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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51512054 No.51512054 [Reply] [Original]

Are you at your full potential /biz/?

>> No.51512711

>negative canthal tilt

>> No.51512735

negative canthal tilt = opinion discarded

>> No.51512801

oh no im not self-improooooving enough nooooo

>> No.51512824

>negative canthal tilt
It was over for him before it even began

>> No.51512836
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Self improvement is masturbation.

>> No.51512872

>caring about a man’s face
>caring about a man’s opinion
You’re fags

>> No.51512882

>t. negative canthal tilter

>> No.51512927

FPBP. First thing I thought when looked at his face. Being blackpilled is a bliss.

>> No.51512978

Is this some kind of new zoomer incel cope?

>> No.51512997

>is this some kind of [negative canthal tilt babble]

>> No.51513007

>t. has a negative canthal tilt

>> No.51513046

more like weakends, haha

>> No.51513055

Positive canthal tilt vibes right here.

>> No.51514815

checked and keked

>> No.51514841

Imagine using LinkedIn unironically.

>> No.51514853

Yes and if you gave them an AI generated absolute perfect human they would say his face lacks "soul". You can't win, that's the incel game.

>> No.51514859

People might make fun of this guy, but this is a good attitude to have.

>> No.51514864

in china we say he has AN UNLUCKY FACE. this face brings bad luck

>> No.51514913

No, it's a good way to burn yourself out and ultimately hate yourself and everything around you when it doesn't work out.

>> No.51514943

Chinese are based sometimes very lookist I like that honesty

>> No.51514958


>> No.51514975

>human face
Sorry sweaty, not how it works no matter how "trans" you get.

>> No.51515030

>Incoherent buzzword babbling

>> No.51515069

Funny. That's why I responded to you. kek
Anyone that says "AI" is a faggot.
It's skip logic, if/then strings. You probably call the experimental gene therapy a "vaccine" don't you?

>> No.51515337

I worked in China and honestly people are okay and even nice, maybe it changed recently. Hong Kongers are pain in the ass tho.

>> No.51515637

>t. baby dick queers
>muh eyes are my strength
You manlets are funny

>> No.51515676

>ignoring genetic composition

>> No.51515698

Holy crap you guys are autistic how the frick you even know what these things are

>> No.51515700

>Y-you're gay!
>Y-you have a small dick!
>Y-you're short!
That's a lot of cope and projection you got there, Mr. Unlucky Face

>> No.51515887

Remember when Hong Kong was revolting and a few months afterwards a "disease" was dropped and everyone had to stay inside? Haha me neither.

>> No.51516355

My thoughts exactly. Been cutting lateral canthal ligaments a few times and I learned about it during my ENT specialisation. And this autist just throw it out there like its nothing...goddamn autist

>> No.51516624

By lurking more

>> No.51516688

I will never listen someone with that faggot haircut

>> No.51516751

hey why is his face all fucked up? Is that from not resting on the weekends?

>> No.51516796

>Are you at your full potential /biz/?
not even close

>> No.51516797
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Nobody is at their full potential unless they decide to quit striving.

>> No.51517123

based and canthal pilled

>> No.51517542

>maximum potential
this is a fleeting moment, not a state you can live in forever. You can always do better, just seek incremental improvements and hold yourself to high standards.

Also, if you never let yourself rest, you cannot possibly be achieving your maximum potential. Working with burnout is a bigger detriment than simply taking the day off. I can'tm fucking stand LLC bros.

>> No.51517800

This is why i still come here kek

>> No.51517966

Everyone on social media is a "grinder" I'd like to see what cushy job this guy has.. I mean, I feel so bad for people with this kind of mindset. How is skipping weekends and never taking a vacation a good thing? What are you gonna do with all that money once you earn it?? Roll around in it? Jeez.

>> No.51518025

That numbskull is going to be looking back on his life full of regret.

>> No.51518058

look at them soulless eyes

>> No.51518564

It's the negative canthal tilt, otherwise known as "Satan's Droopy".

>> No.51518943

any other ABSOLUTE ZERO, NEUTRAL TILT CHADS itt? Feels good that im more unique than all of you. Reminds me of when i was baptized at the mouth of the klamath during a thunder and lightning storm under a solar eclipse. Was absolutely based. anyways,

just more proof that im the actual protagonist here. Take this moment to have a chance at being the sidecharacter that made the protag rich so he could save the world more effectively: what do i invest in?

>> No.51518988

Nigga looks like he's about to cry.

>> No.51518999

It's that negative tilt giving him a permanent "if you only knew" kinda look. Sad!

>> No.51519072

Holy based and I was proud of my dubz. Also his big boy chair makes him look like he's 5"4 or in his dad's private jet.

>> No.51519274

hes on a fucking plane you retard

>> No.51519350
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>> No.51519383


>> No.51519555

Bullshit, what you say only applies if you have some wagie job you absolutely hate. Find a job you love to do - for me it‘s consulting for Banks - work on weekends and find yourself prosper

>> No.51519570

Lol this guy was on the same training course as me for the UK chartered tax advisor exams. He failed 2 out of 3 exams on his first attempt. Admittedly they are hard exams with a ~30% pass rate but his post is so funny considering the above.

He is an accountant and massively overcharges 'property investors' so he is kind of based, but also an insufferable faggot that posts attention seeking shit like this to drum up business.

>> No.51519977

>I enjoy consulting for Moshistone Lending Corp on the weekends
Oh, you're a psychopath. Got it.

>> No.51520017

yes but my potential was always pretty low
so me reaching and exceeding it is a bonus

>> No.51520066

He looks like he's in a cradle he's so tiny. Even first class was designed with adults in mind. Is he your boyfriend?

>> No.51520397

>chinaboy slang
>cares about aesthetics of men
>baby dick
Definitely a chang

>> No.51521169

lookismfags are still a thing on 4chan?

>> No.51521276


>> No.51521287

NCT energy

>> No.51521339

>negative canthal tilt
i just found out i have a neutral canthal tilt
aigmi bros? which is the optimal canthal tilt?

>> No.51521615

fun fact, a negative canthal tilt is also one of the five predominant JIFs (jewish identification factors.) jews are much more likely to have a NCT

>> No.51522603

Why does he look so sad lol

>> No.51522632

>>is this some kind of [negative canthal tilt babble]

>> No.51522727
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>am i a meme yet?

>> No.51522783
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Milhouse is not a meme!

>> No.51522857

>grindtards who want to work literally 24/7 until they die
>useless parasites who either NEET or landleech their way through life
Why does online zoomer culture only ever oscillate between wildly ridiculous extremes?

>> No.51522945

You confuse groups with different desires for one group oscillating between the two desires

>> No.51523007

Two groups taking turns dominating the discourse is still a wild oscillation if the groups in question both espouse wild positions

>> No.51523332

it's over

>> No.51523488

>hehe I don't get any days of and here's why that makes me better than you

>> No.51523823

>come to shitpost
>learn what a canthal tilt is instead

>> No.51525057

same, now im extremely conscious about mine, apparently a positive one is more feminine? I want to be masculine bros

>> No.51525094

this is the way

>> No.51525186

congrats you just posted cringe

>> No.51525217


>> No.51525232

Hey its cool that you work weekends mate but at least I can smile for a photo.

Also men dont take selfies.

>> No.51525250

Head doesnt even reach the top of the chair.

5’7 manlet detected

>> No.51525282


>> No.51525289

>Are you at your full potential /biz/?
Yes. However, my standards for fitness are much more rigorous than this guy. My standard of living is too, because I spend my weekends with my close friends maximizing our lives.

The problem with this entire line of thinking is that people can't actually compute what maximizes their subjective meaning, value, purpose and significance and even *trying* to do so takes up time you could be using to actually maximize it.

EVEN WORSE, in all social studies on life satisfaction, outcome, etc, persons who take the OPPOSITE view (namely that all persons are intrinsically valuable regardless of whether or not they maximize their subjective 'potential' according to other persons) report universally higher life satisfaction, lower anxiety, lower suicide, longer life expectancy, more and more meaningful friendships, and all other major positive life assessments. So this view is self-defeating on both a logical and practical level.

>> No.51526001

What's masturbation then?

>> No.51526076

I observe the sabbath. There are reasons that very old and very wise men came to terms with these life pro tips millenniums ago. You recharge and rest it is good for your mind, body, and soul. Even if you don’t believe in god. Try it. Rest on the sabbath or whatever day you choose per week and give thanks to your creator. I guarantee it will improve you. You must also drop any guilt for not working that day

>> No.51526234

he seems sad

>> No.51526281

i used to be a harsh self improoooover. it was the worst time in my life. the only people who feel the need to self improooooove are losers who are compensating for something else

>> No.51526298

nigger probably can't even do my teen workouts, LMFAO
I fucking hate delusional weak normies

>> No.51526302

>t.fat lazy fuck

>> No.51526311

self improoooooover detected

>> No.51526320

Fatass spotted
Go eat some potato chips, fatty
Maybe you'd prefer some goyslop from mcdonalds?

>> No.51526330

why are you self-projecting weight? are you insecure about your bmi? my bmi is average i check it every month

>> No.51526339

Now, self destruction…

>> No.51526345


>> No.51526391

I still consider myself a self improver I just stopped putting finances above all else, obviously being here I consider financial security and stability important but only to the extent that it will allow me to be stress free and focus on my other goals in life which are far less materialistic than when I was in my teens

>> No.51526397
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>> No.51526415

I hope he sacrifices all his weekends for my investments. What a faggot

>> No.51526640
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>haven't heard of the tilt before
>check own eyes

Thank god

>> No.51526945


>> No.51526948
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>doesn't know