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File: 173 KB, 724x845, 1663690696873926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51533259 No.51533259 [Reply] [Original]

Mobilization could happen tomorrow.

If so, Central Bank Governor Nabiullina will resign.

Maybe Putin's speech will be here: https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/livestream_RT:d

>> No.51533269
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>> No.51533273
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Cute librarian vibes

>> No.51533286

Archive: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/396110982/

>> No.51533317
File: 1.04 MB, 936x706, 1663073836014830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks.

>> No.51533456

nothing ever happens

>> No.51533740

>Russia spams non-nuclear ballistic missiles until most of western Ukraine is a parking lot
>front will stabilize and gradually form a DMZ
>Zelensky wins the Nobel Prize and retires to Florida
>Israelis repopulate and rebuild what’s left of Ukraine
>USA laughs as EU and Russia goes into terminal decline

>> No.51535035

>unironically believing this garbage
If you had actually paid attention to the summit you'd have seen that China, Turkey and literally every other non western aligned country pretty much humiliated Putin and showed that they do not take him seriously anymore. China secured a railroad line deal to bypass Russia for fucks sake and now Turkey and India have publicly come out against the war. This is Putin's last attempt to keep his bad ass strong man image kek.

>> No.51535766

Kek writting this much bullshit.

>> No.51535832

>>>Israelis repopulate and rebuild what’s left of Ukraine
That'd be pretty based, ngl. Too bad they prefer their "holy land" in the middle of the desert.

>> No.51536177

It's true, the world is laughing at mighty Russia failing to invade a powerless neighbor, it's been over 7 months and the progress is appalling

>> No.51536211
File: 137 KB, 870x670, 16058 - 2soyjaks badge closed_mouth clothes communism ear flag glasses hair hammer_and_sickle mustache nazi purple_hair smile soyjak stubble subvariant chudjak_front swastika text tranny variant chudjak variant gapejak_front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate chud tranny larp posts like this, fuck /r/pol/ you faggot should all go back to r*ddit. Also kys phoneniggerfaggot

>> No.51536554

>mighty russia
Lmao you cant be serious , everyone knew russia only had nukes that make it a threat. If you so ever thought otherwise you’re a sheep kek

>> No.51536609

it was clear that a escalation of the war is coming one way or another. you think big ego energychad Putin is gone lose his face?

he would rather wipe off whole humanity with nuculear missles.

>> No.51536643
File: 105 KB, 508x464, strelkov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strelkov said something very similar, our Russian friend most likely just parroted Strelkov. (i presume an American took the screen shot, in which case the time would be after Strelkov posted.)

>> No.51537277

His speech was recorded and will be played tomorrow. So we'll see how this goes.

>> No.51538093

no way he mobilizes tomorrow, delay for what reason?

will be another announcement (at least this time)

>> No.51538228

>delay for what reason?
China said "no" or maybe problems in Putins inner circle?

>> No.51538249

>no way he mobilizes tomorrow
the russian parliament just accepted a ton of laws regarding mobilization (stricter punishments for breaking law during mobilization, stricter punishments for evading draft etc) today.

>> No.51540152

still kinda odd how unmotivated conscripts will somehow succeed where professional did not
especially considering they are running out of modern equipment
or are they really going to fall back to ww2 stalingrad tactics

>> No.51540206

Id call destroying the EU and making Americans hate their government and self sufficience being the number 1 trend on youtube overtaking beauty and make up tips to be pretty good progress

>> No.51540230

It's just desperation. They hope they can throw enough bodies into ukraine until they win but it will just delay the inevitable.

>> No.51540238

so this is the big Shemitah surprise

>> No.51540253

>2 more weeks until the west collapses
This is getting pathetic. It's like americans constantly predicting the collapse of china.

>> No.51540280

Go look up how many Russian had to die when they won WW2

>> No.51540288

ukraine has the largest army in europe currently (aside from russia) and is being funded and supplied by nato. Ukraine has 700k soldiers fighting Russia's 200k.

>> No.51540300

>he thinks ukraine will be anything like russians defending themselves from a nazi invasion

>> No.51540312

you have to be fucking kidding.
the UK is fucked, stuff is happening.

>> No.51540339

Not even close, Normies seem to think Russia is afraid of losing soldiers. Ukraine is going to be a cake walk when Russia decides to play for real..

Let the bodies hit the floor

>> No.51540374

There is a literal army of paid shills

>> No.51540395

they had the homefront and supply chain advantage there
but much more importantly they were at tech parity with germany, or even over it factoring in all the help they got for free from america
mass conscript tactics in modern warfare is only going to be a bloodbath

have you paid no attention to the last armenia/azerbaijan war from a year or so ago, drone go brrrrrrrr

>> No.51540408

If she tried to submit her resignation to me I would be resigned to submitting a dinner date request to her. Of beauty and then it with my body.

>> No.51540442

if she tried to submit her resignation to me, I'd rape her.

gently and in a body positive way

>> No.51540476

I bet the UK are very worried about Russia when they have just as many nukes as the Chinese, a far better equipped army, air force and navy along with being USA's bottom bitch. Russia starting a hot war against Nato would result in the glassing of its population centers within 24 hours and given how dogshit and ill-equipped Russia's army and air force have proven to be there is serious doubt to if Russia's stockpile of nukes even function in 2022.

>> No.51540477

gay and fake

>> No.51540569

America is well well into collapse.

>> No.51540585

All nations are into collapse.
All economies are going down.
All major states are crashing in terms of fertility, culture, quality of people, normal behaviors.

>> No.51540592

this nigga repeating ALL the liberal media talking points like damn

>> No.51540609


>> No.51540615
File: 345 KB, 539x624, large russians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.51540754

this came instantly to my mind aswell

>> No.51541394

....then why is China sending military aid?

>> No.51541716

Ukraine is the khazar jew's homeland.

>> No.51541756

Oh look, another /pol/ larp that didn't happen
They're just like /biz/ insiders

>> No.51541822

desu surprised nobody else is talking about it. it falls in line with the Shemitah MO. ngl, legit scares me.

>> No.51542489

>5-10mil. pops
What is this? Victoria 2?

>> No.51542504
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>> No.51542536
File: 1.23 MB, 852x1870, 1663562992201098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, they really are gonna use the whole place for onions farms aren't they...
>kill all the land-owning Ukrainian men
>give the land for free to Monsanto, Blackrock, China Inc., etc.
How did we not see this coming?

>> No.51542547

It's tomorrow and Putin is still asleep

>> No.51542619
File: 8 KB, 350x193, 1663212967550289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and the Shemitah MO includes this >>51542536
>the farmland shall lie fallow and unsowed.
happening right now

I wonder what the Jubilee surprise will be?