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51523296 No.51523296 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51523304

they don't

>> No.51523305

I'll buy ADA

>> No.51523316

ada same as eth just different douche at the front

>> No.51523324

The man who killed crypto

>> No.51523366

ETH was always the pedoglobalist project. The Ether foundation had money from JPM invested into them since the very beginning and it was always treated as the centralized tool of Vitalik, yet mETH heads are only now shocked that ETH is showing it's true colours. They actually had a good run, they fooled a legion of retards and normies for years.

>> No.51523394

nope. ada ico was in asia, no US sales. not a security in the US. try again.

>> No.51523422


>> No.51523433

>massive premine
>backend and wallet IP owned by 1 US corporation.
He's not wrong

>> No.51523443

guess we'll see soon.

>> No.51523448

ya but i just want roi to buy tendies with, i'm not on a crusade to rid the world of central banks and i definitely wouldn't risk my empire credit$ for something like that anyways so i bought some.

>> No.51523463

you should probably buy some lunc now then sell it in a couple days. that should get you some tendies

>> No.51523547

and actually, i gotta wonder. they are going to piss off a lot of normies if they call eth a sec and destroy it, then say xrp is a-ok. I don't care because security or not, i think eth is shit. i will never buy xrp, because it is centralized. do you have an opinion on this anon?

>> No.51523927

kek that smug ass grin

>> No.51523939

Gensler already said when he first entered that PoS is a security. PoS isn’t inherently a security though, and being a security isn’t inherently a bad thing either.
However, ETH PoS is extremely centralized spaghetticode with a gimmicky consensus and there is simply superior tech that scales without being a supreme pump and dump pajeet token for shitcoin casinos.
XRP isn’t centralized and the source code is now public so, it’s not 2017 anymore the same fud is still circulating and it’s funny because there’s hundreds of validators now and there’s only 8 ripple validators.

>> No.51523970

rest in piss ETH

>> No.51523994

ok, thanks for the response. i understand eth is centralized now, but again, i don't care about eth. i'll take what you are saying about number of validators as true, but how can one become a validator?

>> No.51524008

XRP will be first with clarity. All others will have to fight the SEC while XRP is bought by institutions.

>> No.51524023

>i will never buy xrp, because it is centralized
im not sure how, but alright

>> No.51524026


>xrp declared security
>all pos considered securities
>alt coins all commit seppuku
>all the money flows into PoW coins
>triggers BTC gigabullrun

>> No.51524028

everyone pack it up and move to ghostchains.
By the time he gets around to them we will have a new place to jump to.

>> No.51524034

I hope these bureaucrats stroke out and become permanently retarded.

>> No.51524043

Anyone can be a validador, it’s proof of federated Byzantine agreement. There is no incentive, there is no consensus. Nobody really understands the XRPL, and when they do they realize it’s so simple they call it “antiqued” yet don’t understand it does exactly what banks need, but is patented and led by bankers and feds anyway.

>> No.51524048

i'm not sure how either, but i am trying to figure that out right now... I know i dismissed XRP long ago due to that being a fact(in my mind at least), but can't remember why. maybe you can help me out.

>> No.51524054

Which implementation?

>> No.51524080

so, are you saying it is basically a CDBC looking for a CB to adopt it?

>> No.51524094

we? i held no eth.

>> No.51524104

sorry CBDC

>> No.51524118
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>> No.51524152

The argument was most eth nodes are in America so it'd American now....somehow.

So cardano is American and African

>> No.51524166

Sorry if this is a brainlet take, but does Ethereum not have something like a legal team that could have warned or foreseen this?

>> No.51524167


It was fun while it lasted

>> No.51524182

I claim all of SEC should be sent to a prison for criminal activity and stealing opportunities away from US citizens.
These boomers have nothing to do with crypto and are nothing more than parasites working for their jewish overlords.

>> No.51524191

unironically fucking bullish.

whats the make it/sui numbers?

>> No.51524202

also ripple announced the first two CBDC pilots with national governments in the world, Bhutan and Palau, and is also the only digital asset company to sit on the governing board of the ISO20022 digital payments messaging interoperability standard

>> No.51524207

well, that argument is incorrect. unless we are just a banana republic right now, which seems to be the way it is going.



>> No.51524210

this boomer doesn't even realize applications exist on top of eth than privatize everything. oh I guess they'll ban each one one by one like a dictator with his little sanctions list.

>> No.51524212

Don't give a shit
What's coming cannot be stopped

>> No.51524221

I'm only quoting what was written in the filing, I have no idea how they came up with that train of thought

>> No.51524232

ok, so you can probably make a lot of money off it, but it's just government controlled garbage like fiat.

>> No.51524234

fyi the ISO20022 standard is what all the cbdcs and digital settlement platforms will use to communicate between reserve currencies/walled gardens

>> No.51524250

got it, thanks

>> No.51524252

unless we build something better and cooler on top of it that leverages Ripple's government/central bank connections to help fund the construction of a decentralized parallel society

>> No.51524267
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>> No.51524284
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We have a place for you.

>> No.51524327

It’s a neutral bridge asset made for CBDCs to build on top of
CBDCs were a conspiracy theory until recently, XRP has always talked about CBDCs and the XRPL as a neutral interoperability bridge

>> No.51524352

ok. still not going to buy, because i disagree with that in a moral sense, but that kind of clears it up best of luck xrp holders.

>> No.51524387

>but m.. m.. m.. muh energy savings

>> No.51524470

ripple/xrp isn't neutral at all
the apis and standards it's choosing to support might be adopted, but nobody is adopting some premined private asset thats got as dirty a history as xrp does
fiat backed or clean-start zero-public assets only

>> No.51524584
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see' yall at ETC/ETHW chain.

>> No.51526328

Literally me

>> No.51526586
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Run them over with your car

>> No.51527244

This. They don't have jurisdiction over any crypto. It is the reason they are creating their own crypto, CBDC, because they literally don't have jurisdiction over others. Normies will fall for the meme though that they do.

>> No.51527279

this is what happens when your "crypto" is not engineered to withstand nation state attacks.

>> No.51527287

The writing was on the wall from the beginning with normies investing in it because it had mainstream backing

>> No.51527326

Their train of thought is that because the validator is residing in american soil , every trx happening through that validator is essentially happening in usa therefore it falls under usa jurisdiction and since the majority of validators are based in usa the majority of eth and therefore the chains trx will fall under usa jurisdiction and will be treated as such. Whether it holds on court or not remains to be seen. It was added also in the recent case of molinas ico fraud but the case got settled before a final court verdict if im correct. Havent followed the case at all except some twitter posts

>> No.51527379
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>1963: JFK
>2022: ETH
It's ogre.

>> No.51527407
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>the absolute state
>feminism won
>we are near extinct

>> No.51527437

thinking about this as well
not having ico'd in the us was a smart move

>> No.51527456
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People thought he was good for the space, LMAO

>> No.51527484

no, because ethereum is actually decentralized despite the midwit memes on /biz/
so local government decisions have no bearing on protocol development

>> No.51527513

Wait, ETH didn't see the shit coming? Pure proof of stake >>51523316
are among the most admirable algorithms asides proof of work but I'd stick my hard cock on Proof of work now that the world is fucked with energy crisis.

>> No.51527546
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What a fucking retard, if ETH could stick around PoS then hackers will be having cruise party every night. But think of a combined ecofriendly nature of PoS and the democracy of PoW into one, no son of a bitch gonna touch your dick.

>> No.51527557

Wtf is confusing you anon...

>> No.51527582

QAN's adopted primary recommendation which was CRYSTALS Dilithium is just thrilling now that the world is faced with energy crisis and that feels like a juicy pussy.

>> No.51527598

It's far fetched fool. Dumbass don't loose all your funds. have some sense faggot

>> No.51527614
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You fell for a classic FUD that many were literally paid to post on forums.

>> No.51527622

ETH will end the year at $3k. Keep your bag, you will appreciate it.

>> No.51527690
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>biggest update in history of crypto

>> No.51527706
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Time to move on to other things then? Eth will always be here imo, but more blockchain protocols such as Geeq are also coming up. Fingers crossed.

>> No.51527722

Fuck xrp and their court cases. Would rather stick with blockchains with multichian fundamentals. Kek

>> No.51527725

>I'll promote my shitcoin while pretending to add to a conversation

>> No.51527729


>> No.51527836

>i will never buy xrp, because it is centralized
Can't wait to do Basedjak posts with this one after XRP takes off

>> No.51527844

Honey badger doesn't care

>> No.51527851

not vatalik, nerd.

>> No.51527860

stop spoonfeeding nigger

>> No.51527889

But I didnt take any profit yet....
this is why avalanche was launched in japan

>> No.51527896

and they never allowed burgers to buy their token directly so it wasn't "offered for sale"

>> No.51527949

Exactly. Any same person would do this and no insane politician would keep his head on if he tries to sell this to the masses to substitute gov. issued fiat.

>> No.51527997

Bet you can't tell shit from real when given to you. Run along now and educate yourself on geeq functionalities.

>> No.51528008

Takes off to where exactly? Not wasting my time with that when multi-blockchains are there for slurping.

>> No.51528136

And you'll remain broke buddy. Buy EQLD for best tech in blockchain, QNT also is good and GSTAR for bringing entertainment into blockchain with streaming.

>> No.51528150

Avalanche will be a good blockchain hosting most game in the next bull run with its TPS. Not bad to hold AVAX.

>> No.51528180
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>you should probably buy some lunc now then sell it in a couple days.
i still have some hanging at loss on binance, i should have waited desu

>I'll buy ADA
i'm coming back for ada, still focusing on xtz to earn more roi baking it on the sylo smart wallet.

>> No.51528219

Ethereum is a swiss foundation, to non mutts, your stupid country and government is worth 0. I will never pay a single euro to the shitty IRS

>> No.51528222

kek. The bitcoin maxis warned yo ass, but you thought they was capping.
PoW and PoR remain undefeated.

>> No.51528586

Is it the same way retards are dying for an L1 quantum resistant hybrid blockchain? Meanwhile I have some big ass girls to fuck while QVM will bring massive innovation into crypto.

>> No.51528651
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>they don't
Oh really? Proof: https://decrypt.co/110107/sec-ethereum-us-jurisdiction

Oof. Pic related is you.

>> No.51528793

hm.. does it have VC money tho?

>> No.51529073
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Wait until you find XRP

>> No.51530310


>> No.51530511

>PoS merge
>chain can now be halted by just 2 US companies in perfect compliance with SEC
yeah, i'm thinking metheads get what they deserve