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51493899 No.51493899 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz, what's up?
I was able to enter in a Big 4 company in audit team. Can you guys give some tips/hints?
>I'm studying data science atm and want to work in forensics/money laundering/fraud/stock market.

>> No.51493946

you're fucked. prepare to hate your life and work 55 hrs a week year-round.
decent pay increases each year, at least. you'll be over 100k in no time if you don't rage quit first.

>> No.51493965

Keep your head up and try to socialize. Lots of politics involved in moving up within the company

>> No.51493978

forensics and money laundering. kys kike

>> No.51494130

well if you want all that get the fuck out of there right now. They'll crush your soul and your dreams.

>> No.51494156

This. Worked there for 2 years.

Most people are NPCs there, the smart ones leave very early as they realize they were scammed. There is a reason the Big4 mainly recruit people straight out of university - everyone who has any kind of experience avoids this soul-crushing experience with a 10 feet pole.

>> No.51494245

I work at pwc, in UK. Hate it. Shit corporate culture.

>> No.51494286

A relative of mine is a Partner at the local PWC branch and she actually has a decent home life with lots of free time.
It’s only the grunts at the bottom who work like slaves. If you can handle around a decade of being a grunt you absolutely will make it with incredible pay and decent hours.
But you will be suicidal until then

>> No.51494360


>> No.51494375

third world EY pays like 400 usd a month for a CPA and requires at least 60+ hour work week

>> No.51496385

Literally this. Also worked there for 2 years.

>> No.51496407
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lol fuck wagies that work for globohomo companies. you will be treated as a slave and you deserve it

>> No.51496501
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>you'll be over 100k in no time

kek, I know a bunch of Big Four Fags and it really seems like a scam. They work at least as hard, maybe harder, than IB types but get paid absolutely fuck all. If you have to live in an expensive city like London to have the job then you'll have no money left and will be absolutely grinding like a fucking dog your entire working life.

It's a pretty grim existence - seems fun for a little bit on that grad scheme, like a continuation of university almost, but - nah - fuk dat.

OTOH - what else are you going to do? You could go and get the training and then escape if possible, that's probably the best approach. There's no doubt that having that experience makes you look pretty good to any other employer.

>> No.51496517

avoid the alcohol

>> No.51496523


This, listen to these anons. t. former Deloitte wagie in Risk Advisory (UK) practice (2.5yrs).

You will hate it - I don't know why grads constantly fall for the B4 kool aid. I only joined because I was in between jobs and needed something to tide me over, and was able to join at Manager grade. You'll be working very long hours for below market pay, they don't give a fuck about your mental health, etc as long as your grinding to bring in the big bux for the partners. They dangle the "you could be partner one day" over people to make people backstab each other and try to climb the corporate ladder - in reality, only 1% of people are ever going to make it, and it's usually about how much ass you lick rather than how good you are at your job. Even if you make partner they'll start you off as a non-equity partner, then you have another greasy pole to climb.

They made me jump through hoops to get Snr Manager promotion, meanwhile other people were joining at that level externally. Also they increased my pay by 3%, even though inflation is 10%, and they increased all the charge out rates by 10% - absolutely jewish. I left a month ago and got a 40% payrise and normal 9-5 working hours in a comfy Building Society role.

>> No.51496539
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CPA former big 4 audit here anon
ask away

>> No.51496540

>There's no doubt that having that experience makes you look pretty good to any other employer.

This is the only benefit, recruiters will suck your cock if you have B4 on your CV.

If you're gonna do it, get in, get the experience, then get out.

>> No.51496564

If you have an itchy ass go to Detroit and say it out loud. A nigger will grab you and fuck you. That's what working for the Big 4 is like.

>> No.51496608

Live frugal as a motherfucker, make your money and get the hell out. They probably told you you can't interact with stocks or whatever. That's true to the extent that you can't play with stocks you're an insider on. They can't prove it anyways unless you tell them so don't. Bank secrecy applies.
Anyways what did I do
>worked 8 to 5 in the office but a couple days a week until 8
>worked out of the office a lot just to keep up
>we made models for the insurance industry and government to help them forecast claims and shit
>mostly working in excel, powerbi, oracle.
Here's how it went short version I hated life. At least they paid well. Everyone told me I would hate being an actuary, I figured I would dry my tears with stacks of cash, but eventually wasn't worth it. Soul draining
Learn VBA and SQL if you didn't already. Get ahead of it because it's gonna come up
You know what it is it's an actually decent job that you spend entirely sitting in front of the computer. That's what fucked me up. I needed to interact with physical things in the world.
One nice thing though was there weren't a lot of normies, which is probably why I didn't do well in banking, but that's another story.
>t. Deloitte actuary once upon a time

>> No.51496840

i'm assuming you're in a non-US country because you're not studying accounting and somehow got an audit job. not sure how things work in europe, but my guess is that you'll have a difficult time breaking into " forensics/money laundering/fraud/" without a degree in accounting.

audit sucks dick, you'll be working a lot of hours. i did audit at EY for 9 months (USA) before quitting and getting a better job.

>> No.51496931

You are a tool of the kikes and i wish misfortune upon you

>> No.51496972

audit is regulatory requirement, retard.

>> No.51497128

I’m in cybersecurity consulting at a top 30 firm. I like it better than big 4. A little less pay, small teams, and a lot of other benefits. The hours are nowhere near the same. I just do 40 hour weeks. I don’t mind the work I do but everyday I’m second guessing my self and thinking about trying something else out.

>> No.51497214

Interesting. Are you familiar with the e10 standard?

>> No.51497669

I work with all 4 of these companies, spent significant amounts of time with Deloitte/PWC recently. Can tell you for a fact that if you want to be involved in ESG or Cybersecurity all you need to do is speak up, they can not find people fast enough. Just start asking how you get involved. These companies love initiative.

>> No.51497692

I did this too in several different capacities, though my roles were temp work. It's not bad work desu.
Just be thorough, analytical, and reliable

>> No.51497736

Do your 3-5 years and get out. Your team will probably be shit and work you to the bone, but I know people who got lucky and by some miracle got on teams that worked 40 hours a week. When you get out, make sure you come out swinging on your salary demands. You should be easily making six figures by 30 if you play your cards right

>> No.51497738

I'm working in forensics right now and they baited me with data science, anti money laundering and all that shit. What I do now is writing scripts in python if I'm lucky or doing shitty analysis in SQL. There is lots of free time if you are not super retarded. Some weeks I only work 8h . What is annoying as fuck are my peers instead of having a good time when the company is paying. All they try to do is "networking".

>> No.51497790

Everyone i know who works for PWC loves it tbqh. Best employer in my city.

>> No.51498895

This, they've been making big changes on work/life balance since 2019 or so.

>> No.51498945

100k is nothing.

>> No.51500463

I'm so glad I never got in on one of these big 4 grad schemes, my grades were amazing but im a retard no smalltalk weirdo so I could never get any offers in. It forced me to look at other ways to make money and I was a multimillionaire by 30 while all my house mates are in London killing themselves for 80k per year

I unironically learned more about how the economy really works after my first week on biz than 3 years of uni

>> No.51500704
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>> No.51500798

Boring Bro, explain;

How do you do such a mind numbing job without killing yourself?
What's your secret on doing something so boring?

>> No.51500843

Which is a tool of the kikes and I wish misfortune upon you

>> No.51500866


why the fuck would I be interested in esg kikery

>> No.51500882


based. not there yet but making 250k per year after tax. wagmi