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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 48 KB, 1558x623, Nasdaq2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51509216 No.51509216 [Reply] [Original]

Kek, is this just a massive head and shoulders that will dump back down to the neckline where the covid bullshit began in feb 2020? If yes, will this be how BTC reaches 13k?

>> No.51509232


>> No.51509248

Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.51509258
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>> No.51509315
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No need to thank me, I'm just doing my job.

>> No.51509324
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fucking hell it took forever to recover after the dotcom bubble

>> No.51509434

think about all those companies? which one is actually relevant? yeah
all of those overvalued stocks will approach zero
bitcoin will drop but it will help into making sure long term those companies aren't valued at those irrational prices, and future bubbles will be about select companies, not the global market
this is it, the great reset is starting
what they meant by you will own nothing, is that everything you own will be devalued

>> No.51509613

H&S has about 47% winrate so it doesn't mean anything

>> No.51509640

against what?
something is only as valuable as what it's compared to.

>> No.51509658

nah just 7 years, at least better than just wagecucking for 60 years

>> No.51509904

Against the new cbdc ponzi

>> No.51510714

shhh don't tell the bulltards, *cough cough* NEW ATH EOY! BTC TO 1000000000B$!! GO LONG FELLOW MUMUS, TO THE MOON!

>> No.51510787

Question is how comparable from 2001 dump to this year?

>> No.51512547
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You gotta think like a kike go long until the 100th anniversary of Israel then dump. Only niggers jump the when they can't swim

>> No.51512608

kek my thoughts exactly and its the exact same pattern now. its so beyond over. time to play video games for 10 years

>> No.51512643

Fucking hopefully, I have a bunch of cash on hand and want a cheap house.

>> No.51512651
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>> No.51512682

Damn I feel like a fucking genius for selling at a loss a few months ago. So now all I have to do is hold cash and wait for btc to drop to 10k?
This shits so easy. I guess only pigs get slaughtered after all

>> No.51512715

No, we just get a trendline reversion. Cope and seethe.

>> No.51512873
File: 105 KB, 1276x667, Nasdaq chart Sep2022_technical magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, if you have a long enough time horizon, the stock market should be in good shape by the 2030s and 2040s.
It took from about 2000 to 2017 for the NASDAQ to recover from the dot-com bubble heights, but if you invested during the dips you likely did okay since stocks like AAPL, NFLX, AMZN, MSFT, GOOG, ADBE had excellent years.
I recently rebalanced my tech heavy portfolio to include more energy/material/shipping stocks, since those are doing well this year. Not sure if it's going to matter in the long-run, if this doesn't work out I'm selling everything and buying index funds.

>> No.51512945
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patterns are useless when the whole market is dictated by the fed's policy
>brrrrrrr -> stonks go up
>no brrrrrr -> stonks go down
it's literally that easy. and also obvious. the only thing financial news talks about is what the fed might do next.