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51517207 No.51517207 [Reply] [Original]

Once you make it. What is the first thing you’re splurging on?

>> No.51517221

Penuma surgery

>> No.51517244

I just want enough money to be able to eat food, travel once in a while and not be cold during winter.

I just want to be fucking free jesus fucking christ fuck this shit world

>> No.51517266

A house.

>> No.51517268

glad you're happy being a manlet

>> No.51517309
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Sake in a small japanese street food restaurant at the seaside.

>> No.51517377

You don’t actually want that. To retire is to expire. Humans need a daily struggle to stay happy and “Muh hobby’s and working out” are not going to satisfy that. It’s why people with 100m net worths still work hard. They get depressed very fast. Driving your fast car and chilling with Netflix on your 30th day straight would send you into a depressive hell

>> No.51517386

Kek, I am 6'2'' didn't have to pay a thing
Nerd manlets seethe

>> No.51517740

Hair transplant. Tired of being an bald incel

>> No.51517758

A house.

>> No.51517853

So comfy.

>> No.51517897

Don't live in SD then

>> No.51517906

Start a business.
One of you above said it right, you WILL get fucked up just partying and buying nice things, be it a month, a year, or 5 years, eventually it will turn to shit. You need something to work towards, always.

>> No.51518448

Buy a house.

>> No.51518516

biggest cope to justify your wagedom retard

>> No.51518541

i will undergo leg-shortening surgery

nothing more chad than flexing you can pickup girls whilst being shorter

>> No.51518578

Nothing, crypto is a game, none of this is real.

>> No.51518587

Fixing my teeth

>> No.51518643

a 250cc 2 stroke dirt bike
big house with a nice gym
eat steak every day

thats pretty much it

>> No.51518687
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A house away from all the loud ass niggers in my city.

>> No.51518713

Getting /fit/… oh wait I don’t need money for that why am I here

>> No.51518715

A car so my girlfriend doesn’t have to drive me everywhere. Yes I know I am a cuck
Verification not required

>> No.51518752

>Humans need a daily struggle to stay happy
That's what (((they))) want you to believe

>> No.51519372

Shut the fuck up normalfag

>> No.51519391

>see OP’s pick
>find the article
>have a chuckle
>send it to chick I’m tryna fuck for a giggle
>have you considered it? I’d go out with you if you were taller
I’ve been btfo

>> No.51519444

Mid range escorts. I stll want them to look like I could fuck them for free if I bothered to apply myself.

>> No.51519469

>If you don't have a boss telling you what to do you die
Wagies, when will they learn?

>> No.51519501

i have neeted a year and i'll neet another year. only dumb fuck slave minds get bored of not having a job

>> No.51519540
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i think about that a lot

>> No.51519648

are you a frog..?

>> No.51519651
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Already did. Did a cross country USA roadtrip and now I'm living in Italy for three months. This winter I'm going snowboarding as much as I possibly can.

>> No.51519790

Oh lol I thought you would never ask.

I would Lazer epilate my whole body.
Get a nice belly button piercing and a crouch/womb tattoo like in anime.

Start wearing a corset full time to waist train and get a nice body then go full on latex mode and trap people online.

>> No.51519915

Hobbies actually can satisfy that you fucking nigger.

>> No.51519937


>> No.51519938

>once i make it
wish i had your confidence

>> No.51520519

Things that didn't happen for 500, Alex.

>> No.51520579

I would buy my parents whatever they want.

>> No.51520799
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tectonic levels of cope

>> No.51520822

You sound like a man fallen in love with the aesthetic of something more so than the actual thing

>> No.51520852

Do "Quiet Quitting" next, I loved that one

>> No.51521010

There isn't a harem on this planet worth having a surgery for.

>> No.51521055

Is that a troll headline, do people really do this?
Just move to Squatemala or Japan or something and become relatively taller with no effort, might be a step down but sounds less painful than having your bones broken and shit

>> No.51521091

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.51521101

ok Kaczynski, why don't you go live in the desert then?

>> No.51521132

I’ll save more people from serfdom, artists especially. I made this pact so I have to hold my end.