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File: 119 KB, 1001x766, Learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51509480 No.51509480 [Reply] [Original]

When will you Learn?
Chainlink IS the defatco oracle network representing the foundation of the new financial world.

Chainlink IS the greatest investment opportunity the world will witness.

Chainlink IS the next step in human evolution.

Chainlink's token IS needed.

It is well known in game theory that playing by the rules does not always result in the greatest reward. Not anymore. From now on you play by the rules or you are cast out into the void, shunned with a public blockchain record warning others not to play with you.

Chainlink will fundemently end all world conflicts and produce a utopia that does not rely on trust, but relies on TRUTH.


>> No.51509514

You can do all of LINK's capabilities on ICP natively and on-chain. LINK is literally not needed now.

>> No.51509569

I have a feeling 10 is unironically the make it stack.

>> No.51509589

My guy, the jews have their firm claws into bitcoin and the peoples minds, they will send bitcoin to fucking zero and thus take link with it, just take a look at the charts right now, we will be lucky to be at 5 bucks at smartcon.

>> No.51510102

token not needed

>> No.51510126

based Jewish trickster

>> No.51510133


>> No.51510136
File: 47 KB, 1024x1024, 7708235C-7075-4E98-B577-6171C51D7063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51510246

Alpha leak here: Keanu Reeves is gonna speak at Smartcon and announce Cyberpunk 2078 will integrate Chainlink natively

>> No.51510880

Chainlink has only ever brought pain and suffering into the world

>> No.51511144

>shlling a risky, speculative altcoin that has severely underperformed the entire market for more than 2 years amidst the greatest financial depression of our century
downright diabolical, kys

>> No.51511170

holy digits
it's over

>> No.51511214

If this is true then why does everyone use link and no one uses icp

>> No.51511260

Linkies have become interchangable with xrp schizos.
Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.51511267

It’s more like the token is needed too much.
>the mcap must be trillions in order to put the financial pressure to force the oracles to work
>therefore the mcap will be trillions
It’s like running a voltage divider in reverse and expecting it to be a voltage multiplier.

>> No.51511272

in 10 years maybe. my dick won't work then.

>> No.51511332

I don't believe that is accurate

>> No.51511730

>does not rely on trust
Except you have to trust that the ETH POS stakers won’t censor the txs your smart contract creates, right?

>> No.51511837

been holding since 2017. So when do I get to cash out and live my life? It's been 5 years. I'm dead serious, I have 33k link and held from 1.6m to 240k. This shit is on my mind every day it's driving me crazy, fuck my dick

>> No.51511879

smartcontract inc equity will moon but you cant buy that. link token wont cost more than a cup of coffee, so youll need to wait a few more years for coffee to be $50 a cup to see those numbers again

>> No.51514380


>> No.51514926
File: 12 KB, 184x184, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S needed.

>> No.51515101

That's why Sergey no longer uses "trustless environment" and instead opts to use "trust minimized" term.

>> No.51515512


>> No.51515529

> t. Doesn't understand ICP

>> No.51515591

Vested interests.

>> No.51515639

good point,
the problem is that the link token is needed in a high degree securing quadrillion dollar contracts, and therefore there won't be any link tokens to sell. and if no one's selling no one's buying and the price ends up at 0

>> No.51516110

cope icy pee is trash nigger
18 decimals nigger
blockchain compatability nigger
18 decimals stupid nigger
token needed nigger
cope nigger

>> No.51516127

>Chainlink IS the next step in human evolution.

It actually reduces humans to retard nigger slave cattle times 100x then what current humanity already is

>> No.51516172

The token is only an annoyance to everyone involved and only serves as a funding mechanism / retail milking machine.