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51516558 No.51516558 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many people balding?

>> No.51516588

>balding is unattractive
>so many dudes have bald genes
>their ancestors had bald genes

obviously balding correlates with higher IQ or testosterone or something

>> No.51516595

Sitting all day

>> No.51516596

welcome to real life, lil zoomer mutt.

>> No.51516614

Courting a woman has changed

>> No.51516621

Its diet and im sure bad diet over generations can later genes
Thats why meds have it wit their horrible grain based diets since 1000s of years

>> No.51516627

Fun fact: most zoomers over 15 are already balding, and the zoomer haircut is just to hide this fact.

>> No.51516631

Race mixing.

>> No.51516639


>> No.51516653

Its an American problem. You are all very lazy and unhealthy.

>> No.51516681

It started for me after my first kid and when I started lifting seriously again. Think its something to do with stress and test levels going up and down

>> No.51516697

This, now it’s all about being an alpha chad that can fuck and that everyone likes. Baldies are not going to pass genes to next generation in this age of hypergamy

>> No.51516704

Pretty much. Genes express to make chemicals in your body, but you can also get foreign chemicals from shit you eat.

>> No.51516725

People are still getting smarter on average, and balding makes it easier for the body to keep the brain cool.
This is also why women are so dumb.

>> No.51516747

What diet to eat to not bald?

>> No.51516817
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Baldness has always been common, but I figure this is why hats were so much more common back in the day. More men also shave their heads now when older gens would just keep what they had left.

>> No.51516825

It seems like everyone's hair sucks nowadays
Even women are walking around with a Norwood 2.
It's got to be something in the enviroment that's fucking up everyone's hormones.

I suppose it's the microplastics that increase estrogen and the increased estrogen is increasing testosterone and dht levels in both men and women.

I do all sorts of shit like finasteride, minoxidil, RU58841, Biotin, microneedling just to keep my hair.

>> No.51516839

balding is evolutionary to get a male to mate before he loses his hair

>> No.51516874

Meat with lots of gelatine
Thats hard meat or meat near bones which needs a time to be ready
Beef brisket, chicken wings, pork leg etc

>> No.51516905

Its the ((healthy eating)M) wef new age diet scam
Before like 2015 people did at least eat somewhat ok.
But from then on it was ful eat veggies plant oils beans and so on

>> No.51516921

poison in the water

>> No.51516959


>> No.51516978

No. Men had kids much earlier in life than now. Most wouldn’t be balding at the time of intercourse. The bald gene is difficult to filter out when everyone who has it had hair when they passed on their genes

>> No.51517539
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I have a full head of hair and so does my dad. My T levels are pretty low though

>> No.51517600

Sounds plausible.

>> No.51517625

Just take iodine every day.

>> No.51517630

Elon musk, Jeff bezos
Greatest creations to ever walk on this planet

>> No.51517657

>It's been happening forever. You only think it's recent because it's happening to you or someone you know. You're a retard and a narcissist.

>> No.51517665

Eggs for protein and biotin

>> No.51517666


>> No.51517680

hahahahaha this is cope on levels previously thought unreachable

>> No.51517687

diet probably plays a huge part but also skull size as I this video explains: https://youtu.be/Yehk_h_Uj6k
basically small skull causes inflammation of in different areas of the scalp causing hair loss. small skulls mostly come from bad health also caused by bad diet or bad genes

>> No.51517695

Check out the correlation between usage of roundup and decline of health in western countries. But there always have been threads to our health like heavy metals (lead in gasoline etc). It's good to have a reverse osmosis water filter and grow your own vegetables.

>> No.51517725


>> No.51517730

goyslop and stress of not finding a wife and living a single man's life.

>> No.51517763

kek. people have always balded

>> No.51517842

Inbred sociopaths. Not really rolemodels

>> No.51517866

Diet is not going to save you, you will only delay the inevitable (good diet plus exercise will delay aging - which will delay your balding). It's genetics. Period. Go on finasteride if you want to keep your hair.

>> No.51517876

plant and seed oils

>> No.51517926

Exactly, you can only delay the inevitable, so why bother? That's why I inject myself with any hard drug I can get my hands on every day. Just gotta live life to the fullest bro

>> No.51517982

by the time most males bald (30+)
you had already plenty of times to reproduce
it literally hasn’t any effect on your reproductive chance for a good part of your life hence why there is so many bald fucks
also balding is from dht sensitive hair
some balds are low test and just hav frail hair other have high test but low dht and normal hair
other have high dht and resilient hair

>> No.51517999

This had not occurred to me but you're right. I'm 26 and balding a little, probably from stress, bad diet, fapping, alcohol. A lot of people I know had kids in their early 20s.

>> No.51518017

All those guys reproduced BEFORE they went bald. A couple centuries ago you would have been dead before you went bald, let alone found a wife and had children.

>> No.51518035

Regardless, they are giga geniuses and both lost hair rather quickly and early
Musk decided to get a transplant however he was seriously balding.

>> No.51518080

>age 45
I had worse hair at 25
People used to get married before balding became noticeable.

>> No.51518116

How did you fix it? Diet, exercise, and regular sleep?

>> No.51518145

>> moderate crown balding
his fucking crown is gone
>> moderate

>> No.51518171

i've been carnivore dieting, pasture raised meat, highest quality foods since i was 26. I started balding at 29. it has NOTHING to do with food. a person I know is crack addicted, he has no teeth and breathes through his mouth cause his dad broke his nose 10 years ago and it didn't heal properly, he has a full head of hair, he also weares a beanie 24/7.

>> No.51518191

Based cuckold. Your woman fucks high T balding men.

>> No.51518193

i forgot to add, he eats fries, mcdonalds everyday. goyslop extreme diet. full head of hair.

>> No.51518201

> Just take drugs that lead to heart problems bro!

>> No.51518269

I always thought chemicals in hats could lead to balding. Maybe sun exposure? Could probably be 100 different things which is why no effective cure has been found yet.

>> No.51518335

Finasteride is cock and libido problems which is worse. Go on r/tressless and watch those copers shill their tranny pill. They get their panties in a bunch if you mention the side effects.

I'm norwood 3 but got jacked and cut my hair low. I'll start taking pyriludamide if it passes phase 3 trials. Supposedly better than fin/min and has no side effects

>> No.51518342

Robert English has a clue. I'm doing head massages+microneedling and im getting new hair growth. I think skull expansion theory has to do with it also. One theory is that the brain keeps becoming bigger and bigger and our skulls become bigger and bigger to accomodate the brain. making us lose hair. woman also lose hair by the way just not as bad. anyway in 100 000 years maybe everyone will be bald and our brains 1.5x as big

>> No.51518375

>. I'll start taking pyriludamide if it passes phase 3 trials. Supposedly better than fin/min and has no side effects
>> a chemical that is not supposed to be in my body will have no effects on my whatsoever except my hair will stop falling out.
don't be retarded. it might be better than fin/min but it will affect you. chemicals in the water made the frogs gay.

>> No.51518417

>One theory is that the brain keeps becoming bigger and bigger and our skulls become bigger and bigger to accomodate the brain. making us lose hair.
this sounds like some nigger tier bro science shit. that's gotta be one of the easiest fucking things to measure, how is it just a theory still?

>> No.51518457

>Small skull
Tightened galea from *enlarged* skull, no? Resulting in chronic inflammatory response and calcification of tissues that is impeding hair growth.

>> No.51518504

I'd rather just be bald and fit. Hopefully I can get my head together straight in time so I can enjoy my hair for just a bit longer. Shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.51518539

bone remodelling constantly happens we know this this is a proven fact. skull expansion theory leans on this by claiming that through life even when you "stop growing" your skull keeps slightly expanding and rounding, it cuts blood flow to the scalp and causes chronic tension in your skalp, this chronic tension. there are AR5 receptors in the scalp that convert T to DHT, because your skalp is inflamed, under tension chhronically (from expanding ever so sliglthy and cutting blood flow) the T gets converted to DHT because DHT is an anti inflamatory agent. your body is trying to stop the inflamation by producing DHT locally. When there is no chronic tension and inflamation (and enough oxigen) T gets converted into Estrogen instead by AR5 (check robert english research) . DHT attacks the hair follicles, Estrogen protects the hair follicles.

Anyway the theory that over the next 100 000 years all humans will be completely bald is pure speculation, we lost our body hair long ago, head hair might be next.

>> why hasn't it been "proven"
there's no money to make from fin/min/dut/chemical X if it gets "proven"

>> No.51518558

I've noticed this too especially in zoomers.
Thank God my grandfather didn't go bald until his late 50s.

>> No.51518592

By that fairytale logic having autism, adhd, higher rates of gays, lower IQ and lower fertility are all evolutionarily advantageous despite them being peculiar to our age

Most of the above is caused in part by having the baby later
Technically a pregnancy over 30 is called a "geriatric pregnancy" and fertility is much higher for those who had a baby already, rather than starting at ~30

Also baldness is attached to a dominant gene, passed down through the mother

>> No.51518616

It's an anti-androgenic topical so you apply at the source instead of a DHT blocker that you ingest. The trials did show that some of the compound was absorbed by the body. It's all about tradeoffs picking your poison. I'd never take fin or any DHT blocker though

Head shape helps a lot and getting a large neck. Started training my neck for size

>> No.51518626

lol almost all the great European innovators since the middle ages were incredibly autistic

>> No.51518649

everything is better than popping tranny chemical jew. I will never respect someone who pops the tranny pill /tressless/ is full of people that don't get laid, with or without hair. it doesn't matter

>> No.51518754

stop cooming. no fap 6 months, watch your hair grow back. ignore all these coomer baldcel faggots.
>I look like the rock and jason statham, right guys? Right????

>> No.51518755

>Thats why meds have it wit their horrible grain based diets since 1000s of years
so horrible they live longer than anyone else

>> No.51518841

I don't see any problem in balding, you fucking faggots. Fuck what foids think, I will rape them anyway

>> No.51518872

look up kevin mann on youtube if you're scared of fin. side effects are rare and if you do happen to get them then you stop taking it. post-finasteride syndrome is bullshit

>> No.51518928

Kevin man :
- angry, vegan man that trusts "the science(on veganism) and had 2 hair transplants already. he's insufferable. he'll make you eat the goyslop vegan diet and take chemicals

>> No.51518953

Fake statistics
Or no statistics but media stories

>> No.51519009

I take a Biotin supplement of 5,000% my dv every day, not thinning or anything yet I just don't want to take any chances.

>> No.51519012

This is the actual answer.

>> No.51519016

I am in my thirties and my hairline is still undying. I take bullshit university classes to bang college babes.

>> No.51519045

biotin does nothing. you got memed

>> No.51519089

Everybody wore hats back in the day for a reason

>> No.51519092
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I don't mean to interrupt the discussion, but how exactly is this related to business or finance?

>> No.51519093

This seems like the most reasonable answer in this thread and most anons couldn't do it because they been fapping daily since they were in middle school. Anons in other threads complained about being able to kick heroin and meth habits but still struggling with fapping. Porn really has ruined us.

>> No.51519104

Always have, just that hats were much more widespread in the past.

>> No.51519108

I get laid regularly, have been on tressless, and take finasteride without any issues.

>> No.51519109

If you could figure out reasonable cures/therapy for balding then. You could become quite rich.

>> No.51519132

/pol/ and /fit/ also has balding threads. kek we just hit that age.

>> No.51519179


How is Pepe related to /biz? Simple: because we just love him. We also love staying hairy.

>> No.51519195
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>> No.51519225

could it be because of shampoos? what type of shampoo should we use?

>> No.51519226

Oof, I bet this one hurts the bald anons ITT

>> No.51519374

That checks out
You have low T so low DHT
Therefore no balding

>> No.51519430
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massage scalp and eat proper. not rock science. even if have bald gene. can prevent looking like sand when 40 year old with best diet and skin health. skin biggest organ on body. but man neglect skin and hair because autistic by nature.

>> No.51519468

>You have low T so low DHT
DHT and balding is a vague correlation at best. For example there are high levels of DHT on your face if you have a good beard, low levels if your beard is patchy or thin.
Male pattern baldness seems to be mainly (80-90%) due to a tight scalp.

>> No.51519494

Look where it has gotten us
>Inb4 but anon! We have more funko pops than ever before in history!! Etc etc

>> No.51519503
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does fapping cause baldness

>> No.51519541

no, i've been nofapping since 23 and im 31. balding started at 29. I am getting regrowth with massage+microneedling. before this I tried topical liposomal dutasteride for a while but then decided that I don't want to be dependent on the chemical jew. also one time I overapplied and my dick went numb and my vision blurry. i knew it was trash but its big trash.

>> No.51519579

>he believes all humans died at 25 years old in the past


>> No.51519591
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Bros...I don't want to go bald and I don't want to spend the rest of my life coping with reddit beards and hats.
I'm starting finasteride, have an appointment next week.

>> No.51519610

Valid point desu. Except for few unlucky fucks most men start going bald in their late 20s. You would have a 10 years old child back in the day at that age.

>> No.51519666

I'm 37 no balding and I'm fapping and fucking all the time. Use it or lose it

>> No.51519724

I shave my head to the skin and have a full hairline.
LMAO at you hairlets

>> No.51519741

The age average of this website has increased a lot. So that's basically the main issue of the most people posting here.

>> No.51519749

Literally me at 37.

>> No.51519802

good luck bro
i decided to not start fin because of the risks i hope i dont regret it

>> No.51519828

>I don't want to spend the rest of my life coping
Then don't, (You) baiting nigger

>> No.51519855

The simple fact of the matter is that it really never has historically mattered much. Most men with the genes to bald would have reproduced just fine and so long as other traits were prominent enough (the strength/ability to provide/protect), then that man would reasonably pass those genes on. It may feel hyper focused in our modern society, but that's more the impact of modern advertising and media, which brings something that has affected men of all origins since the dawn of our species.

>> No.51519946

Just buy some OTC or can't you? I've only tried microneedling with 5% Minoxidil after years of trying dead-end chemical cocktails and it's the best I've seen so far. Break up the fibrotic tissue by wounding it to stimulate Wnt signaling and use a vasodilator.

>> No.51519971

As other anons pointed out most men married before their 20s. And if you were noble it didn't matter at all as your status made up for anything you lost for missing some hair. Now most men marry in their 30s and internet and social media made even men with high social status not that desirable as there are many men in the same position with full hair. You can't win as a man if you are not at the absolute top of the society.

>> No.51520125

>you had already plenty of times to reproduce


>> No.51520469
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It's literally just a litmus test to see who the true alphas are. If you shave it down or try to hide it, sorry you were always a beta.

>> No.51520503

high testosterone

>> No.51520566

Having hair increases your trustability and attractiveness thus increasing your overall ability to create wealth.

>> No.51520583

hormonal imbalance

>> No.51520593

Yes this has been speculated to be because people that lost hair young back in the day, people knew they were creepy wankers.

>> No.51520664

The haircut to hide it is particularly funny, we're going to see people well in their 50s sporting some stylish slicked back hair to hide their crown, bless their fragile egos.

>> No.51520754

This is the undeniable truth. Shaving it's the ultimate self-conscious cope.

>> No.51520773


you guys are all missing the point that balding probably wouldn't have spontaneously propagated and become so widespread unless those genes correlated with something else that had an evolutionary advantage

>> No.51520832

Bald men get zero pussy unless they forcibly rape someone lmao so basically they're all rapebabies
Sorry baldanons, just get a hair transplant with your gains or wear a nice tupee

>> No.51520835

this guy is balding and doesnt know his t levels

>> No.51520945

bad nails bad bones bad hair lactose intolerance asthma obese metabolic syndrome drugs alcohol wearing hats crossing paths with a black cat breaking a mirror nobody really knows don't waste time trying to figure it out

>> No.51521123

Mixed and a full set of hair. Yep definitely the issue.

>> No.51521154


>> No.51521375
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hey bros. if you worry about your hair get a buzz cut. hair care is pretty gay

>> No.51521749
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Porn is pretty easy to kick once you realize it's a jewish mind-virus.
It's there to sow corruption and make it easier to reduce the goyium population.
It's basically the jewish version of meme magic. Reality is what they wish in their film, the goy watch it - internalize it, and unknowing express what they've seen in real life.