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51497287 No.51497287 [Reply] [Original]

The NY Fed's Quantitative Easing (QE) counterfeiting scheme:

NYFed buys treasuries outright from (only) NYFed primary dealers by creating reserves out of thin air, which seditiously undermines Congress’ sole power to regulate our currency.

This is QE.

Primary dealers then take those reserves and earn Interest on Excess Reserves aka IOER (now called IORB) on them, which IS PAID IN CASH to the primary dealers--cash, which they DO MAKE INTEREST ON, this is their counterfeiting scheme (also, every penny paid in interest (cash) to the primary dealers for excess reserves also reduces the Fed’s remittance to the US Treasury).

The NYFed did this in response to the financial collapse of 2008 and is how its primary dealers have been effectively counterfeiting our currency ever since.

>> No.51497298

ok... uhmm. cope harder sweaty?

>> No.51497468
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I blame the jews.

>> No.51497588
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we know

>> No.51498858

This is a room temperature iq level take. The ny fed doesn't have to buy the treasuries outright, they can just loan them the money. Also, the money paid in interest on excess reserves goes to the federal government, not the primary dealers themselves.

>> No.51498980

Shame there will never be another OWS because Wall Street has successfully bred several groups of attack dogs they can unleach on any protests that erupts. They won

>> No.51499074

I don't want another OWS. I don't want the people to sit down with bankers and negotiate new terms for how the market should work. I just want it to all burn down. I want people to walk out of their jobs because inflation is killing their savings. I want shipping and freight to seize up, I want the credit markets to fail. I want people to get mad.

>> No.51499324

>i want the world to burn and people to die because im an impulsive toddler
Grow up you spastic nigger