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File: 139 KB, 720x762, 018CB99C-7079-4CF3-9C82-5C4418DC226A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51515895 No.51515895 [Reply] [Original]

>the inflation is transitory

>> No.51515942

that is not food
t. europoor

>> No.51515960

It’s mostly soda

>> No.51515989


No it's not. Why am I still seeing this shit posted around? Why is 4chan now recycling facebook posts?

>> No.51516005

what a pile of garbage.
should be $350 health tax on top to pay for all the people who have to wait at the hospital with injuries that arent self-inflicted.

>> No.51516008
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>> No.51516078


>> No.51516108

It's not but it also shouldn't cost $155.
>What is location-based pricing?

>> No.51516162


Yeah no wonder most americans look like fucking mountains of walking fat. All i see is soda pops, potato chips, snacks, candy, sugary breakfast cereal and saturated fats in the form of pizza.

How can this person , this "mom", not be ashamed of herself ? This is not food for children. This is poison.

Unfit mother. Absolutely retarded woman.
I see perhaps 4 food items in this entire picture. America is truly a disguisting shithole full of morons. -my american friends are the same way. No understanding of nutritional value.

>> No.51516185

I love goyslop

>> No.51516186

can't cook because need 2 jobs to afford the food
america is a shithole but it created the idiots AND the situation that takes advantage of them
Ruffles buyers did not create their own economy.

>> No.51516304

>can't cook because need 2 jobs to afford the food
Yeah well, there are simple meals one can make, most of them in the oven and it takes like 30 minutes for it to finish (only 5-10 minutes of prep work).
Like people have so many excuses these days.

Ive been to amerifat before, potato chips and candy and all of this shit isnt exactly cheap either. Its not crazy expensive, but your money runs away from you if you keep buying crap

>> No.51516332

>no limes

>> No.51516364

>potato chips
Why are Americans like this?

>> No.51516427

Post a link to a simple meal that takes "40 minutes to finish" (does not account for cleanup)
Then account for the VALUE of the labor required to prepare that food that is EXCISED by buying pre-prepared food
Then you start to see how the american economy works
They cannot afford to not buy crap.
You can say "americans are stupid and they can all just act smarter" all you want, but even if they did, would the price of their produce not raise as a result?
Think with your fucking head beyond one step.

>> No.51516433

>This is what americunts eat
Why not drink water, you fat pieces of shit?

>> No.51516486

>your kids' friends come over your house
>they make fun of your kid if you dont have american brands
>you dont want your kid to suffer

>> No.51516507

>This is what Americans call "food"

>> No.51516519

They don't believe in it. MUH FLORIDE. MURRICA.

>> No.51516525
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To all the foreigners feeling smug: Just to let you know this is what Poor People eat. They are pushed-pulled into it by subsidizing and obfuscation of choice. Rich people have their own selection of better markets and kitchens.
The fat you are rightly disgusted by is the sedation that keeps this system in place. Their own flesh is their prison.

>> No.51516530

The average person here eats like a college freshman finally living on their own that was never taught how to cook by mom and dad.

>> No.51516532

is this serious or bait?

>> No.51516536

The amerimutts really feed their children this goyslop?

>> No.51516582

If it's not at least 25% high fructose corn syrup, then it's not real food.

>> No.51516590

A joke.
Are you familiar with the idea that there is a binary outside of "serious" and "bait"?

>> No.51516658


Jesus, at this point might as well just buy a $155 bag of sugar and calculate your TDEE

>> No.51516728

maybe you are not very good at it

>> No.51516775

ppl feed that shit to kids? ngmi

>> No.51516821


>> No.51517358

transitory inflation does not imply prices are going down.

>> No.51517403

I hope you aren’t from the UK. Been there many a time and they’re just as fat as us and eat equally disgusting garbage.

>> No.51517686

Every time I see someone spending so much money on these non-foods I get triggered. Please fatsos, just die already

>> No.51517713

Prime goyslop haul

>> No.51517727
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British or French? British "food" is NOT food.

>> No.51517794

British food is pretty good though

>> No.51517796

Hello where is onion?

>> No.51519053

Is there any actual food in this image, it's hard to tell

>> No.51519086

Why is it not food?

>> No.51519223



>> No.51519237

Is this the janitor's mom or something?

>> No.51519238

Oh yeah? And what would you feed your kids? Genuinely curious.

>> No.51519275

british food >>>>>>>>>>> american "food"

>> No.51519393

If you spend $155 for that "food" you must be executed.

>> No.51519412
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I agree! I especially love the traditional english classics!

>> No.51519454

To be fair, stuff like pork tenderloin, beef roasts, eggs, vegetables, butter, etc are also like twice as expensive as pre-pandemic. No, op's pic rel is not healthy, but it's also not wrong in its assessment

>> No.51519457

I don’t have kids, I’m gay

>> No.51519496
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>heres your british cuisine bro
>dont forget your toast sandwich and blood pudding!
You britfags would be better off eating ze bugs.

>> No.51519502
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>> No.51519578

>bring water to boil, drop rice in
>at the same time fry some chicken and onion
>add curry sauce
And there you got food in 20 minutes. While inflation is immoral and sucks it doesn't change the fact that you can eat fairly well with not much effort if you just know how to cook.

Also before you call me a jeet I'm actually a scandinavian man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

>> No.51519660

Jfc atleast when you eat seafood you remove the exoskeletons, how do you even digest all that shit?

>> No.51519664

marmite is great

>> No.51519729

It's a literal waste byproduct you mong. For example some people might enjoy drinking pig piss or eating shit, but that don't make it real food.

>> No.51519767

I chose to believe these are all dried dates
That's a lot of calories in dates

>> No.51519840
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>> No.51519906

Eat your boiled steak and boiled whole tomatoes and shut the fuck up.

>> No.51520076

>saturated fats
ya done goofed unless the pizza qualifier was intentional

>> No.51520091

If you eat like this, you deserve to die.

>> No.51520804

>I hope you aren’t from the UK.
No worries, im neither british nor a frenzied inbred british (american). And yes I would agree with you.

Wow, did I hit a soft spot ? How about, some real fucking food for a start ? How about protein that comes from animals in the form of chicken, beef, or pork, and then you simply add potatoes, and some vegetables (not frozen). Water or milk.
Potato chips and candy is fine as desert on a weekend. Its not a daily snack for your kids unless you want them to become turbo lardasses riding around in fatty-scooters all day like some of you americans have to do.

Im not exactly sure what you mean. These frozen pizzas are the type of shit that rots your insides, real quick. Its okay once or twice a month but eating it weekly will probably give you gallbladder cancer or some shit like that

>> No.51521171

Can't wrap my head around anyone eating like that. People are fucked.
They should teach basic skills like diet knowledge and how to cook in schools. It is actually really easy to eat like you respect your body.

>> No.51521736

hello newfriend

>> No.51522261

black pudding ya Southern shit

>> No.51522284

>Free time
We work 80 hours per week and commute 20 hours then pray to Israel on Sundays. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.51522313

Retards are afraid of labor
In my county, the gov’t will hire people with no GED/diploma (only finish 10th grade) for $16/hour full time with benefits to do 35-45 hour weeks for road maintenance and whatnot

Positions that just need a diploma start at 19/hour. These jobs come with fucking health insurance free, $25 copay for 99% of doctor visits
Guess what? They’re understaffed as shit

Because no one wants real work and instead takes 20 hours/week at McDonald’s for $13 and then at a retail store for another 15 hours for $12

>> No.51522380
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This cost me around $200 back in July at Walmart, including the pants.

>> No.51522434
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>American "food"

>> No.51522444

> amerilard diets

>> No.51522585

My mom just got back from Greece, first time in her life she could eat out at restaurants without feeling sick. She's not fat but all the foods out there that she ate were natural, with everything being locally sourced. Almost everything in the US contains vegetable oils and added sugars or sugar substitutes. If only most people knew they were poisoning themselves.

>> No.51522635


>Not eating lentils and chicken

>> No.51522741

They watered down my favorite brand of chili beans. They haven't updated the nutrition facts on the label to indicate that the amount of beans has literally been halved. I wonder how many other products have zero real relation with the nutrition facts on the packaging.

>> No.51522853

You have no palate
British food is sausage and beans. Fuck off

>> No.51523632

literally can't afford food
>still waste your money on nutritionless goyslop instead of actual food
i will never understand poorfags

>> No.51523635


>> No.51523654

They didnt change the serving size ?

>> No.51523943

The original video shows this shit is from China. Kill yourself.

>> No.51524184


>> No.51524759

Cope. Mutt

>> No.51526165

There's at least $50 worth of soda in that pic. Also about $30 worth of chips.

>> No.51526168

spotted the burger
i cant actually believe people like you exist in the world
get a grip bud

>> No.51526218

You don't
Chitin is not digestible for humans and is toxic to them

>> No.51526840

If you call this food and think you can prepare a proper meal with it you deserve to starve

>> No.51526841

>simple meal that takes "40 minutes to finish"
grilled fish with boiled potatoes; chicken soup; pork stakes; mushrooms with cheese; sausages and sour cabbage; Baking a whole chicken in a bag with beer, potatoes onion, carrots. Cucumbers filled with rice and bacon

>> No.51526973

Saturated fat would be good retard but all there is is plant oil

>> No.51527578
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40 minutes ? including cleanup. Here you go -> Classic recipie of cassler in the oven with pineapple. (It doesnt have to be pineapple either if you dont want) and when you are done you put the the tray in the dishwasher.

Like is this shit so hard for you ameritards? Unbelievable. Honestly.
It takes 25-30 minutes with prepwork, most of the time here is spent IN THE OVEN BAKING. -I know because I make this shit when Im lazy.

Jesus FUCKING christ amerifats are so fucking stupid, and so fucking fat ! Its literally incredible how long you dumbfuck retards go with justifying your unhealthy, moronic way of life..

Just how fat are you Anon ? Ive been to america, I know your prices. This is definitely doable, but I guess Karen culture and common core has resulted in you lardasses literally becoming retarded or something.