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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51528921 No.51528921 [Reply] [Original]

you guys have no idea what's coming have you?
99% of this board and 99.99% of the normies will miss it completely until it can be seen everywhere.

pro-tip: it'll change the game forever.

>> No.51528986

Protip, buy chainlink

>> No.51529009

ICP will save AH

>> No.51529100

imagine being so assblasted about ethereum that you write bullshit like this. the boomer die off over the next 20 years will be amazing.

>> No.51529189

Ethereum will not be the highlight in the coming cycle.

>> No.51529216
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>> No.51529241

Pretty sure this is it. They’re most likely the investors that restaked $20mil of icp for another 8 years once their initial investment was unlocked

>> No.51529440
File: 227 KB, 2221x834, 1639226383621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rabbit hole goes pretty fucking deep with this one including a few youtube videos that are only viewable if you have the link. connections with WEF and Linux Foundation backed by the village aka the billionaires venture. the storm will be come in waves once set in full motion. will make eth's 2020-2021 run look like child's play.

>> No.51529605

In 20 years, Boomerism will still be the leading cause of death. This is going to take a very long time.
>More Silents die every day than Boomers

>> No.51529705
File: 157 KB, 1080x1080, 9B76F7E5-7E1F-4035-80DC-B12B112C88D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don’t you explain it to us, o great oracle? Otherwise fuck off back to your hentai and dino nuggets.

>> No.51529745

He has to bait you into it by being mysterious and trying to get replies. If he just shills his shitcoin outright, his thread will get slid and die. This is lariping 101 nigger

>> No.51529750

Proof of 20 mil restake?

>> No.51529806

Definitely in my top 10 least favorite things about this website.

>> No.51529957
File: 670 KB, 1483x679, 1652414585488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done enough spoonfeeding. just giving out breadcrumbs now to those who know. if you're smart enough you'd start digging and see who this andreesenhorowitz is and what their portfolio allocation is. that should give you a headstart versus 99% that don't know.

>> No.51530023

ETH is literally a terrible braindead boomer+zoomer+nigger coin though

>> No.51530278

You're talking like AH is some obscure VC fund that hasn't been involved in crypto for years. Everyone knows about SUI or whatever other shitcoin you're talking about that they invested in.

Evan Cheng, bla bla bla.

You're trying to pretend like you have some kind of valuable information early. It's tiresome. You're not special nigger.

Yes SUI is cool, but I've already run projects on it and done all their little tutorials. If you're getting excited about it, you're just being a faggot that gets excited by investors throwing money around and think that lends credence to anything.

You suck at larping, you suck at giving "breadcrumbs," and you suck at investing in crypto.

>> No.51530309

And if you're unironically talking about ICP, you're only embarrassing yourself more.


>> No.51530361

nice try with sui but i don't care about another L1. also backed by ftx so definitely a no-go.

>> No.51530388

It happened in may. So around the 10th which caused the spike from $20 to $36. It was either 20 million icp tokens or $20 million worth of tokens. You can probably dig for the actual instance on the dashboard. But I don’t have time for that shit

>> No.51530389

In the next 20 years WE will be the boomers you fagg AAAAAAAAAAA