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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51527892 No.51527892 [Reply] [Original]

This model seems broken. Are any of the users, advertisers or publishers using or even interested in BAT?

>> No.51527928

It’s over but for real this time

>> No.51527944

I exclusively use Brave browser for both desktop and mobile and even I don't give a shit about BAT. I hate advertisements and even "ethically" supporting them and publishers just seems fucking gay and I don't wanna do it.

>> No.51528073
File: 68 KB, 856x764, 5A274F62-B2BE-4564-8C0C-B1E857B01E75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT has a strong use case that reaches outside of this fake and gay crypto market. You faggots should be praying for it to succeed so your shitcoin garbage will hopefully be taken seriously.
You too nigger

>> No.51528740

why is the token needed except for raising money for Eich and how team?

>> No.51528933
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I thought I was smart buying the 40 cent dip

>> No.51528941

This. I've used the browser since it was firefox based (around early 2018) and never used the token. I bought like $100 worth in peak 2018 and sold them after some years being useless. Multiple times I got the free BAT distributions that could only be donated to sites/content creators so there they went. Never had any interest to turn on ads to earn pennies. The MAU digits for BAT ads are very different from the browser MAU.

>> No.51528947

i literally sell it for LTC then transfer it out of my Uphold wallet the instant i get a payout

>> No.51528948

Brave is losing users. The future looks bleak for holders. I would sell immediately if I was holding BAT!!

>> No.51530382


>> No.51530403
File: 23 KB, 311x196, batn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Brave announces they reached over 1 million monthly active users in January 2018 - BAT price $0.85
> https://brave.com/update-brave-browser-and-bat-achievements-in-2017-and-goals-for-2018/
> https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20180108/
> Brave Passes 50 Million Monthly Active Users, Growing 2x for the Fifth Year in a Row - BAT price $0.35
> https://brave.com/2021-recap/

BATTies OFICIALLY got scammed. Brave downloads and usage have no bearing on the token. Glorified Ad Blocker. Token used for money grab gimmick. A small fraction of the users actually turn on ads - people will pay NOT to view ads.

BRAVE users != BAT shitcoin holders

Brave fans:
Love privacy
Hate big tech
Hate ad industry
Hate government
Probably use Linux, free software

BAT fans:
Don't care much about privacy (use public ledger crypto, rationalize KYC)
Love nu-big tech (web3)
Love ad industry (it'll cause BAT to moon)
Love government (regulation and institutional adoption will make BAT moon)
Probably less tendency to use Linux and free software

>> No.51530422
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> Yep, here, at least in the way that I don't care about the BAT rewards. I just think Brave is a good browser and I like to use it.

> do care about crypto, but not the Brave rewards. I have turned off ads. I don't want to make $30 a year by having to see 6 ads an hour.

> Time is my most precious commodity, attention is a close second. As I get older I'm more aware of this, and don't care to pollute my consciousness with ads if I can avoid it.

> I have been using Brave for around three years, never turned on BAT. Not interested in cryptocurrency of any kind.

> I don't give a shit about earning bat.. I give a lot of shit about crypto

> I'll raise TWO hands. Life is too short to spend it closing ads popups for pennies.

> If I could I would disable/strip off any crypto feature from Brave, desu.

> I do care about crypto, just not BAT.

> Yeah, I really wish this sub had forced flairs so I could filter out all the "were my bat??1" posts. Mods, please?

> Don't give a shit about crypto baked into a browser.

>> No.51530441
File: 157 KB, 370x246, bati.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How about 10 BAT in one year from today, you pay me if BAT:BTC >= 0.00015 (max to date is 0.000145), else I pay you. Safe if BAT is worthless as you contend. How can you lose? ;-) - Brendan Eich @BrendanEich · Jan 24, 2018
> https://twitter.com/BrendanEich/status/956237347649069057
BATTies got scammed! BAT is 0.00001715 BTC. BAT is Eich's money grab project, his last chance to make some money because despite being there in the early web and throughout the growth years, he never managed to make any money. Scamming low IQ crypto fags was his ticket - that is the use case of BAT

>> No.51530461
File: 78 KB, 400x364, bat2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 5 years of pure, unbridled cope
> muh give it 5 more year, BAT is a 10 year long term investment

>> No.51530481
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> muh Brave Search
this is BATTies last dose of hopium. A trillion dollar mega-corp with an unlimited budget, Microsoft which could force itself as the default search engine on retail normies, failed miserably is where a token with basically zero budget is going to succeed. BATTies will continue to get scammed

>> No.51530529

The whitepaper explicitly states this coin cannot go above $1. So many people buy without knowing this

>> No.51532258

I commend you for your commitment to fud this token

>> No.51532622

Vaporware silicone valley Jew scam, many such cases

>> No.51532751

This I’ll agree with. Eich is essentially the Jerome Powell of crypto except he keeps on printing BAT and kept interest rates at zero

>> No.51532828

17 replies 90% of the posts are directly FUDing, 13 total 12 with 1 post and then the bottom who does his copy paste FUD script for 5 posts.

Why is everything negative? Maybe Brave is one of the only viable companies who can compete with Google. They've already taken away about 4 billion search queries away from Google/Microsoft. At 5 cents a query that's $200,000,000 that bing or Google could have made.

To think that those large companies wouldn't shit on Brave any chance they get is stupid. Hiring a small army of pajeets to astroturf reddit, 4chan, twitter, etc would be nothing to them and very cost effective. This thread is not organic.

>> No.51532874

It is broken in that no one tips bat to anyone. Though the advertising side works fine.

>> No.51533205

The browser was never based on firefox you fucking retard.

t. alpha user

>> No.51533341

Sorry I forgot to mention I'm getting paid by google to smear competition on a dead e-tulip merchant forum. For real though this is my 1st time in a BAT thread, I always just ignored them. I had optimism for this project in 2018 but if a startup can't achieve anything in 5 years it's not looking good. Has anyone here ever bought ads through brave and seen them work? Or do you just want the token to appreciate in value.

>> No.51533385

unironically this but M$ also does a bunch of stupid shit for tax write-offs because they can just sit on Enterprise revenue forever and Bing is 100% stupid shit.
supply is capped at 1.5b no?
didn’t the price go to $1.80?
>Maybe Brave is one of the only viable companies who can compete with Google
literally if Eich kept this narrative without delivering anything BAT would have pulled a LINK but instead he stuck his foot in his mouth and even debunked the BraveOS rumor that shot it over a dollar.
>This thread is not organic.
No BAT thread is, even the positive ones are made by Discord shills

>> No.51533575

Yep I was wrong. It seems it has used chromium in the back since forever but just had Muon UI. I meant that I've used it since it had the "firefoxy" Muon UI and not the google one.

>> No.51533713
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Same. After 30 days of pop up retarded ads and shit and I get like 60 cents of BAT? Who gives a fuck

>> No.51533719

Microsoft didn't fail you copypasta faggot. Bing brings in over $2B+ in revenue a year. Its one of microsofts most successful products.

>but but but its not google so it failed.

>> No.51534345
File: 52 KB, 797x599, dsfds55dsrdvc54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RETARDED BATTIE. Bing launched in 2009 and in 2010 it had 11.5% market share
> Google: 65.5%
> Yahoo: 16.8%
> Bing: 11.5%
> Ask Network: 3.5%
> AOL: 2.5%
> https://www.businessinsider.com/henry-blodget-bing-revisited-still-toast-but-slightly-less-burnt-2010-3
TODAY Bing low single digit market share and Google is
> Bing: ~6%
> Google: ~88%
> https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/united-states-of-america
And all this was costing Microsoft was spending Billions upon Billions at a loss
> Bing is spending $5.5 billion a year to generate $3 billion of revenue.
> https://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-bing-losing-billions-2011-4
And you think Microsoft succeeded! This is why I say you fags are LOW IQ BATTIES who get scammed. And you think a MONEY GRAB SCAM CRYPTO project has BILLIONS to spend over years acquiring marketshare in 2022? BATTIEs will continue to get scammed

>> No.51534537


>> No.51534546

tax write-offs are a hell of a drug
are you able to find where Brave queries compare to DDG? that seems like the first domino

>> No.51534551

>heh this will show him
>posts article from 2011

Bing hit profitability in 2016. They are a money printer for microsoft now. Also fucking lol at comparing the 6% to 88%. Mcdonalds made up the entirety of the fast food hamburger market yet plenty of other franchises joined in to make billions.

>but muh 88%

>> No.51534659

Brave search is barely a year old and the rewards option isn't even turned on yet. It took DDG 8.5 years to do what brave has done in one year. If the growth increases or stays roughly the same then brave will probably flip DDG in about 2 years from now.

>> No.51534677
File: 39 KB, 289x400, 38C5FDDE-BC1A-4BE8-8291-C291AD50BED2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are any of the users, advertisers or publishers using or even interested in BAT?

No. I actually have the crypto BAT function disabled on Brave because it's useless.

>> No.51534728
File: 91 KB, 512x512, batshitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Microsoft spent and lost BILLIONS PER YEAR to become a dominant player in search space
> Lost marketshare instead while Google gains even more marketshare
> But Search is where my Scam Crypto Project which doesn't have billions in resources, developers, infrastructure, AI and can't even develop basic features will succeed
keep getting scammed retards

>> No.51534738

I would keep the ads on if the ads werent all just pajeet scams and paid enough.
Im not gonna watch ads if I get like 1 dollar a month

>> No.51534962

so focusing on being facts oriented: Brave Search volume is about 1/6th that of DDG last year, who knows if DDG queries went up or down this year but Brave is definitely trending up however still ~0.1% of global search cap (DDG is 0.71%), who knows about the US alone but extrapolating that would put it at 0.41% but again I don’t know how much of the 504m QPM is from the US
As far as Browser we know FF is ~200m but does anyone have data on Opera? Seems like the first leapfrog that’s closer than FF but I can’t find data.

>> No.51535020

Get a life you fucking losee

>> No.51535125

I'm pretty sure opera claims to have like 600m users or some shit

>> No.51535277
File: 235 KB, 1187x1282, C033B16A-C8D5-4C24-B88E-C27855A6E9F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh either this page is wrong
or the Browser companies themselves are wrong
>Opera: 330M MAU
>Firefox: 200M MAU
>Brave: 57M MAU
so the moonshot is Brave 4x’ing MAU and can hopefully snowball Opera from there who from the looks of things is adding all of the features Brave is to not bleed users. (VPN and Crypto wallets were added in the past 12 months, Opera messenger is way more established than Brave Talk)
so in lieu of doing an IPO the focus has to be on pumping BAT’s price to even have a chance of competing with Opera but even then they’re just forking Chromium and that’s Opera’s ‘gotcha’

>> No.51535290

Yea we’ll it’s owned by CCP chinks now, so I wouldn’t take them at their word. Opera was big in 2004-5 and was already assreamed by Eich once

>> No.51536151

Is there a Community talk thing today? Also where the fuck the thots at?

>> No.51536368

The madman is retweeting eat ze bugs posts
Dumping some on this piece of shit token

>> No.51536494


I heard they are hiring a few more virologists to work under Brendan.

>> No.51536515

Token not needed. Pajeet farmers dumping tokens not needed.

>> No.51536820
File: 682 KB, 612x778, 8F41A3B7-FE79-4553-A068-A73343F81CD3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, the token is the only thing floating the company right now even at $0.30 USD and I’m surprised there is no utility outside of ‘Twitch Bits’ after 5 years. Like even the ability to pay for the existing Premium services in the browser would pump BAT back to a dollar.

>> No.51536859

so its basically a failure of a business model.

>> No.51536899

so why do the devs give out free bat like candy?
wouldn’t it be in their economical interests to not inflate the supply?

>> No.51536948

I deleted my cuckhold account and disabled ads. Getting less than $1 for a whole month of viewing shitty crypto ads is not worth it.

>> No.51536980
File: 80 KB, 651x299, 7FEBE2E1-D7D8-4BDD-A9CB-710A6F0F9E73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets even better: the market cap of BAT at its current price is worth less than the valuation of Opera stock, meaning at its ATH the token was worth THREE TIMES MORE than Opera (OPRA has fallen 50% since then) and they’re still nowhere near the level of reach or features. Even worse, BAT at its current price is massively over-valued unless it can get some serious growth this/next quarter.

>> No.51537054

> compares crypto to stocks
> 15 years old

>> No.51537075

I’m not exactly knowledgeable about it all but hasn’t brave pissed off a huge population of the anticensorship brigade during the ukraine stunt? the very same people who were leaving duckduckgo?
so with the revelation that ddg is no longer as anti censorship as it was before alongside having lower quality of search previous users were leaving in mass go competitors.
this should’ve been a make it or break it moment for brave search but it appears they failed to capitalize on this opportunity and allowed the same censorship as ddg.
i don’t expect brave to go far.
if their goal is privacy they will never beat google as the only way they’ll hit it big is by compromising on their values but at the same time unless they increase the quality of their search massively they’ll fail even if they go duckduckgos sell out route. either way they seem screwed.
their best options was to go full anticensorship and cannibalize ddgs market then move on from their.

>> No.51537077

DDG queries have flatlined and are slightly down. Opera data is largely chinkified so I wouldn't worry about them too much. They say they have 3x the users of firefox yet you always see people using chrome,firefox,brave on twitter/youtube/twitch. Dont trust opera data.

Also it should be noted that the global search volume doesn't mean a whole lot. If brave is able to pull in billions of queries and an advertiser has the option of running their ads on google for 5x the price for the same keyword then the advertiser will likely run the campaign on both search engines. DDG is brining in $100m+ a year in revenue. Brave is bringing in like $15m

Everyone wants to bitch about the userbase growing and the price remaining stagnant, but nobody wants to mention that revenue has been mostly flat. I hold BAT because im waiting for the revenue to go up, not the userbase. The userbase just helps revenue. $15m a year is a drop in the bucket. If they roll out a successful search ad system then brave could be looking at $100m+ revenue a year which is massive. Thats about 30m BAT purchased per month which is about 20-30x the amount they normally purchase. Its not an unrealistic goal either. The data is there.

>> No.51537138

Is this a bait post?
You are aware BAT is a crypto directly tied to a search engine and browser right?

>> No.51537152

wtf are you blabbering about? DDG has been flat and trending down since that news. On that same hand, brave search is up like 143% since that news. Brave search is up 17% this month and the month before was like 12%. Brave search has been doing nothing but growing while DDG has been going sideways.

>> No.51537281

Comparing stocks and tokens is retarded. They are nothing alike and tokens have give no ownership of the biz.

>> No.51537331
File: 455 KB, 1981x897, 95A65D95-A6F9-4C2A-8F90-95D985960669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mozilla comparison has already been done to death and Opera is actually treating Brave like a threat so I stand by my analysis. 15-year head start or not Brave doesn’t have the numbers to back a similar valuation even at OPRA’s ATH of 1.2B valuation.
idk what happened with Ukraine stuff but yeah ad companies want data, lots of data, like everything they can legally get their hands on (and more) and I’ve heard the team saying how hard a sell privacy is. I’m sure some would play ball if they had the user count but it’s more of a chicken/egg type thing at the moment
it’s 1.5x between FF/O either way and I never weighed in on what I thought was correct but I’m just trying to add hard data to an otherwise boring thread for once. Challenging DDG should go okay in the next 12-24 months but without a serious cash infusion I don’t think they go past that, also doesn’t matter how big the buybacks are literally look at the chart, the 1.6m buy just caused a bart then it went down so go ahead and stock up on more hopium
it’s the best we’ve got right now, again just trying to get hard data on where this project is at since I’m tired of Discord raiders and LARPers

>> No.51537366

I meant poster is 15 years old.

>> No.51537596

How does it feel to lose all your third-world money holding this shit?

>> No.51537620

Imagine being a large publicly traded browser zombie corp, overvalued and overleveraged to the gills about to get BTFO by a small privately owned crypto browser that doesn’t even have a CMO

>> No.51537727
File: 58 KB, 1280x727, geminiisretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really what happened with the ad buy you disingenuous faggot

>> No.51537786
File: 491 KB, 2439x1240, B58B0ACA-5419-4156-8F92-B4C9A55D2745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you misinterpret it so badly?
wow 2 whole cents then fucking nothing!! :o

>> No.51538008

Yeah because thats all that goes into it. Who gives a fuck about a couple hundred thousands of dollars causing that much slippage. What really matters is the few hours that followed. Nobody cares about people building positions or available float being zero when you can look at lowest common denominator price data like every 30-iq dogecoin faggot.

>> No.51538064

It's fucking over dude. They just said on the community call that they have literally not accomplished anything and aren't working on anything bat related at all. Search ads next year maybe. Fuck this shitty coin.

The people working at brave don't hold bat nor do they care about it.

>> No.51538107

they said search ads next year? fuuuuuck. what about the FTX rumors?

>> No.51538237


>> No.51538322

This is the most incompetent team in crypto. They literally do not accomplish anything ever.

>> No.51538350

What on earth is Jimmy going on about. He was asked "do you guys get user passports". And instead of saying "no", he said "we get some country information, we've been doing our best to de-conflict it, we get some country information"

Has Brave been getting people's passports?

>> No.51538391

why dont u ask you pussy

>> No.51538402

So a couple major issues, nobody wants to buy BAT, nobody gives a shit about their ads. Also Brave is just chrome with makeup, absolute dogshit. Good idea, just falls flat on the execution.

>> No.51538451

chrome is good. it has the most users for a reason

>> No.51538693

Wow I should have never joined the community call. I didn't know things were this bad. Never joining another one again. My finger was already hovering over the sell button before this.

>> No.51538718

no, please dont sell your 20 bat

>> No.51538739

Brave is not firefox based though sry mate, just chrome with makeup. All your data are belong to Alphabet Inc.

>> No.51538811

Did you hear what Eich said last year? "The top 100 is manipulated". That's why BAT hasn't taken its rightful place in the top 10. It's all Google's fault.

>> No.51538812

> Facebook is good. it has the most users for a reason
> Reddit is good. it has the most users for a reason
> iPhone is good. it has the most users for a reason

Ok buddy.

>> No.51538839

its meta you retarded retard yea meta, reddit and apple are all great glad u agree

>> No.51538999

Garbage has the most users because NPCs like you use the crappiest shit with most advertisement, then peer pressure keeps it going because you are not capable of forming your own opinion nor have the technological knowledge to understand a better alternative.

The fact that some thing has the most users means nothing in regards to how good it is. Those are two completely different things.

>> No.51539034

No one gives a shit if Brave is good, only that they pump BAT, which requires hordes of NPCs.

>> No.51539108

define good. google is also the best

>> No.51539122

why do you use brave then

>> No.51539266

Define you're a faggot and NGMI because you decide you're entire life around what the masses does so you will end up like the masses, dirt poor trying to suck your own dick.

Nobody is arguing against that.

>> No.51539295
File: 2.34 MB, 720x1280, 244649796_301889014826354_6649730965425029805_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Search ads next year maybe
You can't be serious, lad?! WHAT?

>They literally do not accomplish anything ever.
I remember when I said this last Summer and newfags called me a FUDfag. I've worked with some god awful people and companies, but never in my life have I dealt with anything as disorganized, insipid, and clueless as the Brave team; Its appalling and kind of disrespectful to anyone who believes in them.

Anything else worth mentioning?

>> No.51539354

youre so cool you dont you use google. have fun on your hardened rasberry pi with tor hahahha you retard.

>> No.51539440

Brave browser is having a hard time with twitch ads lately.

>> No.51539610

It's an interesting concept that doesn't work because the token doesn't provide an incentive to be spent.
If those 60MM people were charged monthly to keep the adblocker feature up and running, that would make a huge difference in the price. But of course, they'd never do it. Have fun with your digital argentinean peso.

>> No.51539640

>chrome is good. it comes preinstalled on every android phone for a reason

>> No.51539645

naw that doesnt matter. just sell it for usd

>> No.51539666

define good. yea google is the best hahahah maybe you can stop em with your rasberry pi with firefox

>> No.51539697

Learn to use capital letters and stop writing "hahah" in the middle of your sentence you sound like a fucking retard.

>> No.51539724

According to surveys, Safari is the second browser with the most market share.
Is it good? No. It's second on the graphs because it comes preinstalled on every iPhone. If Android users barely download any other browser than Chrome, don't expect an Apple NPC to even think about alternatives.

>> No.51539738


>> No.51539751

blah blah. define good you retard hahaha. google is great and you cant stop us. ahahah were also gonna cuck your adblocker soon. ahahehahHAHAHA. define good im waiting

>> No.51539778

define good u stupid retard hahahahha u cant.

>> No.51539829
File: 21 KB, 281x400, 1662499219265933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so mad bro? is your country's economy also monopoly money or something?

>> No.51539859

They said at the beginning of the call search ads are going to be released in a few months. Chill.

>> No.51539883

as long as google is king im a happy camper. define good hahahaha

>> No.51540266

A few months sounds more like, maybe next year if we feel like it. I remember last summer they said 100% self serve was coming out early this year in select regions. What about the FTX and SAND partnerships? More bullshit? BAT had the potential to be a top 5 token and they completely squandered the opportunity with incompetence. If they hired Annie, lord knows what other dead weight they got laying around in there. Why won’t they do anything to fix their problems?

>> No.51540285

I'm a dirty, low class phone poster now, haven't owned a pc for over 5 years and just use brave for the ad block

>> No.51540472
File: 199 KB, 1080x1325, 307806554_471734941505767_2397620634969399827_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the plan. Next bullrun I'll probably dump everything outside of a sUwUcide stack.

>> No.51540662

As a big fan of the thotposts I have to say youre probably the most retarded bagholder on the board.

>> No.51541144

I just loaded the browser on an old phone and keep it in a drawer on power saver mode. check once a month and transfer the BAT into something with yields like KAVA.

>> No.51541482

Cool, can't wait to see search ads in 2025 Q2.

>> No.51541661

Man, all the simps that jumped into BAT over a ho, pretty sad

>> No.51541876
File: 119 KB, 1200x1067, yurmum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the very least, the traffic I've brought to these threads over the years are on par with BAT/Brave related news; you're welcome and its been my pleasure.
>pic rel

>> No.51541933

Can you provide specific examples as to why they're incompetent? Maybe an instance of something that we haven't read here before?

>> No.51542377

You need MORE proof? You mean other than the fact that BAT is the same price it was 5 years ago and they have not added any use cases to BAT the entire time, and literally can't even make a fucking swag store? Think about that, a wet behind the ears teenage YouTuber who just reached his first 1,000 subs can get shirts made and shit out a merch store in 1 fucking day. It's absolutely fucking insane how bad they are at completing anything. The only thing they did was buy a search engine that was already made and thank God they kept the previous team working on it because Goggles is the only product I've seen that actually was announced and then finished from brave, and that's probably because the search team had never interacted with the rest of the lazy fucks at brave and haven't realized that they don't even need to work to still get paid yet.

It's a fucking shit show. The one use case for BAT (tipping the ad earnings) is quite literally unusable because of the incompatibility with the rewards custody partners. And let's face it, even that weren't an issue and tipping did work, nobody would give a fuck anyways because Brave never does anything to add features to it or get people to use it.

I actually think that Eich regrets doing the BAT ico and would have been better off not having it or just using ETH or BTC for the reward portion if they even chose to stick with that

>> No.51542447 [DELETED] 
File: 512 KB, 1242x1793, 5DD19D62-67E2-4142-ADC8-3334EB934554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar daddy won’t buy me BAT

im ngmi boys

>> No.51542920

Man BAT is pretty based. Just look at all this animosity.

>> No.51543266

I mean, bringing more traffic was probably bad for more people in the end.

>> No.51543298

When is Opera releasing a token I’m going to ape the fuck out of it.

>> No.51543505

>Are any of the users, advertisers or publishers using or even interested in BAT?

short answer: no

long answer: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.51543547
File: 3.69 MB, 480x360, red arrow down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funny/sad thing is that the Opera, Chrome, Firefox (would never happen lel fucking trannies) or shit, even fucking Microsoft Edge browsers could release centralized shitcoins at ANY moment and those shitcoins would INSTANTLY be

1) more popular than BAT and probably more widely used/traded;
2) DEFINITELY more shilled or promoted than BAT; and
3) better investments than BAT, probably by a long shot

>> No.51543625

I'm getting so much bat from rewards bros, stack will be worth thousands next bull run

>> No.51543655 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 2574x1730, Primer4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the worst possible situation, which we only discovered recently, this universe has no upper bounds (for anything, apparently, especially pain). The purely evil are indeed purely evil (and almost always racially demonic), and death is apparently an illusion. The general theme is growing/expanding pain.

Repeat this line in your head or out loud while visualising it

"My aura is altering all aspects of my being to emit Unlimited -% (negative percent) energies into the world, the nature of these energies is anti-pure evil. (Decide: Send to Hell=Yes or Send to Hell=No (I Advise)) (This Hacks The Energies)"

You cannot trust your eyes in this pseudo-digital/digital world we live in, but it seems like we can fight the enemy, so we do. The Nephilim do (seem) factionalize and send other to hell at least on occasion, but I don't know how frequent it is.

Neutrality/Survivalism is a realistic option for males.

I do not know what our chances of winning are, but the faction thinks they do, you can ask if you want. Try emiting Unlimited positive % energies of a purely communicative and innoculous against evil nature (say it) in order to connect to the faction.

There is a threat on Earth.

Repeat this mantra
"Empower me.
I am becoming more powerful.
The rate that I passively gain Bio-Electricity is improving."

Imagine Bio-Electricity as a vitalizing force coursing through your body. This will make you immortal.

We would also appreciate the following alternative wording(s)
The nature of these energies is in/to support (of) the forces of Good on Earth in a general sense.
The nature of these energies is to assist the forces of Good on Earth in the recruitment of key demographics.
The nature of these energies is to twist time to favour our/my cause.

>> No.51545680

seems like this project is dead

>> No.51545790

it's been dead for a long time now

>> No.51545885


>> No.51546002
File: 37 KB, 549x473, 1653104460690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave will rise again, screenshot this

>> No.51546060

Imagine having such low self-esteem that you accept watching ads for money...

>> No.51546179

i just trade it for xrp and xdc

>> No.51546184
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, Amitabh-Bachchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sent 44 BAT to this post but you will never claim it so why do? Because in 2 years when bat is $44 per a piece you will remember the 44 BET you got checked in from me and you will frantically try to redeem but the expiry will have times out and then the FOMO will have a win

>> No.51547850

I can’t believe some madlad is threatening luke’s kids come on

>> No.51548104

$10 eoy lets go

>> No.51548240

what the fuck? please don't tell me that's true

>> No.51548274

Wtf ? He is a nice guy why would someone do that

>> No.51548408

Shit I hope not. It’s not Luke’s fault the company sucks. He’s the only one willing to fight for the price of BAT

>> No.51548660

this is true. Luke is quite literally /our guy/