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5148659 No.5148659 [Reply] [Original]

>nearly 20k per Bitcoin
BTC is due for a massive fucking correction, what do you guys think of my plan of just converting everything to fiat now and waiting it out?

>> No.5148685

Heard the same thing at 9k, heard the same thing at 2k

You get the point

>> No.5148708


>> No.5148709

But those values were reached much more slowly and sustainably, here the price has jumped over 12k in less than a fucking month.

>> No.5148721


This. It's only going to go up and up, forever. It will never go down or correct. This is not a bubble like last time. This is different. This is the new paradigm. This is the new world of currency. This is Bitcoin.

>> No.5148739


You wouldn't be alone breh. I just locked in my 130% profits. No harm in playing it safe. We are on a 2 week bull run, I bet Asia will start taking profits tomorrow.

>> No.5148745

Nocoiner/shitcoiner detected

>> No.5148774

9k was not even a month ago we are still due that correction, it will be part of this sharp correction coming into 2018

Reaching 1.2k put bitcoin into a 3 year bear market that people had to hold through just to break even so I don’t think a correction at 2k was needed

Smart money is already exiting out before Christmas, millions of new fags that bought in this month and paid over 10k for btc and pissed around trading some alts thinking they’re making money the past few weeks will be the people worse effected, so I’m totally okay with this correction

>> No.5148777

You will never see bitcoin below 19k again. Sorry

>> No.5148803

It will be fucking funny watching you panic buy in at $30k.

>> No.5148805


>> No.5148836

youd be a fucking retard lol. nows the best time to make gains. fucking coins are going 5x everyday and u have no idea whats even going on. wont miss ya.

>> No.5148862

Would Elliot have shot ReviewBrah? Or would he have recognized the fellow NEET status from the whites of his eyes?

>> No.5148869

>fucking coins are going 5x everyday and u have no idea whats even going on.

You and I, on the other hand, know exactly what's going on. We're professional traders. We're in control, and we're making the trades and doing the big deals and making all kinds of cash. We know exactly when the price is going to up, and when it's going to go down (which is never). All these other dolts don't even know what's going on, but you and I? We know exactly what's going on.

>> No.5148884


From 6k to 20k in less than a month.

It's a bubble, but it won't explode yet. We need a triggering event, like Bitfinex declaring bankruptcy-

>> No.5148910

does your nigger brain not comprehend the 16mil supply plus the number of bitcoin holders hodling for years with no intention to sell, it will not crash anytime soon stay scared fag

>> No.5148934

no, once the correction come, alts gonna pump

>> No.5148938

I own some Bitcoin but I'm not scared at all, are you?

>> No.5148943

>like Bitfinex declaring bankruptcy-
Despite bathing in trade fee money?

>> No.5148951

Just shorted 100k

>> No.5148959

Do you understand that not a single individual on this planet can predict which way any crypto will go. This is gambling and whoever tells you it's not is a legit moron.

>> No.5148963

i agree man. The skeptics will regret heavily.

Bought in august, thought i was late. Turns out i was completely wrong.

sell orders are eaten up within minutes, people really dont check the order book.

>> No.5148965

>9k was not even a month ago we are still due that correction

fucking hell was hoping it would drop to around $7k to buy more and here we are $20k, shits ridiculous

>> No.5148968

Already 1k fiat down because I thought it will correct
Everytime I fiat, its a JUST

>> No.5148991

Shill btc you fool, fuck your friends fuck your family, tell them all to buy in now! Buy in more yourself! Let's break the legacy systems, not rely on them unnecessarily.

>> No.5149036
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>> No.5149042

Here is the problem with your plan.

Bitcoin could correct anytime between now and February or March. We dont know what it will hit by then. Do you want to cash out at 20k when bitcoin will go to 100k then correct to 50k?

>> No.5149055

Yeah, now is a good time to lock in some gains.

You don't need to sell everything right away, but you'd be pretty stupid to not sell some.

Don't listen to the true believers. They're either lying or wildly delusional.

>> No.5149066

The correction goes to eth and ltc going up to catch btc

>> No.5149081

Semi-Whale here
I traded most of my funds to FIAT (note: NOT USDT).
I made enough money this year to live by it for a long time span.
You have to ask yourself a question, as investment is always a game of probabilities.
What are the chances INTERPOL will take Tether and Bitfinex down for fraud?
What are the chances CME shorts the market to oblivion?
What are the chances of Bitcoin just continuing to rise without a catalyst that will cause a massive correction? How will John Doe react in such a case with his expensively acquired Cryptocurrencies?

At some point Risk outweighs the Reward. For me, I am at that point. For you, I can't care less what you do.

>> No.5149088

It could also just as easily correct to $2000 and not breach 20,000 again for 4 years.

>> No.5149094

>Bitcoin could correct anytime between now and February or March. We dont know what it will hit by then. Do you want to cash out at 20k when bitcoin will go to 100k then correct to 50k?

Let me rewrite this like it's 2013

>Bitcoin could correct anytime between now and February or March. We dont know what it will hit by then. Do you want to cash out at 1k when bitcoin will go to 10k then correct to 5k?

and then it went to $200 over a few months

>> No.5149097
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You have been saying this since it was 700$.
Don't you learn?

>> No.5149189

Just remember that the price is only going up because billionaires are actively manipulating it. There isn't some awesome paradigm shift happening.

It was at $200 forever, and now it's at $20k. Why? Because normal every day people are waking up and investing their entire life savings into Bitcoin? Because Amazon accepts Bitcoin now and everyone is rushing out to buy BTC and use it there?

Wake the fuck up.

But as long as you know what's going on then go ahead and play with it and try to make money with it.

Maybe it will go up forever because the handful of people that own almost all the BTC won't sell. Or maybe they will, maybe they'll crash it so they can buy even more for cheap and repeat the same exact fucking cycle.

>> No.5149232
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>> No.5149399

>t. Nucoiner

>> No.5149460

Post yfw you sell at 20k, btc goes to 30k and then crashes down to 25k before heading to 50

>> No.5149490

Lmao this

>> No.5149515

Exactly this - the people screeching about it crashing are no better than the ones talking about it going up to a million

>> No.5149518

Nigga you don’t know shit about what the real forces are in this market, none of us do.
Everyone shills their own actions and backs them up with baseless opinion no more valid than the next guy’s, wanting to get validated by other Pajeets
Bottom line is why pretend you actually know anything

>> No.5149542

You could not call the right lightning netowrk because it would be slow as shit.

>> No.5149815


>> No.5149868

pretty much tho lol. I should have gotten back into it way earlier.. I just got back in the crypto game in mid november and ive already gone 4x on a 2k investment. could have easily gone 100x in that time but i fucked up many many times lolol.

>> No.5149951

His point still stands.

>> No.5150598

Stop this autistic mindset, it will only burn you in the future.

>> No.5150662

I took out half fiat. Left the rest in various alts and the big 3. I sense a correction when the hype is over and it dips and all the I told you so’s will force the non-believers to cash out. Then I’m going to buy it all at a discount. Crypto is the future just not sure if it is now

>> No.5150809


I have my finger on the button to do the same thing but still holding.

The is 100% psychology that is blowing up these numbers, it has to correct.

I'm at the point where if I cashed out half the stack I could pay off my house and then I could plow my wageslave money back into more btc.

This "feels" like the right thing to do, because if this shit all crashes to zero then I can at least come out of it owning my house.

Not sure what the rationale decision is anymore.

>> No.5151146

One of the better posts I read on here recently.

>> No.5151277

Literally nobody thought it was "sustainable" ever. At every price point everyone said "WHO'S BUYING AT THIS PRICE, IT'S OBVIOUSLY UNSUSTAINABLE!"

>> No.5151305

It will crash when coinbase gets hacked. Crypto needs more exchange platforms right now not more shit coins.

There should be an international crypto security council that creates a knowledge base and security standards that all exchanges should be required to be in compliance with.

This is the next step to grow the industry.

>> No.5151356


Sounds like a solid plan. Then you won't regret anything if everything crashes and burns, and you'll still have a good amount of crypto left for the future.

>> No.5151360



Affect is the verb. Effect is a noun.

>> No.5151426

Well, effect can be a verb as well, though you're right that he should have used affect in that case.

>> No.5151586

Eventually, all wealth in the entire world will migrate into Bitcoin. No other coin.

Eventually the wealthy will transfer their money into BTC, since fiat and all fiat-priced financial assets offered by the pyramid scheme banks, stock markets will collapse and will be are worthless in light of Bitcoin. No other instrument provides the store of value and endlessly increase of value. The entire S&P500 will beable to be purchased outright at 50% premium with only 3000 BTC.

Bitcoin price will shoot above 400 billion (USD equivalent, USD will be worthless after this paradigm shift) each during this transition

Everyone on the planet except your dumb boomer parents will be trillionaries.

>> No.5151726
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1 Bitcoin may plateau at around $100,000 or 200k. I can't see it hitting a million any time soon, but I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually did.

>> No.5151779

If everyone is a trillionare then no1 is you retard

>> No.5151921


More likely non-crytos will soon be worthless and crypto "millionaires" will just be considered well off and unharmed compared to nocoiners who have to start from scratch

>> No.5151922


>> No.5152433

Not everyone, just Bitcoin holders.

Everyone else will be slaves, or killed off, as Bitcoin holders will exchange some small fraction of Bitcoin to fiat, to pay others to automate the economy. Robots will replace everyone not holding Bitcoin.

The rest of the population will be destroyed, as the obvious course of action as mouths needing food but do not possess Bitcoin would present a needless drain on Bitcoin holders.A clean, humane execution would be the best course of action for those left behind.

>> No.5152512

>cashing out with a tonydumper dumparoo

This is the only correct answer

>> No.5152533

what the fuck are you talking about nigger

>> No.5152561

It's indeed due to a correction. It's absurdly cheap. I think we will see a fast correction to more proper $50k per coin in no time

>> No.5152563

>Nigga you don’t know shit about what the real forces are in this market, none of us do.

Uhhh, yeah we do - it's the richest hands in the game that are manipulating the price. They buy at opportune times but only after someone else has sold enough beforehand so that the price spikes up a good 5%. Rinse and repeat = BTC @ $100k in no time.

>> No.5152582


you’re welcome

>> No.5152588

It's a new type of asset and its price is not tied to performance in any way. The sooner you realize this the better

>> No.5152603


OR! Or.. you could put everything in Link and become a multimillionaire once it moons.

>> No.5152658
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this tony fellow is literally a modern day Robin Hood

but in reality, /pol/ said he works for Shift4, a payment gateway for hotels.

>> No.5152729

How can I be any clearer for you faggots? Just buy the fucking dip.

>> No.5152748
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wow, then what?

>> No.5152856

I feel sorry for the fags that sold their Bitcoin, the only financial asset worth anything, in exchange for fiat.

Like, they were given a redpill and chose to cash out and short-term gains, while they and their genetic information will be purged when the Big Financial Inverse occurs. They could have became like Gods on Earth, they chose poverty and chose to be genocided.

Each BTC will be worth billions in the next several months. Learn some TA. This is a new paradigm, the holders on to the old economy will be physically wiped out.

>> No.5152871

The bubble will pop as soon as it stays at a fixed or generally stable price over a few weeks, then everybody will sell and the price will fucking pop