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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51490589 No.51490589 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize $1MM is literally nothing?

>> No.51490732
File: 38 KB, 657x527, c41629e0-2223-11ed-8164-a5db16d5e01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up bro

>> No.51490752

it is if you need nigger shit like picrel

>> No.51490754

This AI is getting advanced

>> No.51490779

Who's the guy in the pic?

>> No.51490810

i'd be set for life on 1mm, easily.

>> No.51490821

Some fag who scammed a bunch of people.

>> No.51490836

when i realized this scammer got 1 billion dollars in for an ICO sac he is never going to launch

>> No.51490840

For the vast majority of people, 1M USD represents the ability to not have to work for several years of their lives while still being able to maintain their independence and rent a home without living with their parents, providing for themselves and things. A pipe dream for most people.

>> No.51490856

if you just throw money in the toilet like that nigger in op pic hell 100m is nothing, until a new gov comes along and claws back all jews capital. imagine that kike in the real upcomming holocaust with torn louis vitton pants being dragged to the kill site

>> No.51490886

I have -$50 in my bank account. $50 is alot of money

>> No.51490923

that nigger in op pic will try to bribe the official executioners. they will kill him slower for being a nigger in roman clown clothes

>> No.51490968

I'd be able to live 25-30 years without working with 1 million dollars.

>> No.51490979

(...cont) and that's without even investing it.

>> No.51491104

It’s something outside of the US
Stopped being greedy

>> No.51491122

What kind of life do you want lmao?
1M is more than enough to buy a house, a car and to take a few years off your job.
Unless you want to be a rich, bored and depressed shell of a person

>> No.51491133 [DELETED] 

The funniest thing about Richard is that you can see the gradual transformation of his face as he slowly realizes that no amount of money or luxury items will ever make him anything other than a loser

>> No.51491137

I am confused at why this man dresses the way he does. If I were an agent for any of the brands he wears I'd prohibit him from buying my brand. Terrible press.

Better to give every scousewife and her deano in Merseyside free merch than to let this creep be the face of your brand.

>> No.51491154

why buy a house when you could rent for 40 years? You would really blow $300k to $500k on a shitbox rather than live in a luxery condo by the sea for $20k a year?

>> No.51491176

All brands that have their logo splattered all over the clothing are so tacky and "in your face" to the point that nobody looks good in them.

Money can't buy style, and this person has none, he looks like a loser with money.

>> No.51491232
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I had $1M when I was 29. It's a joke to me. It's nothing. Meaningless. I feel bad for you poors.

>> No.51491273

Nah, a small apartment in a small city somewhere in Europe would be nice.
Fuck all that luxury rich ppl shit, I was literally homeless as a kid. A roof above my head that is my own would be just fine.

>> No.51491280

I literally only need 150k to make it.

>> No.51491297
File: 161 KB, 1024x857, FF1230C4-59F4-4C42-8713-2D2BDA9737C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, another thread where broke motherfuckers tell millionaires that they haven’t made it. Guess what? I’ve got about $1m and I’ll never work again. Am I poor? Who cares?! I spend 7 days a week doing shit I want. I’ll never spend another day in a fucking cubicle.

>> No.51491326


>> No.51491337

Gibby from iCary

>> No.51491338

Then you won't mind sending me it if it's nothing.

>> No.51491424

Who the hell gave this absolute bigger any money?

>> No.51491465

When I paid 1mm for a 4 bedroom 2 bath 52 year old house.

>> No.51491749

Lonely pathetic life worshipped only by extremely low IQ incels

>> No.51491770

it will be hyperinflated to nothing in 30 years

>> No.51491778

When I realized $1MM isn't a million million dollars, but a millimeter dollar. I mean, it's not nothing, but it's not a very long amount of money.

>> No.51491786

Lmao you sound pathetically poor

>> No.51491790

literally just in vest in JEPI and get like 100k/yr

You can even live in the middle of nowhere or a third world county and live like a king on that

>> No.51491797

Oldfag detected. Cubicles havent been a thing for at least 10 years. Every company has "open concept" offices now.

>> No.51491862

You sound like average hex holder counting your chickens that will never hatch

>> No.51491875
File: 121 KB, 800x420, af4001c0-0232-11eb-b14c-fbfa7a1469f9_800_420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the influencer P.J

>> No.51491946
File: 243 KB, 680x709, 93B97936-E425-4DC1-9C2F-AD3C9C37847B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51492000

one of the safemoon exitscammers IIRC

>> No.51493562

I know a guy who lost like 1.4mm dollars because he fell for this meme. He was so paranoid he couldn't believe anything less than 5mm was actually worth cashing out. Crash happened and now his shit is worth like 50k. If you're thinking like he did congrats you're falling for the meme. Idk why they want you thinking like this but it's probably so they can cash out first.

>> No.51493597

When I made it.

>> No.51493657

NASA spacesuit costs 120mil.

>> No.51493683
File: 64 KB, 600x777, FIT0FlyVIAQXx6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I saw those LED carry bags