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51521026 No.51521026 [Reply] [Original]

Fiancée is pregnant, I’m going to be a father, but it’s a year earlier than we expected.

How do I avoid getting financially ruined?

>> No.51521042

ask the kids father to help out, congrats step-dad!

>> No.51521080
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>I’m going to be a father

>He doesn't know

>> No.51521082

The real question is how do you raise that kid in clown world so that they are not completely fucked up by the time they turn 20 from (((Social media))) nigger culture internet porn, degeneracy and the whole host of subversive forces that are out there. Good luck anon. I fear what young kids will face in this place. SHit most zoomers my age will be living at home until 30 to afford a house

>> No.51521120

>Get paternity test
>Find out baby is not yours
>Dodge marriage

>> No.51521192

what is pregnant sex like?

>> No.51521225

Home school. Buy a VHS player and all the good 90s Disney movies.
I have to be careful not to go in too far or I could indent the baby's head. OP does not have this problem.

>> No.51521673

>people on this board have kids

>> No.51521731

I have some good news for you. Little babies are actually fucking cheap. Kids start getting expensive around age 2/3 when they start wanting things and needing more things. You'll be fine.

>> No.51521783

Luck for my kid there is a wonder place called GoodWill.

>> No.51521874

people overblow how expensive children are, just like how giving birth is supposed to be the most traumatic, stressful painful thing ever. little timmy doesn't need every video game console and a private education to make it in the world. he needs attentive, supportive parents. its anti-natalists or people who refuse to grow up and have a family spouting shit. if you have a decent family and job the hardest part about raising kids is less free time and less sleep in the first 18 months. india, china and africa arent going to stop cranking out children any time soon so we have to keep up or this planet's going to get a lot uglier quick.

>> No.51521881

your child is a bastard

>> No.51521969

Kids aren’t as expensive as people say. Don’t worry bro. And congrats.

>> No.51522495

Fuck I’ve been trying so hard 5 failed fucking IVFS

>> No.51522564
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Least of your ruin is financial. Vax, smart piercings, smart tattoos and gender reveals await.

>> No.51522609
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>pick one

>> No.51522689
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Euthanasia, sterility, impotence, compulsory homosexuality (or get diagnosed with homophobia or worse, involuntary transexuality), oppositionism syndrome and so many more new things in the larger than nightmare inventory of hell make spawning more useless humans a crime. Penalty is death.

>> No.51522700

This Pixar was better until Cars.

>> No.51522721

My wife’s pregnant with our 2nd. They’ll be 13 months apart. Don’t believe the meme that you can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding

>> No.51522739

i have a teenager

>> No.51522753
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Nightmarish indeed. Extreme sell signal.

>> No.51522755

Catholic school. Simple as

>> No.51522763

After my wife’s epidural she was good to go. She cried more when she slipped and scraped her leg than when she was giving birth. She popped that boy out in like 15 seconds

>> No.51522773

Go to a birth center rather than a hospital. Save money while minimizing the chance of unnecessary (expensive) intervention.
If your having a boy, skip the genital mutilation to save a some money, also he won't have mutilated genitals.
Make sure mom really tries to breastfeed, as formula is expensive. Also breastfed children are smarter and healthier.
Learn Elimination Communication, which will save you diapers. Also makes you closer to your newborn and accelerates communication and potty training.
While not directly costly, delay cord clamping (wait until pulsing stops and the cord turns white) to give baby 30% more of his blood, which reduces anemia or other illness which can be expensive.

>> No.51522861
File: 924 KB, 1438x786, 20220422_100748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another psychopath or sociopath is born. Birth is supposed to be THE most traumatic experience most women were to ever have, comparable to a near death accident by car or similar life threatening event. The mad sin people know this. They are disengaging the mother from the newborn so as to turn mammals into reptiles. That's why you are either fruitcakes, snowflakes or otherwise lacking in manly spontaneity and obsessed with STEM. Your whole algorithm has been designed by your owners to hack you to abysmal mediocrity and death both historically and empirically.

>> No.51522881

Less pain in childbirth = more eager to have more kids

>> No.51522926
File: 771 KB, 510x430, Greta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a mad world where men give a fuck.

>> No.51523002

You will never be a woman

>> No.51523044

I would invest in a paternity test

>> No.51524108

abortion is always an option.

>> No.51524116

>a year earlier than expected
>pregnancy is 9-10 months
it's not yours bro

>> No.51524126

I have a boyfriend /biz/ am I gonna make it?

>> No.51524132

90s trash at least promotes hetero sex in the missionary position.

>> No.51524140

yes! congrats on the romance :)

>> No.51524181

can you still have sex when she's pregnant?
can you cum inside her? isn't that kinda gross for the baby?

>> No.51524240

>can you still have sex when she's pregnant?
if your cervix isn't weak and she isn't at risk for preterm birth, yes
>can you cum inside her?
second verse same as the first
>isn't that kinda gross for the baby?
mucus plug at the cervix prevents sperm from entering the uterus during a pregnancy that's already there.
my roommate was at risk for preterm birth and she fucked her boyfriend anyway and it induced labor, so always listen to her ob about if it's safe or not