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File: 789 KB, 792x687, the lefts obsession with crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51490012 No.51490012 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about NFTs that makes leftists seethe?

>> No.51490022

Leftists just can't stop being right

>> No.51490029

Anyone with IQ above room temp disapproves NFT's.

>> No.51490050

there's a difference between disapproving and missing boats/techwaves
watch ready player one (i hate it but it spells out how the digital economy will work)

>> No.51490059

>What is it about NFTs that makes leftists seethe?

Other people making money.

>> No.51490130

leftists are niggers and jews and hindus ? That article was written by a jew as a cover for the kike andreesen who is the main grifter behind nfts and icp and many many crypto scams

>> No.51490296
File: 105 KB, 641x355, 1657495475652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure NFTs are retarded, but let's not kid ourselves. The only reason they dislike it is because Twitter told them to. God I fucking hate normies.

>> No.51490318

Their favorite youtuber/twitter profile told them nfts were bad

>> No.51490389

dude nfts and twitter are all financed by jewisg organized crime. they get direct injected funding from the federal reserve to spew propoganda and fake public opinion. its all a grift from kike money gypsies. you know what to do. kill them all

>> No.51490425

99% of the people doesn't understand the difference between a .png and an NFT, you probably shouldn't listen to the masses.

>> No.51490438
File: 1.79 MB, 1923x1437, 13284 - angry animal arm blue_skin closed_mouth clothes ear elephant full_body glasses hair hand headline infographic leg news red_skin sex soyjak tail text variant chudjak white_skin wordswordswords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread again little chud boy?
Let me guess you made this thread to talk about politics (hence the OP pic and post) instead of on-topic stuff like the ussage of nfts or how to make money with them (hint 99.99 % of all nfts are useless and only the "dev" and insider make money on most nfts).
>inb4 some combination of tranny, kike, nigger, libtard, ywnbaw, cope, I made $6m with nfts but I won't post proof etc.

>> No.51490797

It makes them subconsciously realize everything else including our entire money system is a big scam, but they love gobbling the goberments cock

>> No.51490890
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This is some severe midwit coping. Not every right winger is a low IQ chud. And most "leftists" are mentally ill and weak people who are genetically pre-disposed to follow the opinions of the herd. The only major exceptions I can think of are just nepotism grifters like Hassan and Politicians who pander to midwits, oh and those celebs who suck off harvey weinstein types on the DL

>> No.51490913

Change your filenames next time, foreign element

>> No.51490928
File: 203 KB, 1080x1080, 1657677616381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just more politics instead of on-topic /biz/ related talking points
Just go back >>>/pol/.

>> No.51490941

>What is it about NFTs that makes leftists seethe?

>> No.51490996

Most people don't realize that NFt's are way to remove counterparty risk to trade Internet goods (game keys, music, access passes). Once you realize that NFT tech will be used on every concert, movie ticket etc. you will realize where the value proposition actually comes from.

PFPs are 98.59% vaporware for sure. But gameFI NFT's aren't. This board starts to feel more like reddit in terms how behind the curve ppl truly are.

>> No.51491038

>same ID as obvious outsider suddenly posing as "one of us"
Kek they really aren't sending their best

>> No.51491045

namefag is correct.

>> No.51491090

Every gallon of gas an NFT
Every shoelace an NFT
Every pencil and pen? NFT
Government ID? Yeah it's an NFT
Your car and all its parts are gonna be NFTs
Your Birth Certificate is an NFT
Every square foot on planet earth will be an NFT
NFTs for college degrees
NFTs for Michaelangelo paintings
The pope will be an NFT
Your dogs and cats are going to be NFTs
Medical records? NFTs
It's all going to be NFTs all of it down to the last atom everything will become an NFT Yes yes sir-ey

>> No.51491140

You're listing Physical goods, i said "Internet Goods" by that i meant digital goods / subscription services.

>> No.51491173

its the same shit with art, do not delude yourself. their medium to launder money is expanding not changing.

>> No.51491185

Making money is wrong. The only people who should make money are the ones who earned it by going to college and doing their homework.

>> No.51491299

probably because they think that somehow NFTs produce CO2

>> No.51491322

No one likes NFTs and the reason is simple

Its for niggers

>> No.51491403

my nonbinary trans sister automatically seethes whenever anyone mentions NFTs, it's just a programmed response

>> No.51491549

Its so funny how people will spend thousands of dollars on online purchases (in game items and software) but the second something related to blockchain comes out that has the same idea braindead normies scream and pout about how it's "just a picture"

>> No.51491588

erethrium buzzwords are temporary fades

>> No.51491704
File: 13 KB, 400x255, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know it's bad when even woke niggas know NFTs are a scam. 3-5 years from now nobody's going to care about your $200 McDonald's NFT. I can't even sell brand new Happy Meal toys from 2008 for more than $10 on eBay lol

>> No.51491777
File: 283 KB, 562x562, roulette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God OP, you really triggered this tranny.

>> No.51491794

Yeah. Strangely, they don't have any issue with buying hundreds, even thousands of dollar worth of virtual garbage in their videos game

>> No.51491854

Desu I have a video game skin that I spent $2 on that was worth $600 ATH and is now worth like $50 or something

>> No.51491871
File: 320 KB, 658x342, 5A8D4808-BDBB-4DA4-9DF1-8728F828C2D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know it’s a tax loophole, not art.
Unfortunately I learned it doesn’t matter.
Taxes only pay for our own oppression.
Every man for himself.

>> No.51491881

Taxes don’t pay for anything because you retards just print

>> No.51491901

If that were the case, we’d have basic health coverage.

>> No.51491904

they're easily brainwashed. Globohomo just attaches their like or dislike onto some sort of morality, and then justifies the attitude through it. The public opinion makers are also the ones who stand to lose the most from an NFT based block chain stock system, and other NFT or block chain systems because they get their power through fraud and counterfeit. Cant do that with NFTs and blockchain

>> No.51491918

checked but
>damn interwebs is a fade, how can a website be worth money? it doesn't actually exsist
this is you, buzzwords or no

>> No.51491936

They tax to control inflation.

They don't spend on social programs to prevent inflation. Plus, I doubt America has either the political or social capital to effectively have a good single payer healthcare system

>> No.51492024

It's just their small brains can't comprehend it

>> No.51492077

>white men get $2000 from the government
>invest it and make money off meme stocks, crypto, and nfts
>break free from a system that is stacked against them and no longer have to participate in identity politics or consumerism

>> No.51492101

Fuck you
Leftists aren't allowed in biz

>> No.51492130
File: 93 KB, 850x400, CC282A48-618F-4082-BF52-22B24329DB43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wanna know is why don’t racist lefties exist anymore? This to me is the ultimate proof that the entirety of leftism is bad actor paid shill types and their gaslit idiot flock

>> No.51492198
File: 365 KB, 836x476, CFA98F9D-61A1-4CEE-BB9D-FBDE7BFA8B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have an iron triangle, that rewards corruption.
Just read John Jay’s federalist papers.
The only solution is participatory direct democracy.
Which was what brought me to crypto.
I think it’s drained me of all naïve idealist notions.
At least I made a grip of cash out of it.
But I seriously thought we’d be living in 3D printed Venus project style citadels funded by DAOs.

>> No.51492238

racist/based leftists have all gone to the right now, especially since the dissident right doesn't care about muh capitalism unlike normiecons.

>> No.51492383


>> No.51492512

>Muh right/left gotta win!!! Go team!!
Two words: Christian Nationalism

>> No.51492624

the coolest part about NFTs being mainstream is that it teaches people what the word fungible means.

after NFTs comes FTs. and how many FTs are out there boys

>> No.51492650

everything is a partisan issue now.

>> No.51492653

you mean coins?

>> No.51492662

>leftists hate when people make money
oh wow who knew

>> No.51492669

I can't stand them either, fag.

>> No.51492808

That’s definitely right wing LARPism. Just as wack as that utopian zeitgeist bullshit I bought into.
Yeah, what kind of an idiot would buy eth in the Obama era?

>> No.51493061
File: 133 KB, 820x1024, 6AED330C-B7DA-4586-AAD6-358995CC7307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Leftists became radical traditionalists

>> No.51493133

>watch ready player one (i hate it but it spells out how the digital economy will work)
kek at this entire statement, you're telling people to use a fucking super hero movie as prophecy while also making sure you tell everyone you hate it so you dont get seen as the redditor we all know you are

>> No.51493330

They haven’t been told to like them yet

>> No.51493821

Some big leftist guy wrote an article calling NFTs pollutants. He removed that article but normies didn't get deprogrammed. Basically they think PoW is bad for environment and eth is PoW so NFTs are bad for environment

>> No.51493897

it's not a super hero movie, it's a speilberg/jew cherry pick predictive programming
you'd be wise to study their plans

>> No.51493948

>it produces results for an individual, not the collective
>it does so through a competitive process
Leftists hate individualism although they'll falsely promote it because it interferes with the interests of the collective.
Leftists hate competition because inside they feel like losers.

>> No.51493996

It's not explained with just "they are told to" because the right wing is also retarded like that (e.g. American republicans were "told to" all kinds of retarded shit by Trump).

First anon quoted gets it: they just hate capitalism so much: that the main reason they hate it is that it can make money with speculation.

They don't get just because a lot of retarded speculation exists now: it does not mean it's useless completely (e.g. and they shoot themselves in the foot because most artists are leftists and they are the first to benefit from it (if it's done legitimately)).

>> No.51494010

Their more "intellectuals" who don't follow the herd, hate it because they see a lot of profiting from speculation on useless assets. But they're stupid because that doesn't destroy the technology in whole for the future and they also shoot themselves in the foot because most artists are leftist and they are the first to benefit from it if it's done legitimately on hard to produce art.

>> No.51494151

basically NFTs as a decentralized digital item/receipt/pointer, and way they enable whole new autonomous services that can interact with them are some of the most interesting computer science tools we've created in a long time, if not a breakthrough in how decentralized services can be run.

Problem is that this tech is being sold to midwits, when really it has nothing to do with regular jackoffs. When they don't understand something they get angry and look ar the sidebar to tell them what to think.... At the time there was a massive media FUD push about ETH climate concerns across like 5 different major news sites all on the same day as they were trying to push the market down. Furries, transflaggers and other layabouts on twitter who wanted someone to blame for graphics card prices saw this and thought "we can use this". and started an obsession pretending it was about climate and protecting artists when really it's just one of many endless fake proxy issues to get mad at as a pasttime.

Disposible code monkeys who were desperate for some sort of recognition were then falling over each other to make tweet threads agreeing with these these chronically online children and proceeded to make it into a quasi-political partisan issue about " capitalism" and "digital scarcity". These people love Web2, they live for Twitter engagement, and they were very happy with the status quo and want to defend it and the companies that control data.

Thankfully NFTs and other smart contracts are backend technology that doesn't need them, nor gamer approval, nor the help of scammers or shit artists making PFPs.

>> No.51494228

Even PFPs are misunderstood since people are usually buying social clout with a side of equity in a startup. Most startups fail though, and a lot of these projects are run by literal nobodies who have never managed anything more than $1k in their lives before being given $15m on a silver platter to do whatever the fuck they want with. But to assume people are literally spending thousands on a .jpg to put up on Twitter is retarded.

>> No.51494310

you're a retarded reddit user who thinks your jewvies are real life the only difference between you and a legitimate redditor is you're so socially retarded you think it looks bad but they think it looks cool

>> No.51494336


Kind of funny that actually my indolence triggers me to work and save.

>> No.51494366 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some crazy ass retards who doesn't want to evolve, they just wanna be stuck in the now while the rest are evolving. I know some NFTs are fucking bullshit but c'mon when you see one with utilities okay for instance seekers NFTs of Sylo, fucking clear ya stoopid ass pride and do the needful. This metaverse avatars/nodes are bringing the future of decentralized communication in the metaverse with lots of patents herein and you can't fucking find this a child play.

>> No.51494378

Now that's some checked stuff right there, fact.

>> No.51494381

And normies concluded that it's so fucking plebs.

>> No.51494390

Current nfts are pretty lame. The entire collectible space using nft for authentication is a really good idea though since fakes are a big problem. I'm not sure random jpg avatars will hold up in value

>> No.51494619

Real question, how is the Satoshi not considered the first NFT? You can argue that you need a pixel matrix to contain art, but isn't a single Satoshi more artistic, in the esoteric sense, over any NFT?

>> No.51494760

Most nfts as of now are actual shit.
The tech isnt even new, it's just an application of Blockchain certification.

>> No.51494959


>> No.51494986

Sats are fungible

>> No.51495032
File: 187 KB, 609x717, leftism ted unabomber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Environment FUD has always been mostly an excuse for hating them. The real reason is (1) NFTs are pretty stupid 99% of the time, let's be real and (2) >>51490059 Leftists hate success, especially other people making money on something that goes against their ideals (crypto in general, transacting freely, etc.)