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51528787 No.51528787 [Reply] [Original]

>no focus

bros is it worth it?

at least not as sleepy as yesterday

>> No.51528804

Yes you will come out the other side of it.
Like any addiction you are trying to get off, you will have withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.51528815

i drink 2 large cups of coffee a day, 7 days a week. every few months i'll quit for a weekend and i don't get caffeine headaches.

>> No.51528835

I have never drank coffee or tea to start my day. Lots of water throughout the day. Being hydrated will make you feel just as energetic, if not more.

>> No.51528837

i quit cold turkey while on vacation and the radical shift in routine and the stimulating conversations and the enviroment made it so i didnt have any usual symptoms

im abuser of caffeine and ingest minimum 200 mg on bad days up to 600mg

i couldnt belive it but a radicalk change mixed with positive endorphins of my trip made it easy peasy

im back home on a routine and immeadtly jumped back

its crazy what the brain can achive

prior cold turkey quitting would be horrible

>> No.51528851

you sound like a junkie going through withdrawals

>> No.51528855

i have to add it was a good trip with good people and im a people pleaser so my brain just naturally gave me the energy and focus.

my conversational skills were on point

>> No.51528871

indeed. even the after days on meth is more comfy than this

>> No.51528873
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for me... its porn.. just peeked now i can feel the chemical cocktail brewing in my head as i cool off... all i know is that its worth it.. i vaguely remember the feeling of being free from vice, a clear mind

how quickly a man can fall from grace...

>> No.51528963

Good for you anon. Now apply this to all pharmaceuticals and drugs. They all fuck you up royally you body just has a way of communicating this to you easier with caffine. All drugs should be taken with extreme caution including antibiotics. Anti-inflammatory. Anti acid/pump inhibitors. And VITAMINS. And of fucking course all psychoactive drugs
They throw your body out of homeostasis

>> No.51528973

porn does nothing for me, i read novels sometimes though

>> No.51528995

youll be fine, you just have to really stop this time

>> No.51529181

don’t you know coffee is good for you?