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File: 287 KB, 1170x848, 6705721B-61A4-4755-91A2-6FD9D2F57D0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51500326 No.51500326 [Reply] [Original]

I went on seeking and this girl and I started talking, I wanted to meet her for a coffee date and she seemed really eager but then she gave me this sob story about how she was struggling to pay bills and needed some help before we met. I told her I felt bad but wanted to meet her in person first, then she blocked me. Pic related is the chick. How do I get a legit SB? There’s so many scammers

>> No.51500363

You have terrible taste. Kill urself.

>> No.51500371

seeking is overloaded with scamcunts. get used to it cuz its the norm on seeking. you gotta def filter them hard and dont fall for their but my daddy uncles sisters wife kids car broke down and if I dont have money to.....

>> No.51500401

Just make an instagram where you drive a nice car and advertise yourself. Then dm sluts and ease into it. Everyone is a whore these days.

>> No.51500413
File: 54 KB, 512x512, 1590268692828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is the appeal of a sugar baby? How is it any better than just paying for whores?

>> No.51500455

they are generally less used than hookers, in the sense that they aren't fucking 10 guys a day for $$. some are a little more classy and normal. I know some guys that married girls they met on seeking, and about half of them seem quite happy. that said, most are still whores and most are scammers looking to make money without meeting because of tiktok saying you can but also the disgusting amount of thirsty old guys willing to pay whores just to send them a gm text.

>> No.51500475

that was a huge thing I ran into alot was females acting offended I wanted to meet in person to hang out for obvious reasons. I had to explain to quite a few this isnt tiktok or instagram you're on here selling your body for money this isnt a sit online and look pretty simp setup. most would seethe I DARE imply they were prostitutes posting ads on a prostitute website. fucking hilarious how delusional some of these chick legits are and how they actually think selling newdz and masturbation vids for money ISNT selling your body aka prostitution. the level of cope from females to be a whore than turn around and unironically say with a straight face she's not a whore cuz she doesnt do this whore thing but does that whore thing is hilarious and sad.

>> No.51500497

>people would pay for this skank
whats the difference between getting roobed before, or robbed after? You still getting robbed dude. You really need them whining in person first?

>> No.51500588


I’m on seeking as well as the popular dating apps and I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve seen the same chick who uses Hinge, Bumble, Tinder on Seeking. It’s hilarious but desu makes me feel better about using that app since at least the chicks give off more normie vibes and aren’t straight up escorts

>> No.51500615


She has the face of a 50 year old crackwhore and there’s a fucking stripper pole in her kitchen KEK

>> No.51500686

How do you protect yourself from their shit?

Obviously throw away email, phone, name, but do you keep them away from your house too?

>> No.51500699

Sugar babies are just prostitutes with extra steps. Just hire a prostitute, forget about the "i want a clean sophisticated lady" as a sexual partner; no one can guarantee prostitutes don't also offer themselves as sugar babies or that sugar babies don't have like 3 daddys rotating in a week and also a chad fucking them on the side. You'll get STD anyways

>> No.51501569

that sir cocky chick that was posting her fansly here yesterday, how much do you think she would charge to live with me for a few months and be my travel companion/fwb?

>> No.51502531


The thing I hate about Seeking is a lot of the women there won’t take you seriously if you’re young esp under 30 since they automatically assume you’re poor like most 20 something men. I’m 29 and get blocked by women left and right just for sending a basic hello. I make over 300k but women there think I’m another broke retard trying to fuck around just because I’m young

>> No.51503195

Achkctually prostitutes might be cleaner than sugar babies nowadays
at least professional prostitutes have periodic health checks & eating a cocktail of antibiotics. Your next door sluts? not so much

>> No.51503454

Hahaha, my life is fucking shit
But yours is worse
So that's funny

>> No.51503482

Yes beware you have to meet In person anon that's what I had to do. Only way. They are all cum dumpsters.

>> No.51503498

less than 5 bodies and lose weight

>> No.51503510

You can literally see the STDs on her lips.

>> No.51503546
File: 1.01 MB, 1116x1395, 1663391182986766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a sugar daddy, be a SaltDaddy.

>> No.51503552

Be a man and just get a hooker.

>> No.51503637

seriously kek, what was the appeal in her OP? she

>> No.51503663
File: 156 KB, 758x838, 1663196206930997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She appears to be young, white, and not overweight. That makes her the top 5% for the zoomer dating pool.

>> No.51503669

No wonder the market is so fucking skewed. You have retards with more money than brains trying to find the easy way out.
If you want it that easy so pay for porn idiot. I know prostitutes are boring that is why you are doing this sugar daddy thing. GUESS WHAT, the whores you are looking for don't exist. Maybe they did once a time before the internet, a bitch you could wine and dine and fuck for a weekend for the gfe experience nowadays it is full of shit women with no class, scammers. The real sugar babbies are fucking expensive as shit is only reserved for ceos, sport stars. Every 10th chump you see on the street is making decent money nowadays. maybe try tinder lmao, that is more easier than this sugar shit.

>> No.51504199

Go to a poor area and find the prettiest girl you can? She'll be dumb and shit and give you low IQ babies though lol

>> No.51504484

i dont know about america but here in a 3world country making upper 100k/year make you rich as fuck

>> No.51504520

>the chicks give off more normie vibes and aren’t straight up escorts
they are straight up escorts, you're just a pussy

>> No.51504949

I work with this German bloke that has multiple families in shithole countries that he sends $100 a week each. Kinda sugar babies except he raw dogs 100% of the time and doesn't have to deal with their bullshit when he's not on a sex holiday

>> No.51504961

You should literally kill yourself. Verification NOT required.

>> No.51504982

I've been using Seeking Arrangements on and off with varying levels of success ranging from bad to good, to downright terrible. I'm 32, tall, and consider myself at least fairly decent looking, and I'm sure this helps with my experience there, as many of the women likely deal with much older guys on there.

I've lost count of the women on there just looking to extract money for doing literally nothing, other than maybe share videos or pictures. I'm quite clear to them early on that I will not gift them money without actually meeting. Some still try to play games, by talking you into sending them money for an Uber ride, or something to that effect. It's not something I choose to fall for. One of the worst experiences was when I drove a good distance to meet a woman for sex. We agreed to meet at a diner first. I stupidly paid her a good amount of the payment beforehand at the diner (via a pay app), to prove my legitimacy, with assurances I'd pay the rest after. As we were walking back to her place, she suddenly feigns a call to her boss, and claims she needs to go to work. I just threw up my arms and left, realizing I'd been had.

Other experiences I end up getting pretty much cat fished by women who are fatter or less attractive than their pictures suggests. One came to my apartment quite overweight, not having shaved her legs, and not even agreeing to do all the acts we had talked about before. I ended up paying way too much for that. Another similar situation happened (this was actually my first real experience on Seeking), where I went over to a woman's home, only to find out she was quite unattractive and overweight. Feeling trapped, I just let her give me a blowjob.
