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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 2709x2709, algorand_logo_mark_black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51508496 No.51508496 [Reply] [Original]

like Christ himself, he has risen amongst the ashes

>> No.51508526

WE WON ALGOCHADS!!!!! New ATH this year

>> No.51508546

I want you to remember that we were about $3 dollars at this same time last year

>> No.51508568
File: 208 KB, 1212x616, D32BAAF3-385D-4527-B4C3-FFA0A9CA292C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I searched /biz/ for ALGO about a minute after you posted this thread, we’re basically in sync. I personally choose to ignore the antics of the Foundation and NFFaggots on Twitter because it matters much more that Algorand is the Taliban’s blockchain of choice

>> No.51509034

what happened? Can it go to .10 already so i can load up before the casino takes off again?

>> No.51509132

str8 up

>> No.51509189

I need your finest hopium

>> No.51510254

I've been waiting for this thread. I want to think a bit before I post anymore but I'm glad to see an ALGO thread and reckon we can probably get some good discussion going.

>> No.51510417
File: 1.13 MB, 1783x1258, 1662256165872001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy this when the price is at .30 cents or less, and will sell when the price is over. 40 cents or more.
Never lost money on this and sold on the way down from the ATH, last year.
This is worth it for me to invest into.
Memes aside.
Can someone make more of these memes?

>> No.51510431

>that we were about $3 dollars at this same time last year
Like two dollars max, but whatever.
The whole year leading up to that Algorand was well under .50 cents.

>> No.51511926


>> No.51511976

Any news correlating to this? Or just more SK whales loading up

>> No.51512049
File: 139 KB, 1000x752, tiny004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss first weeks of tinyman, it was fun
Also we need to fire the tranny CEO for her recent tantrums on twitter.

>> No.51513275

Good discussion around what? What is the news?
Algo is great tech, but the foundation mismanaged it

>> No.51514485

Jesus wasn't burned you moron.

>> No.51515022

Let me heaaaaaaaaaaar ya!!

>> No.51515055

Would you be so kind to explain the meaning behind that name sir. Thank you sir.

>> No.51515746

Privacy layer when? Can you imagine 5k tps with total privacy? Silvio himself said it was coming so I believe him. God coin.

>> No.51516342

He said it's not hard technically, they are cryptographers after all. It's just the regulatory environment. It's similar to the rise of https everywhere: Strong encryption was forbidden in the past (and still is in some countries I think). It's only a matter of managing expectations and experience with the technology that will appease overeager governments.

>> No.51518477


>> No.51518499

That would be amazing to have

>> No.51518647

zk-SNARKS bro

>> No.51518769


So in the last thread I pointed out how everyone has been pushing the AF harder and that honestly the results were promising. I then advocated we push them even harder which seems to be something everyone agrees with. I don't mean to take credit for anyone else's actions I'm just pointing these things out.

Anyway, as far as I can tell the AF's CEO is somewhat melting down from all of this but frankly I just don't care. Pressuring her and the people around to do a better job has resulted in the following :
1) Far less ALGO from the AF going to rugpulls
2) More funding via Gitcoin grants to the developer ecosystem
3) A training and certification program for blockchain engineers
4) Directly getting feedback from bagholders on Twitter on everything
5) Hiring several well-known professionals to the AF
6) Completely stopping any expensive and useless advertising campaigns e.g. Times Square and Rickshaw bumper stickers
7) Governance proposals improving significantly

There's more but you get the idea. At this point I really can't see a reason why we shouldn't just keep pressuring them and if they start to crack just don't give a shit about it. That's their problem not ours.

>> No.51520883

Grandpa seems to have wandered out of the internet computer thread

>> No.51521168
