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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51522281 No.51522281 [Reply] [Original]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.51522327

Its a cover for the coming downward spiral of asset prices caused by falling birth rates. Its to make it all look like its part of the plan and not to worry.

>> No.51522336

this, it's the new own nothing ve happy, eat ze bugs

>> No.51522361

Everyone with a brain has been saying this for years. If they’re admitting it now the crash has to be close

>> No.51522432

They're running damage control for their shitty policies that are killing the economy. Leftists are buying into it too, and it's fucking sickening. We're entering into an era of self-inflicted economic suicide.

>> No.51522446

Nothing that the importation of >9000 people from MUH 3rd world won't fix. Here in Ausfailia we're doublin' our immigration targets. I love it when statespeople just double numbers, it is an expose' on how little thought they actually put into their job. Like when Ronald McTrump doubled the covid package or whatever the fuck it was when yields inverted '19. It really suited him, 'mericans, were gonna double it and were gonna make them pay for it!'

>> No.51522457

They're right.
Importing a billion immigrants my increase the GDP in the short term, but it'll destroy the nation

>> No.51522478

name one, literally ONE thing, the WEF has done that is bad. actual material WEF actions, not what someone on the internet claims the WEF did

>> No.51522570

They promoted the removal of private ownership by the slogan, you will own nothing and be happy. You 0 kelvin iq funny man.

>> No.51522584

how is that a material action, it's a slogan

>> No.51522616

Look I'm not for abolishing people saying things, but if I were you I would point to the fact that the WEF is just a forum and that the bad they can do thus lies entirely within the discourse they perpetuate rather than imply absolutely that they din do nuffin.

>> No.51522634
File: 406 KB, 720x900, ColonelAI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can think about when I see these stupid articles is the bit from the end of MGS2 about manufacturing context.

>> No.51522668

It will fail.

>> No.51522758

So obongo years again. Lovely. Funemployment. Being lucky to have a job. I member all that.

>> No.51522772

dunno, but GDP is a retarded metric that doomers love to cite

>> No.51522789

Why would immigrants come to the "1st world" when they can't earn more in the "1st world" than they do at home?

The immigrants are only coming to the first world to get their payout before this shit collapses. They make bank, then return to their home country and live like kings.

>> No.51522913
File: 117 KB, 439x917, puppets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check wef puppets and the damage they caused
you won't see a mafia boss or consigliere getting their hands dirt u fucking retard

>> No.51523390
File: 20 KB, 736x736, C60D0B1D-9E6F-48C7-BA90-C0D93412B92A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be WEF
>see the impending civilization destroying clusterfuck of greed and waste
>"h-hey everyone, wouldn't it be great if instead of mindlessly consooming and fighting over material goods you valued having your needs met and having time to build your community?"
>"h-hey world leaders, wouldn't it be smart to have forward-thinking policy instead of wasting energy and inflicting mass psychological suffering on your citizens just so you can extract their material wealth? w-we'll even give you a title and an award to encourage you, can't we all be friends?"

>> No.51523516
File: 116 KB, 1041x504, biggest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a cartroon

>> No.51523546
File: 102 KB, 1063x399, cartroon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51523571

The gist of what they are saying is “you will own nothing” but the more detailed version of what they’re saying is that we need to give up our standard of living for subhuman invaders and embrace cultural Marxism for the greater good of the Jewish elite

>> No.51523913

>these emails about subsidizing blacks to behave like humans and pushing back against social media censorship prove the WEF is evil
right back at you

>> No.51524051

probably some feminine-brain social worker boilerplate about practicing "self-care" and mindfulness while anarcho-tyranny rules the world outside your pod.

>> No.51525545
File: 1.45 MB, 200x200, 1649428597401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be business and finance forum
>see the impending civilization destroying clusterfuck of greed and waste
>"h-heh everyone else is such a useless consoomer"
>"n-normies don't appreciate my logos..."

>> No.51525609

>build your community

What community? A clusterfuck of mixed people is not a community.

>> No.51525644

pretty retarded, a country's success is pretty much linked directly to gdp, politicians that want to constrain the economy should hang