging lmao, they can just call the cops to 'check' on you. Trying to leave cagie is not allowed.

>> No.51537005

Didnt know mcdonalds was sponsoring cops

>> No.51537020

I opened the door and asked if he had a warrant or if I have under arrest. He said no and started saying something about my work as I shut the door. They didn't kick it down or come back so I guess I'm good now, right?

>> No.51537036
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We got ourselves an unruly wagie

>> No.51537050
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Well they do because so many wagies don't know their place anymore, what a sad world we live in. Like why is it so hard for them? Just smile, accept long hours for low pay and shut up this is very simple and worked for so many decades without a problem.

>> No.51537062

Memes aside there's nothing wrong with a simple welfare check especially if OP wasn't known for skipping work

>> No.51538253

It's called a wellness check. I had a guy join my team maybe three years back who suddenly stopped showing up. Our manager tried calling, texting, etc. When he still didn't respond the manager called the police to do a wellness check and turns out the guy had passed away in his apartment. It was sad.

>> No.51538285

quiet quitters are destroying the world economy!
oog booga!

>> No.51538354

I did this at mcdonalds. I picked up a second job to get a few more hours, went to the interview (obviously got the job) 3 weeks later, then 2 weeks for my "induction" which was a 3 hour shift then nothing for 2 weeks until they ask me to work nights when I already told them I have a day job. I just never went back, they sent me a text "do you still want work in maccas??" but that was it I just threw the uniform in the bin and got a second job at a supermarket where they were professional.

>> No.51538446
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>>decide to quit job
>>didn't wanna deal with the awkwardness of working a two week notice
>>stop showing up, block all contacts
>>police show up at my door 3 days later
this was my plan when i make it.
the last thing i want is cops looking for me..

>> No.51538632

>opened the door
lol you fucking idiot he definitely planted the bug

>> No.51538754

>when you dare to ask for extra napkins for your kid's happy meal the MacPolice will show up to punch your shit in

>> No.51538969

>turns out the guy had passed away in his apartment.

This will be my fate...

>> No.51539010

Why didn’t you just hand in a sick note like any sensible person would? HR Karen wouldn’t care whether you wrote you have an ant colony crawling up your arse as a reason.

>> No.51539069

Happened to me.
>Request manager for vacation for a family vacation
>Says I only have Vacation for two days
>Fine, I'll take two paid, three unpaid vacation days
>Go to vacation
>Come back
>Manager tells me to go to his office.
>Asks why I took the whole week off
>I requested a whole week off and when I only had two days of vacation days, I said fine, I'll take three days unpaid vacation.
>Manager escalates it
>So I told him fuck off and quit
>Got six months unemployment and fucked around the globe
>Went back and got a job at a better industry

>> No.51539099

They called in a wellness check you retard. Not overly surprising considering you cut off all communication with zero warning. They probably thought you killed yourself.

>> No.51539125

Yeah, well. All jokes aside. Such an autistic thing like giving them the complete silence treatment kinda maked them probably think you offed yourself. I hope you get fined or some shit.

>> No.51539138

I had too much kratom.

>> No.51539168

OP kinda should

>> No.51539251

my “friend” once threatened to kill himself after his gf left him and then went radio silent so i called his work security office to tell them and they drilled open his door and then he got mad at me for doing such a thing. i was hundreds of miles away or would have went to see him myself. his new gf who he recently married and didnt invite me to wedding told him to stop associating with me. shes a 30+ yo roastie bartender he just had a child with . he got giga vaxxed to keep his job too.

>> No.51539296

he sounds like a total simp...
If my wife left me I would quit working and just fuck off on my motorcycle for a month. I hope she does it when it is warm.

>> No.51540014

>>didn't wanna deal with the awkwardness of working a two week notice

what? that's the best time. Knowing you're leaving and everyone else can seethe and cope.