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51513317 No.51513317 [Reply] [Original]

It's all rigged


>> No.51514586

hurr dur regulation

>> No.51514634

>Although Pelosi was not included in the report, let’s start with her (2020 - 2022)

Of course she wasn't included.


>> No.51514675


It's just NYT kikery. Acting like they're doing an impartial investigation but whoopsie daisie once again 20% more Republicans are worser and look we forgot about the worst offender (our girl)!

>> No.51514799

Imagine being shocked at their hypocrisy.

>> No.51514840

This is legal so what's the problem?

>> No.51514921

Insider trading is not legal

>> No.51515751

It's okay when government officials do it

>> No.51515780

Yeah id do the same, sucks to be on the other end.

>> No.51515848

Actually it is, but only for congress. Literally an exemption written into the law. They can insider trade legally.

>> No.51516682

no shit it's rigged

>> No.51516734
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If forcing the Fed to sell their stocks caused them to try to destroy the markets, imagine what will happen if you force all politicians to sell their stocks too. They will ban the stock market from existing.

>> No.51516772

Kek. How can mutts be so proud and nationalistic when their country is this corrupt

>> No.51516808
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>> No.51516850

Politicians trades have always been public. They must be disclosed and you can look them up at any time online, see their performance, when they buy and sell, and approximation of how much. This is a classic Twitter screenshot thread and OP should be hung for faggotry of the highest degree.

>> No.51517237

Post link or gay and quite possibly fake

>> No.51517279

I'll stick with having a Monarchy republicucks. At least they're honest about what they are.

>> No.51517329

So can I mirror their trades and make money with them?

>> No.51517331

Literally the markets just controlled by money printer (line go up) or interest rates hikes (line go down).

>> No.51518011

Probably would be a marginally idea than following someone on Twitter named "crypto wolf" who uses a Leonardo DiCaprio profile picture

>> No.51519691

>they can't be cheating
>its public info!

You're either a shill or retarded. They flaunt their insider information based trades in front of our faces and you still try to find a way to pretend that it's innocent. Being public about how they are profiteering doesn't mean the profiteering isn't unethical or illegal.

>> No.51520110

Jesus Christ if you’re shilling for cuckservatives in 2022 you are unironically ngmi

>> No.51520133

And they will be banned from existing in the book of life.

>> No.51520134

pelosi has 200% win ratio.
you could probably get rich just copying her strats.

>> No.51520289
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I mean, the Twitter thread covers that as well.
The delay on the reporting is so huge it's impossible to copy trade them

>> No.51520353

They actually stole the investigation from somebody else and didn't cite them

>> No.51520373

>Politicians trades have always been public. They must be disclosed and you can look them up at any time online, see their performance, when they buy and sell, and approximation of how much.
First of all they are made public like a month after the fact, and second of all while it is required they disclose it, the penalty for not disclosing it is like a $200 fine or something, or they don't even get punished for it. There was data that at least a third just don't disclose at all.

>> No.51521078

one of the twitter threads proclaimed to be a company that was working on it

>> No.51521197

Fuck me! When is she starting a hedge fund. Fuck those billion dollar super computer algos and quants with brains the size of a planet. Some old dear who probably smells like piss is knocking them out of the water. Absolutely nothing suss about that.

>> No.51521257

They declare them after, anon.

>> No.51521262

>once again 20% more Republicans are worser
I mean...

>> No.51521267

I always assume such things to be scams, like most paid signalling groups and such

>> No.51521366

Just gonna say this hope yall listen. If you do everything per law you're ngmi. You must realize those that makes laws are crooks and they make laws to fuck us and make them rich, hence they can't be charged for inside trading but we can. Im not saying break all laws or any. Im saying do what they do.

>> No.51521429

Lmao when are you burgers going to do something.

>> No.51521464
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>> No.51521487

how about hurr durr hang them from lamp posts you faggots. They simply polled that mitts don't give a fuck so now they do it in the open. Kleptocracy beholden to a handful of oligarchs. The world will not have peace until your jews are strung up.