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51528341 No.51528341 [Reply] [Original]

Should I become an actuary? Is it friendly to autistic people like me? I am good at math, but wont computers make a lot of them obsolete? Feel free to share anything actuary related because all the info from colleges and actuary sites is biased like any other industry. I guess my main question would be if I can pass all the tests what are the odds I can get a well paying job doing it even though I am ugly beta sperg incarnate. Right now I am living on welfare because I can net more working for cash then I would get at any job because I can not talk to normies in any job interview nor do they pay well enough to get up before noon.

>> No.51528383

Thanks doc

>> No.51528396

I work in the actuarial field. To answer your questions
> I guess my main question would be if I can pass all the tests what are the odds I can get a well paying job doing it even though I am ugly beta sperg incarnate.
Most actuaries are spergs, some are mutant level ulgy. You will most likely have to do some level of consulting meaning you will have to talk to clients and answer emails. I never took an actuarial exam, can't program, only use excel and some in house programs and am a director. It's tedious, detail oriented work and you have to work some insane hours. Pay is not as good as tech but still respectable. Automation will likely make my job obsolete in a decade but I think I can hold out till then. Not sure if I'd recommend it to someone starting out but there ya go. As far as getting a job, the turn over can be quite high so I'd imagine you can find something

>> No.51528405

I am considering it too. I will be studying bsc statistics in a month or two if I don't find a better option.

>> No.51528527
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Is the actuarial industry remote work friendly? I forgot to include in my op. I do not want to move to a dense urban area and want to stay where I am at because of pastures to jog through, cheap beef and lamb, and raw milk.

also daily reminder to anyone reading that many rural areas have income based housing with openings to move to if you hate city life

>> No.51528573

> Is the actuarial industry remote work friendly?
Yes, very. Depending on your country and company, but I haven't been in the office for 3 years and just work whenever I want. Also forgot to mention drop the anti-normies attitude, it's not helpful or particularly constructive in the corporate world. Just be friendly and open and it makes your day go by a lot easier
Yeah I did stats too and then transitioned into the actuarial world. You have to learn some financial mathematics but it's pretty basic stuff at least in my department

>> No.51528693

I’m in similar situation. Have dense software, product & data science/ML background with some financial consulting exp.

I want to move to credit & market risk, SAS, tail risk stuff. Is actuary better for that or FRM + CFA ?

>> No.51528735

Like the insurance side of it?

>> No.51528741

Personally actuarial work always seemed dry as dishwater to me; if I was going to sell my soul to industry I'd probably go the quant route (not that, that's much better). That said, if you think you can pass the tests go for it, it does pay well and I've heard those who can stand doing it find some job satisfaction in it.

t.broke math Ph.D

>> No.51529316
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>Also forgot to mention drop the anti-normies attitude, it's not helpful or particularly constructive in the corporate world

I literally can not talk to normies in jobinterviews because the only way I can talk with normies is to be ultra submissive or a psycho-nerd because anything else I have done through my life has got me bullied, ostracized, and even assaulted. To be fair I have only been around farm trash who create their own problems and when I slip up and forget who I am dealing with and give a solution I make an enemy for life. Then when they are enraged and get in my face and expect me to back down and when I dont they get even more pissed. There is no corporate culture friendly way to deal with this mentality, and I do not see the ultrasubmissive side working for any job interview unless it is something where I can do tests to show my skill.

It would take way too long to unlearn my entire life experience of how everyone else has treated me because I do not like hedonism and was born and raised in crabsinabucket central. They hate seeing people better themselves especially if they feel like that person should be forever below them on the totem pole. They hate the good for being good.

thanks for the earlier advice though, but I guess it comes down to I do not have to work, but I am done as a short term bitcoin trader so I am looking for a challenge that could make money that would have great long term potential while staying rural.

>> No.51529486

Ah well sorry to hear about your issues and hope you can work through them anon. I will say that there is not a lot of politics in the actuarial world and you have a lot of independence in what you choose to do but you still have to work in teams sometimes. Hope things work out and good luck

>> No.51530015
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>I literally can not talk to normies in jobinterviews because the only way I can talk with normies is to be ultra submissive or a psycho-nerd because anything else I have done through my life has got me bullied, ostracized, and even assaulted. To be fair I have only been around farm trash who create their own problems and when I slip up and forget who I am dealing with and give a solution I make an enemy for life. Then when they are enraged and get in my face and expect me to back down and when I dont they get even more pissed. There is no corporate culture friendly way to deal with this mentality, and I do not see the ultrasubmissive side working for any job interview unless it is something where I can do tests to show my skill.
>It would take way too long to unlearn my entire life experience of how everyone else has treated me because I do not like hedonism and was born and raised in crabsinabucket central. They hate seeing people better themselves especially if they feel like that person should be forever below them on the totem pole. They hate the good for being good.
I have a feeling we're not talking about actuary work anymore.
Whatever, stay weak. Keep blaming others for the way you behave, and blame them again for rightfully treating you like a sperg

>> No.51530244
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>I have a feeling we're not talking about actuary work anymore.

we were not talking about anything until you butted in...perhaps you were triggered because you identify with those people

it shows my life experiences and why it would take decades to reprogram myself to be an outgoing normie that asks for yet another picture of an HR roasties cat because I genuinely want to see it. That is why I need an autist friendly job. I can do business social, but that is not enough these days, you have to gush at the opportunity to be someone's slave and do so well that someone who has been oversocialized since birth can not tell the difference.